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Name: _______________________________________________


Waves ws & ms
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Total marks achieved: ______



The diagram shows a water wave.

(a) (i) The amplitude of the wave is

   A    1 cm

   B    2 cm

   C    4 cm

   D    8 cm

(ii) The wavelength of the wave is

   A    2 cm

   B    4 cm

   C    8 cm

   D    20 cm

(b) Describe one difference between transverse and longitudinal waves.

Draw a labelled diagram to help your answer.


(c) State two properties that are the same for all electromagnetic waves.


(d) Some types of wave are used in hospitals.

(i) A scanner uses one type of wave to check for broken bones.

The type of wave emitted by the scanner is

   A    infrared

   B    microwaves

   C    sound

   D    X rays

(ii) An image of the bone is seen because the waves from the scanner are
   A    absorbed by the bone

   B    reflected by the bone

   C    refracted by the bone

   D    transmitted by the bone

(iii) Name one type of wave that is used in cancer treatment and explain what it
does during the treatment.
Type of wave ..............................................................

Explanation of what it
does .......................................................................................................................................................
(Total for question = 11 marks)

(a)  Which statement about sound waves is correct?

       A    sound waves cannot be reflected

       B    sound waves are electromagnetic

       C    sound waves are longitudinal

       D    sound waves are transverse

(b)  A microphone is connected to a data logger, which displays each sound wave as a graph.
The diagrams show the graphs for two different sound waves.
The graphs have the same scales.
In the horizontal direction: 1 square = 0.001 s
(i)  The amplitude of sound wave Q is
       A    larger than the amplitude of sound wave P

       B    smaller than the amplitude of sound wave P

       C    the same as the amplitude of sound wave P

       D    zero

(ii)  The frequency of sound wave P is 250 Hz.

Find the time period of sound wave P.

time period = ........................................................... S

(iii)  Find the frequency of sound wave Q.


frequency = ........................................................... Hz

(Total for question = 4 marks)
(a)  The diagram represents a microwave travelling in free space from point A to point B.

(i)  The distance from A to B is 0.60 m.

Calculate the wavelength of this microwave.

wavelength = ........................................... m

(ii)  State the equation linking wave speed, frequency and wavelength.


(iii)  Calculate the frequency of this microwave.

[speed of microwave in free space = 3.0 × 108 m/s]

frequency = ............................................ Hz

(b)  The diagrams show what happens to radio waves and microwaves as they move past a hill.
(i)  Name the effect shown by the radio waves in diagram 1.

(ii)  Suggest why this effect is not shown by the microwaves in diagram 2.





(Total for question = 9 marks)

In 1969, astronauts left a reflector on the surface of the Moon.

The reflector consists of mirrors at 90° to each other.

Scientists on Earth aim light from a laser at the reflector.

This light reflects back to them.

(a)  The diagram shows two mirrors in the reflector.

Complete the diagram to show the path of the ray of light.
(b)  The speed of light in a vacuum is 300 000 km/s.
The average time for a ray of light to travel to the Moon and back is about 2.6 s.
Show that the Moon is about 400 000 km from the Earth.

(c)  Scientists measure the time for the light to travel to the Moon and back very accurately,
       but the time is different every day.
The graph shows how these times change over the period of one month.
(i)   Suggest what can be deduced about the orbit of the Moon from the information
       in the graph.








(ii)   The scientists also discovered that the average time for light to travel to the
        Moon and back increases gradually every year.
What further information does this give about the orbit of the Moon?


(Total for question = 9 marks)
Electromagnetic radiation can affect the human body.

Discuss how excessive exposure to electromagnetic radiation may cause damage to the human body.

Refer to the different parts of the electromagnetic spectrum in your answer.





















(Total for question = 6 marks)

A space probe was launched in 2007.
Its mission was to visit Ceres, a distant dwarf planet in the asteroid belt.

(a)  The space probe sends data back to Earth as a radio wave.

The sketch graph shows how the radio wave changes as the radio wave travels in free space towards the Earth.

(i)  State what happens to the amplitude, wavelength and speed of the radio wave as it travels in free space
towards the Earth.








(ii)  When the probe was near Ceres, it was difficult to steer the probe by remote control from Earth.
Why was it difficult to steer the probe by remote control?
  A     there was a time delay for signals travelling to the probe from Earth
  B     the distance between the asteroid and the Sun changed
  C     there was a reduced gravitational pull of the Earth on the probe
  D     the small size of the asteroid made the probe weightless

(iii)  The radio signals sent to the probe are digital.

Which row of the table gives a correct comparison of digital radio signals with analogue radio signals?
(iv)  Which of these is a digital signal?





(b)  The space probe has some solar cells to provide electrical energy.
The total area of the solar cells is 36.4 m2.
When the space probe is near Earth, each 1.0 m 2 of solar cell generates 0.275 kW.
Calculate the electrical power generated by these solar cells.

electrical power = ........................................................... kW

(c)  The probe is propelled by an ion thruster which produces a force of 91 mN.

Calculate the change in momentum that this force produces in 25 minutes.

change in momentum = ........................................................... kg m/s

(Total for question = 11 marks)

There are many artificial satellites orbiting the Earth.
Table 1 lists some data for three different satellites.

(a)  Calculate the period of the Iridium satellite in minutes.

[radius of the Earth = 6371 km]

period = ........................................................ mins

(b)  Calculate the number of revolutions per day for the Iridium satellite.

number of revolutions per day = ........................................................

(c)  Table 2 gives some statements about satellite orbits.

Tick three boxes to show which three statements are correct.
Use data from table 1 to help you answer.
(Total for question = 8 marks)

This question is about parts of the electromagnetic spectrum.

(a)  Which of these parts has the longest wavelength?

  A    gamma
  B    infrared
  C    radio
  D    visible

(b)  State two properties that are the same for all parts of the electromagnetic spectrum.
1 ..........................................................................................................................................


2 ..........................................................................................................................................


(c)  Discuss a use and a harmful effect for three parts of the electromagnetic spectrum.
1 ..........................................................................................................................................



2 ..........................................................................................................................................




3 ..........................................................................................................................................




(Total for question = 9 marks)

This question is about different waves.

(a)  The diagram shows two types of brain wave, alpha and delta.
Brain waves are caused by electrical signals in the brain.

Which row of the table correctly compares alpha and delta waves?
(b)  Waves produced in earthquakes can be classified as transverse or longitudinal.
An earthquake wave is travelling in the direction shown by the arrow.

Which row of the table correctly shows the motion of the particles in each type of wave?

(c)  The diagram shows a waterproof torch submerged in a tank of water.

Some rays of light, A, B, C and D, are shown.

Describe what is happening to rays A, B, C and D.












(Total for question = 6 marks)

This question is about waves.

(a)  Diagram 1 shows a small boat on the surface of the sea.

The boat moves up and down as water waves pass underneath it.

(i)  Using diagram 1, calculate the wavelength of the water waves.

[1 cm on the diagram = 200 cm]

wavelength = ........................................................... cm
(ii)  State the equation linking wave speed, frequency and wavelength.

(iii)  The frequency of the water wave is 0.4 Hz.

Calculate the speed of the water wave.
speed = ........................................................... m/s
(iv)  Water waves are transverse.
State another example of a transverse wave.

(b)  Diagram 2 shows waves passing through an opening in a harbour wall, with a boat in a calm area of water where
there are no waves.

(i)  State the wave phenomenon that causes the waves to spread out as they pass through the opening in the
harbour wall.
(ii)  Discuss what would happen to the boat if the size of the opening in the harbour wall changed.










(Total for question = 10 marks)

The Sun emits visible light, infrared and ultraviolet that travel through space and reach the surface of the Earth.

(a)  State two similarities between visible light, infrared and ultraviolet.

1 ..........................................................................................................................................

2 ..........................................................................................................................................

(b)  Too much exposure to infrared and ultraviolet can cause damage to the human body.
State the damage that each can cause.
infrared ...............................................................................................................................


ultraviolet ............................................................................................................................


(c)  Seven colours can be seen in the visible light spectrum.

Which colour has the longest wavelength?

(Total for question = 5 marks)
A pulsar is a type of star.

We receive radiation from a pulsar in regular short bursts called pulses.

(a)   Some pulsars emit radio waves. Other pulsars emit x-rays.
(i)   State a property of waves that is the same for radio waves and x-rays.

(ii)   State two properties of waves that are different for radio waves and x-rays.





(b)   The graph shows five pulses of the signal from a pulsar.

(i)   Explain how the graph shows that the signal is not digital.



(ii)   Use the graph to estimate the average time between each pulse.

time = ...........................................................s
(iii)   Calculate the frequency of the pulses in the signal.
Give the unit.

frequency = ............................ unit ............................

(Total for question = 9 marks)

A student is listening to a radio.

(a) The radio is powered by batteries that provide a direct current (d.c.).

What is direct current?


(b) Radio waves are part of the electromagnetic spectrum.

(i) Suggest a property of radio waves that makes them suitable for use in communication.

(ii) Complete the table to show uses and possible harmful effects of some other
parts of the electromagnetic spectrum.

(c) In the radio, sound is produced by a loudspeaker.

The diagram shows the construction of a loudspeaker.

Describe how a loudspeaker uses an electrical supply to produce sound waves.

(Total for question = 11 marks)

A remote control emits infrared waves to operate a television.

(a)  The television receives infrared waves and radio waves.

It emits light waves and sound waves.
Which type of wave has the highest frequency?
   A    infrared
   B    light
   C    radio
   D    sound

(b)  The graph shows how the strength of the infrared signal from the remote control varies with time.

(i)  Explain how the graph shows that the infrared signal is digital.

(ii)  Suggest two ways that this signal could be made to carry more information.
1 ..........................................................................................................................................


2 ..........................................................................................................................................


(Total for question = 4 marks)

Polar bears have thick fur to keep them warm.

(a)  This photograph of a polar bear was taken using visible light.

Darker colours in this image indicate lower temperatures.

Discuss what information the image gives about the temperatures of the objects shown.




(b)  The polar bear's fur includes short hairs and longer hairs.
These longer hairs are hollow and contain air.
(i)  Explain how its fur reduces the amount of thermal energy lost by the polar bear.




(ii)  Underneath its white fur, a polar bear has black skin.
Discuss how these colours affect the overall amount of thermal energy lost by the polar bear's body.








(c)  The diagram shows another image of the same scene.

The image was made during the day using ultraviolet rays from the Sun.
Brighter colours in this image indicate larger amounts of ultraviolet radiation.

The grey line is added to show the position of the polar bear.
(i)  Compare the absorption and reflection of ultraviolet rays by the objects shown in the image.






(ii)  Suggest why the sky appears dark, even though the Sun emits ultraviolet rays.



(iii)  The hollow hairs in polar bear fur are transparent tubes filled with air.
It was thought that these hairs could act like optical fibres and guide ultraviolet rays down to the polar bear's
It is now known that this idea is incorrect. The ultraviolet rays do not reach the polar bear's skin.
The diagram shows an ultraviolet ray entering the air inside a hollow hair.

Suggest why this radiation does not pass down to the polar bear's skin.




(Total for question = 12 marks)

This question is about electromagnetic waves.

(a)  (i)  Which of these has the shortest wavelength?

   A    infrared
   B    microwaves
   C    ultraviolet
   D    visible light

(ii)  Which of these statements is not correct?

   A    electromagnetic waves are longitudinal
   B    electromagnetic waves can transfer energy
   C    electromagnetic waves can travel between stars
   D    electromagnetic waves travel at the same speed in free space

(iii)  Which of these is a use for x-rays?

   A    broadcasting television
   B    cooking a potato
   C    looking at the internal structure of objects
   D    looking through night vision goggles

(b)  Gamma radiation is used in hospitals even though it can be dangerous.

(i)  Describe one use of gamma radiation in hospitals.




(ii)  Explain the risks to patients and doctors of using gamma radiation.




(iii)  State one way of reducing the risks to a doctor who uses gamma radiation.

(Total for question = 8 marks)


The Earth receives different types of electromagnetic wave from the Sun.

These include

· infrared
· ultraviolet
· visible light(a) Complete the table by arranging these three types of electromagnetic wave in
order of decreasing wavelength.

(b) Name two other types of electromagnetic wave.



(c) Ultraviolet waves are useful, but they can be dangerous.

(i) State two uses of ultraviolet waves.




(ii) State two dangers of ultraviolet waves.




(Total for question = 7 marks)

Many food shops have devices that attract and kill flying insects.

The devices consist of

·   an ultraviolet lamp

·   a plastic mesh on the outside
·   an electrified wire grid below the plastic mesh
·   a transformer that is connected to the wire grid

(a)  The ultraviolet lamp attracts many flying insects towards the device.
Ultraviolet is an electromagnetic wave.
(i)  State two properties of electromagnetic waves.
1 ..........................................................................................................................................


2 ..........................................................................................................................................
(ii)  Which of these electromagnetic radiations has a frequency greater than ultraviolet?
   A    infrared
   B    gamma rays
   C    radio waves
   D    visible light

(b)  The transformer supplies an output voltage of 2000 V a.c. to the wire grid.
The input voltage to the transformer is 230 V a.c.
(i)  Give the name of this type of transformer.
(ii)  State the relationship between input (primary) voltage, output (secondary) voltage, primary turns and
secondary turns.

(iii)  There are 110 turns on the primary coil.

Calculate the number of turns on the secondary coil.

number of turns ...........................................................

(iv)  Suggest a reason why there is a plastic mesh on the outside of the device.



(Total for question = 9 marks)

(a)  Two students use this apparatus to investigate how the intensity of ultraviolet light varies with distance.
The students take readings for various distances.
The ultraviolet meter only gives readings in whole numbers.
The table shows their results.

Each student displays the results as a different graph.

(i)  Discuss which graph is best for displaying this type of data.









(ii)  Suggest how the students could improve the accuracy of their distance measurement.


(iii)  Suggest why the reading on the ultraviolet meter remains the same for the last three readings.



(b)  Sunscreen cream can be used to protect skin from ultraviolet light.

The students change their investigation to measure how effective the different sunscreen creams are at absorbing
ultraviolet light.
They place a thin sheet of plastic between the ultraviolet torch and the meter.
They coat this plastic sheet with the different sunscreen creams.
Describe how the students should control the variables in this investigation.










(Total for question = 9 marks)

The diagram shows changes to light waves passing from air into glass.
(a)  (i)  The effect shown in the diagram is
   A    diffraction
   B    dispersion
   C    reflection
   D    refraction

(ii)  State two ways in which the light waves change as they pass into the glass.
1 ..........................................................................................................................................

2 ..........................................................................................................................................

(b)  (i)  Draw the normal to the incident ray on the diagram.


(ii)  Label the angle of incidence on the diagram.

(Total for question = 5 marks)

The Hubble Space Telescope is in orbit around the Earth.

It detects visible light from distant objects.

(a) Name the force that keeps the telescope in orbit around the Earth.

(b) The Hubble Space Telescope moves in a circular orbit.

Its distance above the Earth's surface is 560 km.
(i) The radius of the Earth is 6400 km.
Calculate the radius of the orbit of the Hubble Space Telescope.

Radius = ........................................................... km
(ii) The Hubble Space Telescope completes one orbit in 96 minutes.
Calculate its orbital speed in m/s.

Orbital speed = ........................................................... m/s

(c) The Chandra Telescope also orbits the Earth, but does not move in a circular orbit.
Its distance from the Earth and its speed change as it orbits the Earth.
It travels fastest when it is closest to the Earth.
Use ideas about energy to explain why.

(d) The Chandra Telescope detects X-rays from distant objects.

(i) State the name of the type of wave that includes X-rays and visible light.

(ii) Describe two differences between X-rays and visible light.

1 ........................................................................................................................................................................................
2 ........................................................................................................................................................................................

(Total for question = 11 marks)


This question is about radiations in the electromagnetic spectrum.

(a) The names of two parts of the electromagnetic spectrum are missing.
Complete the table below, with the names of the missing parts.

(b) Which electromagnetic radiation is used for heating and night vision equipment?
   A    radio waves

   B    microwaves

   C    infrared

   D    ultraviolet

(c) Which electromagnetic radiation is used for cooking and satellite transmissions?
   A    radio waves

   B    microwaves

   C    infrared

   D    ultraviolet

(d) The list of electromagnetic radiations, from radio waves to gamma rays, is in order of
   A    decreasing frequency

   B    decreasing wavelength

   C    increasing amplitude

   D    increasing time period

(e) Exposure to excessive electromagnetic radiations can be harmful to the human body.
For two named types of electromagnetic radiation, describe

· a harmful effect
· how the risks of exposure can be reduced.
Name of radiation ...........................................................

Name of radiation ...........................................................


(Total for question = 9 marks)


This question is about parts of the electromagnetic spectrum.

(a) The names of two parts of the electromagnetic spectrum are missing.
Complete the table with the names of the missing parts.

(b) The Sun emits different types of electromagnetic waves.

(i) Which of these is the same for all the waves?
   A    amplitude

   B    frequency

   C    speed

   D    wavelength

(ii) Which type of electromagnetic wave causes sunburn and snow blindness?
   A    gamma rays

   B    infrared

   C    radio waves

   D    ultraviolet

(Total for question = 4 marks)


A microphone is connected to an oscilloscope to display a sound wave.

The diagram shows the trace on the oscilloscope screen.

The oscilloscope settings are:

Y direction: 1 square = 1 V
X direction: 1 square = 0.001 s
(a) (i) How many time periods are shown on the trace?

(ii) What is the frequency of the sound wave?


Frequency = ........................................................... Hz

(b) On the grid below, sketch the trace of a sound wave with a smaller amplitude and
a higher frequency than the wave shown by the dotted line.
(Total for question = 5 marks)
A signal generator produces sounds from a loudspeaker.

(a)  (i)  Which property of the sound wave should be increased in order to make the sound louder?
   A    amplitude
   B    frequency
   C    speed
   D    wavelength

(ii)  Which property of the sound wave should be increased in order to make a higher pitched sound?
   A    amplitude
   B    frequency
   C    speed
   D    wavelength

(b)  Sound waves travel as longitudinal waves.

Other waves are transverse.
(i)  Give an example of a transverse wave.

(ii)  Describe how the vibrations of longitudinal waves and transverse waves differ.




(Total for question = 5 marks)

(a)  What is the frequency range for human hearing?
   A    20 Hz – 20 000 Hz

   B    20 Hz – 25 000 Hz

   C    200 Hz – 20 000 Hz

   D    200 Hz – 25 000 Hz

(b)  A student makes a sound by blowing over the top of a bottle containing water.

The student uses a microphone and an oscilloscope to display the sound wave produced.

The diagram shows the trace on the oscilloscope screen.

(i)  Calculate the frequency of this sound wave.


frequency = ........................................................... Hz
(ii)  The student empties some water from the bottle and blows over the top.
The sound she produces has the same loudness but a lower pitch.
On the diagram, draw a trace for this new sound.
[assume the oscilloscope settings remain the same]
(Total for question = 6 marks)
The table shows the main sections of the electromagnetic spectrum.

(a)  (i)  State two sections of the spectrum that are used for communications.


(ii)  State two sections of the spectrum that are used for cooking.


(b)  The arrow below the table shows the direction of

   A    increasing wave amplitude
   B    increasing wave frequency
   C    increasing wave speed
   D    increasing wavelength

(c)  A radio station broadcasts at a frequency of 200 kHz.

The wavelength of the radio waves is 1500 m.
(i)  State the equation linking wave speed, frequency and wavelength.

(ii)  Calculate the speed of these radio waves and give the unit.
speed = .................................... unit .......................

(Total for question = 9 marks)

This question is about parts of the electromagnetic spectrum.

(a)  Name the missing part of this spectrum.


(b)  Which part of this spectrum has the shortest wavelength?


(c)  Explain how the frequency of electromagnetic waves in free space differs with increasing wavelength.




(d)  Microwaves are used to heat food.

State another part of the spectrum that is used to heat food.

(e)  Microwaves are used at airports to detect aeroplanes.

A microwave beam is emitted from a large rotating aerial and reflected back off the metal surface of the
(i)  Explain how microwaves are used to find the distance to an aeroplane.





(ii)  Suggest why it is important for the aerial to rotate through a full circle every two seconds.



(Total for question = 9 marks)
The Astra satellite is in an orbit around the Earth.

(a)  The satellite uses microwave signals for communication.

Microwaves are part of the electromagnetic spectrum.

(i)  Which part of the electromagnetic spectrum has longer wavelengths than microwaves?

   A    gamma rays

   B    radio waves

   C    ultraviolet light

   D    visible light

(ii)  Which of these statements is correct?


   A    Microwaves always travel faster than radio waves.

   B    Microwaves always travel slower than radio waves.

   C    Microwaves and radio waves travel at the same speed in a vacuum.

   D    Microwaves and radio waves travel at the same speed in all materials.

(iii)  State one property of electromagnetic waves that makes microwaves suitable for communications with a
satellite in space.



(b)  The Astra satellite takes 24 hours to orbit the Earth once.

It travels at a speed of 3.1 km/s.

Calculate the orbital radius of the satellite and give the unit.
orbital radius = ........................................................... unit ...........................................................

(c)  The Astra satellite orbits above the equator and travels in the same direction as the rotation of the Earth.

Suggest why this type of 24-hour orbit is an advantage for communications.




(Total for Question = 8 marks)
(a)  The diagram shows a transverse wave.

Which letter represents the amplitude of the wave?


(b)  A person observes water waves on the surface of a pond.

18 waves pass by the person in 12 s.
Calculate the frequency of these water waves.
Give the unit.

frequency = ............................................................ unit ............................................................

(c)  Waves on the surface of water are transverse.

Give another example of a transverse wave.

(d)  Describe the difference between transverse and longitudinal waves.

You may include a diagram in your answer.






(Total for question = 8 marks)

(a)  The box lists some devices that can be used to transfer energy from one form into another.

Select a device from the box to complete each sentence.

Sound energy is changed into electrical energy using ............................................................
Electrical energy is changed into sound energy using ............................................................
(b)  A radio station uses a short wavelength radio wave for broadcasting information.
The wavelength is 25 m.
The frequency is 12 000 kHz.
(i)  State the relationship between the speed, frequency and wavelength of a wave.

(ii)  Calculate the speed of the short wavelength radio wave.


speed = ........................................................... m/s

(Total for question = 6 marks)

(a)  Which of these statements about sound waves is not correct?
   A   sound waves can be refracted

   B   sound waves are transverse

   C   sound waves can be diffracted

   D   sound waves transmit energy

(b)  A student uses a microphone and an oscilloscope to display a sound wave.

The diagram shows the trace on the oscilloscope screen.

(i)  Calculate the frequency of this sound wave.


frequency = ........................................................... Hz
(ii)  On the diagram, draw the signal for a quieter sound wave of a higher pitch.
(Total for question = 6 marks)
Pepper's Ghost is a theatre effect used to make it appear that there is an image on stage.

The diagram shows a theatre viewed from above.

A sheet of glass is placed on the stage. A brightly lit actor stands behind a curtain at the side of the stage.

The audience sees the reflection of this actor in the glass.

(a)  Add a ray diagram to show how light from the actor appears to come from the image.

(b)  The image formed by the glass is a virtual image.

State what is meant by the term virtual image.




(c)  Light travels as a transverse wave.

Some waves travel as longitudinal waves.

(i)  Give an example of a wave that travels as a longitudinal wave.



(ii)  Describe the difference between transverse waves and longitudinal waves.

You may draw diagrams to help your answer.









(Total for Question = 8 marks)

Some waves travel across the sea. They all have the same wavelength.
(a) What is meant by the term wavelength?

(b) The waves travel across the sea at 3.0 m/s and have a frequency of 1.5 Hz.
(i) State the equation linking wave speed, frequency and wavelength.

(ii) Calculate the wavelength of the waves.

wavelength ........................................................... m

(c) This photograph was taken from an aeroplane. It shows a sea defence, with a gap
in the sea wall.

Parallel waves pass through the sea defence at the gap in the sea wall, making the
curved pattern shown in the photograph.
(i) Explain how this wave pattern is produced.

(ii) Explain why light waves do not make a similar pattern as they pass through
the same gap.
(Total for question = 8 marks)

The diagram shows a wave on the sea.

(a) (i) Which letter shows the wavelength of the wave?





(ii) Which letter shows the amplitude of the wave?





(b) A man watches some waves pass his boat.

He sees the crest of the waves pass him every 5 s.
Calculate the frequency of these waves.

Frequency = ........................................................... Hz

(Total for question = 4 marks)

A teacher demonstrates different types of wave.

(a)  He uses a spring to demonstrate longitudinal waves.

(i)  Draw arrows on the diagram to show the directions in which the teacher moves his hand.
(ii)  Give an example of a longitudinal wave.

(b)  The teacher then demonstrates transverse waves.

He fixes a vertical rod in a pond.

He places a small wooden ring on the rod.

The ring floats on the water and moves up and down the rod as waves go past.

(i)  On the diagram, draw a line to show one wavelength.

Label your line with the letter W.
(ii)  The distance from P to Q is 5.0 cm.
Determine the amplitude of the wave.
amplitude = ........................................................... cm
(iii)  The wooden ring reaches point P every 15 s.
Calculate the frequency of the wave.
Give the unit.

frequency = ................................... unit ...................................

(iv)  Explain how the movement of the wooden ring demonstrates that this wave is transverse.



(v)  The wave shown is a water wave.
Give a different example of a transverse wave.

(Total for question = 10 marks)

Different types of waves are used in hospitals.

(a)  Some of the waves used are electromagnetic.

(i)  Which of these properties is the same for all electromagnetic waves?
   A    amplitude
   B    frequency
   C    speed in free space
   D    wavelength in free space

(ii)  Draw a line linking each type of electromagnetic wave with its use.

(iii)  Electromagnetic waves are transverse.

Describe how the vibrations of a transverse wave relate to the direction in which the wave travels.
You may draw a diagram to help your answer.



(b)  Another type of wave used in hospitals is ultrasound.

Ultrasound waves are used to make images of internal organs.
A scanner emits an ultrasound wave into the patient and records any reflections.
(i)  The frequency of ultrasound waves is outside the range of human hearing.
Which of these could be the frequency of an ultrasound wave?
   A    45 Hz
   B    450 Hz
   C    4 500 Hz
   D    45 000 Hz

(ii)  The scanner records the time from when a wave is emitted to when its reflection is received.
A technician calculates the depth of the reflection using the equation

Explain why the technician uses the value in the equation.





(iii)  An ultrasound wave travels faster in the patient than it does in air.
Explain how a change in speed affects the wavelength of the ultrasound wave.





(Total for question = 9 marks)
Mark Scheme



Total 9 marks






(Total for question = 5 marks)

(Total for question = 4 marks)

(Total for question = 12 marks)

Total 8 marks

(Total for question = 9 marks)


Total 5 marks










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