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This monography will talk about an issue which seems to be present on many countries such us
in EEUU, Argentina, Colombia and more. Should abortion be legal? This is a big question which
can’t be answered with only a yes or no or taking a side with few information and that’s why
this monography will be divided into ethics and medical priorities over abortion.

The first thing to start this monography on a correct way is defining some terms which are
going to be present all along. What is an abortion: The deliberate termination of a human
pregnancy. Pregnant: having a child or young developing on the uterus. Conception: when
sperm fertilizes an egg.

Knowing these terms, the first topic can be addressed, is having an abortion a medical priority.
Well to start what is a priority? a thing that is regarded as more important than others. But the
big question is what makes a medical priority? well the obvious answer is what causes bigger
amounts of deaths so to aboard this topic the number of women’s deaths of Argentina are
going to be classified, According to the Ministry of Health of the Argentine Republic in the year
of 2016 die 171.408 women, of them 49700 died of Heart problems, 30.900 due to respiratory
conditions, 32.500 due to malignant tumors, malignant tumors within which only 31 were due
to abortion what represents the 0.01% of the causes of women’s deaths what doesn’t makes it
a priority. Although it isn’t a priority, but 31 women die due to this so should it be legalized to
stop ‘these 31 deaths stop? well some claim that it should be cause on an abortion you are not
killing someone but something and is at the 25 weeks when it becomes a baby, is it really like
this? Well, the national academy of science has confirmed that human life starts since
conception and although some claim that it’s the mother’s choice cause the decision will affect
her body only, it is not like this cause the modern science has discovered that when the sperm
fertilizes an egg a new being appears with a different DNA from the one of the mothers and
the father, also the new being has a different heart rate from the mother's, it may even have
its own blood factor, it generates its own organs such as the placenta, which was believed to
be generated by the maternal body, this is even wrote on the 4 article of the national
constitution, Every person has the right to have his life respected. This right will be protected
by law and, in general, from the moment of conception. No one can be deprived of life
arbitrarily. Ok so by now it is known that from conception a new human being its formed,
abortion its not a medical priority, and the abortion is the killing of a human, But some claim
that abortion is not the killing but the interruption of the pregnancy, and this is actually the
phrase over the law project which claims “Proyecto de ley para la interrupcion voluntaria del
embarazo” (Spanish) "Project of law for the voluntary interruption of pregnancy", but what is
an interruption? An interruption is the temporary cessation of a process for its subsequent
resumption, so the abortion it is not an interruption but the termination of the pregnancy.

So many claim that abortion should be secure and free, basically a priority but it should? Well
on the years when the legalization of the abortion over Argentina was in dispute some of the
phrases of the protestors were: ‘abortion should be legal and free’ ‘abortion is a priority’ and
presented it as if abortion was morally correct so the next question is:
is having an abortion ethic? Well, this is a huge answer that again it is not going to be
responded with a yes or a no so firstly, what is something ethic? the discipline concerned with
what is morally good. Knowing this, an easy question is going to be asked that everybody can
respond in spite you are a serial killer or something of the sort, is killing someone moral? Your
answer must be an instant NO, but what if you are defending yourself against someone that
can kill you? or what in a case that you have to kill someone or might bring difficulties to your
life?, and what if you need to kill someone to save another? well now the answer becomes a
little more complicated because it depends on the scenario in which you are giving your
answer. So, lets imagine a case on which a girl is violated and becomes pregnant, she should
have the right to make an abortion? Well, this is a very common scenario which the ones in
favor of abortion usually like to give to a prolife, but this is not that hard, what has been
discovered by history of humanity is that the law of teeth for teeth and eye for an eye doesn’t
works well since violence isn’t solve with more violence. A common argument that is given
when this fact is told is, oh so if someone is attacking your country you shouldn’t do anything
because you are using violence to solve it but of course this is something ridiculous because
you are defending yourself so that their violence doesn’t affect you. In the case that was
putted before was even worst, because in that case the violator is the one that made the
violence and by the law of teeth for a teeth and eye for an eye, he should be the one receiving
the punishment, but the one receiving the violence is the baby being murdered. Another ethic
points are, at what age is worst having an abortion? If the woman could see the baby before
doing the abortion, she would do it still? Why usually they don’t let see the baby to the mother
that was murdered? What are the effects over the mother post having an abortion?

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