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Mechanical Engineering Department

Thermal Fluid Systems ME495

Pumping systems
Dr. Hussain Sadig
1. Parallel and Series Pump Operation

It is sometimes necessary to use more than one pump in conjunction with a given
system. The pumps may be used ‘in series’ or ‘in parallel’. In the first case, the
inlet of the second pump is connected to the outlet of the first pump so that the
same flow rate passes through each pump, but the heads generated by the two
pumps are added together for a given flow rate. In the parallel operation each
pump handles part of the flow rate because the inlets of the pumps as well as the
outlets are coupled together.

Thus the total flow rate passing through the system is equal to the sum of the flow

rates passing through the individual pumps at a given head, which is the same for

each pump. The below figure shows the combined characteristics for two identical
1. Parallel and Series Pump Operation
1. Parallel and Series Pump Operation

Operating in parallel and in series against two resistances R1 and R2. For clarity,
a system characteristic for which ΔZ = 0 has been used. From the single-pump
characteristic the combined characteristics of the pumps operating in parallel are
obtained by the horizontal addition of values of Qx for a given head to the
characteristic of the single pump. Similarly, the combined characteristics of the
two pumps connected in series are obtained by vertical addition of values of Hy
for every value of Q.

Having obtained the combined characteristics it will be seen that at the system
resistance R1, for example, the single pump will operate at point A, the two
pumps connected in parallel will operate at B and when connected in series at
point C. Similarly, at R2 the corresponding operating points will be D for a single
pump, E for series operation and F for parallel operation.
2. Parallel and Series Dissimilar Pumps Operation

It is also possible to use two or more dissimilar pumps either in series or in

parallel. The procedure for obtaining the combined characteristics is the same as
described above. The below figure shows a case of two dissimilar pumps and it
should be noticed that certain parts of the combined characteristics are identical
with that of the single pump and therefore no benefit whatsoever is achieved by
the addition of the second pump if the system characteristic crosses the pump
characteristic in these regions.

The cases represented by the figures are only general demonstrations that each
case should be studied on its own, and the answer will obviously depend upon
the shape of the pump characteristic and upon the system characteristic. The
shape of the pump characteristic is especially important in the case of parallel
operation as it may, for certain system characteristics, lead to unstable operation.
2. Parallel and Series Dissimilar Pumps Operation
2. Parallel and Series Dissimilar Pumps Operation
2. Parallel and Series Dissimilar Pumps Operation
2. Parallel and Series Dissimilar Pumps Operation
2. Parallel and Series Dissimilar Pumps Operation
2. Parallel and Series Dissimilar Pumps Operation
3. Cavitation in Pumps

Cavitation is the name given to a phenomenon which consists, basically, of local

vaporization of a liquid. When the absolute pressure falls to a value equal to or
lower than the vapour pressure of the liquid at the given temperature, small
bubbles of vapour are formed and boiling occurs. Since liquids normally have air
dissolved in them, the lowering of pressure to a value near to the vapour pressure
releases this air first. The combination of air release and vaporization is known as

These bubbles grow and collapse, producing pressure waves of high intensity,
only to be followed by the formation of successive bubbles. Each cycle lasts only
a few milliseconds, but the local pressures are enormous (maybe up to 4000
atm). Similarly, local temperatures may increase by as much as 800°C. The
occurrence of cavitation is accompanied by a crackling noise and weak emission
of light.
3. Cavitation in Pumps

In rotodynamic pumps, cavitation occurs at the pump inlet, where the pressure is
lowest, as demonstrated in the below figure, which shows the hydraulic gradient
for a simplified pump system. If the absolute static pressure at the pump inlet is
pi, then,

where patm is the atmospheric pressure and Hs is the suction head, which
includes not only the suction lift Zs but also the sum of the losses in the inlet pipe
hs and the velocity head,
3. Cavitation in Pumps

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