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Name : Miss/ NORAH ALSOBIEI Sample Date : 06/07/2022 19:53 PM

Lab. No. : 4322763587 Report Date : 06/07/2022 23:10 PM

Contract. : Walkin KSA
Patient No. : 1116094424
File No. :
Branch : AL Riyadh - Age : 20 Year DOB : 06/07/2002 Sex : Female
Complete Blood Count - (CBC)

Test Result Unit Ref. Range

Hemoglobin Level

Hemoglobin 12.8 g/dL 12 - 15.5

Hematocrit 37.9 % 34.9 - 44.5
Red cell Count And indices

Red cell count 4.28 x10¹²/L 3.9 - 5.03

MCV 88.6 fL 81.6 - 98.3
MCH 29.9 pg 26.5 - 32.6
MCHC 33.8 g/dL 32 - 36
RDW 12.3 % 11.9 - 15.5
Leucocytic count (Total and Differential)

Total Leucocytic Count 6.56 x10⁹/L 3.5 - 10.5

Basophils absolute count 0.06 x10⁹/L 0 - 0.3
Eosinophils absolute count 0.16 x10⁹/L 0.05 - 0.5
Neutrophils absolute count 2.79 x10⁹/L 1.7 - 7
Lymphocytes absolute count 3.02 x10⁹/L 0.9 - 3.1
Monocytes absolute count 0.53 x10⁹/L 0.3 - 0.9
Platelet Count

Platelet Count 335 x10⁹/L 150 - 450


Count is within normal limits for age and sex. Platelets count is normal.

Reviewed By:

Dr. Mahmoud Mohammed Essameldin


Verified By : Mahmoud Mohammed Essameldin Aboukhatwa AM :Printed Date 00:46 07/07/2022

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