(LOH) Hero Guide

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- These are elements in the game. Heroes can have multiple elements with the same
move set but they have different effects.
● F: Fire element.
● W: Water element.
● E: Earth element.
● L: Light element.
● D: Dark element.
- Some terminology used in this guide:
● S1: Skill 1 or basic attack
● S2: Skill 2 or ‘special attack’
● S3: Skill 3 or burst; ultimate.
● CD: Cool down for skills.
● AG: Action gauge. (Your hero’s action gauge must be full to attack)
● BG: Burst gauge; mana, whatever you want to call it. Required to use bursts.
● CC: Crowd control; debuffs that affect status ailments like stun.
● Mystic Stone: Very scarce item. Used to upgrade your hero’s skill randomly.
● Primeval Stone: Same use as a Mystic Stone but you can pick what skill it
● Raid: Content I will mostly be focusing on in this guide. It’s advised to join an
Alliance ASAP so you can get Alliance Credits.
● Obelisk: A mode where enemies have inflated stats. It unlocks after you beat
Hard Mode.
● 1 and 2; A and B team: In Guild Raids, you have two teams. You need at
least one hero in each team. I will be referring to the left group as Team 1 and
the right group Team 2. You have 2 tickets to hit everyday. A will be your first
ticket and B will be your second ticket.

Water Fram:
Obtainable after tutorial
As a beginner, you’ll probably only use her in normal mode. Fram doesn’t stand out in story
mode but she’s very useful in raids. Her S1 provides a two turn DEF down at a 60% chance.
You can neglect her until you finish all of story mode. Her new buff adds 5x DMG scaling to
her s3, and I’ll tell you this is a trap. Her S3 is AOE and Fram being an initiate 3*, her base
stats are lower than heroes like ELaphlaes. She is also a Guardian, her ATK stat is abysmal.
It’s a nice change for true Fram simps but it’s bait for everyone else.

Light Johan:
Obtainable after tutorial
Not used outside of your first couple of chapters. His taunt on S1 is okay for cheesing
bosses in story mode but there are easier strategies.

Earth Charlotte:
Obtainable after tutorial
The most versatile cleric and the one you should focus on investing in FIRST. Her shield
lasts 2 turns and costs 2 spirits at max which makes her easy to use and viable for most
Her S3 heals all allies and gives them a shield that scales off of HP, her heal scales off of
ATK. She will be your cleric for a long time, it’s worth levelling her up. She’s also a very
good cleric in raids. Consider skilling her up after you finish your DPS. You only need to max
her S3 but her other skills are good to max too, just not a priority.

Earth Schneider:
Obtainable after beating 1-3 Normal Mode
Not significant in any way, and in fact, he has very low base stats, so you won’t use him for
anything really. ESchneider has a sap on S1 and S2. However, the rates are low at 60% and
35% respectively. Don’t upgrade him unless it’s for the hero event.

Fire Mei Ling:

Obtainable after allying with Helvania
You get better free snipers in the beginning, her low base stats really makes her squishy.
However, she is a decent end game raid support as her S1 has a 50% chance to reduce
damage the enemy does for 1 turn which is stackable with many heroes’ ATK Down like
ECharlottes. Same with WFram, she isn’t your priority until end game.

Dark Mikhail:
Obtainable after beating 2-7 Normal Mode
Use him until you get EOlivia. You should remove him when fighting Kartis on stage 8-16,
he’s very squishy early on because Light is strong against Dark. His SPD scaling is
considerably lower than some other powerhouses, he’s a weird mix of DPS and support. He
is the second best hero to generate burst if you skill him.

Fire Zaira:
Obtainable after occupying Rhodon on Normal Mode
A Guardian that provides several useful debuffs. You can replace WFram with Zaira but it
doesn’t matter much. Do note that Zaira has a stun on S1 while WFram has hers on her S2.
She’s a great support for Team 2 if you slot her in the burst slot. She won’t be doing any
damage, but her S3 has a 70% chance to inflict DEF down for 2 turns.

Water Helga:
Obtainable after beating 5-10 Normal Mode
Bow down to your F2P queen. She will be used to clear all of story mode. You can beat
Extreme without skilling her, save them for your raid DPS. WHelga got a small % buff on her
sap skills and buffs toward her skill level effects. It is still not worth skilling her.

Earth Astrid:
Obtainable after beating 7-3 Normal Mode
You can replace DMikhail with her but she isn’t that much of an improvement over him. Save
your potions, they’re scarce. Snipers are not required in Normal and even Hard Mode if
you’re smart with your BG usage (e.g. only using it on heals because Helga’s S3 is AOE,
which won’t do a lot of damage against bosses.) However, she’s better than Mikhail because
of her buff remove on her S2 which could save you from dying in boss fights like Kartis. Her
buff that allows her burst to be 2 cost at maxed is awkward, you don’t want to skill her unless
you’re a big fan of her. It’s not much of a buff at all except for EAstrid users.

Earth Olivia:
Obtainable after logging in for 7 days
Probably the sniper you will use until you beat all of the story. Her S1 is very useful, it
reduces the enemy’s action gauge by 20% which will make your heroes move quicker. She’s
a great F2P sniper and you get her quite early on. S2 got a small buff, she has a 50%
chance to reduce SPD for 2 turns now. Quite good in raids for F2P.

NOTE: The contract hero banners for 2,000 crystals are a scam for F2P. You are
guaranteed an artifact for them, but if it’s a bad skill and/or bad main stat, you just wasted
500 crystals for nothing. Spenders go ahead and gamble, it resets every month. I will go in
order of priority as some of these contract heroes aren’t very good. Do note that you have to
pick 2 out of the 3 heroes to move onto the next cycle. THIS SECTION NEEDS A MASIVE

You can jump between contracts but you cannot skip a rotation if you already picked
a hero from that rotation. For example, if you picked Water Krom, you can’t just skip the
other hero and jump to Contract 5 & 6. However, once you finish 1 & 2, you can then do 5 &
6 instead of 3 & 4.

Contract 1 & 2:
Water Krom:
Pick him second, he’s a priority but he isn’t very useful early game. If you’ve done a
lot of research & think you’ll progress fast, pick him first. His S2 CD is too long and you won’t
be pulling on a Guardian banner for quite awhile. I’d recommend using all your Primeval
Stones on his S2 until it’s maxed. Don’t use Mystic Stones on him, his other skills aren’t very
good. Pick a DPS first since the first contract is only 15 days long. A good DPS should
speed up your story progress.

Earth Lucilicca:
Her entire kit is designed for boss fights and raids. You can pick her instead of Lairei
but you might struggle in Extreme mode where the enemies hit like a truck and you have to
kill them one by one. However, she has the upper hand in Wave 3 where there is a boss
enemy in red stages. In raids, she’s good but overshadowed by ELaphlaes.

Fire Lairei:
She has two AOE skills, S2 and S3 which makes her great in story mode. You don’t
need her but she sure does make progressing a lot easier. She’s also a very good raid
support as she’s one of the only few heroes with a DEF down on her S1.

Contract 5 & 6:
Water Lucilicca:
Pick her. She’s the only good one in this batch and one of the best contract heroes
you can get. She will carry you in Obelisk with her S3 which has a 50% chance of inflicting a
stack of sap, up to 5. Why is sap good in Obelisk? Sap does 5% of an enemy’s max health,
in later levels, the DEF and HP of bosses get ridiculously high. Also, her S2 can remove
buffs from the enemy like regeneration or ATK buff. In raids, she provides support by
generating BG and an ATK down on her S1.

Earth Lairei:
Like every Earth DPS hero is overshadowed by ELaphlaes. She does do more than
ELuci in raids if both are maxed and around the same as a maxed and decently geared
EZaira. If you’re a big spender or a whale, consider picking her up as a second DPS for

Fire Krom:
He has a niche in Obelisk. His S1 has a 70% chance to inflict Wither which prevents
healing, but it’s only for 1 turn. He’s also a good pick for PVP since his S2 gives him an
offensive buff and increases his AG by 100%, allowing him to move again to burst.

Contract 7 & 8:
Water Walther:
Best water DPS but he’s very expensive to build. His S1 and S3 scales off of SPD,
getting gear with good SPD substats will be quite a challenge but his damage ceiling is one
of the highest.
Earth Alev:
Amazing raid support. Her S1 gives 20% action gauge to her ally with the highest
ATK meaning they will move quicker, her S2 also provides a shield to her and the ally with
the lowest health. Alev being a Guardian means she can wear bulwark so your team takes
15% reduced damage and she lives everywhere, even in Fire Raids.

Fire Lumie:
Many people argue about how great she is but she’s just outshined by the other two
options for raids. She’s mostly PVP as her S2 decreases enemies AG by 20%. If you’re
PVP-centric, pick her.

The rest of the contracts you can pick whoever you want. None of them
really stand out.

Water Charlotte:
Obtainable for 3,000 crystals
She is a requirement to buy Fire Vanessa, buy her after you finish Normal Mode so you can
pick up FVanessa. WCharlotte isn’t a bad healer now, even though her skills scale off of
ATK, you don’t need to build a lot, just look for ATK subs. What makes WCharlotte decent is
her S3, she can remove 1 of the most recent debuff to your allies. She’s valuable as bait
team cleric.

Water Olivia:
Obtainable for 6,000 crystals
Water Olivia is in an awkward spot because her kit looks good on paper but she’s a sniper,
and snipers are mainly supports to generate BG so you want to build them tanky, not for
damage. I would skip this since she’s 6,000 crystals, but if you like Olivia she’s an okay
support with a leech on S1 and DEF down on S2, although the rate is only 50%. Water Olivia
also has a 2 turn DEF down on her S2 now. The rate isn’t great, but it’s worth considering
her as a support sniper for your team. Leech on S1 is helpful for survival even if she won’t
leech a lot.

Water Schneider:
Obtainable for 3,000 crystals
A PVP hero. S2 is AOE and has an 80% chance to reduce their action gauge by 15%. Not
the worst, but he isn’t worth 3,000 crystals since there are many more PVP heroes that give
better utility and/or damage.

Water Astrid:
Obtainable for 6,000 crystals
She isn’t used anywhere at the moment. All hard bosses in PVE content increases their
action gauge when you hit them so her burst, which reduces AG by 50% at Lv. 1 is
completely useless, she reduces AG by 100% at Lv. 4 but it’s too much of an investment to
make it worthwhile. WAstrid’s kit seems to be made for Obelisk. S1 had a 50% chance to
stun and another 50% chance to remove a buff from the enemy. These are useful debuffs on
the enemy but the low chance cripples her. WLuci and EAstrid has a 100% chance on their

Water Vanessa:
Obtainable for 6,000 crystals
A very good endgame cleric that can revive dead teammates. Not a priority early on. Buy her
when you’re in Extreme mode, but you can hold off until you finish the story, she makes
stages a lot easier to 3 star though. She’s used in all content, shines best when you max
her. Vanessa is mainly a cleric for glass cannons as she can revive. You can use her with
tankier DPS like Elaphlaes, but ECharlotte is better. After your DPS is maxed skilled, pick
either WVanessa or ECharlotte to skill next.

Earth Dhurahan:
Obtainable for 3,000 crystals
Dhurahan’s only use was in Obelisk to provoke the boss so they couldn’t use skills but now
provoke doesn’t work on Obelisk bosses.

Earth Mei Ling:

Obtainable for 3,000 crystals
One of the best PVP heroes with high base SPD and a 10% action gauge buff to all allies on
her S2. Buy her if you’re going to be PVP focused. She’s not used in PVE.

Fire Helga:
Obtainable for 3,000 crystals
Terrible kit. Able to reduce ATK and DEF on S1 and S2 respectively but it’s only a 50%
chance, which is really low. S2 now reduces DEF for 2 turns but it’s still the same rate. They
didn’t fix her most glaring problem which is her low rate. Even though S1 got buffed, there
are a lot of ATK debuffers, but not many DEF debuffers if you didn’t pick FLairei and are

Fire Dhurahan:
Obtainable for 3,000 crystals
See above. Low percentages and irrelevant effects on his skills.

Dark Schneider:
Obtainable for 6,000 crystals and Lord Lv. 15

Dark Nine:
Obtainable for 6,000 crystals and beat 8-5 on Hard Mode
A sap sniper in raids and Obelisk. He does free damage while providing your team with BG.
Sap does a fixed damage, 30,000 per stack in raids. However, in Obelisk it’s 5% of max HP,
meaning a 3,000,000 HP boss will take 150,000 damage from one stack of sap. He’s a
priority end game for bosses with a lot of HP. A high priority after you complete story mode.

Water Nine:
Obtainable for 150,000 Guild Tokens

Earth Zaira:
Obtainable for 300,000 Guild Tokens

Earth Laphlaes:
Obtainable for 3,000,000 renown and after occupying Lumisade on Hard Mode
Earth Laphlaes is still very good and a worthy investment. However, he won’t be as good as
last raid system because of the new scaling. The higher level the catfish is, the more DEF
they have, so DEF ignore units and Strikers are more valuable. Newer players should still
get him for PVE because of AOE S3 + DEF buff and leech that makes him naturally tanky.

Fire Schneider:
Obtainable for 100,000 renown
Skip; mid kit. You can consider buying him if you already have ELaphlaes for Lord EXP if
you’re not Lv. 20 yet since he’s only 100K renown. Burst’s base spirit cost is only 3 from 4
now, it’s a small buff but there are better fire heroes to invest in, especially with FJoshua’s
new buff.

Fire Aslan:
Obtainable for 3,000,000 renown and Lord Lv. 25
Go for him if you don’t have EAslan and have 2nd ascended your DPS and cleric. He’s one
of the only ATK buffers for F2P and he is an AG booster, although it’s 3 CD at maxed
instead of 2 like WKrom and EAslan. He can maintain a 100% uptime ATK buff for your DPS
(that is, if he doesn’t get debuffed) if you max skill his S1. I do believe it’s worth it, you lose
around ~100k ATK per turn with no ATK buff. Mid to high priority after ELaphlaes.

Fire Vanessa:
Obtainable for 500,000 renown and have Water Charlotte
An amazing cleric for manual mode. Her bread and butter is her S3, which gives all allies
invincibility for 1 turn. That being said, she needs to hit before the boss but after all your
allies so the invincibility buff stays. If an ally moves before the boss does, they lose their
invincibility buff. She’s not only great in story mode but used in raids and Obelisk as well. It’s
worth levelling her up to max level but not worth skilling her as she works good enough at
low investment.

Fire Astrid:
Obtainable for 1,000,000 renown and have Water Vanessa
For new and mid game players, you can skip Fire Astrid. If you’re a spender or a veteran,
consider investing in Fire Astrid. She does crazy damage when geared right, meaning you
need a lot of SPD subs to boost her damage. Not only does she do crazy damage, she
shares the same gear with WWalther—being a SPD scaling Striker and all. So you don’t
have to roll for two sets, just one good set.

Fire Joshua:
Obtainable for 500,000 renown and after occupying Gallus East on Normal Mode
Optional Fire DPS for early-mid level raids (1-25). He works in Story mode as a boss killer
but he’s pretty fragile; best paired with WVanessa. He’s considerably easier to build than
FAstrid, F2P friendly. His S2 buff is amazing, he now uses his S2 on the highest ATK
member in your team which means he’ll always buff your DPS, he can serve as a main DPS
or support with his S2. The ATK buff also has a 100% uptime at maxed Lv. Not to mention,
his burst as an 80% (90% at L.v 4) to reduce ATK and DEF for 2 turns and ignores
resistance, meaning he almost always will land the debuffs. He can pretty much have the
boss permanently debuffed unless he dies or the boss cleanses it.

Fire Lucilicca:
Obtainable for 3,000,000 renown and Lord Lv. 20
Fire Lucilicca is the best raid DPS for mid game players. She boasts high DMG numbers
with her S3, however her S2 sort of hinders her. It’s best to leave S2 at Lv 3 max, I’d go as
far as using Primeval Stones to finish off her S3 if you were unlucky with random skill ups.
She competes with DAstrid as the best raid DPS overall. Worth getting after ELaphlaes.

Light Mei Ling:

Obtainable for 700,000 renown and after beating Floor 25 in Obelisk
Mei Ling’s kit looks strong but it’s sort of weak. The AOE heal on her S1 is very small, only
about 1,500 HP and her S2 is a 1 turn regen buff but the skill is 5 CD long. She isn’t worth
700,000 renown as a low spender or F2P. She will only be worth it if you need a sniper for
your second team or second ticket.

Light Olivia:
Obtainable for 5,000,000 renown
Light Olivia is one of the best DPS for raids now because of her DEF ignore. The further you
go, the more DEF the catfish gets and thus, the more DMG LOlivia mitigates. Not only that,
she increases her AG by 100% after using her burst, the best DEF ignore hero we have so
far. Olivia doesn’t do high numbers like SPD Strikers, FLuci or DAstrid but she is very
consistent. It’ll take ~6 months for F2P depending on how much you play. For F2P, I think
she’s an end game priority because of her cost & the need to invest in supports (like FAslan
for ATK buff) first. For paid players, she’s only really great on dark days because you have
other options.

Light Solphi:
Obtainable for 3,000,000 renown and after occupying Gallus East on Normal Mode
She isn’t worth it because of her cost. Her damage isn’t noteworthy and brings little utility for
your team. It takes a long time to stack up ATK because she’ll mainly be using S3 and S2,
but without maxed ATK buffs her S3 tickles. Usable in PVP. 10% DMG increase on her S2
which is… quite underwhelming. Her S2 at base though, is now a 2 turn DEF down which is
nice if you aren’t considering skilling her.

Dark Dhurahan:
Obtainable for 1,000,000 renown
S3 is a ST burst with ignore DEF, unfortunately that is his only good skill besides ATK
passive in his kit. S2 can petrify but you cannot CC the catfish in raids. He is also a Warrior,
which is currently the worst class because they bring no utility or damage like the Pierce set
does. Not worth the investment, other DPS can do more damage on Light day than him.

Dark Helga:
Obtainable for 300,000 renown and occupy Gallus East on Hard Mode
Her kit is centered around killing an enemy for an extra turn. Useful for story, but Water
Helga will suffice. You can buy her for Lord EXP to rush to Lv. 20 but she’s 300K renown
which could be used to ascend a hero instead.

Dark Joshua:
Obtainable for 1,00,000 renown and after occupying Gallus East on Hard Mode
Although his S2 got changed so you can no longer have 100% invincibility uptime, he’s still a
great AG booster for end game players. His best skill is S2 which increases the ally with the
highest ATK’s AG by 100%, heals them and removes the most recent debuffs. At Lv. 5, his
S2 is only 2 CD, he can be put in the burst or support slot. His burst isn't as strong as
ECharlotte’s or WVanessa’s but his S2 is his bread and butter.

Water Rashad:

Dark Solphi:

Dark Astrid:
Obtainable for 77,777,777 gold and occupy Gallus East on Extreme Mode
DAstrid possesses the highest DMG ceiling in the game but she’s also the most expensive.
Gold is a universal currency used for everything, you’d have to save up for 2-3 months
without spending any on promotions, upgrading gear and skill upgrades to buy DAstrid. Her
kit is very luck reliant. Consider going for her if you already have 3+ maxed DPS and
finished story mode.

NOTE: Some paid heroes may be unavailable. All paid heroes will get a rerun, how long it
will take is unknown but I estimate about 8-9 months. Evaluation is in the last sentence.

Earth Aslan:
$44.99 USD
A must get if he’s available, he gives a 2 turn ATK buff and increases all allies AG by 40%
when S2 is Lv 6. He and WKrom are the only two AG boosters that have a 2 CD S2 which is
extremely powerful. Very high priority.

Fire Rosanna:
$44.99 USD
A support that can shield all allies, however she’s a bit awkward to use since her shield
scales off of ATK, making her extremely vulnerable in raids. Not worth it if you’re a casual
spender, she needs high invest for good returns.

Earth Lumie:
$44.99 USD
Earth Lumie is now an EAlev with debuffs instead of a shield. S1 increases your DPS’ AG by
30%, which is the same amount as EAlev at Lv. 6, ELumie’s skill upgrades doesn’t increase
the amount like EAlev, which is great. S3 grants 100% AG to the highest ATK unit, one of
the best skills despite being burst locked. Low priority for budget spenders, EAlev is free and
does her job. High priority for whales; run a DPS and ELumie in burst and DMeiling in the
support slot.

Water Joshua:
$44.99 USD
Arguably the best paid unit, he brings a ton of utility to end game content being a Sniper AG
booster with a loaded kit. S1 has a 70% chance of removing 1 of the most recent buff from
the enemy, vital in Obelisk and a life saver in raids. S2 at Lv. 6 is a 3 CD skill that fills all
allies AG by 40% and removes 2 most recent debuffs from all allies. No more pesky silence,
stuns, provokes. Very high priority.
Water Alev:
$44.99 USD
The second best Water DPS. Unfortunately her skills don’t scale like ELaphlaes, the damage
is considerably lower. Her low base ATK and low survivability hurts her even further.
However, since they’re the same class you can use ELaphlaes’ gear on her and swap
between them. She is easier to build than WWalther if you want to take the ‘cheaper’ route.
Medium priority, if you’re going to build a lot of Strikers it might be better to just get
WWalther. WAlev has been overshadowed by WWalther by quite some time, S2 gives her a
2 turn CRIT and CRIT DMG buff. She has good synergy with WLyn. If you have S2 maxed, it
becomes a 3 CD skill and WLyn will reduce that to 2 CD so you always have the CRIT buffs
active. This doesn’t make her better than WWalther, but for players who’ve already invested
in her it’s a nice buff.

Light Vanessa:
$44.99 USD
A secondary healer/support for raid teams. She isn’t a main healer due to her S3 being not
very good, however her other skills make up for it. S2 grants all allies invulnerability for 1
turn and increases ATK for 2 turns, but it’s on a long CD. S1 heals all allies according to
DMG dealt which is awkward since she’s a support hero. Low priority, like Fire Rosanna she
needs investment to shine.

Earth Nine:
$44.99 USD
His skills don’t scale well in raids since it’s AOE. Good in any other content, especially PVP.
Skip if you’re PVE focused.

Fire Laphlaes:
$44.99 USD
An endgame support that reduces enemies’ CRIT chance and CRIT DMG. He’s an endgame
hero because his debuff is on his S3, meaning you have to put him on your second team
with a cleric so he can survive. FLaphlaes isn’t meant for damage, he is a sniper. He can
help your team survive against crits in Lv 30+ raids or F40+ Obelisk. Keep in mind
FLaphlaes cannot remove buffs on catfish, the S2 buff is useless if you use him solely for
raids. His burst now only costs 2 if you max it, but that’s if you max it, which I don’t think is
worth. Low priority for budget and casual spenders, medium priority for dolphins and whales
who focus on raids.

Fire Johan:
$44.99 USD
FJohan is now one of the best buffers in the game. His S2 is no longer RNG, definitely worth
using primeval stones on his S2 for a 2 turn CRIT and CRIT DMG buff with 3 CD. Pairs
especially well with WLyn if you build CRIT on him, he heals and buffs every other turn. His
buff allows your DPS to run 15% less CRIT in exchange for more CRIT DMG.
Dark Rosanna:
$44.99 USD
DRosanna is worth buying if you don’t already have 2 AG boosters. For raid, you should
have at least one AG booster per main team. There are 5 total AG boosters and she’s the
weakest one, the others bring more utility while she brings a bit more damage with her
counter attack buff. Dependant on the situation. S3 increases her DEF for 2 turns, basically
a non-existent buff because you never want to use her S3.

Water Solphi:
$44.99 USD
Purely PVP hero, sucks in raids. S2 reduces enemies resistance which is useful if you’re
running a CC PVP comp.

Fire Baretta:
$44.99 USD
Easier to build than FAstrid if you want a Fire DPS. Her S2 has a 77% chance to increase
the SPD of all allies for 2 turns at Lv 6. She can be used as a support for WWalther because
his S2 is different from a regular SPD buff, however this is very investment heavy. She is a
medium priority if you don’t have a Fire DPS.

Light Zaira:
$44.99 USD
The best raid DPS, no doubt. She has no weakness being a light hero and has a ST 5x
scaling burst. You will have to roll for DPS Guardian gear, but you might get Bulwark gear as
well for your supports. High priority, especially if you haven’t invested in 2 DPS yet.

Dark Krom:
$44.99 USD
Meant to be a DPS but is better off as a support. His S2 provides an ATK and DEF buff with
an uptime of 100% when maxed, he’s a very good support in that regard. High priority for
whales; supports are always needed. Consider for raid-focused players, it will take awhile to
max his S2 using primevals only but he’ll be great for any of your raid teams.

Water Lyn:
$44.99 USD
A situational unit. Her kit looks busted because she reduces the CD of allies’ skills. To really
make her shine, she should be paired with heroes that have very good S2 skills like
LVanessa, LWalther, WJoshua, EAlev, etc. Don’t expect her to deal damage even though
she has DEF scaling, it’s really low. Her S2 now gives her a turn right after using it, on top of
a 2 turn DEF down without skilling her. Base CD is 5, can be reduced to 2, and a 90%
chance to debuff at maxed. All around very solid and great to have for Team 2. Low to mid
priority. She works best with other paid heroes, if you don’t have them she won’t improve
your raid teams by a lot.
Light Walther:
$44.99 USD
His only redeemable skill is his S2, which applies Shock onto the target for two turns or three
at Lv 5. Shock makes the target take 15% more damage, Walther is essentially a support.
This is a unique debuff so it stacks with DEF down. If you max his S2, his debuff will almost
have a 100% uptime. The thing is, 15% isn’t a lot. For example, if your DPS usually does
450K DMG, shock will only boost that to around 515K. Also, you have at best—90% chance
of debuffing, this is high, but not 100%. Only consider buying him if you’re a dolphin. He
improves your DMG but it’s very costly.

Dark Meiling:
$44.99 USD
She basically can replace ECharlotte in any comps, she works especially well with tanky
DPS like ELaphlaes and LZaira. Glass cannons like FAstrid, LOlivia, WWalther have yet to
be tested. With the new raid changes, the bosses have gotten buffed & have new debuffs or
more powerful effects like the Fire Catfish can debuff your CRIT with his breath attack.
DMeiling, being a cleanser and shielder will greatly benefit your raid team. NOTE: In raids,
Meiling will have a hard time using her S1 because of her short S2 CD, this might cause her
to get debuffed. Meiling replaces FRosanna's role as a support shielder and does it way
better if you decide to use her in the support slot instead of burst slot. High priority if she’s
available, you won’t regret investing in her.

Light Lairei:
$26.99 USD
Light Lairei’s damage comes from buffs or debuffs on the enemy. This is a double- edged
sword because most good buffers are locked behind a paywall, she’s great if you already
have them like DKrom, FJohan. Skip if you have LOlivia or are planning to get her. Low
priority for casual spenders, she is cheaper but she doesn’t come with the 1.5K crystals and
Hero Growth package.

Fire Rashad:
$26.99 USD
Rashad comes with a damage resistance buff that stacks with bulwark and immunity. Since
he’s also a sniper, he’s able to gain a large amount of BG with a maxed Lv. S2. Although his
buff isn’t 100% uptime, you can get pretty close by giving him as much SPD as possible. He
works well with any DPS and immunity allows your DPS to not get debuffed and thus, do
more damage. High priority; one of the top 5 paid heroes.

Water Bianca:
26.99 USD
Water Bianca is also a sniper, she provides more offensive buffs compared to FRashad. The
only downside is that her S1 needs to be skilled as well for maximum gain. At Lv. 1 it has an
80% chance to increase allies’ AG by 25%, at Lv. 6 it’s 100%. S2 increases allies’ CRIT
DMG (30%) for 2 turns, there aren’t many heroes that buff CRIT DMG so this is valuable.
Mid-high priority; needs more investment than FRashad but she provides CRIT DMG and
Dark Charlotte:
Dark Charlotte’s niche is being a DPS support, which doesn’t work in this game. Her S2 is
loaded, it revives one of your teammates and grants them a shield for 1 turn. This is actually
really bad because it leaves too many things to be upgraded (e.g., longer shield, less CD,
stronger shield). But, she doesn’t get any of those, so DChar is probably one of our worst
paid heroes.

Earth Vanessa:
A good support unit for the new Co-Op raid. In guild raids, she won’t see much usage due to
her being a defensive support, not an offensive one. (Generally the game favors offensive
supports unless it’s Rashad, because he gives immunity). Low priority.

Light Fram:
Light Fram enters the ring as our third Light DPS, dethroning Light Olivia and Light Lairei for
Dark. Her passive has bonus damage towards Dark, she’s able to do up to 3M DMG (without
S1 stacks) when max skilled and on Dark Raid. While S1 gives a 20% ATK buff every time
she uses it (up to 100%), it’s quite unreliable because the only way she can use it is by
assisting. On other days, Light Fram still performs well (albeit not DAstrid level now, due to
the nerf). Mid-high priority depending on how many light DPS you have.

Dark Lumie:

Light Alev:

Dark Lucilicca:


There are special login heroes that are available for a short period of time. There is no way
of obtaining them as of now but it’ll be updated if they are ever available again. They rerun
every year at around the same time.

Fire Fram:
Christmas Login Event
Serves as an AOE provoker for PVP Defense . Highly annoying if you can build her with fast

Earth Mikhail:
Anniversary Login Event
Mediocre Earth DPS. S2 has an 80% chance to reduce the target’s AG by 50%, S3 gives
him another turn if an enemy dies, which is useless against bosses. Nothing much to say,
other Earth DPS are better.

Earth Lyn:
July Login Event (Not tied to a specific celebration)
Her buffs/debuff may seem useful but it’s not worth a slot in your raid team to slot her. Since
she’s a Guardian, you only need 1 Guardian per team. WKrom, EAlev, WFram, FAslan if you
get him will cover that position.

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