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Holden Hydro

Powering LIFE

The Holden Turbine

A Revolution in HydroPower Design and Efficiency !

Two Stage Turbine Combines, Impulse and Reaction Components Variable Flow Design No Dam Required Low Maintenance Increase Efficiency up to30% High Durability
Turbine Comparisons:
Two-Stage Impulse Cross-Flow Reaction Nozzles Variable Flow Dam Overflow Waterfall Rapids Dam Required Dam Retrofit Holden X X X X X X X X X X Pelton X X X Frances Screw




Holden Hydro

Powering LIFE

Holden Turbine - Technical Overview:

The Holden Turbine has a rectangular housing. The cylindrical rotor of the turbine has two, (2), two-stage turbines mounted back to back separated by the center plate of a split drum, exhausting to atmosphere at the center of the split drum to the inner cavity of the rectangular housing. Each two stage turbine is composed of an impulse cross flow turbine, continuous with a reaction turbine formed by half of the split drum, with tangential exit ports to the center cavity of the housing. The impulse cross flow turbine is composed of a multiplicity of blades radiating from a central hub to the periphery of the rotor. The Impulse rotor is directly driven by jets of working fluid, from nozzles located at opposing ends of the housing. The fluid continues cross flow through the ports between blades, into the central split drum under pressure where it is ejected into the inner cavity of the housing through tangentially oriented nozzles which extract rotational torque from the remaining pressure in the drum thus improving overall efficiency by capturing kinetic energy normally lost in single stage impulse hydro turbines.

Questions and Answers:

Q. What is a two-stage turbine? A. A two-stage turbine uses the same water twice, which produces more energy output than is possible with a traditional turbine. By absorbing the extra energy from the water twice, the energy output is significantly greater. Q. What kind of mediums can the turbine use? A. It can use a multitude of different mediums, for example Water, Steam, Sewage, Air, Gas, Liquids etc. Q. How can a turbine be a cross flow, reaction and impulse turbine all in one? A. Inventor Joe Holden has invented the first turbine that combines all three in one. Joe has invented a single unit that combines the best attributes from the 3 widely used turbines and the combined effect is a higher efficiency. Q. How is this turbine a variable flow when all the others are not? A. The overall design of the turbine makes this possible. Q. What do the nozzles do? A. The force of the medium from the nozzles and the force from the ejection nozzles in the drum, give the turbine its energy. Q. Why is a dam not required for the Holden Hydro Turbine? A. Water can be brought to the turbine instead of the turbine to the water. This is the answer to why it can be retrofitted to dams, used on waterfalls, or anywhere where the medium can be used. Q. Why did Joe Holden design the Holden Turbine? A. The turbine is light-weight, small-in-size compared to the enormous output, and perfect for jungles, mountains, forests and the most difficult terrain. Joe wanted a turbine that would work in traditional and non-traditional settings. Joe designed a turbine that could go where no other turbine could go. Q. Who can benefit from the turbines unique design? A. Those that dont have conventional means to obtain the power they need. Everyone who uses these turbines in any location can benefit. Q. What sizes are available? A. The range in sizes are; 25kW to 30MW. Multiple units can be combined to produce any desired output.

Holden Hydro

Powering LIFE

Holden Turbine Advantages

Lower Cost - The Holden Turbine produces so much energy, that when compared to the other turbine options, the Holden Turbine is less expensive to manufacture and install. Low Maintenance Cost The Holden Turbine is designed to have the lowest maintenance cost of all turbines. This includes features that reduce friction, eliminates electronics that are prone to breaking down, has the bearings and seals outside the turbine for easy changes, and is designed to last decades. This is accomplished with a unique horizontal axis turbine design. The turbine design is 100% mechanical There are no electronics that breakdown. Improved Efficiency - Due to the unique two-stage design and the proprietary hydrodynamic friction reduction yield, there is increased power generation, which means that a smaller unit can produce the same output as much larger competitive units and accelerate the return on investment. No Dam Required The Holden Turbine can be utilized for in-conduit installations, can be used in pressure relief dumps for harnessing wasted energy, can be used in line of stream applications with nothing more than a weir, can be excellent for run of the river applications, plus more. For Existing Dams The Holden Turbine can add more generating capacity by attaching to the overflow, or it can be used to replace the primary generation turbines if necessary. Also, it can be installed on dams which are out of commission due to silting or low water levels and allow them to be productive again. Compatible with all Generators The Holden Turbine is designed to mate to any off the-shelf generators and utilize off-the-shelf bearings to reduce costs. Portability - Even the 30MW unit is designed to fit on a flat bed truck. The small 25kW unit can be lifted into any location. The turbines can be transported to remote sites and even helicopter lifted. Longevity The Holden Turbine is prefabricated and designed to last decades. It is not cast like all other turbines, which can break from any shock event. No Cavitations - Dual stage pressurized design eliminates cavitations and subsequent internal damage, reducing maintenance and extending service life Fixed Speed Option The dual shaft-end outputs allows direct drive of 2 generators from the turbine without gearboxes or belts. Variable Speed Option The new design includes an adjustable speed version using off centerline speed to meet any needs.

Holden Hydro

Powering LIFE



A l ead r esear cher and I nvent or f or R oll s R oyce f or over 23 year s. S er ved i n t he S peci al F or ces f or bot h E ngl and and t he US P ar achut ed i nt o N or t h K or ea and st ol e a R ussi an MIG and f l ew i t back t o t he W est . H i s br aver y hel ped t he W est dur i ng t he col d w ar year s. F l ew a C oncor de Jet ( cl assif i ed versi on) i nt o sub - space. A decor at ed T op G un pi l ot w ho f l ew hi s ow n cl assi fi ed air pl ane desi gns. Led 17 mi ssi ons i nt o Vi et nam t o r escue POW s. A ssi st ed on t he ori gi nal GPS syst em desi gn and im pl em ent at i on. Worked on num erous cl assifi ed projects and technol ogi es for the US G overnment and NASA some of w hich are still protected as classifi ed.

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EDUCAT ION: O xf or d U ni ver sit y R ol l s R oyce S chol ar C am br i dge U ni versit y M anchest er U ni ver sit y London U ni ver si t y H ol ds num er ous degr ees T r ai ned i n m ult i pl e sci ences

Holden Hydro

Powering LIFE

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