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AIESEC 60th Anniversary

Sao Paulo, Brazil, 22nd -24th August 2008 Global Celebration at 60th International Congress

A Space for collective intelligence on sustainability

600 members 200 alumni 100 partners

Fabio Barbosa Toke Mller Oscar Motomura David Cooperrider

DPWN/DHL IE Artemisia

Speakers & Facilitators3 Introduction4 Friday5
- Inquiry into the strengths of 60 years of AIESEC that can be scaled up in working towards the 70th anniversary


Graphic output

Speakers profile

Harvest of the Conversations and

Pictures Friday

Motomuras reflections on Ethics

Saturday7 - Connecting deeper to act more wisely (Open Space) - AIESEC Alumni Hall of Fame Ceremony, Norman Barnett &
Bharat Bhasin Award

Cooperriders presentation

Pictures Saturday

Global AIESEC Hall of Fame pictures

- Ceremony of 60 Anniversary - Brazil Night- celebrating the success in the rhythm of Samba Sunday9 - Inspiring conscious commitment to act sustainably (Open
Space) - Entrepreneurship & Leadership and Contribution Award - Launching MyAIESECnet for Alumni www.myaiesec,net


Pictures Sunday

partners Thank you

AIESEC 60th Anniversary

Global Celebration
At 60

International Congress

Sao Paulo, Brazil, 22nd -24th August 2008

Speakers & Facilitators

Toke Paludan Mller (Interchange) Ante Glavas (Business as an Agent of World Benefit) Max Oliva (IE Business School) Lotfi EL-Ghandouri (IE Business School) Thomas Ufer (Pioneers of Change) Tamara R. de Azevedo (Pioneers of Change) Henrique Vedana (Kaospilot) Valentine Giraud (Pioneers of Change) Andries Devos (alumni) Lisa Berg (Cross-Culturalist, Social Artist) Carolina de Andrade (Artemisia) Christel Scholten (Banco Real) Soraia Melchioretto (UNINDUS) Adriana Jardim (UNINDUS) Gabriela Albescu (Future Considerations) Sabine Ziem (AI Global Alumni Relations Mgr 2007-08) Monika Gmucova (60th Anniversary Manager)

Fabio Barbosa CEO at Santander Group

Oscar Motomura Amana-Key Group Founder and CEO

Toke Mller Interchange, Co-founder & CEO

David Cooperrider Case Western Reserve Uni. Director of Centre for Business as an Agent of World Benefit

Martin Wandmaker DHL Express VP Talent Management

Kelly Michel Artemisia Founder and CEO

Lotfi EL-Ghandouri IE Business School

Ante Glavas Business as an Agent of World Benefit Executive Director

Max Oliva IE Business School Associate Director of Social Impact Management

AIESEC 60th Anniversary

Global Celebration
At 60

International Congress

Sao Paulo, Brazil, 22nd -24th August 2008

For the first time in its 60 year history, AIESEC connected over 800 AIESEC stakeholders from over 106 countries and from across generations- members, alumni and partner organizations. Purpose of the connection was not only to celebrate 60 years of activating youth leadership but also to look into the future how we as an organization can have collective impact and role model sustainable leadership. The event exceeded the expectations of many participants. Over 800 people were sitting changing circles, connected in thoughts and emotions and the walls were decorated with drawings from previous 60th anniversary events. Smiling faces, expectations, curiosity and many questions filled the room with enormous amounts of energy - one could feel the power of the AIESEC network. Our space for collective intelligence on sustainability engaged people to share their passion, concerns, and dreams. Partners Keynotes Speeches: Martin Wandmaker (DPWN/DHL), Fabio Barbosa (Santander Group), Kelly Michel (Artemisia), Oscar Motomura (Amana-Key Group), Max Oliva & Lotfi El-Ghandouri (IE), David Cooperrider (BAWB ) shared their provocative thoughts and examples of sustainable activities driven by their organizations. Agenda Design: The agenda was developed under the expert leadership of Toke Mller (co-founder of the Art of Hosting) and David Cooperrider (founder of the Appreciative Inquiry) in co-creative processes with members of the hosting team, the alumni body, AIESEC International, AIESEC in Brazil, as well as the Supervisory Group of AIESEC International. Delivery: A team of 15 highly qualified facilitators led the participants of the 60th anniversary event through a meaningful experience. Elements of the 60th celebrations: Conversations through cutting edge open space technologies Stories of leaders & organizations famous for their role-modeling approaches to sustainability Global AIESEC Awards (Alumni Hall of Fame, Entrepreneurship & Leadership Award, Contribution Award, Young Alumni Contribution Award) 60th Anniversary ceremony Brazilian Night Launch of for alumni Harvesting: Four big flipcharts express what happened during the 3 days. The essence of conversations and speeches was captured through the innovative technology of graphic facilitation. The key messages are in the form of images, color, symbols and words. All resources are available on page 2. The graphic output of AIESEC 60th anniversary in Brazil, created by Adriana Ribeiro Jardim and Soraia Melchioretto, will be presented at Global Forum Latin America as disclosure Call for Action which will take place in So Paulo in the month of November 2008.

AIESEC 60th Anniversary

Global Celebration
At 60

International Congress

Sao Paulo, Brazil, 22nd -24th August 2008

Friday- Inquiry into the strengths of 60 years of AIESEC that can be scaled up in working towards the 70th anniversary
On Friday evening, 200 alumni from over 45 countries met to celebrate the 60th Anniversary together with AIESEC members. Alumni were welcomed by Juan Cajiao, President of AIESEC International 2008/09, who was speaking about AIESEC Today. Emil Ivanov Global Alumni Relations Manager 2008/09 introduced the event and the priorities of AIESEC International for the next year related to alumni. After dinner, the common agenda of the 60th anniversary global celebration started. AIESEC members, alumni and partners met in the plenary.

Wow! ...the first thought on your mind after entering the space of the plenary... So powerful! Sitting in circles and looking into so many faces around What will happen? The expectations were so diverse but at the end every person had chance to create their own rich experience because every individual added a value and energy that was used to create A space for collective intelligence on sustainability. It was an astonishing experience.
The pictures and graphic drawings tell the full story. All resources are available on page 2. Brenda Schroeder, AIESEC International Alumni and the chair of the International Congress, introduced Fabio Barbosa from Santander Bank who shared his experience of implementing the idea of sustainable banking in Brazil. Fabio introduced sustainability as the overarching topic of the event and passed the word to David Cooperrider and Ante Glavas from the Center for Business as an Agent of World Benefit. David shared his thoughts and encouraged the crowd to act for a better world because he believes the solutions are out there. Ante guided participants through personal conversations, while individuals and groups were reflecting in an appreciative way on the following questions: What was your best experience of collaborative leadership? What are AIESECs strengths for magnifying sustainability? What are your visions of 2020 for a better World? For AIESEC? What will be the legacy of your leadership? Consider the smallest things with the biggest impact as well as the bolder things.

The business of businesses is sustainable business Fabio Barbosa The task of leadership is to create an alignment of strengths making a systems weaknesses irrelevant Every social and global issue of our day is a business opportunity in disguise Peter Drucker
The harvest is captured as graphic drawing, pictures, individual conversations and inspiration. Alumni and members are welcome to continue further conversations at the forums at MyAIESECnet. To make things happen requires proactive individual action.

AIESEC 60th Anniversary

Global Celebration
At 60

International Congress

Sao Paulo, Brazil, 22nd -24th August 2008

AIESEC 60th Anniversary

Global Celebration
At 60

International Congress

Sao Paulo, Brazil, 22nd -24th August 2008

Saturday- Connecting deeper to act more wisely

The day started with morning plenary where countries showed their presence with shouts and roll calls and energized the room. Then three partner organizations told their story of sustainable leadership. Martin Wandmaker from DPWN/DHL highlighted the need for connecting networks and corporations being the social organizations. Kelly Michel, founder of Artemisia presented her theory of economic and social cooperation that provides social solutions. Max Oliva and Lotfi El-Ghandouri from IE Business School encouraged individuals to act based on their passion. These values are very close to IE, which is developing social innovators and so increase the impact on society. These stories inspired, the examples opened new questions and the scene was set up for conversations around the broad topic of sustainability.

Toke Mller opened the space with explaining the principles, which helped participants to understand the process. Toke proposed the question of the day:

What questions, issues or projects do I care enough to explore now?

AIESEC Members and alumni had so many topics they were eager to host a conversation around. In the middle of the room was a stage with purple flowers, colored papers and pencils. Individuals with questions came to the stage, wrote down their questions and read it loud to the plenary assembled in massive concentric circles as a symbol of opening a conversation. Anyone sharing same passion was welcome to join. The room was buzzing with ideas and excitement. Some people cared so much for their topic that their voice and hands were shaking from excitement. Amazing! The topics were put on a wall. Over 50 spaces were ready. During three work sessions participants could move around different topics, join different conversations. At the end of the day many powerful thoughts and ideas were shared. Some of the conversations created commitments and individuals are making them happen after the event.

The harvest is captured in the graphic drawing, pictures, as well as individual conversations and inspiration.

AIESEC 60th Anniversary

Global Celebration
At 60

International Congress

Sao Paulo, Brazil, 22nd -24th August 2008

AIESEC 60th Anniversary

Global Celebration
At 60

International Congress

Sao Paulo, Brazil, 22nd -24th August 2008

Some of the Topics hosted by members and alumni during the Open Space
How to better use the passion that the sports industry generates? How can we include people with a criminal record in society? How can we create a real leadership development platform for our members? How can we make an impact through traveling? How and why shall we implement AIESEC in high schools? Why should AIESEC go to North Korea? BRIC discussion! Brokerage Trading Import/ Export Networks! What is the relevance of AIESEC? How to develop underperforming countries? What would be a new political system? How can we make better use of our alumni? How can we make maximum progress with minimum environmental impact? What is the impact of NGOs? Is AIESEC sustainable? How can AIESEC realize 50.000 internships? Palestine and Israel Expansion? How can we pass on our passion to the outside world for giving others the opportunity to find their vocation? How can we keep up personal Learning and Development? How can we deal with violence in Latin America? What is AIESEC doing to prevent wars in the world? What is the role of AIESEC and the government in Migration Indicators of success and impact in AIESEC How can AIESEC members and AIESEC alumni make AIESEC a sustainable platform which contributes to our future together? Big companies. How can I influence them to do good business even though I am just entering? Tourism in Afghanistan? How can we slow down to remember our true nature and be more effective leaders in times of Great Transition? Children and sustainability? How can I deal with family pressure? Water management! Why is the Media not a greater source of connection? How can I transform fear and anxiety into passion for a better world? Art of hosting as methodology! I am a child inside! The discussions were a true source of learning and inspiring action. The key topic areas were AIESEC, environment, education, social aspects and reflection. Harvesting the conversations

The harvest is captured as graphic drawing, pictures, individual conversations and inspiration. Minutes from discussions are available in the pdf file. Alumni and members are welcome to continue further conversations at the forums at MyAIESECnet. To make things happen requires proactive individual action.

AIESEC 60th Anniversary

Global Celebration
At 60

International Congress

Sao Paulo, Brazil, 22nd -24th August 2008

Hall of Fame
Delfim Calixto
Previously: Member Committee President AIESEC in Brazil, 1986/1987 Currently: Director Automotive Aftermarket, Robert Bosch Mexico

Francisco Gil-Diaz
Previously: Founding member Local Committee Monterrey and Local Committee ITAM, Mexico City Currently: Telefonic Movistar, Mexico

Lennart Bjurstrm
Previously: President AIESEC International, 1990-1991 Currently: Founder and CEO, Agapo AB, Sweden

Pablo Toledo
Previously: Member Committee President AIESEC Chile, 1985/1986 Currently: President and OwnerXPG Consulting Network

Pedro Cadena Copete

Previously: Founding Member, AIESEC Colombia, 1958 Currently: Retired Lawyer

AIESEC Alumni Hall of Fame Ceremony. This award is presented to alumni who had an outstanding contribution while being in AIESEC and after leaving
the organization and who had demonstrated active leadership throughout their lives. They were or are still involved in local, national or international activities, offering advice and support to the AIESEC membership. The aim of this award is to show to the world the impact that AIESEC alumni have in society and to acknowledge their contribution. We would like to reinforce the leadership characteristics, excellence and attitudes desired in our organization by highlighting alumni who exemplify our values. In Brazil, the event was hosted by two organizations Deutsche Post World Net/DHL and PricewaterhouseCoopers, each of them value excellence and share similar values with AIESEC. Gentlemen hosting the event: Martin Wandmaker is Global Vice President Talent Management & Human Resources Director at Deutsche Post World Net / DHL and Richard Baird Global Managing Partner People at PricewaterhouseCoopers. Congratulations to 2008 Hall of Fame Winters! Profiles and names of the recipients of the Global AIESEC Awards are available on the global AIESEC website in the section for alumni,

AIESEC 60th Anniversary

Global Celebration
At 60


International Congress

Sao Paulo, Brazil, 22nd -24th August 2008

Norman Barnett & Bharat Bhasin Award

Norman Barnett and Bharat Bhasin Award
This global award is given by AIESEC alumni to an AIESEC entity. It rewards the relevance of AIESEC experience to external reality, i.e. promotes and publicizes an AIESEC entitys excellence in Exchange activities run by countries in the emerging markets Corresponding issue-based learning activities The name of the project award is to commemorate outstanding deceased AIESEC student leaders who excelled with their international contribution to AIESEC in emerging countries


The Awakening Dragon CSR Program

AIESEC mainland of China

The Awards were introduced by our valued alumni Victor Loewenstein, Former Managing Partner Egon Zhender, AIESEC Secretary General , Global Alumni Hall of Fame, Supervisory Group of AIESEC International

2nd Place Award Horizontes Project- Social Entrepreneurship AIESEC in USP, So Paulo, Brazil After the Awards Ceremony the celebrations continued in the rhythm of Samba at Brazilian Night

2nd Place Award Social Entrepreneurship Project AIESEC in Colombia

60th Anniversary celebration

The Global Celebration happened in big style. It connected the thoughts, memories and pictures and impact created throughout the year at events in London, Tokyo, Budapest, Brussels and over 40 national events where we physically connected 3150 alumni. The movie is available here:

AIESEC 60th Anniversary

Global Celebration
At 60


International Congress

Sao Paulo, Brazil, 22nd -24th August 2008

Sunday- Inspiring conscious commitment to act sustainably

The Sunday was very exciting. It was about turning the conversations that matter into action that makes a difference.

Oscar Motomura, an incredibly inspiring and successful entrepreneur, well known for his sustainable approach, came to share a few thougths with the participants. Mr Motomura presented his Reflections on Ethics and the process of making things happen: effective implementation of solutions for critical sustainability equations. Deciding to act small because it is more comfortable is not ethical was just
one of the learning points he presented. The room was silent.The crowd of AIESEC stakeholders with diverse background is the right group of people realizing their dreams. The facilitators team energized the crowd with different exercises. People were excited. And than the question of the day was posted:

What action are you ready to commit to NOW?

Participants spent several minutes in silent reflection until the movement started. Individuals wrote their commitments on a paper, walked around the room to find people who would like to join them or who have the same desire for action. This created the next level of conversations when people actually decided to go and take that step to make a change. The floor was open for sharing the commitments laudly in the plenary. Who ever felt to speak came to the center of the circle and everybody else was watching the courage and listening to the diverse ideas. My commitment is to read more about CSR to get deeper understanding was one voice, and in silence, fifty other people stand up to support this person. You could hear the eagerness in the voice of alumni, members and partners telling I will do it! One group of people even prepared a song reflecting some of the ideas and sang it to the sound of a guitar. This was very powerful ending of the open space. Participants enjoyed working together in a very diverse group of AIESEC members, alumni and partners. Lots of ideas were born. The way how these three days were organized was new. Using the methodologies such as Art of Hosting and processes inspired by Appreciative Inquiry helped to provide the space where each participant could participate.

AIESEC 60th Anniversary

Global Celebration
At 60


International Congress

Sao Paulo, Brazil, 22nd -24th August 2008

Entrepreneurship and Leadership & Contribution Award

We know what needs to be done, but will we take the action? Different ways to take ACTION: Lead an organization towards betterment; Start up an organization to service society; contribute to a worthwhile cause- supporting organizations like AIESEC in their everyday striving to achieve impact. Everyone can take action! Everyone can create an impact today! These awards go to alumni who did it. Congratulations! AIESEC Contribution Award- This award is presented to those individuals who make and outstanding contribution to AIESEC in their countries by participating in a wide range of activities, including national conferences, partnerships, alumni organizations and serving on advisory boards of AIESEC entities. The aim of this award is to increase the involvement of alumni and encourage those who continue to make a difference for AIESEC.

Joseph Eshun
Previously: Director and Vice President Finance AIESEC International 1993, Currently: Deloitte Consulting East Africa, Partner

Tarek Mansour
Currently: PwC Egypt, Senior Partner Chairman of Supervisory Group, AIESEC in Egypt

Michael Omolayole
Currently: Omolayole & Associates, CEO Chairman of Board of Advisors, AIESEC in Nigeria

Erwan FOUR
Currently: European Union Special Representative and Ambassador, Head of Delegation in the Republic of Macedonia

Amin Hashwani
Currently: Hashwani Group of Companies, Director Chairperson, Board of Advisors of AIESEC in Pakistan

Fabio Pacheco
Previously: Member Committee President, AIESEC in Colombia, Currently: IAM, Manager

Aim of the Ceremonies

Showcasing the impact of AIESEC The quality of our alumni and their contribution to and impact on society demonstrate and ensure the relevance of AIESEC and our activities. Profiling role models for AIESEC members Alumni put leadership for a positive impact on society and being a change agent into practice. Demonstrate the power of the AIESEC network The recipients of the Hall of Fame awards are examples of the caliber of people that form part of the AIESEC network. Recognize the achievements and contribution of our alumni Their contribution directly and indirectly allows for the creation of more and better AIESEC experiences and as AIESEC we want to celebrate their achievements with them.

AIESEC 60th Anniversary

Global Celebration
At 60


International Congress

Sao Paulo, Brazil, 22nd -24th August 2008

Entrepreneurship and Leadership Award- This award is presented to an alumnus who has made a considerable achievement as an entrepreneur and leader in his / her field of engagement. The aim of this award is to showcase the achievements of alumni who have been involved in developing ideas into successful entrepreneurial or social setups or achieved significant personal results in the community and while doing so, continuing to support AIESEC and demonstrating leadership in their areas of business and society.

Diego Molano
Previously: Vice President AIESEC International, 1990 Currently: MIDAS Program Colombia, Director

Young Alumni Contribution AwardThis award is presented to recent alumni of AIESEC for their outstanding contribution to AIESEC in their countries by participating in a wide range of activities, including national conferences, partnerships, alumni organizations and serving on advisory boards of AIESEC entities. The aim of the award is to nurture the involvement of alumni in their recent years of leaving AIESEC and encourage the ones who have been continuously making a difference for AIESEC.

Yoselin Santiago
Previously: Member Committee Presidents, AIESEC in the Dominican Republic Currently: Santo Domingo City Hall Community Affairs Coordinator; Board of Advisors, AIESEC in the Dominican Republic

Juan Bossicard
Previously: Local Committee Presidents, LC ICHEC, AIESEC in Belgium Currently: Microsoft EMEA, Community Affairs Coordinator Board of Advisors Member, AIESEC in Belgium

Veronika Zhukova
Previously: Global Alumni Relations Manager, AIESEC International Currently: Branch Network Head, Citibank Russia; Board of Advisors Member, AIESEC in Russia

AIESEC 60th Anniversary

Global Celebration
At 60


International Congress

Sao Paulo, Brazil, 22nd -24th August 2008 for Alumni

The commitment that AIESEC International is taking forward with regards to alumni is to create and maintain the premier virtual platform for AIESEC alumni and members to connect with each other for mutual benefit. The ambition is clear: will be the place for AIESEC alumni to network with each other, it will not only be the biggest with already over 40.000 users registered but also the coolest network, as it enables connections between alumni and members. The new version of the system, to be launched in autumn 2008, allows for Networking Alumni Business Directory Alumni Market Place & Careers Alumni support for AIESEC AIESEC can reach out to alumni You can watch a short promotional video here:

Event Partners

AIESEC 60th Anniversary

Global Celebration
At 60


International Congress

Sao Paulo, Brazil, 22nd -24th August 2008

Letter from Global Alumni Relations Manager at AIESEC International

Dear alumni, dear AIESECers, It has been an exciting year of meeting old and new friends, an year of reconnections, an year of coming back to AIESEC, throughout the world. More than ever members and past generations are close to each other and more than ever, there are high expectations of what those connections will evolve to. More than ever before AIESEC has taken a stand to re-connect with its alumni and provide them opportunities to stay involved with AIESEC and the past year of efforts has been a clear sign to manifest this will. AIESEC has made a call throughout the world: I want to meet you again. After the moments of meeting again, all of us carry the moral obligation of strengthening those connections and extending them to more AIESEC fellows. Meeting each other is great, but staying together and capitalizing on those connections is what would really matter to each of us. Therefore, on behalf of AIESEC International, I invite you to celebrate not only the anniversaries we all share, but to celebrate every day being part of 60 generations of AIESEC. In the coming year AIESEC will continue its commitment to alumni engagement. We are now in the final stage of testing a brand new alumni module, which will upgrade and hopefully will provide the needed platform and functionalities for you to be in touch with each other and with AIESEC daily. Throughout the development process AIESEC International has been working closely with different generation of alumni to ensure that their needs are reflected in the functionalities of the system. Only thus the 60th Anniversary will be just the beginning and we as AIESEC International team will be working for this. I hope you will join us in our efforts to let more people know about this new virtual meeting point, once we launch the system in October. Stay tuned! Best regards and meet you soon on the alumni module of Emil Ivanov Global Alumni Relations Manager AIESEC International

AIESEC 60th Anniversary

Global Celebration
At 60


International Congress

Sao Paulo, Brazil, 22nd -24th August 2008

Letter from President AIESEC International

Dear all, When our term started, I received a mail from a former PAI showing interest in coming to our office and share with us his perspective on what are the key challenges that AIESEC has to overcome in this years and some tips on how we could make it happen. His name is Bernd Thomas and he was elected PAI (Secretary General) on 1958. In AIESEC, he did four internships in France, USA, Nigeria and Tokyo. He was also the first AI Executive Envoy to Asia and, during his PAI term, he followed up the expansion initiative and fix the location of the AI Office. His AIESEC Career became the beginning of a path of success that lead him to share management responsibility creating the culture of the Volkswagen Beetle of the 60s and the building of the BMW brand as a market leader from the 70s to the 90s. Today he applies his experience to promote world-wide regional development by means of cooperative clustering through The Competitiveness Institute and Professor Michael Porter. Mr. Thomas ended up coming to our office and shared with my team his perspectives. Not surprising, some of those concepts are reflected in our plan. Furthermore, he also sponsors the Norman Barnett Bharat Bhasin Award whose impact we all had the pleasure to witness. I am committed to join Bernd Thomas and other like Victor Lowenstein, Jan Choplin, JJ Elkin, and 60 Generations of key AIESECers in a journey of individual achievement and cooperation with AIESEC. The door is open and I am sure that you are also welcome. Happy 60th Anniversary! Juan Cajiao President AIESEC International 2008/2009

AIESEC 60th Anniversary

Global Celebration
At 60


International Congress

Sao Paulo, Brazil, 22nd -24th August 2008

Thank you Dear AIESEC alumni, members, and partners! We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all the energy, passion, memories and ideas that you brought to the global 60th Anniversary celebration on 22- 24 August 2008 in Sao Paulo! A very special thank you goes to AIESEC in Brazil for hosting this event and to the Congress Committee who performed excellently! Another special thank you goes to our partners Artemisia, IE Business School and Deutsche Post World Net/DHL for supporting this event, for valuing excellence and believing in AIESEC values! And of course a heartfelt thank you goes to our guests, speakers and hosting team for their time and contribution! It was surely an incredible experience!

60th Anniversary Manager

Sabine Ziem Global Alumni Relations Manager 2007-08

AIESEC International

AIESEC 60th Anniversary

Global Celebration
At 60


International Congress

Sao Paulo, Brazil, 22nd -24th August 2008

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