03ThinkAhead4 Xten Mod3

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MODULE 3 Extension Name:

(Bloque 3 Comprensión escrita: 1. Identificar instrucciones; 5. Localizar información en textos periodísticos; Bloque 4 Producción escrita: 4.
Escribir notas, mensajes o comentarios; 6. Escribir correspondencia personal y participar en foros)

1 The words below appear in the text in Exercise 2. Write the words in your own language. You can use a dictionary.
1. host country 3. distress 5. enriched
2. honeymoon 4. accepting

2 Read the text about culture shock.


Culture shock is often felt by travellers, expats and Stage 3: The Re-integration Stage The culture, the
exchange students. It’s the surprise of a new environment language and the food of your host country will bother
and a new way of life. It’s also caused by separation from you during this stage. You may feel angry and you
friends and family. Other factors like a new climate, might even idealise your life back home. At this point,
different food and only hearing a foreign language can many people question their decision to live abroad.
also make settling down difficult. But don’t allow those angry feelings to control you.
Even if you are well prepared, you will probably They are a sign that you are dealing with your
experience some culture shock, and you may spend most situation.
of your time with people from a similar background. But if Stage 4: The Autonomy Stage At this stage, you will
you do this, you won’t get to know people from your host start to accept the differences between your host
country. It’s important to be aware of the stages of culture country and your own country, and you will feel like
shock, so you’ll know what to expect. you can begin to live with them.
Stage 1: The Honeymoon Stage During this stage, you Stage 5: The Independence Stage You will feel
will be enthusiastic about the new environment and comfortable with the beliefs, customs and daily life of
culture. At the same time, you will still feel close to the people around you. You will start to feel at home.
everything back home. Remember, when you live abroad, you don’t just
Stage 2: The Distress Stage By this time, things that you expand your horizons. You also become more
are experiencing will no longer feel new. You will feel accepting of other cultures. After you have been
anxious and alone because you are far away from your through the stages of culture shock, your life will be
family and friends. You may also feel it is hard to keep in enriched forever.
touch with them. This is one of the most stressful stages.

3 Complete the sentences. Use the Present Simple Passive, the Past Simple Passive or the Future Simple Passive.
Then match each example to a stage of culture shock.
1. Mia is upset because her family didn’t answer her phone call, and her call
(not return). Stage
2. Kim and Ann (not bother) by not drinking coffee in the morning. They are just
beginning to get used to eating rice for breakfast. Stage
3. Sam and Dan are excited to taste the new foods in their host country. Lots of dishes
(try out) by them. Stage
4. Zoe has made many friends and feels relaxed in her host country. She knows that her life in the future
(enrich) by her experiences and the knowledge she has gained. Stage
5. Ben missed his family and friends and wanted to go home. He (convince) by his
host family to stay. Stage

 Think Ahead ESO 4 Photocopiable © Burlington Books  1

MODULE 3 Extension

4 Write questions using the words below. Then answer the questions about the text.
1. who / culture shock / usually / experience / by

2. can / you name / four things / culture shock / often / cause / by

3. why / people / anxious / during / the second stage

4. when / the new country / finally / accept / by most people

5 Imagine an exchange student from the UK is coming to your school. Write an e-mail to the student with advice
and suggestions about how to adapt to life in your country. Include the following information:
• the climate in your country
• the food
• customs students should be aware of

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