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Open new

branches of the
TOPIC # 3 company
multiply the

Being able to
improve the economy
Purchase a buy a house, a
business car and
New lifestyle

monthly utility
State taxes

invest in other

Shopping is an activity that we have all done, and sometimes we buy things that are better
than others. Purchasing a house or a business sounds good, both have their own benefits, but
one has more advantages. I think purchasing a business is a better idea than buying a house
because of that I can multiply the money, receive monthly profits and improve the economy
of my country.

The opportunity to multiply money is an important reason to buy a business. Opening new
branches and developing new business strategies are ways to multiply the initial capital and
also generate exponential growth in the company. This is called correctly investing money.
For example, one study found that many young parents bought beers and diapers at a
supermarket on Fridays. So the supermarket put the beers near the diapers so that parents
who buy a beer remember that they have a baby in the house and also buy diapers with this
strategy the supermarket increased its sales by fifteen percent and therefore also increased its
Profits. Always when you buy a business you can find many opportunities to multiply your
The purchase of a business gives monthly profits. A stable company will always provide you
with a utility that will allow you to have a more comfortable life with which I could change
my lifestyle. With enough money you can buy a business with high monthly profits, therefore
you could buy a house and a car, thus it shows that buying a business is much more beneficial
than just buying a house. This is because the house remains stable while a business makes
money. With a company, I could improve the economy of my country.

With a company, I could improve the economy of my country. Companies are the basis of a
country's economy because through them society revolves, we are all part of the business
circle, whether as employees or leaders of a company. Therefore, a company helps the
economic stability of the country. For example, if the Ralan company disappeared, many
people would not have jobs, and the state would lose large amounts of money since this
business contributes a high amount of taxes to the SRI.

In conclusion, if you have enough money to acquire a good, it is better to buy a company
since you can multiply the money. Generate satisfactory monthly income with which we can
buy anything in addition to helping the country's economy.

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