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Quiz: Chapter 6

1. What were the Rock and Pillar Edicts that Ashoka Use the passage below to answer questions 6-7.
“‘The north polar star is in the center of heaven
(A) Large buildings used for worship. and to the north of man.’ From this one can see
(B) Large rocks and pillars used as art. that the land of China is not necessarily situated
(C) 50 foot pillars and short rocks with fictional under the center of heaven. According to the
stories written about unicorns on them. Buddhist scriptures, above, below, and all around,
(D) Large rocks and pillars that had laws written on all beings containing blood belong to the
them. Buddha-clan. Therefore I revere and study these
scriptures. Why should I reject the Way of Yao,
2. Which social group was so marginalized in Indian Confucius, and the Duke of Chou? Gold and jade
society that they were not even a part of the official do not harm each other, crystal and amber do not
varna system? cheapen each other. You say that another is in error
when it is you yourself who err.”
(A) Dalits -The Disposition of Error c. 420 CE
(B) Buddhists
(C) Brahmins 6. What aspect of Buddhist expansion into China is
(D) Shudras demonstrated by the passage above?

3. In India’s social structure, what were the levels of (A) Buddhist preached that Chinese ethnocentrism
India’s caste system from highest to lowest? was immoral
(B) Buddhism sought to replace indigenous
(A) Kshatriyans, Vaishyans, Shudras, Brahmins Chinese religions and philosophies
(B) Brahmins, Kshatriyans, Vaishyans, Shudras (C) Buddhism criticized Confucianism in China
(C) Shudras, Vaishyans, Kshatriyans, Brahmins and therefore failed to gain a significant
(D) Brahmins, Shudras, Kshatriyans, Vaishyans following
(D) Buddhist missionaries preached that Buddhism
4. Which of the following is NOT among the practices and existing Chinese religions could coexist
of Jainism? and even be practiced simultaneously

(A) Strict nonviolence 7. Based on the passage above and, which Chinese
(B) Farming in order to stay close to the land class would be the most resistant to Buddhist
(C) Eating so little that one starves to death influence?
(D) Wearing masks to prevent the inhalation of
small insects (A) Daoists
(B) Merchants
5. What is a major similarity between Hinduism and (C) Scholar gentry
Buddhism? (D) Peasants

(A) Both religions support a caste system. 8. After six years of strict asceticism, Siddhartha
(B) Both embrace the Four Noble Truths. Gautama decided to
(C) Both religions accept that souls can reach
spiritual perfection. (A) become a Jain.
(D) These two religions are polar opposites. (B) commit suicide.
(C) adhere to a “Middle Path” of moderation.
(D) go back home and resume his princely duties.
9. Which of the following statements would LEAST 13. The most likely explanation for the decline of
likely fit in with the original teachings of the Buddha? Funan in the sixth century is

(A) All human suffering is caused by desire. (A) invasions by Chinese explorers.
(B) Enlightenment can most effectively be attained (B) failure of its wet-rice crop.
by coming to realize the Four Noble Truths and (C) international trade routes changed, bypassing
practicing the Eightfold Path. Funan.
(C) Enlightenment can most effectively be attained (D) completely unknown to historians.
by venerating many gods and bodhisattvas.
(D) Enlightenment leads to a moment of awakening 14. Buddhism appealed to many common people
and transcendent consciousness known as because
(A) the life a monk or nun was easy to follow.
10. The Gupta Dynasty was much like the Zhou (B) it downplayed social caste and individuals.
Dynasty in that (C) it accepted the prevailing order of Hinudusim.
(D) it was promoted by the Guptas.
(A) they were both made up of feudal regions with
weak central governments “The term “Silk Road” is somewhat of a misnomer,
(B) both used bureaucrats who specialized in their since silk was not the only commodity that traversed
areas of service to the state this ancient trade route. Moreover physical goods
(C) both of them fell to nomadic invaders weren’t the only things traded; inevitably technologies
they tended not to trade with other civilizations and religions also passed along the route and were
embraced and developed in this inhospitable
11. What did the Mauryan Empire politically do that region…The opening of a full-length silk road where
forced India into provinces? trade could pass easily and unhindered did not happen
until nearly 115 BCE. The Chinese were split into
(A) It divided India into 5 different provinces ruled warring factions and only few fragments of silk made
by satraps it out of China’s domains. It wasn’t until 221 BCE that
(B) It brought India together socially and politically the first emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang,
as one whole province successfully united his land with those surrounding
(C) It divided India into separate provinces ruled by him. He pooled the resources of the various states,
governors for tax collection and law built the earliest form of the Great Wall, and
enforcement. developed road infrastructure. It was the Han Dynasty
(D) It split India off from the mainland of Asia to that saw the benefits of trade and as the subsequent
form an island province that ruled the world emperors grew stronger they looked farther afield not
only for new lands, but also formed trading and
12. The region of Southeast Asia first rose to political allies.”
prominence and prosperity because
15. According to the document above, what was an
(A) of its intermediary role in the trade between unintended but inevitable effect of the creation of the
southern and eastern Asia. “Silk Road”?
(B) the two large kingdoms in the region fell into (A) East Asia was split into warring factions that
ruin and decay. limited the export of silk.
(C) Europeans began to explore the region and (B) The Emperor Qin Shi Huang used state
began to trade there. resources to build the Great Wall.
(D) it adopted Confucianism and combined it with a (C) Trade in physical products became more
unique form of Buddhism that was based upon important than cultural diffusion.
the ideas of Hinduism, although some aspects (D) Cultural interactions were facilitated between
of Christianity were also incorporated from the Han and regions to their west.

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