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OcHosHa pisHUUA Mik YkPGIHCeKOIO i GHTMItICeKOIO - Me, LO B AHFNiticeKits MoBi Hema 3aKinueH. Tomy, L106 Noka3zamu, Ak OgHe cnoBO BigHOCUMbeR go iHiOro B MeKaXx PeYeHHA, MU OCO6NuBY YBArY 3BeEPMAEMO HA NOPAGOK UNeHIB PEYEHHA. Bin cmanud e aHrniticoKitl i mae aurnag: nigmem ———> npucygox ———> gogamox ———> 06cmasuna (xmo? wo?) (wo po6umb?) (koro? Yoro? (ak? Konu? omy? Yomy ge) Numauna 8 axmiticekiti Mogi mBopamoca iHaKWwe. Y MuUMaHHAX BUKOPUCMO- Byembca Yacmxoea iHBepcia. € gaa munu MBopeHHA: 3 GonoMiKHUM giecnoBoM i 6e3 Heoro: 3 gonomikHuM giecnogoM - Konu y Hac € nigmem y numaHHi: What do you do? es gonomikHoro giecnosa - Konu y Hac Hema nigmema: Who is here? Qonomixni giecnoaa sanexamb Big Yacy, Wo BUKEpPUCMoBYEMecA B PeYeHH, i oco6u: I (me, my) - am, do, have you (you, your) - are, do, have he (him, his), she (her), it (it, its) -is, does, has we (our, us) - are, do, have they (them, their) - are, do, have Basosi mepminu aHrniiicekoro: A noun - imenHuk (a cat, a dog, an ocean) A verb - giecnoso (to work, to write, to swim) An adjective - noukmemuuk (beautiful, awesome) An adverb - npucnisHux (happily, quickly) A numeral - wucnisHuk (one, the first) A pronoun - saiimeHHuk (he, his, him) A conjunction - cnony4Hux (and, or, when) jon - nouimeHHuk (of, without, with) Le - apmuxn (a, an, the) An interjection - suryx (wow, oh) A determiner - susHa4Huk (this, that, these) A quantifier - kaaHmudikamop / KinokicHuU ausHaUHUK (few, a fewy, little) An affirmative sentence - cmsepgxyeanoie peventtin (He is a good boss) A negative sentence - sanepeuHe peveHHa (John is not my brother) An interrogative sentence - numanbHe peveHHs (Who is your father?) A conditional sentence - ymosHe pevena (If you are smart, you'll do it) zno_universe_eng A tense - uac (Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Perfect Continuous) A passive voice - nacusHuti cmau (Children are taught at school) An infinitive (bare & full) - iHbiHimus - ronutl i nosHut (make - to make) A gerund - repynigiti (making, watching, reading) A parti In addition - go uboro >« As well as - mak camo, ak Also - makoxk Furthermore - 6inbus moro Moreover - 6inbus moro Apart from - oKpiM Besides- Ha goga4y go Due to/ due to the fact that - s8@kaiouu Ha mow aKm, Wo... Ouuing to / owing to the fact that - s8@kaiouu Ha mow aKm, Wo... Because - momy Wo Because of - vepes Since - ockinbkU As - ockinbku According to - signoBigho go Firstly - no-nepwie Secondly - no-gpyre Finally - HacamKiHeus The first point is - nepwie Lastly - speumi-peuim, HacamKiHeUe ple - gienpuxmemHuk / gienpucniaHuk (making, watching, reading) In short - Kopomue In brief - kopomue In summary - y nigcymky To summarise - nigcymosyiouu Ina nutshell - Kopomue To conclude /in conclusion - y nigcymxy Therefore - makum 4UHOM So - makum 4UHOM Consequently - ak Hacnigox This means that - makum 4UHOM As a result - ak pesynomnam But - ane However - npome Although / even though / despite / despite the fact that /in spite of /in spite of the fact that - xoua, Hessa@>Kaio4u Hal Nevertheless / nonetheless - mum He MeHUe Or-4u aren't - are not can't - cannot couldn't - could not could've - could have didn't - did not doesn't - does not don't - do not hadn't - had not hasn't - has not haven't - have not he'll - he will he's - he is; he has I'd - Thad; I would TU- Iwill; Eshall I'm--lam "ve - Thave isn't -is not t'd - it would EU - it shall; it will it's - itis; it has let's - let us mightn't - might not might've - might have mustn't - must not must've --must have needn't - need not she'd - she had; she would she'll - she will; she shall she's - she is; she has shouldn't - should not should've - should have that'd - that would that's - that is; that has there'd - there had; there would there'll - there shall; there will there's - there is they'd - they had; they would they'll - they will they shall they're - they are zno_universe_eng they've - they have wasn't - was not we'd - we had; we would we'll - we will we're - we are we've - we have weren't - were not what'll - what will; what shall what's - what is; what has who'd - who had; who would who'll - who will; who shall who's - who is; who has who've - who have won't - will not wouldn't - would not would've - would have you'd - you had; you would you'll - you will; you shall you're - you are you've - you have Neu nigromosui MeHwy ysary MoxHa 3Bepmamu Ha BuMOBY (4YacmKoRO) i nyHkmyauiio (BoHA He oUiHioemeca Ha 3HO). OgHak gna BUBYeHHA neKCUKU cnig akmusHo BuKOpUCMOBYBaMU cNoBHUKU. Y cnoBHUKax € cUMBONINHi nosHauKu. Ocb geaki is Hux (Cambridge Dictionary): Ic] - Countable noun: a noun that has a plural. [u] - Uncountable or singular noun: a noun that has no plural. IS] - A singular noun, plural - The plural form of a noun. noun [plural] - @ noun that can only be used in the plural. [7] - Transitive verb: a verb that has an object. [1] - Intransitive verb: a verb that has no object. [+ that clause] - A verb followed by a clause beginning with that. [+ to infinitive] - 9 verb followed by the infinitive with to. I+ infinitive without to] - A verb followed by the infinitive without to, [+ -ing] verb - A verb followed by the -ing form of the verb. - catim-cnosHuk, Wo gosBonuM» gisHamucs, ak NpaUioe cnogo 3 iHWUMU cnoBaMu B peyeHHi, ski NPUUMeHHUKU cnig BxUBaMU nicnA moro Wu iHwioro cnoga. @© zno_universe_eng Bysae, wo B ogHomy aHrmiticbkomy peyeHHi mpannaiomeca gea giecnosa. Y makomy Bunagky ui ga giecnosa mpe6a akoce ysrogumu. LLl06 ix ysrogumu, gns gpyroro giecnosa mu 6ygeMo suGupamu nesHY opmy. Lia opma 3anekamume sig nepwioro giecnoga. € mpu MoxknuBi cbopmu gpyroro giecnosa gna ysrog>KeHHs: - iddinimuB NoBHUL; - iHdiHiMuUB ronuG; - repyngiti Indinimus nosHuti - novamKosa dopma giecnoBa, WYO signoBigae Ha NuMaHHA “to poGumu?” i Mae NpU cobi Yacmouky to (to Work, to write). Bin Buxopucmosyemben 8 maKux 6a30BUx BUNAgKaX: + Micna KoHkpemHux cnie: agree, decide, fail, hope, learn, offer, want. + Lo6 ckasamu, HaBiLo MU WOCb PO6UMO: I've just gone running to get some exercise. He's taken up tennis to make friends. + UJo6 ckasamu, HaBiLio WoC icHye: There's an example to help you. + Micna too i enough: It’s too cold to go swimming today. He isn't good enough to make the national team. Inginimus ronuti - novamKosa dopma giecnosa, Wo BignoBigae Ha nuMGHHA “wo po6umu?” i npu Hit: HeMa Yacmo4Ku to (Work, Write). BiH BUKOPUCMO- Byemeca nicna giecnosa to help - 3a 6@xkaHHAM (He helped me do this), a makoxk nicna make i let, Wo BKUBaIOMeCA B akMUBHOMY cmaHi (He made me cry. You let me do this) Fepyngiti - bopma giecnosa, ska noegHye @ co6i o3HaKU giecnoBa U iMeHHUKa. Tpopumbca gogaBaHHaM go KiHus giccnosa sakin4eHHa -ing. Basosi sunagku e»kusaHHA: + Micna nputimeHHuxa (of, with, without..): He's made a lot of friends by joining the tennis club. We watched a film about climbing in the mountains. + Micna KoHKpemHux cris: avoid, imagine, Finish, keep, practise, stop, enjoy HaliGinowe npo6nem BUHUKae AKPG3-MakU ia BUKOPUCMAHHAM iH¢iMimuBG i repyngia, a momy cnig 4imko sue4umu cnoga, nicna skux B:kUBGeMecA Ma 4U inwa opma. zno_universe_eng TaKox 8 aHrniticeKit: Mogi icHye Participle, aKut B YkpaiHcoKit: Moai BignoBigae gsom dopmam - gienpukmMemHuky i gienpucniaHUKy. Dienpuxmemuuk - dopa gicenoza, wo skasye Ha O3HaKy 3a gicio (nucamu - HanucaHuti, Koamimu - noKoBKnuti). Dienpucnisnux - dopma giccnosa, Wo Bka3sye Ha gogamKosy gilo (npu- 6upaiowu, HanucaBwu) B aurniticokii Mopi € pisHi dopmu Partciple. Tym € ocHoBHi dopmu is BKUBAHHAM. asking, being asked 1) Moke Bucmynamu gienpucnisHuKom, ilo BKasye Ha gogamKogy gito: - Living in his neighbourhood, I saw him Frequently. - Kusy4u no cycigcmey, 9 4acmo toro 6awu. 2) Moke sucmynamu osHa4eHHsM: - The rising sun was hidden by the clouds - CoHue, wo cxoguno, 3aKpunu xmMapu. 1) sku giecnoso npasunbHe, gogaeMo -ed: painted, loved 2) AKLWO giecnogo HenpaBuNbHe, BUXopUCMoBYEMo 3 dopMy: Written, taken 1) sagzBusati nk osHayeHHA: - a destroyed bridge - 3pytiHosaHut micm, a written letter - HanucaHut nucm. 3BepHu yBary, uo Bclogu MU Maemo came sigmiHoK nacuBy. AK6u Mu ckasanu a destoying bridge, mo ue nepeknaganoca 6 nk “Micm, Lo PyUHYe Bce”. 2) sk o6cmaBuna: ~ Frightened by the dog, the child began to cry. When praised, he was ill at ease. 3) AK MpucygoK (npU mBopeHHI nacuBHoro many): - The window was broken. zno_universe_eng 1. Excellent , superb She speaks excellent French 2. Amazing What an amazinf event! 3. Wonderful We had a wonderful time last night. 4. Pleasant Please try to be pleasant to our guests. 5. Marvellous It's marvellous what our modern technology can do. 6. Exceptional Richard is an exceptional student. 7. Outstanding That was an outstanding performance! 8. Remarkable It was a remarkable achievement for such a young player. 9. Fabulous This is a fabulous album. It’s fresh, varied, fun. 10. Brilliant Her mother was a brilliant scientist. Tl. Awesome You look totally awesome. 12. Tremendous We went to a tremendous party. 1. Awful The hamburger were awful. 2. Dreadful She thought it would be dreadful for me. 3. Rough He had a rough day yesterday. 4. Unacceptable , spoiled She had finished she felt that her jest was unacceptable and had not come: off. 5. Tough This was a tough morning. 6. Unfavourable The Corporation will lend you money on very unfavourable terms. 7. Painful Is it painful when you turn into a bird? 8. Negative What makes you so negative about her? 9. Dreadful She thought it would be dreadful for me. 10. Terrible If it was a wolf, he was in a terrible predicament. @ zno_universe_eng ‘Once in a blue moon’ - an event that happens infrequently. “Lonly go to the cinema once in a blue moon.” ‘When pigs fly’ - something that will never happen. “When pigs fly she'll tidy up her room.” a a ‘To cost an arm and a leg’ - something is very expensive. “Fuel these days costs and arm and a leg.” ‘Let the cat out of the bag’ - to accidentally reveal a secret. “"Tlet the cat out of the bag about their wedding plans.” ‘To feel under the weather’ - to not feel well. "I'm really feeling under the weather today; I have a terrible cold.” ‘To kill two birds with one stone’ - to solve two problems at once. “By taking my dad on holiday, I killed two birds with one stone. I got to go away but also spend time with him.” ‘Break a leg’ - means ‘good luck’ (often said to actors before they go on stage). “Break a leg Sam, I'm sure your performance will be great.” ‘No pain no gain’ - you have to work hard for something you want. ‘On cloud nine’ - if you're on cloud nine, you're very happy. “I was on cloud nine after receiving the news of my promotion.” ‘In high spirits’ - lively and cheerful behaviour or mood. "The team returned in high spirits.” ‘A storm in a teacup’ - a situation in which people are very angry or upset about something that is not important “The whole controversy turned out to be a storm in a teacup.” ‘As cool as a cucumber’ - very calm or very calmly “She walked in as cool as a cucumber, as if nothing had happened.’ ‘To rain cats and dogs’ - to rain very heavily Don't forget to take your umbrella - it's raining cats and dogs o To calm down - To relax €xample: He asked me to calm down when I became furious. To dive into - To occupy oneself with something. Example: I'l dive into that new TV show later tonight. To dress up - To wear nice clothes. €xample: Abed dressed up for the presentation. To end up - To eventually become a certain way, or find oneself in a situation. €xample: He ended up taking the job. To find out - To discover. €xample: Let me know when you find out the answer. To get away with - To escape punishment or some other unpleasantness. €xample: Shirley got away with cheating on the test. To get along - To be friendly with one another. €xample: Franny gets along with Kristin. To give up - To accept defeat. €xample: Carin felt like giving up. To let [x] down - To disappoint somebody. €xample‘Sally let Mark down when she showed up late. To look after - To take care of someone or something. Example: Thank you for looking after me when I was sick. To put [x] on - To add something to your person or an object. €xample: I always put my backpack on before leaving the house. or I always put on my backpack before leaving the house. ' To take after - To resemble, usually used to describe parents and €xample: Li takes after his father. Come from - To originate in Example: The art of origami comes from Asia.

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