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9 SERVICE MANUAL ECHO CAMERA SSD-1400 wa English Edition Document Number MN-0220 Document Revision 12 Copyright®, ALOKA Co, Le a FILE 1 Seetion 1 Section 2 Section 3 Seetion 4 ‘80-1400 SERVICE MANUAL Contents of SSD-1400 SERVICE MANUAL. PAGE How to use this service manual page LI~14 pases) 11 Sevie Mana rant 1-2 Contest of his Service Manuel, se 1-3 Consrction of Ths Service Menu ee nee eT 14 Content of Each Section a PRECAUTIONS (read without fi) page 21~24 (spss 21 Precis Asin lea Hazards to Serviceman zt 2.2 Precantions Azint Mechanic Hazard to Serviceman ze 2.3 Precstions Aasint Gar Hazards oServcamsn ze 24 rections for Keeping Elcrial Sfey 22 2:5 Prections for Keeping Mechanical Safe 22 266 Prections for Keeping Chemicals Safety 22 2-7 Preparation he Made t Service Cnter 22 2.8 Caretobe Taken inthe Fel 23 2.9 rection for Monier repens 23 2-10 Handing of SMD. PCB Be [BEFORE REPAIRING age 31~2-4 (4p) 3-1 Repir wok om te description f Service Manus Bt 3-2. Mosifiesion werk on te description of Service Maral #6 3.3. Messe: some ea PRINCIPLE OF SYTSTEM OPERATION poge4-1~4108 (114 pass) 441 Sytem Speicaton #1 42 Sysco Configuration see fee se 43 System Block Digee z . 46 “44 Picpleof System Operation ou v4 20220 Rew 2 SoS Siemon. (5 Pinion FOB Oren = on DROBESELECTOR ss wens ene mB $52 PREAMP foe 6 feo merci, vos snes nes 34 MAMAN cose a3 fee Geom ne co 2 fee Ou ke tru 2 454 CME MANAGER& CHE MEMORY co 439, MECHA SERVO conn be ‘0 MECHA PROBE SELECTOR te ‘1 DOP ASP om ‘12 borose ne) ‘53 cov conecron ow r09 ou fo HYSIO AN on {oss Pa @HSIO MENON ao ‘6 vonewonr 0 4517 DMSTIVOUSERVO oe Seaion 5 SCHEMATICS et mes) in CABLE CONNECTION noms canuesn cams : castes castes canteen caiecos castecm —camipen canara castere — CARETS2 | sa caBLE7S4 —CABLETSE ABEND es caBissm —cABLENOL ———caBLEADD. oi caLBesm —camieaos——_can.eany oa cause a cONECTOR PANEL re OPERATION PANEL eri ss OTHER BOARD re ron oe Ae OUTLET wox tori0o-t0) seal? cae ws mi-0290 ev. 2 sso 1a sexviee MANU AC OUTLET Box (ir200-240) sea a6 POWER SUPPLY UNIT BOUSIDO ees 54s 19 (Low gs VA) Bos ves a7 ww ans) EMI we + Monitor abe NTSO)/PAEVHEPAL) 5.53 Physi. ia ay nt AYSIO UN musa wT FHYSIO PANEL i mais oa HIIVSIO PANEL 2 Bas Deer ait "AUDIO 0 se cum come cause sa 9 copsuzieat sa Scton 6 TROUBLE SHOOTING pereineon tps) 61 tcotucon wt 62 Rosati e2 ee ee es 64 trata io sees 65 Gest Lis Map e» 66 Ween fr otthoning en Section 7. ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE peti~t4 pues) 0) 241 aon ma 12. Aten mi 273. Tone and Meningie ee tees 74 Adj Poste na Secon 8 PERFORMANCE CHECK petit Cees) eon Ba £2 eens Ba £53 aig tien Reps Roa Ba 4 Pormsne ck as uA ke-0220 Row 2 $SD-1s00 SERVICE MANUAL, Section 9 DISASSEMBLING PROCEDURE. an pa) ‘S8D-1400 Disasseabling Instron oon a oa $8D-1400 Islan Proeedve 925 SCU-1400 tnallton Pocadare cesses cesenee 9029 ‘UGR-1400 inatatenFrocedre 9-38 PEU-1000lntalltion Pocedsre 96 EU.OSS (VCR menor wistallation Procoare oT FU.9086 (Cine memory si Installs Procedare 949 SSCU-1400B Intaion Procdare sees seeeeee 31 SCU-1400C fnsallstion Proce 37 DMS-1400 Intalaton Procedure se nee ges Oo (CAS-140 InatlatonFrosedre coe ee 9B 'SSD-1400Inalliion Procedure (foe USA sytem) ==>" + EU.5075 instalation Prosdre os (MP-1A1700-2ttaliation Prose 9. 92 (MP-PH700-1 Intalio Proetire sees 9. 96 Section 1OPARTS LIST page 101~1048 (52 page) 10 Cosems of Pare Lit see ie 10-2 Appliance of Par List oe 102 105 Outline of Pats List an 104 Explanation of Pars List, “ 13 : 3 Aten we oO 0s Parts Lit ae os Section 11 SERVICE INFORMATION puge I~ 4 page) 1-1 sradueton se ma 11-2 Asigmnen of CTRL key and hse wage ma ‘Aygendis_SSD-I400 SERVICE MANUAL Append: eee Apadcl~Apm2 (2 pages) Apps Invoductin, : Amde 8 “Appendinc2. Maou Change Information, amd <1 5 va SECTION 1 How to use this service manual SECTION 1 ° rey 3 w2-0220 SECTION} How ous this cece man Service Manual 1) This service manual has been propre for psoas in charge of ear a he ld, 2) This weve mana is cooled acoding tothe following base principle, “For sevice, pick ‘ont nly PC and replace iwi anew PCB.” 23) Make the best ws his service mana making also reference to valbletecuia uppert {information rch se "Technical Bult" Contents ofthis Service Manual 2) Tho equipment i reps by PCB replacement, Therefore Bis sevice manual dos so Inco the iat diagrams of he PCB wit For the fans each PCB whose eat Sgr nat inchded fer to “SECTION PRINCIPLE OF SYSTEM OPERATION” |n"SECTION 4”, Sposifcatin of Syst, Principle of Stem, System Blok Disarm, PCB Block Diagram, the explanation of ach PCB Blac Diagram, ad signal list ae decid However, “CableCometion Diagram”, “CicuitDiggram of PCB equipped withthe patel sicher which ren exchangeable a the Geld” and “Cit Diagram comosad of eeal crcl such as TV moter a Power Suply wi” ee darted in “SECTIONS SCHEMATICS” 2) Forchanges and modicaton of wel sions to speifistions, fan, prompt infaition wil be given too by mess of “APPENDIX Manual Changs lfomaton” [enMPORTANT@: Always ober the manner spied fo replacement, itn, tion of “Manual Change” to prevent mising of ecessay indomaton an leepng of erencus infomation Construction of This Service Manual ‘The sre of Service Manse fallow: 2) Servis sting nen SECTION 1%3,5~9, 11 2). Pliaiple of Opin nn ~ SECTION 4 3) Parte List vevennneSECTION 10 2) Manal Change Infoatin. APPENDIX 10-0220 SECTION 1 How tows thi serie mana 4 Canetti 5 SECTION 1 _ How to us this sevice manval Describes th purpose ofthe Serve Manual. Describes genera precautions ad preparation for mantcane sevice, Be soo fellow working procedures if meine, SECTION 3_BEFORE REPAIRING 9 (Gives information pci to th uipnent and care tobe take before starting reps work ‘SECTION 4 _ PRINCIPLE OF SYSTEM OPERATION Describes Specification of Sytem, Paige of System, Sytem Blck Diagram, PCB Block iar, he explanation of ach PCB Bock Diagram, nd Sigal Lis. Gives the conveienn of tpn Dow of major signals nd musa corsmnicaton betwen units in he whole system, SECHON 5 _scuEMaTics ives heb common dara intial bes td cit dngron of PCB espe vith vices, ane out gram of TV most and Per Spy oi ° SECTION_6 TROUBLESHOOTING Describes precautions ox acl epi wk nd shows the necstry tools and messing insruments. lt, includes many hin on pray diagnos nd measures to be taken in the il. 0729 SECTION How owe thie eee mana ‘SECTION _7__ADILSTMENT PROCEDURE, Gives ude sje of PCE anit which me PCB aed he they ae replica SECTION 8 PERFORMANCE CHECK Describes the proces of checking fr proper operation at repair and proves the forms of chock het. SECTION 9_DISASSEMBLING PROCEDURE DisnseublngProcadureMhstates th sasumbly and essenbly of sin components, Bo sto follow working pocturs ispecies. ‘Lists the mechanic! prt and electrical part which replacement possibilty ar consid Provides aril information about minenase soi, ‘APRENDIX SERVICE MANUAL Appendix ‘Manual chang infomation the revision Kt ofthis manual, fle i thi seton 92-0220 SECTION 1 How tonsthis serie mam (Blank pee) SECTION 2 PRECAUTIONS, SECTION 2 2 22 23 12-0220 SECTION? PRECAUTIONS Precautions Against Electrical Hazards to Serviceman ‘Won dsssomlngthe egupment afer checking itor trouble spo, give cre to he felowing: 4) Besuretomplog te equipment efre dsasenbly. 2) Be sto tum ff the mn svitc nthe equipment when removing eee prs suchas Ps, probe and cable, 3) Safe alot gybots “Tee ination /\ wed on his equipment and a tls service maa ave he oowing meaning. “Indiatesa potently hazardous station which if ot voided, may resin minor or moderate nr.” “A canton message inserted hare.” Precautions Against Mechanical Hazards to Serviceman ‘When dsssembing th guna, art the flowing opel serviceman rom are 2) Keep te working eavicamest nest ‘Wear working loves lo protect your hands fom gtngijured by burs nthe wit a sing 2) Ure only ropertonls std a werk being made. 23) Berar to caer the pif deusmbly procedure chown Ia SECTION 9, 4) Tako sient cr ol to damage component with undue oad Precautions Against Germ Hazard to Serviceman 1) Wheat is ecessary ouch he gupmant, options andr othr psig devices at _tsomer who uses nracoperel(ransesphngel, assets, tasvapoal basset) probes that ned selization tke sec care to poet your and against gems, ‘respecsive of the uage of th equipment whee its se inthe operation roam 2) Sewvee ols are sobjetto gem polation a hop and, thera, ed pdodcal tesla, 3) Be carefl otto deel ouch uyhingassunaleo hve germ polltion. I meses, he custome for etfesve preeson gas ges. 12-0220 SECTION? PRECAUTIONS 24 28 26 2 Precautions for Keeping Electrical Safety 1) Be wot ground the equipment scaly 2) Parfectnes in grounding, srw tightening nd cover intlaton is essen. Negligence oft ‘ld case «pss feaage current om outer fing which may led to seat damage oa patient being diagnos. Precautions for Keeping Mechanical Safety “ake care tothe following o prevent the equipment fom being damaged or broken dng \Gsasonbly snd easzenbly work 1) Besareto observe te spect assay precede. 2) Take care nto damage component pars by unde lad. 5) When essemblng the eqimen caefily cheek every prt fr loosening disoton d rk, 4) Use cay the specif scr nd us. Using ny ote soews nde nts woul ae ot ‘only mechanical pecormanc, but also occa rformance of he equipaent Precautions for Keeping Chemicals Safey ‘Whenever grease olor oe hamical wed for maintenance service, option dlr iheral deve, be suet clean he equipment andor devices afer srvce work. Preparation to be Made at Service Center 1) When cll by 2 caste onthe telephone, ni the fllowins: ‘Namo of equipment, Sorial number of equipment ‘Name of hospital ‘Telephone number Name of persun in charge Detail of trouble eymptom as far as possible ‘State of connection options devices 2) Gooverhe “Tecnica Blin” tobe what the complained trouble canbe mended by mean ofrogular epiing meth 28 29 190-0240 Feet SECTION? PRECAUTIONS (Care to be Taken inthe Field 1) Check i tole ston 2) Check fr connection to opioal devices an ober peripheral devi, 3) Record the costes ofthe baer bakap mene. 4) Ader working, estar the cguipmest according the above metoned contents of memay if 5) At oaplton of wer, pat back he parish devin th eign condition Precaution for Monitor repairing 1) Subjosting tui strong shacks ayes in damage othe CRT or function, there care matt be akan when traspeting retling he it @ DANGER @ High volgss are present inside the esplay chassis. Only exprcnnd AX, tissu china prs. @ DANGER ® Thee charge has reine! in CRT afer the power sith stored off. Bosane th high voltage ir esl wed for CRT. So make the Ay, si a ce wit woking ck hich crm round ofthe hasan rough th resistance for hgh voltage (APO IMO) before removing the anode ap, Some elese charge remain in CRT afer esopng with » rong tick, Dono touch the matali part of he anode cp with bre ha, ‘wen detaching th ana xp day 2) CRT wit he detestng yoke is already adjusted tothe best corton. Do not each the eesing yok and the mapet of he neck pa. 9) Be sue detach he metalic goes such as «wri watch om your bay efre dang the reps work ‘To povet he scondry damage snd the electri hock, the mates above shoul be ken ito cael enidrtion, 29229 Raw. 2 SECTION?” PRECAUTIONS 210 Handling of SM.D. PCBS "is an Aloka’ policy ht neither repr nor wprade (provement of PCBs wed fr SMD. is a inthe ld as al because of the fllowing reson: [REMARKS] PCB des not etd epg or mode inthe Hal a le ‘Wen hailing PCB, do ntsonch ihe IC uns iticesessa, Csi wih workr’'shands may case corosion. Aditonally frig particles such sie folder du cou be the caso of short-cut C lead wires whose pth s smaller has hat of ‘he eadionl one @CAUTION® When handling « PCB, avoid touching the IC and connector pins on tho devices to prevent ESD (Blectro Static Disehargs) 4 ' ! anew ' ' ‘evo pero sol rotealy wear an BSD wit! 1 correctly grounded when handling a PCB. ' Buidicaani noe ‘When replacing the ROM (Read Only Memary) on he PCB, atmping fo fre the ROM ino its soket would caus the PCB tobe subjected tan unde feos, andthe following fats may 1) Damage to PCR intrmaiatayer atoms, 2) Posing of hip devices (sist, capacitor, od, 8.) 3). Damageto ution between elected minteral element hip devices, 4) Peeling of panes (especialy these fr montng he parts) together with chip devices since ‘hose pate are rather fae compared with PCBs used before now, and 5) Damageto parts cathe reverse side in he case of PCB ofboth mounting pe ‘Also, a FCB mouse inpropely a a warped PCB mount as itis may cause the chip devices come olf and the Sine pater to beet Analy, ous chip dies insuting resistors, capacitors, diodes, is sity inkibitedbecase ofthe following reson: Since he chip devin re lacking in ead wires, sch ‘5 those found in the tratonal component pars et given othe PCB willbe ret conducted to eine ofchip devices, As areal, thermal stress will acar det a diferenc in thera ‘expansion oan! beeen each chip device snd PCB, ving rise ofthe posy a ears inside ote onthe surface of chip devies othe possibilty thermal breaking Ginter basing), Wary thin wing pe ami xoms cars in adie the PCB Be suet ober the preston menaned above aloo pevet the secondary ecient, SECTION 3 Before Repairing SECTION 3 we-az0 SECTIONS BEFORE REPAIRING [Repair work oa the description of Service Manual “The pial posse or he reat work so shown the Flow Chart o th et pape. Do the repair work scoring to this proedre fn th case af uparade inponemen) ofthe Techical ‘Bullen or Upgrade Kit, st the est ism 32. Each route of flowchart re mereo rer is el shown rom page 33, Pheri, ‘the Flow Chart ands explant sow he tine when each eton of service mansal are equi ontop Wook This i gue for th wage of servis mama “Th ese mana i very Inport forte repr wor, especialy eadjstnet end formance check aftr complton of eal work, Tl so keep the safe and gusty of ‘tse, Hyon them, yo have to deze tat the eaeat as ben dome acuding to ‘he applied section of service manual onthe epi pet othe ia, ‘The rele mers shown in the Flow Chart oa nt page, re comespoated othe posers umber ow rom pag 33. we2-0220 SECTIONS BEFORE REPAIRING Demand ot epair (START) © [eptinna Tea atin ion Soson t= ee x @ [Fetmntcwor] Satin 30 seucipen) | Hitoy @ [panier] seston @ [Rep Section 2, 6,9 sdestment © [errraton cneck ‘Section 8 Chak by custome Fl repair report Approve by eutomer No © [Rwomenaee race os on © [Remnant Domad orp oe etter) cannes T r Coss) 0 Gases wo-o2z0 SECTION BEFORE REPAIRING Oo Procedure 1 Reception of repair and investigation Accept th repair regues fem he casomer or stibutr. AL this sing the following pols ave tobe confined and checked, ‘Model namefbunber, and sei munber er of cust, adres, one suber and mune of person in chasge Ceaiuation ofthe emnectio of prs devices ‘Seftare versio othe ike shown oa th sat op splay pcb) Data of peoomeno appeared ca he fonction o equipment ote nai Wl chat maybe eae te cton ouput 9 stove erton Uo et wns anor spect retin Be petneae to efobvingsetnn oTnta Soper, Section 4 PRINCIPLE OF SYSTEM OPERATION Section 5 SCHEMATICS Section 6 ‘TROUBLESHOOTING Section 11 SERVICE INFORMATION ooee ‘The reported phenomsoon may be te eign prcblem on th equipment. Beau fer tthe “TecbcalBllesin sarily isd check wheter defeckiveness oo It a bean rpoted ‘the xg proba mak a wok cording tobe Technical Blin Presto? Seton oseged pa nd oder yo ind the dob cen one he ecssary pars Ton check the delivery date ad deci tho date ovis o the cosation with th customer Forth selection nd order fpr fet the flowing sesons, © Section 6 — TROUBLESHOOTING © Section 10 PARTSLIST or te electrical pans such as UNTT, cht he istry oration othe STORY his eaupmet separately ase, we-0220 SECTION? BEFORE REPAIRING Procedure 3 Preparation of visking the customer ‘Check th required tok, easing devices and pans oe replaced bef te sing the castomer Then check the spc iforaton for he nuipmen reference with te follwing section, © Section 9 BEFORE REPAIRING Procedure 4 Confimation of phesomenon ‘Conf the appeared phoromenon sd cotton fo bappen i wil the caterer: yo ot ‘know aboot the operation of euipmens refer othe Operation Mansa tached othe euipmet. Procedure 5 Repair and readjustment ‘Repair detective crt wih he rough pars, Forth esi wrk, ead the flowing ston ealy, © Section 2 PRECAUTIONS ‘A examine he ooble reason depending on he ittion wit allowing section, © Section 6 TROUBLESHOOTING ‘Te elector mechan eajstment my be requested depenting onthe replaced par Because refer tothe following section fer completion frp © Section 9 ADJUSTMENT Procedure 6 Operation check ‘Check te system behavior tects contonas same as before in woubl, sefeeace withthe {olowingsetlon Be suet do according othe dseipion Does ec ite ar depeaing oa the portion tobe treated © Section 8 PERFORMANCE CHECK ea-0220 SECTIONS BEFORE REPAIRING Procedure 7 Judgment ofthe operation quality ue esl of “Proce 6” pase tothe al standard, othe next “Procedue SO the other sid, fst, make judgment af Procedure 10° Procedure 8 Confim by customer, make repair eport and approve Recon he oto of touble phenomenon wil ke customer. Thea make a ep repel a ain approval of xstone. “hosel opr shows net only be tentmeat but also tbe metodo eausent and operation ‘lack if tay hae bees doe ascotdag othe serie manu he faowings have tobe shown, “Readjaed according to he Seton 9 of sree marl” “Checked according othe Section 8 of service manual, and passed” Procedure 9 Preseatation of report and order to repair parts Filth epi rept with mccassry em and present it according ote ceva rocedue, be detective pss tht rouble case laced is avalabeto use agua by rp, ke ander to o,f you cna juye wheter he pat can be ued aga oro ask othe Tehne Suppr. Procedure 10 Judgment of posit to repel again As the sul ofjudgent on Procure 7" Ifthe weuble sot save, judg the possi to ako th ropa wook sain, val, tro “PrcedeS* ad oti to work. ‘Procedure 11 Indication of the prolibition to use ‘sth rent of ment on “Procers 10 you judge hal spas conta he repack tne filet tht he amet let oe, abo sow th robo owe, 08 he eupment Procedure 12. Report tothe customer ‘Report he eaon why the wouble cana be solved tthe usomer. Thea cost about the plan of next ep work 3-5 we-0220 SECTIONS BEFORE REPAIRING 32 Upgrade (Improvement) work on the description of Service Manual ‘The yal processes fer the pgrade(improvemea) week are showa asthe Flow Chart onthe ‘ent page: Do te uprae (ngeovert) work scat this rota nthe as of epair won, seth provou em 3: Fach procedures of Dow cart are munbere ores deal shown om page 38, Prema, ‘th Flow Chat and lis explanation show the tine when each ecto f service nul ae required ‘on upgrade (improveent) work Tis isa guide forthe sage of sevice mama, “The service manual every portant fr he upgrade ingrovernt) wor, epi reaijsimet and perforamce check ete complain of upgrade (Improvement wok. Tis 12 -eep te sft and quay of eulpnent. ‘The ced manbersshowa nthe Flow Charon net ps ar coresponded othe procedure umber how om age 28. = ; wee-0720 SECTIONS BEFORE REPAIRING co @ [Section and order of | Toeb.Bullein ‘Consultation wth wires prsiats | station | Technical Support reuiresp Pm @ ‘Section 3 ‘Work as normal! es Check by esto _ at yours eutomer side Oat ing iem 51 | © [Ramomany ‘Show comments ofthe part and report of prohibition o use onthe parade improvement) ulpnent L Compl 0) ®© [Treato aston we-0220 SECTION? BEFORE REPAIRING Procedure 1 Selection of required parts /kits and order Acep the were (improvenen) request from the customer, dsubutor or person in care of sales. Ais ting te flowing pols ave oe confined and check odie tho parts ad is, Docuent neta announced the pprade (improve) ori equese Model nme, and serial er Name ofeasoner, adress, phone mabe, and name of person in charge Cofigartion fhe conection of peripheral devise ‘Software verso rte ke shown onthe trp dpay ‘Make an exalation what parser is are required base on be above laforation Fer the selection, eter tothe flowing document spray ised, oak the Techucl Suppor, © ‘Technical Bulletin “To confi te deta ofwpgde(inronemen), Sethe Fnstalaton Procedure ached wih, slid Techie Bolles, Depending on he mpgrad (improveren) ardvare,o software the ober pga (Cnprovmeat) maybe reqied.Cuct wih the Teche! Bulletin “Ten, count dtivery date of resured pat Kits and deci the de visit on the ceataltion withthe estore Procedure 2 Preparation of visting the customer ‘Check the required iol, measring devices and pro iso be used befor the visting the stm. Then check the speci infomation for he equipment efeesce with th following section and dcumest, © Section 3 BEFORE REPAIRING 4 Tecknical Bulletin andlor Installation Procedsro wo-0720 SECTIONS BEFORE REPAIRING Procedure 3. Operation check before upgrade (improvement) On te basis of wok th peat (provement tthe defctiveequlpea probed, Because, before apd (inprovenet) works check th belo of epi whether somal oe aot accrting following section and docuent, © Section 8 PERFORMANCE CHECK © Operation Manual Procedure 4 Judgment ofthe operation quality the eat of “Proce 3 paseo tho al stands othe next “Procsdue SOx the ae side io, goto “Prcedae 10" Procedure'S Upgrade (Improvement) work othe prado (ingrovomnt werk actrling tthe flowing document, “© Installation Procedure attached with kt or Technical Bulletin Procedure 6 Operation check ater upgrade (improvement) (Check the sytem havior to kap ls codon a ame as before th parade (eprovenet), -eference withthe flloving Sota. Ba sro do accoding tothe deston beau heck items are depening onthe orton ob wealed © Section 8 PERFORMANCE CHECK © Instalaton Procedure Procedure 7 Judgment ofthe operation quality te es of “Proce dre 6 sped othe all standards, ote net “Procedure, Oa he le ie, i ot ake judgment of “Procedure 1". we-0220 SECTIONS BEFORE. REPAIRING Procedure 8 Confirmation by customer ‘Reconfm ay fanclos of quae with the eastome. ‘hes, if eed erodes sd expin out ne factions and pein ae by his upgrade (improve. FFarhemore, iced, makea report tobe approved bythe eastomet. The epart sows nt ely ‘he remen buts the mabod of operation cack ft hasbeen doe ezording tothe service mantle allowing has to be shown, “Checked according to he Section Bf service manual and passed” Procedure 9 Return of unnecessary parts and report of completion Accordag othe Technica Bullet, rer the wnosessry replaced or mel pat 8 on 38 posible suggested ‘And ifthe report of pga (enroveren) sugested on th same oct, repet wih he ‘ntrmation guid, ‘Procedure 10. Work fr the abnormal behavior of equipment On theses of ude in “Procedure 4" ithe equipment doesnt werk normal, soe he problem crt ote 1 “Rep werk on the description of sevice manga” shown nthe seation ‘Whee he prcblem slved, euro “Procedure Sf hs em and contin othe pads (dnprovemen) work, Procedure 11. Judgment of possibilty to recover ‘As he osu of jedgment on “Procedure, te probe as been made by thi upgrade (Gnprovemen), judge the psi toreover it sal, ent “Proce 5° and continu to work tenable goto "Procedure 12". Procedure 12 Indication ofthe prohibition to use ‘A the reul of jadgent on "Procedure 11, yo judge at imposible fo reever a this "me, ncate that he gop she oto rer, and also show he ribo fo se, onthe augment, 3 SECTIONS BEFORE REPAIRING Procedure 13. Report to the customer ‘Report 1th customer ha! he parade (enrovement) has a been cpt becnse fhe _roblem on he gre improvement) work. Then mak x che to xsl comple Procedure 14 Asking to the Technical Support Report tote Tele! Sopert about he appeing of problem o the pga provement) wo, mean examination to ove an eer the ational paris. Before the asking, check he following pos, [Name oi, rhe iene umber Technic Bilin sowing the uprade (proven!) Model sme, soa manber (Congstion ofthe contin of peripheral devices Software version rth ik shown on the stat p dspay Incaton of oqipment sachs Uprae improvement) or History Label Deal of phenomenon appear onthe fenton feqlpment 3-0 a-n220 Be 1 SECTION "BEFORE REPAIRING 3-3 Messages o nth equipment, messages are dpiyed warning tat the equ emalfenctioning or aahisng the comet operation method ‘There ae to types of mest, fin ocrding to thir cowtest 1) WARNING ‘This ppzars te czteraf he seren stan sar nels mite. (ou can sich oe the wang display poston athe bata of seren by selecting WARNING DISPLAY in Common Preset of PRESET, thn slong "BOTTOM" 2) Asstance Messages ‘When you use the keyboard operat fiancion in men stsitance mesages appr n i) the message re atthe bot of he sreon | = Messge Area Fig. Menge Areas s2-0220 Rev. SECTIONS BEFORE REPAIRING Dy anne no] Nase cas — 1 | atpstenonicl pol wr somal ment ei feet ih [rin 2 | Strememoycear [ite NEW PATIENT switaiit is pemisibie were image! Datainthemenny witbe was pressal or MEMORY|dat, ees the SET swich ete [CLEAR was selected from thot, oress the MARK REF| PreteSET>toproced, jena leitch, -Quit 3 | MEMORY FULL — [You tempted to store larg |Delete unvanied images Sr Press key apan‘o |amount of image dota than the data lady sored in Oo heralds, feign of dfn. iy, [dediewnrinpt tom Sen po he SE 2 | RPUTERROR —fvimineweavaer wow fl eprops aa Yooidety Enarceret it Ong nt fe a wah ln ie 3 | FREEZE trims [ten Se PRIVE STORE Fcom Oo ge de poe Tensy sein REVIEW ein nef ced ae eso wa oO last meanrenet wa edo 4) | the image [Yow atempied to perorm sre FREEZE. Then ty apnn. “Tren omine esriement_ [oto race withont fscing hl linaee 5 | Tochangs tequeney orale, [Afer having chaed 10 alUse te ELEMENT SELECT] eseey, flames 6 | System AUTO-FREEZE, Pres [When panel operation was nares the FREEZE svich SLey treme, lowrider 20 ints. 3-13 m2-0220 Row SECTION? "BEFORE REPAIRING No, Message (Cae ‘Trestest 7 | USE to move| You stem tsi tbody [hi te toy mark ith te ‘hem Then press oak fra SEPy. 10 | Press 0 delay tie image tobe lsd fom theinage in the store memarysclet the image 10 te eased] store memory. Then press, lr you atempe to ease mrss he REVIEW swith, jwten a review ig is nothen erase it. SONEFRey, __|duptved, 16] PROCESSING [wien the histogram i tein] lnewste 17 | Measurement mencry aeais [You atempt to perfor {ull Toprocsed lest fresurenent when smesearenen, pres tomnve| You stenp shit's dy |Site body mck wi the te mak Thenpress jk facets. -SeTstey 10 | Pres keyio frocdspay he fous bly marie fetal rtaion fuscton sett Fetus mask lactvaid by the MARK REF] eh. i] DETECTIONERROR [wien it oot pontble 4 Rewave of ECG i wt detected [sc the R wave of th le S soon or moe, 12 | IMAGEstord in memory when operations were finished Samet. ter earpng out store as | DaTWinagedlced, [When thue was esiog of of a cg inthe soe meer. « "No images tavebec stored ia ener. lr you atempt to ese ay lage when there are mf testo 5 Prose | saav | aa row [Bd ive so 1 BY La saan | 0 ier 7 {saree {359 oov fo] BO oe [WoisanNos) Oo Oo a we-0zz0 SECTION Pencipe of Syn Operon 443° DIUUnit ‘The DIV wes abihapeed XY stem, ‘The alasound image data receive om the TR wi a gl signal i seat forpregrocessing. Pesrosesing involves input slction ofthe leasend image dts ert {om the Ts it nd optional Doppler unit, alton of M, D-nade physiological sia (he pysolopcal signal unt is options), ame colton, and seri in ame memory. Post proesing involves the interpolation and creation ef the Bamode image in he TV iz scan detonation of ray scale bar, characters, graphic and Bode plo sigas and output wo the D/A conversion creat ta aon, the DIU wit suppl the wheasound image data for ABC (Ato E-Gain Cnt). ‘After D/A conversion, TV syehroization sn blak inl se aed nd the sgl it ut 3 composite veo sina 4-4 O SECTION «Pringle OF System Operation Ti] Wveiovig YOO Ta Leva OSG i 1 oar = fenounoo,[aovamer] — [ romco Toa t aaa const | score mora] Osa +] vet “i901 [ at _frsoranl "| rare ho ws LF aoe aaa Brno, =D) ha KI oO oO Oo O SECTION 4 Principle of Syste Operation 444 ABC (Auto B-Guin Contral) Function ‘This anton evaluates the brghness om th Bode rascund image data trd in fame memory and setomtcllymintsn th optimal E-node gain fx MAG et, regardless ofthe rob ype, resueney, and inividal ferences betwen test jon, “The ABC incon canbe ined ON or OFF andthe ABC level canbe set at the eperation pana. ‘The B-mode ulvasound image data stored in ame menor is sent othe ABC contol wit, which evs he righnes and caps an ABC gain eve analog signal acorn tothe ABC sang onthe aperation panel, Alo the gan vom seting i np bythe ABC cil as the ABC gun, The ABC gin is ded to STC and output tothe MAIN AMP. ot om Ll on eanena ee [1 souat CONTROL ‘ann cont. | sre : aname. p Fis 642 445 Cine Memory Unit (Option) “Te cine memory unit is mae wp of two PCB: tbe controle uit (CINE MANAGER) and ‘menor nit (CINE MEMORY). Cine memory it a display memory tht can store 32 re ‘Gozs sera flrazound sess (in 1B meds). ‘The cin memory eit fers search srl tre, revlw, and loop payback functions wer ‘the coat ofthe V50 processor onthe CINE MANAGER toad 446 447 sa-az20 SECTION 4 Principle of System Operation Mechasical Scanner Unit (Option) ‘The mechanical camer mit comprises a controller it (MECH. SERVO), selector smi (MECH, PROBE SELECTOR) aud CW CONNECTOR boar, The transmission ‘ict ie mune on the MAIN AMP bard” ‘The twansisson pl generated by MAIN AMP ar converted ohchvaltge inthe dtiver sieht dives th osilaer and ae ten spied tote selced proke The ansmisson voltage i deta by the tanaision power supply volts monitoring cies on the MAIN AMD boar and this daa is et tothe syste conel uit The ster, conga nt imodiaely soe traansioniitecives shoal traasnisonvlinge dt. ‘The resved echoes are amplified by he PRE AMP dct oa MECH. PROBE SELECTOR snd supe othe RX FOCUS bord Fe 443 ‘Main AMP toordEP400700DD~, and MECHA SERVO board EP400S00DD~, Tx lua for machanical probe (MECH. TX GENE) wt moved to MECHA SERVO toad, Doppler Unit (Option) “The Doppler unit omprizss DOP ASP (Alo Signal Process), DOP DSP (Digital Signal Prose) and AUDIO HO anit i BW mode ie made by DUPRE AMP wien anlostoic sunning probe ie sselorby MAIN AMP when a mechanical amex probe is ed. Tranealsin in CW made ‘stad by CW CONNCETOR board, The CW mode is aval only whens Independent or meshaical scaner pote suse (eaiionsaply scoring tothe robe sed. ‘The traanisin valine mooring srt forte CW mode mortd on the MECH, PROBE SELECTOR boar, It detects he rnemisson voltage, Tens ‘The Doppler esive signa fom the lesrni caning robe passes though the PRE ‘AMP circuit an is has compensated end ade inthe DELAY & ADDER circuit bore ‘ing sent to DOP ASP. 4-0 Princip of Syten Opereton ‘When ke PW rode isles atthe mechanical senna, the Doppler esi sigs! prtses though the PRE AMP cic on MECH PROBE SELECTOR andi expt to RX FOCUS. The MECH PROBE SELECTOR board switche brea he Dogars ‘rom te eletoic reaming probe andthe Dopplr sigs frou th meshascal sean probe and sends th sal to DOP ASP. ‘When he CW modest at the mechanical seansr, the Doppler recived signal user hough MECH PROBE SELECTOR and IND PROBE CONNECTOR, sd is ampli by the PRE AMP craton CW CONNECTOR bei being sent o DOP ASP. ‘DOP ASP conducts Quedrature deletion onthe ecived signal then converts itt base- ‘band oquency and Siler before A/D cover. DOP DSP conducts fequncy analy on ho inal rng FFT (Fat Fourier Transformation and sods itt DI. fescrrx] | [cane | | ASP >| vse I. | OD CONNECTOR ceveus ve eSpase | caus 7 Fig 44 4-18 SECTION4 Pansple of Stan Operation 44-8, Physiological Signal Unit (Option) ‘The pysiologia signal units made up ofthe physicogcal amplifier uit (PHYSIO AME), ytio. pel and physiological signal memory vit PHD, 0G (leesocartiogrtm) and PCG (phonceaogram) ae input to PHYSIO AMP, where they ar smd by ample crits with oad power supe, nd ae ouput bythe potooupls athe ola signals B ECG, M_ECG, and M_PCG. For oie elimination, the ECG scat cotsine the HUM FILTER ($0 Hsl60 Hs) and ho PCG circuit ha tre leet POG FILTER, In ston, the BCG Reeve detection ccit (R-DETECT) is mounted on PHYSIO AMP, ‘The PHI board A/D converts the pysologial sina “The B_ECG spn is inerpolsed an stored inthe phsiloial signal memory. The store signa issynchronized wth the TV signal, rend ndedin tbe DIU pos-procssng it and splayed on the plane mode (B mode) image. ‘The M_ECG and M_PCG sien ar itpolated, writen tothe physiological signal sos note DU dilatory n ivdon te vaep mode CHD mots veo, [Fea ]|_,[ mr |_| oot, 10 oie [PL courcen > fetcreny P| DaTER mF — co sof too] fro AL moro | a linarenfecce 2 ie [frre p> coven] asco Fe J peter >" Seume rs. ar. 4-18 a-0220 Rew? SECTION Principe of System Operation 4-49, Power Supply Unit ‘The power spy unit comprises a srs power supply and sitching power supply. supplies the power reuired by the main unit Italo bas an isolated power suply for the optional eoring device ‘The wansnssion voltage fer the electric sannng probe (HVA), and mechanical seanner be (HIVE) is conele by the conto sgnals from the main uit 44-10, Data Management Subsystem Unit (Ver. 3.0 and higher) ‘This iti for handing DICOM comsmanicatins and DICOM specication image Sing 44-11. Computer Aided Subsystem Unit (USA only, Ver3.0 and higher) ‘This wit for handing the [CAS] software of Obsietrcal and Gynecological messurement repetition 44.12. Volume mode unit (Ver. 40 and higher) ‘This iis designed to deploy Vb pods image on a motor 4-20 e-az20 SECTION Principle of System Option ‘Blank page) 20220 SECTION ¢ Principle of Sytem Operon 45 Principles of PCB Opertion 45 PROBE SELECTOR Board “his bol comprises probe conecos, probe slot las, HVS, andthe relevant contol 1) LINCONY CONNECTOR 1 260-pin constr fr Hincafeomex probe. 2) LINICONV CONNECTOR 2 260-pin constr frHinefennves probs, 3) RELAY Compries 6trelays to sith between PROBE I and PROBE » Hs ‘Comrise 15 HVS (B-channal High Voltage Analog Swish) o sls and aish 32 F128 canals 5) CONTROL FROBE CODE INTERFACE Compises ROM (Read-Oaly Meso), loge circus, relay, and PLDs (Prgrammable Logic Devs), enrol thepeobesitchng relays and J1VSs and cups probe ude tthe dats SECTION 4 Principe of System Operon Ub] hOOres YOLOTIES FOU Fa zoon| zu tesra009 38048 —— SS waver spvamunt ‘tao aaoua fF eaeuonny *PoulNoD a (wobswownas Fi ea RESTS] # woLsanNoo >| anon ee come] sat fee TATEGTRORE] 1 HoIDANNOD ‘ANOOINT oO aoa w2-0220 SECTIONS Principle of Sytem Operation (© SIGNALLIST (PROBE SELECTOR) ) 2a 100-2 = r zz x tr Tue iE i TE fee ea | — ert] — ra 003 4m (lnk pees) 4-8 e-o220 SECTION 4 Psnipe of Systm Operation a-t220 SECTION 4 Prinipleof Sytem Option 452 DUPRE AMP ‘This board comprises 32 TUR cout and wanesiton igaer inal generation cic cary ot lsasound TUR, 1) TXPOWER SUPPLY VOLTAGE DETECTOR AD convert he wanemistca power supply voltage and opts ito he dt bs. 2 1% Csi ou eleeoonie probe tasnision (Mx simulascouly driven chamle:32. Max ransniason voltage: 90 V) 3) TRTRIGGER ) Generates the transmission gers for leon probes (max 32 cham) 4) TRFOCUS CONTROL Genera th cot sina conta lactone ranenision gg gern for ‘lsuone probes, and the PROBE SELECTOR coool inal. 5) PRESTCDRIVER Cones the STC CNT and GND CNT signals to positvefgativesiguals and opus ‘he tothe PRE AMP. ©) PREAMP Conducts Sette smplifction ofthe recived signal frm the lactone probes sccoringo he STC_P and STC_N signals geertd bythe PRE STC DRIVER, 9 1) LONORF “Tums the robe "L"Ginactane) ON in he Doppler med to increase Dopler ssi, Oo 2-020 SECTION Principle of Sytem Operation ub ‘abbObaT “ay ud /XL osu] 0220 SECTION 4 Principe of Sytem Operon © SIGNAL LIST (THXPRE AMP) = ass —| eet Tar Ho13: 4-28 4-2 we-0220 SECTION 4 Princip of ytem Operation me-a220 SECTION Pringle o ytem Operation 453 RX FOCUS, “Two ofthese bourse wed to sense conduct recive ocsing ad cecve dynamic eusing » 2 2 o 2 9 2 ‘VACONVERTER (Coavects the PRE AMD volage supa oa arent ‘CROSS POINT SWITCH ‘The CROSS POINT SWITCH connects the recived signals (aun. 32 channels) tothe pina delay ap DELAY & ADDER ‘Conds delay and ding (recive foes) on the resive signal (max 32 chanel) sd ott the rectved inal a ne io, LINCONV HP igh pss Flee) Allows oly the hghstequeny component ofthe recived sas ops when an ecronichightrequeney probe is used MECH, LP (High pss Fite) Allows only th hh renee component of he resived signal fo pass when 3 mechanical scame highsteuerey probe fwd ANALOGSWITCH Selects th resived signals om the lcrnic or mechanical camer poe, us (ONOFF the Doppler oupat aad HP. V.BPE. (Variable Band Pass ite) Allows th optinun rgueny signals fer he probe equency and eceived signal doth opus, Los. AMP (Comprize two 430d amplifies and LOG ICs to carryout garithicamplicaton of he recived sina ‘CROSS PONT SWITCH CONTROL (Generates rss pint sith corr! signals andenlog switch onl siz 4-90 2-0220 SECTION Principle of System Open We 190% SNOT a saan, eayta at | vous 4in0 doa oO me-0220 SECTION Pini yee Operas SIGNAL LIST (RX FOCUS 1) nat 023 re ia ene nt eee Terese pasar —[ et | aa Tf i BE mr Ht a n022 0220 SECTION 4 Principia Systm Operation 3° ¢ SIGNALLIST (RX FOCUS?) 1032 a a O Free ee BE O ARF SECTION 4 Prine of Sytem Operation 454 MANANE 9 “This board swish eevee, conducts lasound sal proesing, nd generates tte mechanical Sezer wanton pais 1) RXEXCHANGE Reosives th eve signa fom the vo RX FOCUS boars while switching the dep In approximately I cm ncrmests. The recived sigalis sshd by analog IC on ‘bo tering eg nd fling ee ofthe EXCHANGY signal, 2) DETECTOR eset the recived sgl anda the ein sgl 3) sec thei conc) 9° Cimon etn pl fn ei revel incsem ely ASCO cul 4) CONTRAST Competes rxistive potenti ir crete oop pte vied signal Hight Jevls ante welited 5) RELIEF Comprises dtereision ccs. Ads the diferentisted recived signal tthe viginl igual, ight eels canbe eet ©) AAF(AntAlising ies) liinates the aliasing tht ous when monochrome nage dat isp. 1) GAINCONTROLER (Gert te gin FO (6 types), and PRE STC (6 yp) sional 8) MECH TX TRIGGER (Goerts the transnsion trigger forthe mechanical sere 9) MECH TK 10) MECH Tx2 11) MECH, TX POWER SUPPLY VOLTAGE DETECTOR ADD cooverts the arsmison power supply voltage und ouput to the CPU bow +¥EP(0OTOODD aod afi, he above 8)~11) are deleted sad moved to MECHA SERVO beard. 4-34 sa-0220 Rev. SECTIONS Piniple of Sysem Option, "LO0rdS aN NIV ‘a ND Vive begs] wosoaras osnvo| t =H rH 20 ‘ eas t ayy | | ISVNOO | pooeey fyowans| 0 oO Oo wo-0220 SECTION 4 Principle of Sytem Operation 4 SIGANAL LIST MAIN AMP) ) —— — 2061 noes er et te a 3410 ] wil 1 | sssov eave) | VIDEO_OUT 2 _ 2 ‘OND ND ) (lank pase) me-az20 SECTION 4 Principle of Stem Operation SECTION Pricpe of Sytem Operation ass) GEULTE 9 “This board generates the contol gar the GEU uni neat he may rite contd spl forthe DIU anit, nd opens the bus between the CPU BUS andthe GEU BUS ant ‘PANEL BUS. 1) cPUBUS WINDOW CConvoscpeisg between the CPU BUS andthe GEU BUS and PANEL BUS. 2) FROBE CONNECTOR DETECTOR Det wht peice nd out hi at the CUBUS The St dea bia fr nooner ok, 2 or meal amr ab nd feels be Th coed at bit Dames LOW whe a cmt ° 3) FRAME RATE CALCULATOR ‘The frame interval scouted fom the 1005s cock signal by a1 ouster andthe ‘eas is oupat tothe CPU BUS. When th exunts compl, the IRQ sional ott te aplyanintrupttothe CPU. ‘The CPU esleuates the fame aero the outed a 4) HEART RATE CALUCULATOR ech tine the optional physiological signa it ina the siga the IR inal is cpt to apply amino to the CPU. The CPU alates the heart rate fom he on 5) wovecostcr oO Ces P2000 SOD Sp eng tee vent en soto eC ocop _scawon SDE TRE D MODE ‘PROGOD rece sie SCHMOD : Sean Cade 4 5 sme-0720 SECTION ¢- Principle of Systm Open BEAM ADDRESS ‘Opus acess i the B mde by cousngaclock signal sypelreiad wid an silrasund Hine wing 29-bit contr in which the CPU start and end vals cn be HV CONTROL. (Geert tho HVS DATA Oto 7 signal fm he ighvlage (eammision dat seat fm the CPU. This block ls coxais a CPU ranaway detector ct, whch ses all the HVS DATA 0 to 7 signals to HIGH level to stop tanenisson if CPU lack p TIMING GENERATOR Generates all iin signal rom tho 12 MP, 1 MHz, and 0S Mz lock signals produced by dividing the 60 Mai Miz lock Gequeny fom he eta oscil, according othe dataset by the CPU. Operates at 48 Mil witha 2 Miz probe bat ‘pests 60 ME wih al other eqeency probe AD converte US vdeo (VIDEO_OUT) signal, which set ffom MAIN AMP beard, isomers no 6 bts of iil sip and seo DIU board ‘This scat ial we or AID conver of VER playback seal SECTION Principlof System Operation O 0 ue ‘99689 yL1 39 ‘Fava aon ve a |_ = el we Eran atta fe] ay Gy nan worn ve ros q—| WOLVTOTV | van Tome + teontresa Sanaa worn |, on ‘SSmoen *—] ra uve anv TORINOD woroasa, | _poseoua —| “or SS nos ‘moana snitnaa ‘ites wire wi Sire} ante eo ue us wi ver wast wie nar a no tessr—[-sewesr| erie aa I 3 sae [eicnet | ett | nee + ) $ qi Tae eres ere cif eth ea ta Brak pe) wo-0220 SECTIONS Princip of System Operation 162-0220 SECTION 4 Principle of System Operation 45.9 MECH. SERVO » » » > » » POSITION COUNTER & CENTER ADI. ‘This bs cour and» peripheral cei and dete the position ofthe anadser by A, B,CandZ signals alo loads center cocton ales for every probe tothe outer nd coment hem, DRIVE SIGANL GENERATOR ‘This bs DVA fr weting ped, a VP camer, a counter, ROM fr seing driving wets, et, ad et drvng contr sgnl DRIVE SIGANL SELECTOR ‘This bas comparator, slot, te, slot signals of DRIVE SIG, end Mcusor, onl timing and outa them. ADDER “This is for ading POSITION SIG, sed SELECT DRIVE SIG, and afer thi adton, stn i usd as a bas for signal fr diving a motor AMP & MECH DRIVER “This is for operating phase prossing, amplification, ee, fo xt of VA and ‘outing hem as voltage for ving mete. serurcRcur “This is fox intiaiing operation tine of ator dvng tart. OVER-CURRENT LIMITER “Tis is for detotng exuscaent of mtr driving opt ond topping str vag {for acerain pid afte, Then, tears ou an naling operation and starts sein ADDRESS COUNTER “This is for genctog a eves which become base or detecting transmission postion, Itmanaes addres of back and orth (2 frames), [RTS/BASE POSITION GENERATOR “This has ROM inching formation about ranemision pont and it pier cieit and cpus infarmaton sot vroo transmission postions. 4-8 e-o220 SECTION Principle of System Operation 10) RTS! CORRECT SIGNAL GENERATOR “This as two ROMs and ts peripheral cic and alates ltuaton vals. 1) RTS FOSITION CALUCULATOR “Th ior aing nd subtracting tani poston dts and Macution cretion ales at integer nit 12) RIS/ GENERATOR, ‘This analog and dip conparators al ctl dn as eanmisio ining ia 13) FRAME STEER SIGNAL GENERATOR ‘Thishas woven, atch cic ands pecphral cc ard etpts frame sar, signals copending to stsring operation at ine of rotary probe comet, 1) DATAINTERFACE ‘Tis infor istribting contra sgnals to each lock within a bord, 15) MECHA TX circ: Aled in EP4OO8DODD and fer MECHA TRIG GENE. enezat the transis riggers fer chanical robes, MECHA TXI ‘Tranemtton cei for mechanical poke, MECHA TAD ‘Tranmitsion sit for mechanical robe, ANNULAR TXI~S ‘Trenmisson sits for malar ay probe TX Voge Deer ‘Coasert he warsmisson voltages from salg to digital, and oat Data bus SECTION 4 Prinpleof Sytem Operation w-0200 O oO oO ae ‘800A OAY3S ‘HOI ws: Ge} aon | anne axa auvanoea}t—f] a 9 ao sa |NowIso4 SH) ToEntO> me ee | —— NOLUISO ssagay | "aon t | Sve SL 22] + we-0z20 SECTION 4 Pinspe of Sym Operon ‘800d (OAYS HOS aor _age aC oe a no HE ea TAIRA Tamme 800A XL one] soens rena} YEON Hoan 1x yom Oo Oo o we-0220 SECTION 4 Principle of Sytem Operation (© SIGNAL LIST (MECHA SERVO) ) by te zi = o 4-66 Oo oO (Bik page) 4-07 we-0720 SECTIONS Principle of Systm Operation a-n220 SECTION ¢ Pipl of Sytem Operation 45-10 MECH, PROBE SELECTOR » a > » » 5 ‘MECH, CONNECTOR 1 (1519) 60-pin conte fr the mechanical scare. ‘MECH, CONNECTOR 21508) 60-pin connect forthe mechanical scat. RELAY (Comprises 17 relays to sich between PROBE I and PROBE 2 and sich he oad sisal, PRE AMP Conds fistsage amplification fhe resived signals. PRE AMP for Annular (Added ia EP4O1000DD asd afer) Pre-smplifis fr anlar ary probe ‘CONTROL & PROBE CODE INTERFACE Comprises logis ius, relay, ives, and PLDs (Popramabe Logie Devs). It cols the probe sitchin relays and euputs poe coes tothe dat bus. cewy cite, AD conser the CW Dopeler uanstision power sappy voltage and capt ito the dates, oO e-0220 ub] 010s, 4OLOTTAS 380¥d HOB reminisce aa 3112000] 9 su] ‘ans dou SECTION Princip of ystem Operation <<, _— com ——} apyarnit = SE ‘ca suv ss seen F0 2 a _ — vonme—| moe eta “= AND OND "IND 1S rece] VEO r owvom voir ea WHO ay aid . ago Migros vat vz-0220 SECTION ¢ Principe of Sytem Operation ‘© SIONAL LIST ( MECHA PROBE SELECTOR) ° 08 i wai} ear ir 0s pet Ese 11 | WECHA, AES, tr Serer 10 | tro ss_| a Teer aia 3 | WecHA tre " ee tt aa 2] regu Ens ‘a ee ee ae at suns as a vec ar eee =e [0.55 iS oee vane] 2 | ECA ETT ae a zw $6 Ee] iar a 1] MECHA 1 | pp sow 2 P50 12 GNO_MP 3] PCS TL] 4 TKRXS 4 PCS? ) rT 2 {9s © |_ GDP s “ TL TR 6 GND MP = [ow rear? [4] Geo ue 3 W_TERXL 2 GNO_MP Tree ve-o220 SECTION Principe of yom Operon ‘© SIGNAL LIST ( MECHA PROBE SELECTOR) 103 | 7 7 = aon e-a220 SECTION ¢ Peiacipe of Sytem Operon SIONAL LIST (MECHA PROBE ELECTOR) OD 4-2 se-2220 SECTION 4 Principle of System Opertion (Blsk pas) 4-7 wez-az20 SECTION 4 Prinipleof Sytem Operation 45-11 DOP ASP. “This cial oad has nag proces for Pulsed ware PW) /Consioous ware (CW) Dope. “his Dard haste RF signa pati scoaiguedr he llowing cies md cares ou analog sia rossing up othe stage before fequncy analysis 1. High Frequency Tuning Circuit 2 Quadrature Destin Czcut 1 3. Low Freqney Amp Circuit “1 4, Sample & Hol eat *1 5. High Pass Fer (Wall meson ter)". (6 Low Pass Fer (Antaising fe) "t 7. AMD Canverar*L AD Clock Gaestr Circuit 8. Serial Conral Reitr 10, Loca Sign Generator Cieit [Note 1) Tn oer to handle complex sigals, 2 systems onaining the same creat, for sel sd imaginary suber signal, re wed. Inpu/Owtput Signal List, ‘Alogi Sioals RXDOPA: Receiving RF signal fr Doppler [R&DOPB: Restivng RF signa for Doppler (Return of diferent ipa) INDA: Receiving RF signal for Independent CW Doppler INDB: Receiving RF signal for Independent CW Doppler. (Retun of diferent inp) ‘Sloe amas fo ‘Cock with te uleasni carer tequncy Fo qusdeiplod. This divided ‘by for ad bocmes eal signals for quadrature deeton 96PRF Clock wih the Doppler PRF multpli95 tins This wed nat nly a8 the relerece clock fr generating 16 bie AD converter timing, but aio as he loc for the an-alasing with capes ier, Dosost PRE Suncnnizaton Sienale SVRST Sample realest and signal intpation eset signal DSAMPL, Hold signal forthe sampling circuit. MATCH Tht signal determines the signal integration time in tbe sampling cuit ‘The Low evel ine determines the Sample Vole Size. isa Out Sina ADC_DAT AD converter srs data opt, MSB first LSB Int. Transfer of one dot sample is done wih 16-8 words, with dats from Icane and Q-channe bring set altemately. The A/D convener the respective I and Q channels sianeouly and sends the Icharuel fist Identification of the T- 4% 2-0220 ‘SECTION Priniptof System Operation hamelQ-chans is accomplished by the internal CH_SEL ial ‘DSPContl Int Siesl AGCCLK Sets the Doppler Gain when AGC is ape by means of DSP canal forthe Doppler base band sig CTCL This clock is fr serial reception of contol data forms 2 set wid (CNT_DATA and CNT_SYNC, (CNT_SYNC This he syshrnization signa fr serial tans. tis a single pul hat comet ar 1 word of contol dai received CCNT_DATA Data signal for serial wantor of central data. When AGC santol is operaig & bosoms an UP/DOWN ete signal in synch with AGCCLK, fost terval Ietartion [Wed interveh 10, SHRST, DSIML Signal TEaing Chart RE Input -RF signal re recived ly 1:1 ansfomee conection afr dle ding “odependent RF Input: Indpendot PRE AMP RF signals ae received by : transformer conection. igh Frequency Amplifier Circuit “The cn requency o th band pass ier canbe vid tween 20 sad 75 Mite devices (Quadmure Detextion Circuit: This is aban pass te which excuts quadratre desetion of band limited [RE sgzals wih COS and SIN reference signals, nd divides them ino 2 systers of igs with hi phase shied 90% Sample Hold ‘When in PW Doppler mode, spliss range gue tothe deed portion of ‘igual being sampled, izogzates then inthe pate and old thm. High Pass Fier: ‘Ahigh pss filter (LPF which removes signals fom hw moving body parts ‘ich es beod veel walle ‘Low Pass Filter: Removes he high Seguensy componcat of Doppler signals creed by Sample Hold at well a background white noise euide the band, inprovng the S/N 4-75 e-0220 SECTIONS Principe of Systm Operation Cuvottoquncy: 022 KH2~20KHe AA Fier ‘This creat executes prior band inition o rovent ising inthe analy, Gain Variation Circuit ‘hist caries ot Gain varition by ax 3-itD/A conve Gain Vaition Range: 4843 ~0 dB AWD Converter Circuit This iit wos 2 16-bit A/D converter, efoming AID camveter of Doppler signals nd ouptingdigizd signals as ADC Data Local Sianal Genertor Circuit Geers th fo regueacy SINICOS cli in ynhroizd with the AF clack ‘up fom he TIMING & ADDRESS board. Control Register Circuit Contd by sil data fm the DOP DSP board 4-76 SECTION ¢ Paap Sytem Operation uh wrreeda | asvdoq | bo Wan swan sya Re YL Oo bw CASALL, Tan iE: SaaS a0 sapacprmmaes HEAT Sn SF croup : of SH eKEKH IK |p e-0220 SECTION Pinplef Sytem Operation © SIGNAL List (DoP AsP) 3 hs —| is as | — i Sean are | aren ear 4-78 ea SECTION 4 Principle of System Operon 4-79 so-0220 SECTION 4 Pini of System Operation 4512 pop psp ‘Ae ganda detson, AID converted digit srl data ae ipa ths cet board, andthe spectrum of tis Doppler sina is ouput as digi! pal dst. This Berd also includes FFT frequency analysis mole as well as audio bascline shit and audio reverse ‘signl separation facies fr audio signal processing, Audio oupate ae aio in be gal serial ata fom, “The digi Doppler signal processor i consid in small sale hardware confgvced frm smorethan en IC, psP ‘Seal ig data te spi fom the DOP ASP ser analog sched signal COS and SIN, outpat by te eos detector whch denedulats the lrasound caro equa, are ‘ADD converted, These signals are received through he ei port (0, yacrenize wih the DSP. The DSP is equiped wih peigheral menory casising of 1K ward of high ‘syeod SRAM and 64 Kbyte EPROM, Output Alter signa roesing bythe DSP, two stems of digital data are culpa Ones audio ‘signal data whch are ouput to the extemal DIA converter wouph the yecvcocat seria par (SSD. The aks specu dt, which are ouput one ine at tine and tansfred FIFO, and from tere are ouput to the DSC. Specrum data uansis by the DSP and reading of data by the DSC ae asynchronous, 20 FIFO sr wed, withthe rena bing = Ping Poo operatic, Operation Processing Here, we explain be gst of operation processing exeatd by soar inthe DSP. Ta sera ital data oman exer source, Doppler signals hese are comple, so thee a two chanel, [and Q) ae recived. Their frequency is analyzed, then they ae ouput cxtemaly af «spectrum, After ipa gals are subjected to spatial processing by the Harring fines, fequecy ana texeeted wing 128 pine FFT. Asal anther Specran Output Process, interpolation, between th lines processing, Contrast, Reject, Baseline Shi and Spectrum Invert are exeutd, the the sacrum soap aoe ie at (On th other hand, for sudo sigs, baseline shit and revere Mow spaaion cessing are prfroed ard an expat soo signal crested. This signal is ouput as serial data Besides this, eanand proceso vbich interprets commands fom te Hoe (CPU ard ans them othe DOP ASP os parameters is incorporated ino the sftare o we-0220 [SECTION Prtcipe or Sytem Operation ub o ° sne-azz0 SECTION 4 Pracipe Sytem Operation © SIGNALLIST (DOP DSP) ) Tos oo eS a ‘ Ee “ B t | : t Heese ee aoe 5 —— are —|oree— tees perme | Hees he Ht oe ee ee-az0 ‘SECTION 4 Principe of System Option (Blank pass) we-0220 SECTION Principle of Systm Operation 45.13 CW CONNECTOR, “This bard consis of ransmsson ad eceptio ston fer CW Doppler. ‘Tranamistion setion ‘Tranimisson vag antl ret ‘his iru cn varies transmission voluge according toh tig by os wi, ‘Transmissoa standard signal generation crit ‘This rat ier fon MD sgl ino sgl. ‘Traneissca cireit, This tensmisson circuit, which has high Tx frequency accuracy by rectangular waver, can dive low impedance and capacitive oad ‘Reception section Pr amplifier cele ‘This wideband and ow aie iret has the rection characterise far singe probe. ‘Transfrthe ignal to Doppler analog rocesing ‘Tho signal io wanted in Blane type to rede the ietrience fom eouton mole ‘Selector setion ‘Tas seton nets wher T/Rx sire should be sonnet with CW IND pate or CW mechanical etr probe,

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