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Wordlist: English to Spanish

Unit Page English word Part of IPA Spanish Definition Example sentence
no. speech Español
1 5 bone n bəʊn hueso one of the hard, white pieces inside the body of a He broke a bone in his hand.
person or animal
1 5 brain n breɪn cerebro the organ inside your head that controls your Peter is very intelligent – he must have an
thoughts, feelings and movements enormous brain!

1 5 chest n tʃest pecho the front of your body between your neck and your a hairy chest

1 5 chin n tʃɪn barbilla the bottom part of your face, below your mouth a large chin
1 5 elbow n ˈelbəʊ codo the part in the middle of your arm where it bends Her elbow hurt after playing tennis all day.
1 5 finger n ˈfɪŋgə dedo one of the five long parts at the end of your hand She always wears a ring on the middle finger of
her left hand.
1 5 heart n hɑːt corazón the organ inside your chest that sends blood around Isabel's heart was beating fast.
your body

1 5 knee n niː rodilla the middle part of your leg where it bends a knee injury
1 5 neck n nek cuello the part of the body between your head and your He was wearing a gold chain around his neck.

1 5 shoulder n ˈʃəʊldə hombro where your arm joins your body next to your neck She looked over her shoulder.

1 5 skin n skɪn piel the outer layer of a person or animal's body dark skin
1 5 stomach n ˈstʌmək estómago the organ inside your body where food is digested; The ball hit me in the stomach.
the front part of your body just below your chest.

1 5 throat n θrəʊt garganta the back part of your mouth and the passages inside a sore throat
your neck; the front of your neck

1 5 toe n təʊ dedo one of the five separate parts at the end of your foot Ouch! I dropped a book on my big toe!

1 5 tongue n tʌŋ lengua the soft thing inside your mouth that you use for I burnt my tongue on some soup last night.
tasting and speaking
1 5 tooth n tuːθ diente one of the hard, white things in your mouth that you You should brush your teeth twice a day.
use for biting
1 5 wrist n rɪst muñeca the part of your body between your hand and your My dad wears a watch on his wrist.
1 6 ears npl ɪəz orejas the two organs (one on each side of your head) that Don't talk so loud − you're hurting my ears!
you hear with
1 6 hear v hɪə oír to be aware of a sound through your ears I could hear his voice in the distance.
1 6 eyes npl aɪz ojos the two organs in your face, which you use to see She closed her eyes and went to sleep.
1 6 see v siː ver to notice people and things with your eyes I can see you!

1 6 hands npl hændz manos the two parts of your body on the ends of your arms Wash your hands before dinner, please.
that have fingers and a thumb
1 6 touch v tʌtʃ tocar to put your hand on something You can look at them but please don't touch them.

1 6 mouth n maʊθ boca the part of the face that is used for eating and Don't talk with your mouth full!
1 6 taste v teɪst probar to put something in your mouth to find out what Taste this and tell me if it needs more salt.
flavour it has
1 6 nose n nəʊz nariz the part of your face that you breathe through and ouch! I dropped a book on my big toe!
smell with
1 6 smell v smel oler to notice something by using your nose I can smell something burning.
2 12 architect n ˈɑːkɪtekt arquitecto someone who designs buildings My father is an architect – he designed our house.

2 12 dentist n ˈdentɪst dentista someone who repairs teeth I've made an appointment with the dentist.
2 12 engineer n ˌendʒɪˈnɪə ingeniero someone whose job is to design, build, or repair He’s a mechanical engineer.
machines, engines, roads, bridges, etc
2 12 factory worker n ˈfæktəri ˈwɜːkə operario a person whose job is in a building where large My uncle is a factory worker – he makes cars.
amounts of products are made
2 12 firefighter n ˈfaɪəfaɪtə bombero someone whose job is to stop fires burning I'd like to be a firefighter. It would be a very
exciting job.
2 12 hairdresser n ˈheəˌdresə estilista, peluquero someone whose job is to cut people's hair My hairdresser cuts my hair every two months.

2 12 journalist n ˈdʒɜːnəlɪst periodista someone whose job is writing articles for My sister is a journalist. She works for The New
newspapers, magazines, television or radio York Times.
2 12 nurse n nɜːs enfermero someone whose job is to care for ill and injured She’s a nurse in the local hospital.
2 12 plumber n ˈplʌmə plomero someone whose job is to repair or connect water When is the plumber coming to mend the burst
pipes, toilets and baths pipe?
2 12 police officer n pəˈliːs ˈɒfɪsə policía someone who is a member of the police I'd like to be a police officer and help people.
2 12 taxi driver n ˈtæksi ˈdraɪvə taxista a person whose job is to take people where they The taxi driver knew where the hotel was.
want to go in a car
2 12 waiter n ˈweɪtə mesero, mozo a man who works in a restaurant, bringing food to My older brother is a waiter in an expensive
customers restaurant.
2 14 answer the phone v ˈɑːnsə ðə fəʊn contestar el teléfono to pick up the telephone when it rings When people are very busy, they often don't
answer the phone.
2 14 help (sb) v help ayudar to make it easier for a person to do something or to The teacher asked us to help each other with the
do something for a person that they cannot do Maths exercise.
2 14 make the bed v meɪk ðə bed tender la cama to make the sheets and covers on a bed tidy The boy has to clean his room and make his bed
every day.
2 14 start work v stɑːt wɜːk empezar a trabajar to begin a job every morning He starts work at 9 a.m. every day.

2 17 take a message v teɪk ə ˈmesɪdʒ tomar un mensaje to write or remember a piece of spoken information The manager asked his assistant to take a
which one person gives, in order to give it to another message.
2 14 wear a uniform v weə ə ˈjuːnɪfɔːm usar uniforme to have a special set of clothing on your body that is If you want to be a nurse, you have to wear a
the same as the other people who do the same job uniform.
or go to the same school
3 22 bored adj bɔːd aburrido feeling tired and unhappy because you are not I'm bored with doing homework.
3 22 boring adj ˈbɔːɪŋ aburrido not interesting or exciting He has a very boring job.
3 22 disappointed adj ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪntɪd decepcionado sad because something was not as good as you I was very disappointed that he didn't come.
expected, or because something did not happen
3 22 disappointing adj ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪntɪŋ decepcionante making you feel disappointed a disappointing performance
3 22 embarrassed adj ɪmˈbærəst avergonzado feeling ashamed or shy I was too embarrassed to admit that I was scared.

@ Cambridge University Press 2011

Wordlist: English to Spanish
Unit Page English word Part of IPA Spanish Definition Example sentence
no. speech Español
3 22 embarrassing adj ɪmˈbærəsɪŋ vergonzoso making you feel embarassed It was really embarrassing when we forgot the
words to the song.
3 22 excited adj ɪkˈsaɪtɪd entusiasmado feeling very happy and enthusiastic I was so excited to see him.
3 22 exciting adj ɪkˈsaɪtɪŋ emocionante making you feel excited an exciting football match
3 22 frightened adj ˈfraɪtənd asustado afraid or nervous She’s frightened of spiders.
3 22 frightening adj ˈfraɪtənɪŋ aterrador making you feel frightened It was a very frightening film.
3 22 interested adj ˈɪntrəstɪd interesado liking something and wanting to give your attention Sarah's only interested in boys and clothes.
to it
3 22 interesting adj ˈɪntrəstɪŋ interesante making you feel interested I found the talk very interesting.
3 22 surprised adj səˈpraɪzd sorprendido feeling surprise because something has happened I'm surprised to see you here.
that you did not expect
3 22 surprising adj səˈpraɪzɪŋ sorprendente making you feel surprised That was a surprising decision.
3 25 baby n ˈbeɪbi bebé a very young child a baby girl/boy
3 25 child n tʃaɪld niño a young person who is not yet an adult an eight-year-old child
3 25 elderly person n ˈeldəli ˈpɜːsən anciano an old person She gave her seat on the bus to an elderly
3 25 middle-aged person n ˈmɪdəleɪdʒd persona de mediana edad a person who is in the middle of life, before he/she A middle-aged person is not young and not old.
is old
3 25 retired person n rɪˈtaɪəd ˈpɜːsən jubilado a person who has stopped working because he/she After thirty-five years working in an office, he is
is old now a retired person.
3 25 teenager n ˈtiːnˌeɪdʒə adolescente someone who is between thirteen and nineteen The worst thing about being a teenager is all the
years old exams we have to do.

3 25 toddler n ˈtɒdələ niño pequeño a child who has just learned to walk My little brother is much younger than me – he's
still a toddler.
4 31 amazing adj əˈmeɪzɪŋ asombroso very surprising It's amazing how many people can't read.
4 31 crazy adj ˈkreɪzi loco stupid or strange a crazy idea
4 31 delicious adj dɪˈlɪʃəs delicioso very good to eat or drink This soup is absolutely delicious.
4 31 disgusting adj dɪsˈgʌstɪŋ asqueroso extremely unpleasant What's that disgusting smell?
4 31 luxurious adj lʌgˈʒʊəriəs lujoso very comfortable and expensive a luxurious hotel
4 31 memorable adj ˈmemərəbəl memorable if an occasion is memorable, you will remember it for a memorable performance
a long time because it is so good
4 31 trendy adj ˈtrendi moderno fashionable at the moment She has some trendy new glasses.
4 31 weird adj wɪəd raro very strange I had a really weird dream last night.
4 34 bill n bɪl cuenta, factura a piece of paper that tells you how much you must Have you paid the electricity bill?
pay for something you have bought or used
4 34 course n kɔːs plato a part of a meal a three-course dinner
4 34 cutlery n ˈkʌtləri cubiertos knives, forks and spoons The cutlery is in the kitchen drawer.
4 34 dessert n dɪˈzɜːt postre sweet food that is eaten after the main part of a meal Ice cream is my favourite dessert.

4 34 fork n fɔːk tenedor a small object with three or four points and a handle, a knife and fork
that you use to eat with
4 34 glass n glɑːs vaso, copa a container made of glass that is used for drinking Would you like a glass of water?

4 34 knife n naɪf cuchillo a sharp metal thing used for cutting a knife and fork
4 34 main course n meɪn kɔːs plato principal the largest or most important part of a meal The main course is chicken and rice.
4 34 napkin n ˈnæpkɪn servilleta a piece of cloth or paper that you use when you eat a paper napkin
to keep your clothes clean
4 34 plate n pleɪt plato a flat, round object which is used for putting food on a dinner plate

4 34 spoon n spuːn cuchara an object with a handle and a round, curved part at You need a spoon to eat soup.
one end, used for eating and serving food
4 34 starter n ˈstɑːtə primer plato something that you eat as the first part of a meal The starter is soup or salad.
4 34 tablecloth n ˈteɪbəlklɒθ mantel a piece of material that covers a table He spilt orange juice on the white tablecloth.
5 40 boat n bəʊt bote a vehicle for travelling on water a fishing/sailing boat
5 40 ferry n ˈferi ferry a boat that regularly carries passengers and a car/passenger ferry
vehicles across the water
5 40 helicopter n ˈhelɪkɒptə helicóptero an aircraft which flies using long, thin parts on top of
When I'm rich, I'm going to travel everywhere by
it that turn round and round very fast helicopter.
5 40 lorry n ˈlɒri camión a large road vehicle for carrying things from place to They used a lorry to move their furniture from
place their old house to their new one.
5 40 motorbike n ˈməʊtəbaɪk motocicleta a vehicle with two wheels and an engine She jumped on her motorbike and raced off down
the road.
5 40 plane n pleɪn avión a vehicle that flies and has an engine and wings He hates travelling by plane.
5 40 scooter n ˈskuːtə motoneta a small motorcycle Let's hire a scooter when we go on holiday.
5 40 ship n ʃɪp barco a large boat that carries people or goods by sea a cruise ship
5 40 tram n træm tranvía an electric vehicle for carrying passengers, mostly in Manchester has a tram system, as well as buses
cities, which moves along metal lines in the road and trains.

5 44 click on something v klɪk ɒn ˈsʌmθɪŋ hacer clic sobre algo to push part of a computer mouse (=small computer If you click on something twice, the file opens.
control) to make the computer do something

5 44 cut and paste v kʌt ænd peɪst cortar y pegar to move words or pictures from one place to another Instead of writing it twice on the computer, why
in a computer document don't you cut and paste it?
5 44 disc drive n dɪsk draɪv unidad de disco a piece of computer equipment that allows You can play the CD on your computer if you put
information to be stored on and read from a disc it in the disc drive.
5 44 file n faɪl carpeta a collection of information such as text, pictures, or Do you want to download this file?
computer programs stored together electronically
with a single name
5 44 icon n ˈaɪkɒn ícono a small picture on a computer screen that you Click on the print icon.
choose in order to make the computer do something

5 44 keyboard n ˈkiːbɔːd teclado a set of keys on a computer, which you press to The keyboard on my computer is broken.
make it work
5 44 laptop n ˈlæptɒp laptop a computer that is small enough to be carried A laptop would be great for working on the train.
around and used where you are sitting
5 44 memory stick n ˈmeməri stɪk memoria USB a small electronic device designed to store Can you put the photos on my memory stick?
information that can be put into a computer, mobile
phone, etc
5 44 mouse n maʊs ratón a small piece of equipment connected to a computer The mouse on my computer's broken, so I'll have
that you move with your hand to control what the to use the keyboard.
computer does
5 44 printer n ˈprɪntə impresora a machine which is connected to a computer and a laser printer
which produces writing or images on paper
5 44 screen n skriːn pantalla the part of a television or computer which shows I spend most of my day working in front of a
images or writing computer screen.
5 44 search engine n sɜːtʃ ˈendʒɪn buscador a computer program which finds information on the Google is the most popular search engine.
Internet by looking for words which you have typed

@ Cambridge University Press 2011

Wordlist: English to Spanish
Unit Page English word Part of IPA Spanish Definition Example sentence
no. speech Español
5 44 social networking site n ˈsəʊʃəl página de red social a website where people can share information about Facebook is my favourite social networking site.
themselves and talk with friends, etc
ˈnetwɜːkɪŋ saɪt
5 44 speakers npl ˈspiːkəz altavoces the parts of a radio, CD player, etc which the sound One of the speakers in my car is broken.
comes out of
5 44 USB port n ˌjuːesˈbiː pɔːt puerto USB Universal Serial Bus: a part of a computer to which To see what files are on the memory stick,
extra equipment (such as a printer or memory stick) connect it to the USB port.
can be connected easily without restarting the
5 44 webcam n ˈwebkæm cámara web a camera which records moving pictures and I can't see you. Is your webcam switched on?
sounds and allows these to be shown on the
Internet as they happen
6 49 bungee jumping n ˈbʌndʒi salto en bungee the sport of jumping from a very high place while Alice went bungee jumping off a bridge in
tied to a long elastic rope, so that the rope pulls you Australia.
back before you hit the ground
6 49 motor racing n ˈməʊtə ˈreɪsɪŋ carrera de autos the sport of driving extremely fast and powerful cars Michael Schumacher is one of the most
around a track successful motor racing drivers in the world.
6 49 mountain biking n ˈmaʊntɪn ˈbaɪkɪŋ ciclismo de montaña the sport of riding a bicycle with thick tyres on hills He goes mountain biking in the countryside every
and rough ground weekend.
6 49 scuba diving n ˈskuːbə ˈdaɪvɪŋ buceo a sport in which you swim under water using special We went scuba diving in the Red Sea.
equipment for breathing
6 49 skateboarding n ˈskeɪtbɔːdɪŋ ir en patineta the activity of moving using a skateboard Skateboarding is cool. I go skateboarding in the
park after school.
6 49 skydiving n ˈskaɪˌdaɪvɪŋ paracaidismo the sport of jumping out of an aircraft with a I would never go skydiving because I'm too
parachute (=large piece of cloth that allows you to scared!
fall slowly to the ground)
6 49 snowboarding n ˈsnəʊbɔːdɪŋ snowboard a sport in which you stand on a large board and I prefer snowboarding to skiing.
move over snow
6 49 water skiing n ˈwɔːtə ˈskiːɪŋ esquí acuático a sport in which someone is pulled behind a boat She often goes water skiing on a lake near her
while standing on skis (=long, narrow pieces of home.
wood or plastic fastened to the feet)
6 50 climb v klaɪm escalar to go up something, or onto the top of something to climb a ladder/tree/mountain
6 50 dive v daɪv zambullirse to jump into water with your head and arms going in He dived off the side of the boat into the sea.
6 50 fall v fɔːl caer to move down towards the ground He fell off his bicycle and hurt his leg.
6 50 jump v dʒʌmp saltar to push your body up and away from the ground The children were jumping up and down with
using your feet and legs excitement.
6 50 roll v rəʊl rodar to move somewhere by turning in a circular The ball rolled through the goalkeeper's legs.
direction, or to make something move this way
6 50 spin v spɪn girar If something spins or you spin something, it turns The wheels on the car spin when the car is
around and around quickly. moving.
7 58 album n ˈælbəm álbum several songs or pieces of music on a CD, a record, Have you heard their new album?
7 58 band n bænd grupo musical a group of musicians who play modern music a jazz band
7 58 the charts npl ðə tʃɑːts lista de éxitos an official list of the most popular songs each week This song entered the charts at number eight.

7 58 fan n fæn aficionado someone who admires and supports a famous More than 15,000 Liverpool fans attended
person, sport, type of music, etc Saturday's game.
7 58 hit n hɪt éxito a very successful song, film, book, etc The film Titanic was a big hit.
7 58 lyrics npl ˈlɪrɪks letra the words of a song She really loves Coldplay. She knows the lyrics to
all their songs.
7 58 perform v pəˈfɔːm interpretar to act, sing, dance or play music for other people to The orchestra will perform music by Mozart.
7 58 record v rɪˈkɔːd grabar to store sounds or pictures using electronic They’re recording a new album.
equipment so that you can listen to them or see
them again
7 58 single n ˈsɪŋgəl sencillo a record or CD which includes only one main song I can't wait to hear Madonna's latest single.

7 58 studio n ˈstjuːdiəʊ estudio a room where television/radio programmes or Their new album was recorded at a studio in
musical recordings are made London.
7 61 cover art n ˈkʌvə ɑːt portada the picture and design on the front of a music I love the cover art on the new Lady Gaga album.
album, book, etc
7 61 download v ˌdaʊnˈləʊd descargar to copy computer programs or information You can download this software free from their
electronically, usually from a large computer to a website.
small one
7 61 microphone n ˈmaɪkrəfəʊn micrófono a piece of electrical equipment for recording or Speak into the microphone, please.
broadcasting sounds, or for making sounds louder

7 61 playlist n ˈpleɪlɪst lista de reproducción a selection of songs to be listened to in a particular The DJ organised his playlist the night before the
order show.
7 61 record label n ˈrekɔːd ˈleɪbəl discográfica a company that records and sells music He used to be a singer, but now he manages his
own record label.
7 61 track n træk pista a song or piece of music on a CD or MP3 player His new album will have ten tracks on it.
7 61 update v ˈʌpdeɪt actualizar to add new information We've just updated our website.
7 61 upload v ʌpˈləʊd subir to copy computer programs or information The day after the party, they uploaded the photos
electronically, usually from a small computer to a onto Facebook.
larger one or to the Internet
8 67 anxious adj ˈæŋʃəs preocupado worried and nervous She's very anxious about her exams.
8 67 dishonest adj dɪˈsɒnɪst deshonesto not honest I don’t think he was being dishonest with me.
8 67 easy-going adj ˈiːziˈgəʊɪŋ tranquilo relaxed and not easily upset or worried Flavio has an easy-going personality.
8 67 generous adj ˈdʒenərəs generoso often giving people money or presents It was very generous of you to buy her flowers.
8 67 hard-working adj ˌhɑːdˈwɜːkɪŋ trabajador always working with a lot of effort He's always been hard-working.
8 67 honest adj ˈɒnɪst sincero sincere and telling the truth Be honest with me – do I look fat in this?

8 67 impatient adj ɪmˈpeɪʃənt impaciente wanting something to happen as soon as possible We were up early, impatient to make a start.

8 67 insensitive adj ɪnˈsensətɪv insensible not noticing or not caring about other people's an insensitive remark
8 67 lazy adj ˈleɪzi perezoso someone who is lazy does not like working or using Get out of bed, you lazy thing!
any effort
8 67 mean adj miːn tacaño not willing to give or share things, especially money My grandmother is very mean – she nevers gives
me any presents for my birthday.
8 67 patient adj ˈpeɪʃənt paciente able to stay calm and not get angry, especially when You need to be patient with children.
something takes a long time
8 67 quiet adj kwaɪət silencioso without much noise or activity Can you be quiet, please? We're trying to work.

8 67 self-confident adj selfˈkɒnfɪdənt seguro de sí mismo feeling sure about yourself and your abilities I'm certain he will do well in the interview – he's
very self-confident.
8 67 sensible adj ˈsensɪbəl sensato showing good judgment a sensible decision

@ Cambridge University Press 2011

Wordlist: English to Spanish
Unit Page English word Part of IPA Spanish Definition Example sentence
no. speech Español
8 67 sensitive adj ˈsensɪtɪv sensible able to understand what people are feeling and deal I want a husband who's kind and sensitive.
with them in a way that does not upset them; easily
upset by the things people say or do

8 67 shy adj ʃaɪ tímido not confident, especially about meeting new people He was too shy to say anything to her.

8 67 silly adj ˈsɪli tonto stupid Do I look silly in this hat?

8 67 sociable adj ˈsəʊʃəbəl sociable Someone who is sociable likes being with people I had a headache and wasn't feeling very
and meeting new people. sociable.
8 67 talkative adj ˈtɔːkətɪv conversador A talkative person talks a lot. Rachel is very talkative, but not everything she
says is interesting!
8 67 unsociable adj ʌnˈsəʊʃəbəl huraño not wanting to be with other people Come and talk to your grandmother – don't be
8 69 Christmas Day n ˈkrɪsməs deɪ Navidad December 25th, the day on which Christians Many people give each other presents on
celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ Christmas Day.
8 69 Day of the Dead n deɪ ɒv ðə ded Día de los Muertos November 1st, the day on which people who have The Day of the Dead is a happy celebration when
died are celebrated in Mexico and Central America people eat a lot of sugary sweets and dance.

8 69 Diwali n dɪˈwɑːli Diwali a Hindu holiday in October/November that Families often celebrate Diwali with a meal and
celebrates light and the new year fireworks.
8 69 Eid n iːd Eid Eid is the name of two Muslim festivals. The more At the end of Ramadan, (a period of not eating)
important one celebrates the end of Ramadan. the festival of Eid Al Fitr is marked with a meal.

8 69 Hanukkah n ˈhɒnəkə Januká the special Jewish period of celebration held in Traditional foods eaten at Hanukkah include
December potato pancakes with sour cream.
8 69 New Year’s Eve n njuː jɪəz iːv Noche Vieja December 31st, the last day of the year Will you come to my New Year's Eve party?
8 69 Thanksgiving n ˌθæŋksˈgɪvɪŋ Día de acción de gracias a holiday in the autumn in the US and Canada, I always fly home for Thanksgiving.
when families have a big meal together
9 76 bald adj bɔːld calvo with little or no hair John started to go bald at an early age.
9 76 beautiful adj ˈbjuːtɪfəl hermoso very attractive a beautiful woman
9 76 big adj bɪg grande large in size or amount I come from a big family.
9 76 cute adj kjuːt lindo attractive, often refers to something small, like a She was a very cute baby.
9 76 fat adj fæt gordo Someone who is fat weighs too much. She eats all the time but never gets fat.
9 76 good-looking adj ˌgʊdˈlʊkɪŋ guapo attractive a good-looking woman
9 76 little adj ˈlɪtəl pequeño small in size or amount I've got a little bag.
9 76 long adj lɒŋ largo having a large distance from one end to the other long hair
9 76 pointed adj ˈpɔɪntɪd puntiagudo A pointed object has a thin, sharp end. a pointed chin/beard
9 76 pretty adj ˈprɪti bonito attractive – especially for a woman or girl Your sister is very pretty.
9 76 overweight adj ˈəʊvəweɪt obeso fat He's still a few pounds overweight.
9 76 round adj raʊnd redondo in the shape of a circle or ball a round table
9 76 short adj ʃɔːt corto having a small distance from one end to the other short, brown hair

9 76 straight adj streɪt lacio not curved or bent a straight road

9 76 ugly adj ˈʌgli feo bad to look at an ugly city
9 76 wavy adj ˈweɪvi ondulado with slight curves wavy hair
9 78 advertisement n ədˈvɜːtɪsmənt anuncio a picture, short film, song, etc which tries to a television/newspaper advertisement for a new
persuade people to buy a product or a service car
9 78 channel n ˈtʃænəl canal a number on a television that you choose in order to a music/news/shopping/sports channel
watch a programme
9 78 chat show n tʃæt ʃəʊ programa de entrevistas a television or radio programme where people are I saw my favorite actor on a chat show last night.
asked questions about themselves
9 78 comedy series n ˈkɒmədi ˈsɪəriːz comedia a set of funny television programmes with the same Friends is my favourite comedy series.
main characters
9 78 documentary n ˌdɒkjəˈmentəri documental a film or television programme that gives facts about I watched a documentary about dolphins on
a real situation Friday.
9 78 drama series n ˈdrɑːmə ˈsɪəriːz serie dramática a set of exciting television programmes with the CSI and Heroes are exciting drama series.
same main characters
9 78 soap opera n ˈsəʊpˌɒpərə telenovela a television programme about the lives of a group of I watch a soap opera every day.
people that is broadcast several times every week

9 78 quiz show n kwɪz ʃəʊ programa de concursos a type or TV programme in which people answer I won £50,000 on a quiz show!
questions to try and win money or prizes
9 78 the news n ðə njuːz noticiero, noticiario information about important things that have just the local/national news
happened on television, radio and in newspapers
10 86 catch v kætʃ tomar to get on a bus, train, etc in order to travel You can catch the bus from the top of the hill.
10 86 drive v draɪv manejar to travel somewhere in a car, or to take someone They're driving to Scotland on Tuesday.
somewhere in a car
10 86 get into v get ˈɪntə subir to move from the outside to the inside of a small They got into the car and drove away.
10 86 get off v get ɒf bajar to move from the inside of a large vehicle to the They got off the train in Paris.
ground; to stand up from a two-wheeled vehicle
10 86 get on v get ɒn subir to move from the ground to the inside of a large We got on the plane to Brazil.
vehicle; to sit on a two-wheeled vehicle
10 86 get out of v get aʊt ɒv salir to move from the inside of a small vehicle to the She got out of the van and walked away.
10 86 land v lænd aterrizar If an aeroplane lands, it arrives on the ground after We should land in Madrid at 7 a.m.
10 86 ride v raɪd montar to travel by sitting on a bicycle or motorcycle and I ride my bike to work.
controlling it
10 86 take off v teɪk ɒf despegar if an aircraft takes off, it begins to fly The plane took off.
10 88 check-in desk n ˈtʃekɪn desk mostrador de facturación the place at an airport where you show your ticket I'll meet you at the check-in desk.
and are told where you will be sitting
10 88 passport n ˈpɑːspɔːt pasaporte an official document, often a small book, that you a British passport
need to enter or leave a country
10 88 platform n ˈplætfɔːm andén the area in a railway station where you get on and The train for London, Paddington, will depart from
off the train platform twelve.
10 88 security n sɪˈkjʊərəti seguridad the things that are done to keep someone or airport security
something safe
10 88 suitcase n ˈsuːtkeɪs maleta a rectangular case with a handle that you use for to pack your suitcase
carrying clothes when you are travelling
10 88 ticket office n ˈtɪkɪt ˈɒfɪs taquilla, boletería a place where you can buy a ticket Let's meet at the ticket office fifteen minutes
before the bus leaves.
10 88 timetable n ˈtaɪmˌteɪbəl horario a list of times when buses, trains, etc arrive and a train timetable
10 88 window seat n ˈwɪndəʊ siːt asiento de ventanilla a seat on a train, plane, or other vehicle which is Can I have a window seat, please?
next to the window

@ Cambridge University Press 2011

Wordlist: English to Spanish
Unit Page English word Part of IPA Spanish Definition Example sentence
no. speech Español
11 95 camera operator n ˈkæmərə camarógrafo someone who operates a television or film camera His brother is a camera operator for a film
as their job company.
11 95 director n dɪˈrektə director someone who tells the actors in a film or play what Steven Spielberg is a famous film director.
to do
11 95 extra n ˈekstrə extra an actor in a film who does not have a speaking part My friend was an extra in a crowd scene in a
and usually plays someone in a crowd recent film.
11 95 film star n fɪlm stɑː estrella de cine a famous cinema actor or actress Russell Crowe is an Australian film star.
11 95 location n ləˈkeɪʃən exteriores a place away from the studio where all or part of a The documentary was made on location in the
film is recorded Gobi desert.
11 95 make-up artist n ˈmeɪkʌp ˈɑːtɪst maquillador someone who puts make-up on people to improve The make-up artist made the actor look older by
or change their appearance drawing lines on his face.
11 95 script n skrɪpt guión the words in a film, play, etc He wrote the film script for Beloved.
11 95 set n set plató a place where a film is made I met Tom Cruise on the set of Mission
11 95 stunt person n stʌnt ˈpɜːsən doble someone whose job is to do something dangerous In this film, the stunt person has to crash a car
in a film, in place of the actors and then jump off a cliff.
11 97 cardboard n ˈkɑːdbɔːd cartón thick, hard paper that is used for making boxes a cardboard box
11 97 cotton n ˈkɒtən algodón cloth or thread that is made from the cotton plant a cotton shirt
11 97 glass n glɑːs vidrio a hard, clear substance that objects such as broken glass
windows and bottles are made of
11 97 leather n ˈleðə cuero the skin of animals that is used to make shoes and a leather jacket
11 97 metal n ˈmetəl metal a hard, shiny material such as iron, gold, or silver Metal is used for making tools.

11 97 plastic n ˈplæstɪk plástico a light substance that can be made into different Most children's toys are made of plastic.
shapes when it is soft and has many uses
11 97 rubber n ˈrʌbə caucho, hule a strong material that bends easily and is used to Tyres are almost always made of rubber.
make tyres, boots, etc
11 97 wood n wʊd madera the hard material that trees are made of a piece of wood
12 103 cash n kæʃ dinero en efectivo money in any form She's a bit short of cash at the moment.
12 103 cash machine n kæʃ məˈʃiːn cajero automático a machine in a wall that you can get money from The bank is closed, but I can get some money
using a bank card from the cash machine.
12 103 coin n kɔɪn moneda a small round piece of metal used as money That machine doesn't take 50p coins.
12 103 credit card n ˈkredɪt kɑːd tarjeta de crédito a small plastic card that allows you to buy He paid by credit card.
something and pay for it later
12 103 note n nəʊt billete a piece of paper money Have you got any ten-pound notes?
12 103 PIN (Personal n pɪn PIN (Número de the secret number that allows you to use a bank You shouldn't tell anyone your PIN.
Identification Number) identificación personal) card in a machine

12 103 purse n pɜːs cartera, bolso a small container for money, usually used by a a leather purse
12 103 receipt n rɪˈsiːt recibo a piece of paper that proves that you have received Could I have a receipt?
goods or money
12 103 wallet n ˈwɒlɪt cartera, billetera a small, flat container for paper money and credit Someone took all the money from my wallet!
cards, usually used by a man
12 105 borrow v ˈbɒrəʊ pedir prestado to use something that belongs to someone else and Can I borrow a pen please?
give it back later

12 105 earn v ɜːn ganar to get money for doing work She earns more than £40,000 a year.
12 105 lend v lend prestar to give something to someone for a period of time, She lent me her car for the weekend.
expecting that they will then give it back to you

12 105 pay for v peɪ fɔː pagar to give money in exchange for a product or service Helen paid for the tickets.

12 105 save v seɪv ahorrar to keep money so that you can buy something with it I’m saving up for a car.
in the future
12 105 spend v spend gastar to use money to buy or pay for something She spends a lot on clothes.
12 105 waste v weɪst desperdiciar to use too much of something or use something I don't want to waste any more time so let's start.
badly when there is a limited amount of it
12 105 win v wɪn ganar to get a prize in a game or competition He won $500.

@ Cambridge University Press 2011

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