Proposal Gilat 2022

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Gilat Colombia S.A. E.S.P.
June 10, 2022
required, in the review of monthly,
June 10, 2022 annual and other returns and the
review and assistance in the
Mr. Gustavo Abon preparation of FIN 48 and other
Gilat Colombia S.A. E.S.P. related SOX reports.
Bogotá, Colombia
3. Tax Audits
Dear Gustavo:
The Company has been and can
Please find below the terms of our proposal to continue being in the future audited
carry out permanent tax consulting and by the Tax Authorities with respect to
compliance services, starting July 1st, 2022, several tax periods and different type
described in point A of this communication. of taxes. My involvement in this
aspect relates to my advisory on the
A. Services to be provided best manner to answer the Tax
Authorities’ requests and in the
The services to be provided would have the preparation of claims to controvert
following description and scope: the demands of the authorities when
they seem unfounded. If it is
1. Permanent Tax Advisory necessary to take the case to the
Courts, I would also be available to
As in the past years, I would continue advise the Company in the preparation
assisting and advising Gilat Colombia and answers of lawsuits and applicable
S.A. E.S.P. (the Company) on tax appeals. I have already represented
matters, on a permanent basis. The the Company before the authorities in
scope of this assistance would include the preparation and filing of certain
any issue related to income, answers to requests of information
withholding, value added, stamp, and amendment of returns. I would be
industry and commerce and, in available to continue carrying out this
general, all taxes applicable in representation, if needed.
Colombia. This assistance involves the
formulation of verbal and/or written The scope of the services described in this
opinions related to the interpretation proposal refers exclusively to the
of the law or the design and/or review description made in points 1, 2 and 3 above
of tax planning strategies for a specific and does not include, among others, any
transaction or operation. It also additional or subsequent acts or
supposes a proactive approach from procedures, different from those
my part, in the sense of being alert to described, to be made before the tax
opportunities that could benefit the administration or any other person or
Company and informing the Company authority.
of such opportunities on a prompt
basis. B. Fees

2. Tax Compliance For the services described in the scope

above, based on our recent conversation
My assistance in tax compliance issues and considering that Gilat has reduced its
corresponds to my involvement, as Colombian operations and until the future
level of operations of the Company
an adjustment, we would charge a monthly solely for the benefit of the Company or for
fee of COP$1.864.000 to be adjusted submission to tax authorities and are not
annually based on the corresponding for the benefit of anyone else. Accordingly,
inflation rate. This implies a reduction of any other person or persons, used in
our current fee in an amount equivalent to connection with any other transaction, or
40% of what we are currently charging. used for any other purpose, may not rely
upon any service or advice provided by us.
We will bill our permanent fees within the
first five days of the month in which the We will not be liable for any claim for
services are to be rendered. We would damages arising out of or in conjunction
expect payment within the following 30 with any tax services provided for Gilat
days after the invoice is issued. All the Colombia S.A. E.S.P. in an amount greater
above amounts will be payable in than the amount of fees actually paid to us
Colombian pesos at the market exchange with respect to the services directly
rate applicable in the day of payment. relating to and forming the basis of such
These amounts do not include the claim.
applicable VAT which would be invoiced
along with the related fees. Any We look forward to continuing being able to
exceptional expenses incurred in the assist the Company in these issues. If you
rendering of the proposed services will be require any additional information, please
invoiced separately once we have agreed contact us.
on their applicability and amount.

C. Confidentiality

We will maintain the information the

Company provides to us in confidence and
will not disclose to others the Company’s
confidential information except with its Juan Manuel Idrovo
Brick Abogados
consent or as required by law.
(Rodríguez & Asociados Abogados
All tax advice and services to be provided
S.A.S.) Copy to Sandra Rocio Ortiz
to the Company under this proposal will be
based upon information obtained from the
Company’s records, as well as information
furnished by the Company’s personnel. In
rendering these services, we will rely upon
the Company’s personnel for the accuracy
and completeness of all facts, assumptions
and representations, as well as all other
information provided to us by the
Company. We have not been engaged to,
and therefore will not, independently
verify such facts, assumptions and

All advice and other services we provide

pursuant to this proposal are intended to

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