Revision Worksheet 11 Test 2 2019

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1. Complete the text about the Green Cross using the words in the box.

government mission energy global water sustainable natural people society conflicts

The (1)_________________ of Green Cross International is to respond to the combined challenges of security,
poverty and environmental degradation to ensure a (2)_________________ and secure future. We seek solutions
through dialogue, mediation and co-operation.
To achieve this, we:
- promote legal, ethical and behavioural norms that ensure basic changes in the values, actions and attitudes of
(3)_________________, the private sector and civil (4)_________________, necessary to develop a sustainable
(5)_________________ community;
- contribute to the prevention and resolution of (6)_________________ arising from environmental degradation
and the growing demand for increasingly scarce (7)_________________ resources with a focus on addressing the
global (8)_________________ and (9)________________ challenges;
- provide assistance to (10)_________________ affected by the environmental consequences of wars, conflicts and
man-made calamities.

2. Complete the text with the suitable word families.

International a) ___________________________ (concerned) over the thinning ozone layer led nations to sign an
agreement, the 1987 Montreal Protocol, to phase out the b)_____________________________ (product) and use
of CFCs. c) ______________________________ (unfortunate), an agreement in this matter is hard to reach and
while developed nations were trying to d) _____________________________ (persuasion) developing countries to
sign the Protocol, developing countries were trying to argue on their behalf with e)
____________________________(respectful) to an f)___________________________ (increasing) in the
production of CFCs. India, for example, refused to sign, saying it was unfair for industrialised nations to
g)________________________________(punishment) developing countries that had still not raised the h)
________________________________ (economy) welfare of their citizens. If the predicted consequences of
i)_________________________________ (globe) warming come about, developing countries will j)
______________________________ (suffering) more than developed ones. (...)

3. Rewrite the following sentences starting them as suggested.

a) Unless we protect our planet, we will not be able to live here.


b) We don’t have central heating, so the house is rather cold.

If we had _______________________________________________________________________________
c) I live near my office, so I don’t spend much time travelling to work.

If I didn’t________________________________________________________________________________

d) I live a long way from the centre; that’s why I am always late for work.

If I didn’t live___________________________________________________________________________

e) I didn’t work hard at school so I didn’t get a good job when I left.

If I had_________________________________________________________________________________

f) We don’t work hard and so we won’t be promoted.

Unless _________________________________________________________________________________

4. Complete with the double comparative. Use the adjectives in brackets.

a) He gets __________________________________(boring). I can’t listen to him any longer.

b) I didn’t like this book at first, but it’s getting __________________________________ (interesting).

c) My daughter’s English results are getting ___________________________ (bad).

d) In Spring the weather gets ________________________ (warm).

e) I think TV programmes are getting _________________________________ (violent).

f) She’s getting over her operation. She feels ___________________________________ (good).

5. Rewrite the sentences using the double comparative.

a) As he got older, he became more and more bad-tempered.

The _________________________________ , the________________________________________________.

b) He worked hard. He felt very bad.

The ____________________________________________________________________________________.

c) When we think of the exam, we get more and more excited.

The _____________________________________________________________________________________

d) As this road gets busier, it becomes more and more dangerous.

The _____________________________________________________________________________________.

e) When you get near to the Equator, the temperature becomes high.

The _____________________________________________________________________________________.

f) When I write fast, my writing becomes illegible.


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