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Unit 6 ‘Let’s write an email!’


3. Unscramble the email parts and then put them into their corresponding position.
Escribe correctamente las partes del mail y luego ponlas en su posición correspondiente.

a) desenr: sender____________________________________
b) nsig fof: __________________________________________
c) peoning neli: ______________________________________
d) nasigretu: ________________________________________
e) jectsub neli: _______________________________________
f) cirepient: _________________________________________
g) tinggree sephra: ___________________________________
h) dybo: ____________________________________________
i) singclo neli: _______________________________________
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Unit 6 ‘Let’s write an email!’

4. Look at the e-mail below and answer the questions.

Lee el mail y contesta las preguntas.

Sales Manager post (ref. 7672P)

Dear Ms. Vogel,
Thank you for your email expressing interest in the above vacancy.
Please confirm whether you would prefer to receive an application form and further details by e-mail
(Word XP, approximately 55k) or in a hard copy by post.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to e-mail or phone me.

Yours sincerely,

This quotation request is sent because of an available vacancy and does not imply entering into a legally binding

a) Who is the sender? __________________________________________________________________

b) Who is the receiver? _________________________________________________________________
c) Is there a signature? _________________________________________________________________
d) What is the subject line about? _________________________________________________________
e) What is the purpose of the e-mail? ______________________________________________________
f) What format would the attachment be in?_________________________________________________
g) What is the receiver expected to do? ____________________________________________________
h) Is there a disclaimer? What type? ______________________________________________________
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Unit 6 ‘Let’s write an email!’

5. Read the following sentences and write the email part they correspond to.
Lee las oraciones y escribe la parte del mail a la que corresponden.

Salutation Opening line Body Signature

Sentences Email part

a) Dear Sir or Madam, Salutation
b) We would like to order 3 samples of ...
c) Best regards,
d) I look forward to hearing from you soon.
e) Our terms of delivery are...
f) Your order will be processed as quickly as possible.
g) I would appreciate your immediate attention to this matter.
h) Dr. Susan Berkley, Medical Clinic Ltd.
i) We are writing to confirm...
j) Feel free to contact me in case of ...
k) Gentlemen,
l) Thank you for your e-mail of ...
m) We regret to inform you ...
n) Yours sincerely,
o) Please send us your price list.
p) Do not hesitate to contact me for further information.
q) Robert Brown, Sales Representative.
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Unit 6 ‘Let’s write an email!’

Netiquette is a combination of 'net,' from internet, and ‘etiquette’ and is defined as a set of rules for acceptable
online behavior.

It means respecting other users' views and displaying

common courtesy when posting your views to online
discussion groups, email messages, or any other form of
communication via the internet.

The key to netiquette is to remember that the people with

whom you are communicating cannot see you, read your body language, or hear the tone of your voice.
Therefore, it is critical that people adhere to online netiquette to convey their message as intended.

Consider the following rules, adapted from Virginia Shea's ‘The

Core Rules of Netiquette’ (1994), whenever you communicate in
the virtual world.

1. Remember the human on the other side of the electronic

2. Adhere to the same standards of behavior online that you
follow in real life.
3. Know where you are in cyberspace.

4. Respect other people’s time and bandwidth.

5. Make yourself look good online.

6. Share expert knowledge.
7. Keep flame wars under control.

8. Respect other people’s privacy.

9. Don’t abuse your power.

10. Be forgiving of other people’s mistakes.

Adapted from The Core Rules of Netiquette Shea, V. (1994). Core rules of netiquette. Netiquette (Online ed., pp. 32-45). San Francisco:
Albion Books.

Watch the video to learn some more about netiquette
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Unit 6 ‘Let’s write an email!’


6. Some companies have guidelines on how staff should use e-mails. Look at these following extract
from the guidelines of Travel Express and complete the gaps by using the concepts from the box.
Algunas compañías tienen lineamientos sobre como el personal debe usar e-mails. Lee el extracto de
las directrices de Travel Express y completa los espacios con las palabras de la casilla.

Cc - subject line - forward - attachment - signature - recipient - disclaimer

a) Make sure you have the ‘s e-mail
address correct. It’s easy to send an e-mail to the wrong person!

b) Use the option only if someone else

needs to be kept informed or to take action.

c) Include the following information in your : your name, job title, company
name and telephone number.

d) The company’s website address and a legal are sometimes

automatically added to all outgoing messages.

e) Make sure that the clearly describes what the e-mail is about and is
free of errors.

f) If you need to send an . First check with the recipient that the format
(word, excel etc.) and file size are appropriate.

g) Use the bcc field instead of the field to avoid having large number of
names in the e-mail header, and avoid making e-mail addresses known to other people.

7. Look for the meaning of the concepts you don’t know. Match the key terms in A with their corresponding
definition in B.
Busca información de los conceptos que desconozcas. Une los términos en la columna A con su
correcta definición en B.


a) Netiquette ____ Where you write the topic of your message.

b) Subject line ____ Type of electronic file (ex: Word).

c) Attachment __A__ Good practice guidelines when communicating on the internet.

d) To cc someone is ____ Your contact details below your e-mail.

e) Signature ____ A document e-mailed to someone.

f) Format ____ A folder containing messages for you to read.

g) In- tray ____ To copy your message to another person.

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Unit 6 ‘Let’s write an email!’

8. Put the words into the correct order to form sentences.

Pon las palabras en el orden correcto.

a) your / from / I / writing / am / reply / in / to / e-mail / June 5 .

b) look / I / forward / to / your / receive / reply.

c) Please / attached / find / a copy / catalogue. / of / our

d) you/ Thank / for / e-mail. / your

e) you / If / have / questions / any / please/ not / do / hesitate / contact / to / me.

f) for / I / writing / am / concerning / the / launch / product / week. / next / scheduled

g) really / I'm / the / glad / to / about / good news. / hear

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Unit 6 ‘Let’s write an email!’

9. Complete the e-mail by using words and phrases review into the unit contents.
Completa el e-mail usando palabras y frases revisadas en el contenido de la unidad.
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Unit 6 ‘Let’s write an email!’

10. Complete the ‘How to…structure a formal e-mail?’ box with the headings (a - d).
Completa la casilla ‘¿Cómo estructurar un mail formal? con los encabezados a-d.

a) ask for the exact information you need.

b) finish a formal email.
c) start a formal email.
d) say your main reason for writing.

11. Choose 2 of the following situations and write an e-mail for each one according to the given information.
Elige 2 situaciones del recuadro y escribe un e-mail para cada una según la información dada.
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Unit 6 ‘Let’s write an email!’

Situation 1

Situation 2
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Unit 6 ‘Let’s write an email!’

12. Read the following situations and write the corresponding e-mail.
Lee las siguientes situaciones y escribe el mail correspondiente.

A) You have to organize an urgent meeting tomorrow at 10 am with all the staff from your department.
Your e-mail must include:
 The meeting’s time and place.
 An explanation of what the meeting is going to be about (use your imagination or refer to a real
meeting that you may have had).

B) You work for an international company in Los Angeles, you have arranged to meet a colleague, Jane
Mendez, in her new office on November 8 . Your e-mail must include:
 The confirmation of the date of your visit to New York.
 A suggestion of the time the meeting should start.
 An invitation to have dinner after the meeting.
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Unit 6 ‘Let’s write an email!’

C) Your boss emailed you a report, but he forgot to attach the report. Email her and ask to attach the

D) You need to cancel tomorrow’s meeting with a client and reschedule it for Friday. The client’s name is
Tamara Jones.

E) You will make a PowerPoint presentation next week, and you want your coworker to check your
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Unit 6 ‘Let’s write an email!’

13. Look for and write a short English and Spanish definition of the following concepts.
Busca y escribe una breve definición para los siguientes conceptos.

Request or Inquiry
English def.

Spanish def.

English def.

Spanish def.

English def.

Spanish def.

English def.

Spanish def.

Letter of application
English def.

Spanish def.

English def.

Spanish def.

English def.

Spanish def.
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Unit 6 ‘Let’s write an email!’

English def.

Spanish def.

English def.

Spanish def.

14. Match the concepts from the previous exercise with the examples. In some cases, more than one is
Une los conceptos del ejercicio anterior con los ejemplos. Algunos tienen más de una opción correcta.


With reference to your advertisement in ABC Newspaper of February 3rd, I wish to Letter of application
apply for the position of Marketing Specialist.
We hope the consignment will reach you in good conditions.
Please note that our shop will be relocated to Upper Street 12.
We agree to your terms and are pleased to give you an order.
We are sorry to inform you that your last consignment has not turned out to
our satisfaction.
I am writing to confirm our telephone conversation for today’s afternoon.
We would be pleased to receive your latest catalogue.
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this has caused. Thank you for
your continued business.
Parts of the goods were damaged during transport due to inadequate packaging.
Our local chamber of commerce has kindly provided us with your address. We
are producers of car components and are looking for an opportunity to do business
with you.
We were very pleased to receive your order.
Thank you for your prompt response. Your comments and advice are greatly
Detailed instructions regarding packing and shipping will follow. Insurance will be
covered by us.
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Unit 6 ‘Let’s write an email!’


Studies show that listening is the most frequently used language skill by students. English listening is
important not only in communication, but also in how we learn.
As an English learner, your main focus should be turning the sounds you hear into words, and then turning
those words into a message. ... Listening and writing down what you hear helps you not only learn new
vocabulary but also improve your pronunciation.

Listening 1: listen to audio 1 and fill in the gaps with the words from the box.
Escucha el audio 1 y llena los espacios con las palabras de la casilla.

mailing - letters - to write - e-mail - computers - ASAP - two - in-box - spam - mail -
company - paper

E-mail certainly keeps me busy. I never used 1) as many letters as I do now. In the good old
days before 2) , we wrote real letters, with 3) and envelopes. I wrote one or
two 4) a week. But now, with e-mail, my 5) is never empty. There’s always
someone 6) me. I would like just one day where I’m free of 7) . The sad thing
is, very few mails I get are interesting. I get loads of 8) – junk mail trying to sell me things I
don’t want. I also get lots of 9) from people asking me to do stuff. Do this, do that, reply 10)
. It’s too much sometimes. The one good thing about e-mail is that you can get things done quickly. I can e-mail
a 11) in another country and they can mail me back in
12) minutes.

II. Listening 2: Listen to a voicemail message and do the exercises.

Escucha el mensaje de voz y haz los ejercicios.

֎ Preparation task: Match the definitions (a–h) with the words or symbols (1–8).
Une las definiciones (a-h) con las palabras o símbolos del (1-8).

Words/Symbols Definitions
1. …… a colleague a. things a company makes and sells
2. …… - b. someone you work with
3. …… _ c. a place where people work at desks
4. …… an office d. underscore
5. …… a brochure e. the amount of money you pay for something
6. …… products f. at
7. …… the price g. hyphen (or ‘dash’)
8. …… @ h. a small book with information about a product.
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Unit 6 ‘Let’s write an email!’

֎ Task 1: Listen to audio 2 and choose the correct word.

Escucha el audio 2 y elige la palabra correcta.

John: Hi, this is John. Thanks for 1) waiting / calling. I’m not here at the 2) moment / comment, so please leave
a message and I’ll call you back.

Marina: Hi, John, this is Marina Silva calling from Old Time Toys. Your colleague Alex gave me your
3) gone / phone number. She said you can help me.
I need some information on your new products. 4) Would / Could you please call me when you are back in the
5) office / officers?
My phone number is 0- 6) two / too -0-8, 6-5-5- 7) six-seven / seven-six -2-1.
Also, can you please email me your new 8) tour / brochure and information about your prices?
My 9) retail success / email address is Marina, that’s M-A-R-I-N-A, 10) not / dot Silva, S-I-L-V-A at O-L-D-T-I-M-
E 11) rice in / hyphen toys dot com.
Thanks a lot. I look 12) forward / onward to hearing from you.

֎ Task 2: Listen to audio 2 and choose the best answer.

Escucha el audio 2 y elige la respuesta correcta.

1. John works at Old Time Toys.

a. Yes
b. No

2. Marina wants …
a. product information, a brochure and prices.
b. to call John again later.

3. Marina’s number is …
a. 0208 6557621
b. 0208 6656721

4. Marina’s email address is …


֎ Task 3: Write a number (1–6) to put the actions in the order they are mentioned.
Escribe un número de (1-6) y pon las acciones en el orden que son mencionadas.

Marina says that she needs some product information.

Marina introduces herself.
Marina leaves her email address.
Marina says how she got John’s phone number.
Marina asks for a brochure and prices.
Marina asks John to call her back.
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Unit 6 ‘Let’s write an email!’


Listening 1

1. To write
2. computers
3. paper
4. letters
5. in-box
6. Mailing
7. e-mail
8. spam
9. mail
10. ASAP
11. company
12. two

Listening 2

Preparation task Task 1 Task 2 Task 3

1. b 1) calling 1. b 1. Marina introduces herself.

2. g 2) moment 2. a 2. Marina says how she got John’s phone
3. d 3) phone 3. a number.
4. c 4) Could 4. b 3. Marina says that she needs some product
5. h 5) office information.
6. a 6) two 4. Marina asks John to call her back.
7. e 7) seven-six 5. Marina asks for a brochure and prices.
8. f 8) brochure 6. Marina leaves her email address.
9) email address
10) dot
11) hyphen
12) forward
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Unit 6 ‘Let’s write an email!’


Listening 1

E-mail certainly keeps me busy. I never used to write as many letters as I do now. In the good old days before
computers, we wrote real letters, with paper and envelopes. I wrote one or two letters a week. But now, with e-
mail, my in-box is never empty. There’s always someone mailing me. I would like just one day where I’m free of
e-mail. The sad thing is, very few mails I get are interesting. I get loads of spam – junk mail trying to sell me
things I don’t want. I also get lots of mail from people asking me to do stuff. Do this, do that, reply ASAP. It’s too
much sometimes. The one good thing about e-mail is that you can get things done quickly. I can e-mail a
company in another country and they can mail me back in two minutes.

Listening 2

John: Hi, this is John. Thanks for calling. I’m not here at the moment, so please leave a message and I’ll call
you back.

Marina: Hi, John, this is Marina Silva calling from Old Time Toys. Your colleague Alex gave me your phone
number. She said you can help me.
I need some information on your new products. Could you please call me when you are back in the office?
My phone number is 0-2-0-8, 6-5-5-7-6-2-1.
Also, can you please email me your new brochure and information about your prices?
My e-mail address is Marina, that’s M-A-R-I-N-A, dot Silva, S-I-L-V-A at O-L-D-T-I-M-E hyphen toys dot com.
Thanks a lot. I look forward to hearing from you.

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