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STUDENT: _______________________________________________________________________________________________

4B - QA1 Review - Files 1-2


FILES 1A to 2B
A File 1B – Complete the words in the sentences.
Example: 0 Lili is very reasonable and emotionally stable. I’d say she’s w ell -b alanced.

1 Henry isn’t generous at all. Everybody says he’s rather t______________-f______________.

2 Don’t say anything that might make Jack angry. He’s very b______________-t______________.

3 Gina will be happy to go wherever you want to. She’s pretty e______________-g______________.

4 Fred is always ready to try new ways of doing things. He’s o______________-m______________.

5 Trisha isn’t very open to new ideas. She’s quite n______________-m______________.

6 Gus is not usually worried about anything. He’s so l______________-b______________.

B File 2A – Complete the dialogues between patients and doctors.

1 Patient: I have been really sick and I’ve got diarrhea.

Doctor: Maybe you’ve eaten something bad and got f___________ p_____________.

2 Patient: I have a rash around my neck and it itches.

Doctor: You are probably a______________________ to something.

3 Patient: My ankle is swollen and it hurts a lot.

Doctor: You s______________ your ankle really badly, we’ll need to get an x-____________.

4 Patient: It hurts when I swallow things. I think I have a s_________ t___________.

Doctor: I’ll check your t________________. Are you having other sy________________?

5 Patient: I burnt my arm because I touched the iron when it was on.

Doctor: You’ve got a b_________________. Don’t pop it now. You’ll be ok soon.

C File 2B – Underline the correct word(s).

4B - QA1 Review - Files 1-2 1
1 I like that checked / striped jumper with the green and blue squares.

2 I need this shirt in a bigger size – it’s too loose / tight .

3 That jacket is the perfect colour – it suits / matches those trousers.

4 You need some lycra / velvet shorts if you want to do some serious cycling.

5 If it’s really hot tomorrow I’ll wear my new long-sleeved / sleeveless dress.

6 We’re going to the supermarket in 15 minutes, so get dressed / dress up quickly!

7 Lisa prefers patterned / plain clothes as she loves looking more basic.

8 Those shoes really go with / fit your jeans.

A File 1A – Order the words to make questions and sentences.
Example: 0 you / the / enjoy / didn’t / meal / ?
Didn’t you enjoy the meal?

1 cinema / night / the / go / last / you / did / to / ?

2 seen / film / the / you’ve / isn’t / this / ever / best ?

3 do / to / how / for / people / need / cook / we / many / ?

4 nationalities / class / the / what / your / students / in / are / ?

5 to / aren’t / you / home / glad / didn’t / you / go / that / decide / ?

6 eating / chocolate / should / be / much / you / that / ?

B File 1A - Read the questions and complete the indirect questions.

Example: 0 What time is it?
Do you know what time it is?
1 Why did she leave without saying goodbye?
I wonder .
2 When does college end for the summer?
I’m not sure ?
3 Can we bring guests to the ceremony?
Do you have any idea ?
4 What type of batteries does this need?
Do you know ?

5 Where are the toilets?

Can you tell me ?
6 How many people have you invited?
I can’t remember .
4B - QA1 Review - Files 1-2 2
C File 1B – Complete the sentences with an auxiliary verb.
Example: 0 Your sister speaks Spanish, doesn’t she?
1 You’ve been to Greece before, ____________ you?
2 A: Will Rhona be coming to the meeting? B: No, she ____________. She’s in Berlin.
3 We both like skiing, but none of our children ____________.
4 A: I’d love to be an actor. B: ____________ you? I think I’d find it too stressful.
5 A: I don’t think Sam wants to come with us. B: He __________ want to! I’ve talked to him.
6 A: We’re having a Chinese takeaway tonight. B: So ____________ we!

D File 1B – Complete the second sentence using the…, the….. comparatives:

Example: 0 If you study hard you will have good grades.
The harder you study, the better your grades will be.
1 If you worry about it a lot, you will not sleep much.
The _______________________, the _________________________________.
2 If she works too fast, she’ll make more mistakes.
The _______________________, the _________________________________.
3 If you get stressed, it’ll be bad for you
The _______________________, the _________________________________.
4 If he starts soon, he’ll finish it quickly.
The _______________________, the _________________________________.

E File 2A – Complete the dialogues using the Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Continuous.
0 1
A: I ’ve been calling (call) you for half an hour. Where _____________________ (be) ? And why

are your clothes so dirty?

B: I 2 _________________________ (tidy) up the shed in the garden.

3 4
A: Wow, and _________________________ (you / finish)? By the way, _________________________

(you / find) a box with old photos there? I 5_________________________ (look) for it for ages.
6 7
B: I _________________________ (not discover) it yet, but I _________________________ (not work)

for a long time. I 8_________________________ (just / come) in to eat something.

A: I’m sorry, dear. I 9 ___________________ (not cook) anything yet because I 10 _________________

(talk) to our neighbour all morning.

F File 2B – Underline the option that best completes the dialogue below. Choose (---) if no word is

A: Who should look after 0 the elderly / the olders / old ones, the state or their families?

B: The government should help the old 1 ones / one / --- as well as the people that don’t have


4B - QA1 Review - Files 1-2 3

A: I don’t agree with you. The unemployed / Unemployed / Unemployees should find jobs by

themselves. My main concern is the people who are disabled.

B: I see. But I also believe that the disabled / the ones / the disables deserve buildings with

easy access everywhere.

A: You’re right. Also the blind people / --- / one too. They ought to have menus in Braille in

every restaurant in town.

B: Good idea! And to pay for those extra expenses, the rich 5 has / doesn’t have / have to pay

much higher taxes than the poor. Right?

A: Yes. So I wouldn’t be --- / the one / the ones to pay for anything then.

B: Me neither. That’s for sure.

G File 2B – Write the adjectives in the right order. Use a or an where necessary.

Example: 0 computer (small, expensive, laptop) an expensive small laptop computer

1 dress (black, old, velvet) _________________________________________________________________

2 classroom (English, large) ________________________________________________________________

3 jacket (denim, blue, stylish)


4 boots (Italian, leather, gorgeous)


5 man (tall, gentle, British) _________________________________________________________________

6 hair (curly, light brown, shoulder-length)


H All Files – Select what option (A, B, C or D) is incorrect and correct it.

Example: 0 Sandy cooked dinner four times this week, so I’ll cook for her tonight.
( A ) has cooked

1 I left some things here last week, do you have any idea where’s my stuff?
( ) ______________________

2 The harder I work, the best I am in class. Don’t you think so?
( ) ______________________

3 I’ve trying to get in touch with you all day, where have you been?
( ) ______________________

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4 My niece has got big beautiful brown eyes, shiny straight hair and cute thin lips.
( ) ______________________

5 The Frenchs are so proud of their language and culture.

( ) ______________________

6 Tell me where did you put the donations for the elderly home, will you?
( ) ______________________


1A Question formation Working out meaning from context
1B Auxiliary verbs; the…the… + comparatives Compound adjectives, modifiers
2A Present perfect simple and continuous Illnesses and injuries
2B Using adjectives as nouns, adjective order Clothes and fashion

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