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conflict; in the pursuit, however, the Americans failed to

estimated area of 20,544 sq. m. The government is divided

great reformer. In so far as he had any decided political

tropical fruit. The initials and finals, read downwards, give

the very day of the battle of Chaeronea. During Alexander's

two, while Oscan has a form T like Latin. Etruscan took

across the desert lead from different points in Morocco and

and devoted the rest of his life to the revival of learning in

Adelaide's life (Vita or Epitaphium Adalheidae imperatricis)

ripeness and critical ability, he holds an almost unique

Alexandrian schools, distinct both chronologically and in

support which carries the plates sometimes gets covered by

no part of America was any longer res nullius, or open to

older funeral and sacrificial feasts, and was so adapted. The

weight of the various parts that are separated from and not

ALPHONSO X., El Sabio, or the learned (1252-1284), is

vhat is called the cesser clause, by which the charterer's

of Florideae become hereby comparable with the tetraspores of

Syria, and manufactures textiles in silk, cotton and wool,

As Mr Cowper (afterwards Lord Mount Temple) said in the

for its pelt on the Aleutians and the southern continental

angles. When the aggregate resistances are known, the ``thrust

branch of the Saskatchewan river; this pass was discovered by

science into the university. As Lee's reader he began to

(B) were ranged the buildings connected with the monks' daily

daughter of Alexander II., emperor of Russia, was celebrated

the place of their present abode, or to give notice of Goods

had recently obtained and which was stored in a warehouse in

Bible as ``Lucifer'' (or margin, ``day-star''), ``son of

candidate, when a liberty was allowed of electing from another

battle of Sedan itself, with the troops under his orders,

grotto, the third of the chain, a great ball is annually held

establishment of the army council composed of officers and

protonotarii apostolici participantes. (See CURIA ROMANA.)

that Bradley was able to explain it in 1727. Its origin is

with extensions into Colorado on the north and Mexico on the

Virginia, U.S.A., on the W. bank of the Potomac river, 6

Henouville, unsuccessfully attempted ``to reduce the base

element, still left it predominant. The people continued

animals and plants in a state of nature, the competition of

initiative, took possession of Table Bay in the name of King

elevation of the interfluminal areas. Rounded hills, level

harbour works in 1871-1878, he developed Cairo still more; and

copper "driving band" into a groove cut around the body of the

Ammon, whose worship had long prevailed in their country.

criticism of the views of the Countess von Hahn-Hahn (q.v.).

malt, ground or unground, or shall have in his possession

shippers who may desire to send goods to the port, or one of

many thousands discharged from the services as disabled or

patriarch). The campaign of 1654 was an uninterrupted triumph,

``caucus'' is said to have originated; his mother was Mary

(since 1870) gradually told upon the Leblanc process, which

June, the mowing of the meadows begins. Of this operation,

(1661, giving an alternative of commissioners, 1670, 1706) had

Scotland.--At the Union, while the national functions of

discovery, almost within his reach, to escape him. Several

distinguish them from the liturgical amice (q.v..) By the

Advertising, as practised at the beginning of the 20th century,

England. These bare facts we gather from epistles-dedicatory

retained a relatively long condition of the hind-gut (fig.

G. Refectory. supernumerary monks.

Mumtaz Manal, in which he himself also also lies buried. The

D. Monks' parlour. N. Old abbot's lodgings. U. Saw-mill and oil mill

ancient burial-place of the Irvines of Drum) and the Colllson

surrendered to Sherman at Durham Station on the 26th, and soon

straight tube lined throughout by ciliated epithelium. As food

independently of the act of 1892. (See PARLIAMENT; STATUTE.)


while leaning as a rule rather to the side of those who were

nor with any native tribe to the eastward or westward of the

afterwards set on foot between the emperor Menelek and his

Alvensleben's name, and in 1892, on the anniversary of the

favour. In 1892 by the Act 55 & 56 Vict. c. 47 power was given

ramming a wad on top to prevent the escape of the powder.

1706),vol. iii., written by a competent critic and Anglican

The expression maranatha (``the Lord cometh''), which

living protoplasm from non-living material. The refutation

In Pope:--

When, therefore, the conquest of Khiva in 1873 by the Russians,

is, in spite of exaggeration, valuable as showing that our

amendments of the Food Acts; these, as at present interpreted

(Admiralty Court Act). They are damage to cargo carried in a

due. The first difficulty to be overcome was the algebraical

takes its name from the river Ain, which traverses its centre

possess some perfection or excellence, that beauty exists

After fertilization the equivalent of the oospore divides

nine years old. Peter was a rare and unwelcome guest in his
spent at Winchester; but his writings for the patrons of

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