M3 - FINALS - JOURNAL - Pascua, Yraisah Raula D.

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Name: Pascua, Yraisah Raula D.

Class code: NSTP-CWTS 2 7066B

Date submitted: July 27, 2022

Weeks 4-6 Guide questions

DATES a. How will NSTP CWTS help you in the future?
(Indicate the inclusive I think it will help me in doing my own organization about
dates from the start of volunteering and helping my people in my local.
week 4 until the end of b. What did you discover about yourself that NSTP
week 6) CWTS made you realize?
It made me realize the importance of helping people out
and be a good person to every people I met.
c. What community immersion were you able to join
that inspires your Louisian values?
I was able to join a home visiting, I learned that people
have their own reasons of their struggles, and as a person I
applied what I learned in Louisian values to it by helping
them out.
Reflection for the Today's generation does not have the opportunity to
mass/praise/ worship/ meet or converse with God. People like Adan and
service: Eve, unlike in the past, can communicate with Him.
However, no matter what happens, our God will
always be a loving and caring God. He never
changes and remains the same as he was before. He
exists even though we cannot see him or hear Him
with our own eyes or ears. God is present in all
aspects of our existence. He was present when there
was no one else, and He was present when you
believed you were alone. God is fundamental,
regardless of how we feel. Every Sunday, our pastor
does not fail to tell us that God would never
abandon us during church service. Even if we feel like
we're about to lose everything, constantly reminding
ourselves that God is a loving God who loves us, His
children. "For God has stated, 'I will never leave you; I
will never abandon you," says Hebrews 13:5. God is
constantly waiting for us to surrender and call on His
name in our downtimes and crises. God may put us
and our faith to the test, but we must always stay in
our lane and allow God to be in charge. The Lord is
waiting for us to believe that He is genuine and not a
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figment of our minds. We must emphasize the Lord's
presence rather than simply waiting for His rewards.
We must remember that God cannot always be with
us, but what He desires is for us to succeed on our
own, which will undoubtedly bring Him joy. God gives
us challenges to help us grow and learn, not weaken
us. God designed trials to test our faith amid chaos.
God loves us so much that he teaches us in
miraculous ways. Every time we feel alone, the Lord
appears far; we should first comprehend why God
appears distant.
Reflection for module I discovered that this module's primary focus is on the
2: realization of project planning and execution. It will
enable us to plan for our project connected to our
field of study or any project that is doable in your
home or neighborhood. This module will assist you
and guide how you will be managed, observed, and
assessed while implementing your project. I also
learned how to carry out carefully thought-out
community welfare initiatives with an assessment of
their durability.
Reflection for module During this session, I gained the fundamental
3: knowledge and abilities necessary to administer
adequate first aid in the family and community.
Participating in the community also means offering
the injured person our assistance to prevent injury,
facilitate healing from injury, and avert death
(preserve life). By practicing CPR and other
fundamental first aid techniques that allow students
to participate in community service, I also learned
the value of first aid.

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