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History is the study and the documentation of past events.

We refer to the past when linking it

with the present times and compare the changes that have taken place as history paints a detailed

and thorough picture of how society functioned in the past. These actions of the past also

influences and shapes our future actions. Therefore, history plays a vital role in preparing us for

the future. History fosters citizenship virtues like patriotism and responsibility. By studying

history, one finds out how their nation arose, the problems encountered and also the nation’s

values. You also discover how the country interacted with other societies. One can respect their

country and become a responsible citizen with the help of this information. In other words,

history helps us develop a better understanding of the world at large.

History aids in our understanding of others. History is not just crucial for understanding your

own nation, ethnic origin, and genealogy. It's also a useful tool for comprehending the past of

people who are not like us culturally. We are motivated by history to foster a broader

understanding of multicultural influences in our own communities. We are compelled to be

responsible citizens by taking part in democratic activities like voting, volunteer work, and

running for leadership positions as we study about governance in history. Knowing our origins

and the journey taken by our ancestors in pursuit of a new home is significant. Developing a

sense of identity enables us to value who we are and make the most of our diversity and


We are greatly influenced by the cultural and ancestral heritage that has been passed down to

us. Our identities and sense of belonging are shaped by cultural factors. Learning about the past

of our culture aids in developing a feeling of cultural identity and a sense of belonging to a

particular group. Everything about who we are, from our beliefs to how we dress and the foods

we eat, is influenced by our culture. Knowing more about our origins helps us understand why
we are the way we are genetically and psychologically. Our personal health is shaped by genetics

and family medical history, which can also help forecast the medical disorders we may develop

in the future.

Understanding past events and how they impact the world today can bring about sympathy

and understanding for groups of people whose history may differ from the others. You will also

be able to comprehend the suffering, happiness, and chaos that were essential for the present day

to occur and appreciate all that you are able to benefit from those past efforts today. Everyone

has a living history, as do all cultures. The languages we speak are inherited from our ancestors.

All of our current cultures, traditions, and faiths have historical roots. Even our genetic make-up

comes from people who lived before us.


History and citizenship / Leading primary history / Historical association. (n.d.). Historical Association –

the UK national charity for history.


History and identity and how we shape both of them. (2021, April 25). Clementine Fraser - Author.


Nair, M. (2021, December 9). Why is history important and how can it benefit your future? University of

the People.

ZOE FAULKNER | Special to LNP. (2019, October 20). Knowing history helps us to succeed, be good

citizens. LancasterOnline.


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