Aggarao Lady Dianne G

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DATE : FEBRUARY 22, 2022




DIRECTION: Briefly answer the following questions and explain your understanding in
your own words.

1. What is the real meaning of self? Are self and identity the same? (5 points)

- The Self is something that a person perennially molds, shapes, and develops.-The
self is not a static thing that one is simply born with like a mole on one’s face or is
just assigned by one’s parents just like a name.
general, 'identity' is used to refer to one's social 'face' – how one perceives how
one is perceived by others. 'Self' is generally used to refer to one's sense of 'who I
am and what I am' and is the way the term is employed in this book .

2. How is the process of uncovering the real identity? (5 points)

A person often experiences the greatest challenge in uncovering his true identity
during the adolescence period which happens between the ages 10 to 19 years
old. This occurs due to the surge of hormonal imbalance which the body produce
an excessive amount of hormone which leads to confusion of our real identity
The Johari window will help us to understand ourselves well and our
corresponding relationship with our significant others through the four quadrants.
3. Differentiate the four quadrants of the Johari window. (10 points)

The first quadrant is the Arena or Open- These are traits or descriptions that one sees in
the ‘self’ like that perceived by the significant others. Example is being outgoing and
sociable. This is also known as ‘the public self’ as it is evident to the self and to others.

The second quadrant is the Façade or Hidden - These are traits that are known to the
self but not to the significant others. An example includes ‘being emotional and sensitive
despite being a man’. This quadrant is also known to be the ‘hidden’ quadrant as it covers
those that we desire not to expose to others.

The third quadrant is Blind Spot- this includes traits that the subject is unaware of, but
the significant others claim to be processed by the subject. To characterize the subject
such as ‘being down to earth and soft- spoken’

The last one is the Unknown- This quadrant covers traits that both parties do not
recognize and consider as comprising the subject’s traits. This is a mystery that waits to
unfold in the proper time. Such ideally means that there is still much that needs to be
discovered in the individual ‘self’ as we go through the process of discovering our unique

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