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Lesson 2 – Methods of


Kenneth J. Atienza, MBA

SHS Teacher II
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

 Define the rose of philosophy in determining truth and

 Distinguish opinion from truth;
 Analyze situations that show the difference between opinion
and truth;
 Realize that the methods of philosophy lead to wisdom and
 Evaluate opinions.
Most Essential Learning Competencies

o Distinguish opinion from truth (PPT11/12-Ic-2.1)

o Analyze situations that show the difference

between opinion and truth (PPT11/12-Id-2.2)

o Evaluate opinions (PPT11/12-Ie-2.4)


Truth lies at the heart of any inquiry. Knowledge

must be truthful to gain validity and acceptance.

When we answer a “True or False” test, we judge if

the statements we read are true or false.

This means that statements may have truth oy

may not have truth.

It is a statements about the world or reality that

may or may not carry truth. It is usually stated as
short statements or sentences.
What is truth and why is it important?

It is the clear awareness and understanding of

something. It is the product of questions that allow
for clear answers provided by facts.


I know that the fish live in water (facts).

I know that my school is the best school in the city
How do we know if something is true?
Let’s embark on our own investigation
on the nature of knowledge:


I am alive.
I have a body.
I can breathe.
Let’s revise the statements to make
them easier to scrutinize and analyze:


Am I alive?
Do I have a body?
Can I breathe?
Let’s conclude with certainty that the
previous statements about yourself:


I am alive!
I have a body!
I can breathe!
A belief is true if it can be justified or proven
through the use of one’s senses:


I am Filipino.
Systematic doubt and revise the statement for
further examination:


Am I a Filipino?
Filipino in dictionary

Filipino (noun)

1. A native of the Philippine Islands

2. A citizen of the Republic of the Philippines
3. The Tagalog-based official language of the
Republic of the Philippines
A belief or statement is true if it is based on

1. Ask your parents and other relatives.

2. Look for official documents that prove you are
Getting a consensus or having people agree
on a common belief:


If you can get your classmates to agree that you

do not need to study to become successful in life, it
does not make that belief true.
Let us explore the following statements about
that you can do:


I can play basketball.

I can fry an egg.
I understand the lesson.
Let’s revise the statements:


Can I play basketball?

Can I fry an egg?
Do I understand the lesson?
THINK (Kindly answer the following statements)

Apply systematic doubt in analyzing the following

statements. Describe how you will determine their

1) Our classroom is tidy.

2) Our school is big.
3) I am a good student.
4) We live in a safe community.
How can philosophy guide us in
distinguishing truth from opinion?
Following statements:


1. It takes me 30 minutes to walk from my home to school.

2. Living near the school is better because we don’t have to spend much for
3. My sister ate the last piece of pizza pie.
4. My sister is a selfish person because she ate the last piece of pizza and did not share it
with me.
5. The policeman firmly pushed the suspect to his knees and placed him with handcuffs.
6. The aggressive manner by which the policeman arrested the suspect is an example of
the brutality that characterizes our police force.

It is a statements go beyond providing facts. They

also provide conclusions or perspectives regarding
certain situations.

It is a judgment based on facts. The facts that

form the bases of a conclusion may not be
disputed, but the conclusion itself could still be
contested or questioned.

These are statements that express convictions that

are not easily and clearly explained by facts.

These are statements that assume the claim to be

true and provide reasons why the statement is true.

These are the series of statements that provide

reasons to convince the reader or listener that a
claim or opinion is truthful. They are made of
assumption that the truth od the claim or opinion is
still to be determined.

It is the branch of philosophy that focuses on the

analysis of arguments. Arguments are given great
importance since these are used to convey ideas
that influence the thinking, actions, and behavior of
people. It can lead people either right or wrong
decision and action.
Think (Answer the following situation)

Imagine that you are part of the conversation below, how will you react to the statements

Friend 1: Did you hear Martin say that Ma’am Gonzales will not give a test today?

Friend 2: Really? I heard Martin is pretty close with Ma’am. Maybe he is right.

Friend 3: Remember when he said last Monday that classes will be suspended in the
afternoon because it was the principal’s birthday? Will, that didn’t happen. I don’t think we
should believe what he says.

You: _____________________________________________________________________________________
Think. Give a reaction to the article below. Describe how
you will determine the truth of the claims given.

The newest miracle drug promises to cure a variety of diseases and provide many health
benefits to its users. The Gingko extract is taken from the Ginkgo biloba tree which has been
used in Chinese medicine for thousands of years. In the United States, Europe and Asia, many
people are taking Ginkgo supplements and have enjoyed several benefits such as improved
memory and sharpened thinking.

Many scientific studies prove that Ginkgo extract has several benefits to the human body.
It has been proven to improve blood flow to the brain. This unique benefit has led many to
use Ginkgo supplements to treat ailments such as Autism Spectrum Disorder, Alzheimer’s,
dementia, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), depression, dyslexia, migraine, and
drug addiction.
Think. Give a reaction to the article below. Describe how
you will determine the truth of the claims given.

In several medical studies, it was discovered that using Ginkgo extract improves blood
circulation. Ginkgo supplements, therefore, can be used to treat diseases such as high blood
pressure, heart disease, and can help in the recovery from stroke. Ginkgo also gives
significant benefits to people suffering from asthma, vertigo, kidney disease, glaucoma,
diabetes, and cancer. Also, people taking Ginkgo supplements were found to have better
memory and showed fewer signs of aging.

The Ginkgo supplements are safe to take 3 to 5 times daily from maximum health
benefits. The supplements can be taken with other medicines and rarely cause adverse side
effects. Any person, young and old, can take the Ginkgo supplement, so share the benefits of
health with your family today!
What should we consider when looking at
arguments or opinions?

It is often take the form of statements that are

either claims of facts and are phrased in such way
that they seem reasonable. A number of arguments
may be based on faulty reasoning. These kinds of
arguments are called fallacies.
Fallacy Characteristics Example
Attacking the person “Of course he believes that the
Ad hominem Presenting the argument government is flawed, he is a rebel
Instead of the argument itself and a Communist!”
“If this peace agreement will not be
Using the threat of force or an
signed by the government, then we
Appeal to force undesirable event to advance an
will have no recourse but to go to
“All these changes are baseless; this is
Using emotions such as pity or
Appeal to emotion just plain harassment – can’t you see
how this is affecting my family?
The idea is presented as acceptable “Every boy your age has a girlfriend,
Appeal to the popular
because a lot of people accept it you should go find one!”
“Marriage should be between man
The idea is acceptable because it has and woman. It has been so for a long
Appeal to tradition
been true for a long time time in this country, it should remain so
today and in the future.
Fallacy Characteristics Example
Assuming the thing or idea to be ‘I have a right to free speech,
Begging the question proven is true; also known as therefore you cannot stop me
“circular agreement” from talking.”
“Ever since you bought that
Assuming a “cause-and-effect”
sweater, everything has been
Cause-and-effect relationship between unrelated
going wrong in your life. You
should get rid of it.”
“These cases of robbery in this
Assuming that what is true of a district have convinced me that
Fallacy of composition
part is true for the whole the city has become a den of
thieves and criminals.”
“You come from a family of
Assuming that what is true for the
Fallacy of division doctors and intellectuals! Surely
whole is true for its parts
you can do better in this course!”

It refers to the tendencies or influences which

affect the views of people. It cannot be avoided in
any discussion or debate.
Bias Characteristics Example
Tendency to judge a person’s
“These soldiers who fought in the
Correspondence bias or personality by his or her actions,
war are all bloodthirsty
attribution effect without regard for external
factors or influences
Tendency to look for and readily
accept information which fits “How can I accept his view that
Confirmation bias one’s own beliefs or views and to there is no God? I am a
reject ideas or views that go Christian!”
against it
“Preliminary evidence has still not
Focusing on a certain aspect of a pointed out the actual cause of
Framing problem while ignoring other the plane crash, but investigators
aspects are currently focusing on the
possibility of pilot error.”
Bias Characteristics Example
“Magellan’s assault on Mactan
Island was a foolhardy venture,
The tendency to see past events
made by an overconfident,
Hindsight as predictable, or to ascribe a
careless man who
pattern to historical events
underestimated the valor of the
native Filipinos.”
“As the daughter of the accused,
A person or group is connected
I believe I have the right to
Conflict of interest to or has a vested interest in the
express my opinion on the issue of
issue being discussed
his alleged corrupt practices.”
“I do not agree with this Western
practice pf placing aged parents
Analyzing an event or issue based
Cultural bias in retirement homes. We Filipinos
on one’s cultural standards
take care of our family
How can an understanding of the difference
between truth and opinion lead us to
Let’s analyze the opinions of these individuals
Let’s analyze the opinions of these individuals
Let us carefully examine these statements to make
sense of the various ideas they wish to convey.
Let us take a look at their views regarding drug
On their views on the killing of drug addicts:
Personal bias regarding the issue of drug addicts
Philosophical questions

1. How can philosophy help identify things that are

2. What traits and values can help us in determining
3. How will knowing truth help us become more wise
and discerning individuals?

1. What are the things that you consider real, true,

and unchanging in your life?

2. Have you experienced a situation where what

you believed to be true turned out to be untrue?
How did you experience affect you?
Additional Activity

Research on any idea or claim that is currently

circulating in media and on the Internet. Analyze it
and determine if it is true or false. Discuss your
analysis in class.

C & E Publishing, Inc., Introduction to the

Philosophy of the Human Person (Senior High School)
by Roberto D. Abella, M. Div., D. Min., 2016.
Thank you for listening!
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