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Mater Admirabilis School

Generic Earth Orbiting Space Settlement - Campus

Students: Ariana Abanto, Vanina Orduña Ramirez, Macarena Rodríguez, Maria Fé Romero

Mentor: Úrsula Moreno

Lima - Perú


Tema 1: Diseño exterior y distribución de espacios………….…………...……………. 01
1.1 Interspatial structure (INCLUIR MATERIAL)
1.2 Layout (croquis y explicación de los espacios)

1.3 Central hub

Tema 2: Ámbito social (cursos extracurriculares)

2.1 Interacción de las personas (áreas comunes)

2.2 Deportes
2.3 Psicología

Tema 3: Sistema de estudios …………………………………………………………… 0

3.1 Cursos que se van a llevar y por qué se han elegido (para que sea
autosostenible el mismo campus a futuro)
3.2 Horarios
3.3 Organizational chart (organigrama)
3.4 Gadgets innovadoras y tecnológicas (lentes de realidad virtual)

Tema 4: Funcionamiento de la estación

4.1 Flujo del agua
4.2 Contaminación
4.3 Energías
Se busca que sea sostenible a través del tiempo

The Universalization Generic Earth Orbiting Space Settlement is a NSSO to be located orbiting
around the earth. The Settlement is designed to facilitated the normal day-to-day living of hundreds
of humans on space, especially for the ones who still assist to some type of educational basis,
which in this case we will tackle, college and university students, in order to continue the
development in academical areas, and generate an economy long term, it will also operate not only
as a school but as way to socialize for people. This venture is presented as an outpost for space
exploration. In this essay we will discuss the design, the colonial life and the organization inside

In the design, we discuss the construction of every section that will be used not only as a classroom
but also the distribution of public social areas such as cafeterias, which will provide the Wallops
crew and students with food, water and supplies. Food plants will be grown next to it, as a way to
be more efficient with space and the ecosystem surrounding it.

In order to acquire water, we will get it from reservoirs on earth. In addition, water will also be
transformed into hydraulic energy for the settlement to function correctly. Universalization will be
positioned close to, but outside of, Earth’ sphere of influence.

In the colonial life part, we will be explaining how socializing will be facilitated by the distribution
of the architectonic design that is made as a sphere, furthermore how students could at the same
time develop relationships between teachers and the crew, in which in this case will be mainly
populated by robots powered by Artificial Intelligence, showing how technology and the human
specie can live and share experiences together

To conclude we will present the organization in which the subjects touched in each classroom will
be designated and executed, and the hierarchy between coordinators, teachers, and staff. The
Universalization will be a permanent home for hundreds of students that will be pioneers in space
exploration and human development outside earth

Tema 1: Diseño exterior (hablar de que con tecnología futura se podrá imprimir en 3D

1.1 Interspatial structure

Se hizo uso del programa Tinkercad
The general structure of YUCA settlement is constituted by a series of rings. A tube is placed in
the centre of them as a way to balance the weight of the 4 main rings… (explicar más: los tubos
delgados ayudan a sostener y a dividir…) - Macarena
The Universalization Campus takes place inside one of the biggest rings, as it is shown in the 3D

3D printing has a vital role to play in what looks set to be the most exciting decade for space
exploration since humans first set foot on the Moon.
Technology will be pushed beyond today’s limits and we’ll see additive manufacturing,
including 3D printing, evolve fast to meet growing demands.

The launch systems, engines, and satellites sent to space are increasingly built using 3D printing
and have given rise to the world’s largest and most sophisticated additive manufacturing
Once in space, 3D printing has several key roles to play: The “zero-g” environment of space
orbit opens doors to print materials not possible under the influence of earthly gravity, parts and
spares can be printed on-demand, and structures can be built that wouldn’t survive the stresses of
Even further afield, settlement structures need to be built using locally sourced materials, and
large-scale 3D printing is a key part of that solution, too. For this reason, the Universalization
settlement has been designed.



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