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Homework #1

Name: Dureza Mae S. Dumaguing Section: A0123

Date: March 06, 2022 Score:

Introduction to Ergonomics

Answer the following items. Supplement with pictures. (20 points each item)

1. Perform an ergonomic hazard assessment in your house. What are the

potential ergonomic risks and hazards? Explain in detail.

1-a. Improper Body Posture or Positioning

I used to be in that position every time I have a class or I have to do some

assignments. Sitting in the sofa bed then crossing my legs while my laptop is
on my lap is my favorite position, especially that the air coming out from the
air condition is straight towards me. I find it cool and a perfect position.
1-b. Not suitable equipment

Ever since I was a kid we haven’t used can opener. We used a sharp knife to
open any kind of cans. I can clearly remember when I cut my finger the first
time I try to open canned goods because unfortunately my older brother was
not around to open it for me, it happens not just once but thrice.

1-c. Lack of Lighting

That picture was captured inside our storage room. That room was used to
have a poor lighting because not everyone goes in there always. I guess we
change the light bulb in our storage room once a year. There was also a time
that there’s no light at all and we need to use flashlights when we go inside.

2. What type of injury/ies could they cause?

2-a. Improper Body Posture is one of the Ergonomic Hazards, it causes my
spine to lose its healthy curves and can increase the stress placed on my
back. For my legs, it can cause numb and muscle pain. Also, I used to be in
that position for a long period of time and prolonged sitting in an improper
position increases the risk for stiffness, pain or injury.

2-b. Not suitable equipment is an Ergonomic Hazard. Using a sharp knife to

open a can will increase the chances of several kinds of injury, such as cuts,
stabbing and puncture wounds. It also causes pain and infection. And if the
knife is not that sharp, it can cause sprain and strain injuries because they
require extra force to open a can.

2-c. Lack of lighting can lead to incidents and injury because I personally
misjudge an object, shape and position inside our storage room. It can also
be a health hazard because it causes eye discomfort and headaches. Having
those poor lighting inside our storage room makes me force my eyes to focus
when finding something which is unhealthy.

3. Provide solutions to address the hazard assessment.

3-a. I must use a table for my laptop and a chair for myself when doing
assignments to prevent frequent back aches and possible injuries. Also, to be
in a comfortable position in a long period of time.

3-b. Buying a can opener is the best idea and necessary. Not only for myself
but to everyone in our house. To make our life easier, convenient and safe.

3-c. Change the light bulb so that it will have a perfect lighting and we can
see clearly everything inside our storage room and no need for us to use

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