Losa Stiffany M. FIELDWORK 2 PDF

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College of Engineering and Technology

Civil Engineering Department




Submitted by:

Losa, Stiffany M.
CIV 0211.1-4; 2-4

Submitted to:

Leonardo C. Sawal, ASEAN Engr., ACPE

OCTOBER 12, 2021




3-Range Poles, 1-Steel Tape, Marking pins Chalk or crayons.

3 small stones for 3-range end poles, 7.5-meter Steel-Tape, White rock for Marking Pins, 2
pieces of 10-meter Yarn


To teach the method of using the tape for each of the following purposes:
1. To measure horizontal angle
2. To lay out a given horizontal angle
3. To erect perpendicular to a given line
4. To become familiar with keeping notes or recording data in a field work.
5. To apply and exercise the knowledge obtained from geometry and trigonometry.

A. Measuring Horizontal Angle

1. Drive three range poles at random at convenient distances between them but not in a
straight line.

2. Designate the three range poles as points A, B, and C with the middle range pole as B.
(Angle to be measured is ABC.)

3. Measure 10m along line AB and designate this point as “b”.

4. Measure 10m along line BC and designate this point as “a”.

5. Measure chord ab.

6. Compute angle aBb by the formula: 𝑠𝑖𝑛 aBb = 2
2 10

The materials that were used are

the following: Steel Tape (7.5m), 3
small stones for 3-range end poles,
White rock for Marking Pins, 2
pieces of 10-meter Yarn, Notebook,
and pen to record the measured

The lineman was designating three

range poles as points A, B, and C
with the middle range pole as B at
C random at convenient distances at
Alasasin’s abandoned court,
October 3, 2021.

The lineman was measuring line

b along AB using 10m yarn and
designating point as “b”, likewise for
line BC and designating this point
as “a” at Alasasin’s abandoned
court, October 3, 2021.
The lineman was measuring and
recording the data obtained from
chord ab at Alasasin’s abandoned
court, October 3, 2021.



Required: Angle aBb

Formula: 𝑠𝑖𝑛 aBb = 2
2 10

Solution: = 3.9m

aBb = 𝑠𝑖𝑛−1 ( 10𝑚 )

aBb = 22. 9540

B. Laying Out a Given Horizontal Angle

1. Designate line OP as one of the legs of the angle to be laid out.

2. With point O as center, swing a 15-m tape to inscribe an arc.

3. Where the arc outs the line OP mark point A.

4. From A, lay out a chord distance b, equal to the product of 2 and sine of half of the given angle

multiplied by 15. The intersection of the arc and the chord determines point B.

5. The three points A, B, and C are the vertices of the triangle.


The lineman was designating line

O OP as one of the legs of the angle
to be laid out at Alasasin’s
abandoned court, October 3, 2021.

The lineman was swinging a 15-m

tape to inscribe an arc with point O
as center at Alasasin’s abandoned
court, October 3, 2021.
The lineman was marking point A
where the arc outs the line OP at
Alasasin’s abandoned court,
A October 3, 2021.

The lineman was laying out from A,

a chord distance b that is to be
calculated. Then, determining point
B from the intersection of the arc
and the chord at Alasasin’s
abandoned court, October 3, 2021.



Chord b from A = 2sin ((2)(22.9540 )(15))

Chord b from A = 7.959 m


C. Erecting Perpendicular to a Line

1. 3; 4; 5 Method

a) Measure 3 meters along line AD and set point B.

b) With the zero graduation of the tape at B and the 10-meter mark at A, form a loop

in the tape by bringing the 5.0- and 6.0-meter graduations together and pull each

part of the tape taut to locate point C.


The lineman was designating line

AD at Alasasin’s abandoned court,
D October 3, 2021.

The lineman was measuring 3

meters along line AD and setting
point B at Alasasin’s abandoned
court, October 3, 2021.
From A, the lineman was laying out
a 10-meter yarn to measure a 4-
meter distance and looping 1-meter
before laying out the excess 5-
meter to point B at Alasasin’s
abandoned court, October 3, 2021.


2. Chord-Bisection Method

This method is used to erect a perpendicular to a line passing through a given point.

a) Estimate the position of the perpendicular line. Set a pin at d on the estimated


b) With d as center and length of tape as radius, the head tapeman describes EF of a

circle, setting pins at the intersections b and c of the arc with the line AB.

c) The rear tapeman stationed at A or B determines the location of the intersections b

and c on line.

d) Establish point a midway between b and c

e) Prolong line ad to C’b beside C, and to point a is moved if necessary, as described

for the 3 : 4 : 5 method.


B The lineman was designating line

AB and measuring its midpoint and
label as point a at Alasasin’s
abandoned court, October 3, 2021.

The lineman was measuring 4-
meters perpendicular from point a
and label it as d at Alasasin’s
abandoned court, October 3, 2021.

With d as center and length of tape

as radius, the lineman was setting
pins at the intersections b and c of
the arc with the line AB, designate
E point E and F at Alasasin’s
abandoned court, October 3, 2021.
The lineman connects point F and
d d d, likewise for point E and d at
Alasasin’s abandoned court,
October 3, 2021.

E a
a F



1. What theorem in geometry is applied to each of the methods used in this fieldwork?

For Measuring Horizontal Angle, the geometry theorem applied is the Pythagorean
theorem, which has property of sine utilized to solve the triangle, that is, to obtain unknown angle
in terms of known distances.
The Angle of Intersecting Chords was used to lay out a given horizontal angle. Theorem
stating that when two chords cross inside a circle, the angle generated has a measure equal to
half the total of the arcs intercepted by the angle and its vertical angle.
Pythagorean Theorem was used to Erect Perpendicular to a Line : 3; 4; 5 Method and
Chord-Bisection Method. Isosceles Right Triangle has one angle that is exactly 90 degrees and
two sides that are equal to each other. It claims that the square of a triangle's hypotenuse is
equal to the sum of the squares of the triangle's other two sides.
2. Cite practical applications of the knowledge gained from this fieldwork.

Some of the practical applications are the following: The first is the knowledge obtained
can be used to measure distance along slopes, it may be a simple slope in your house or
garden. Secondly, when multiple angles need to be measured from the same location, the
methods that were used is ideal. Following, In the absence of other tools, tape measure or
strings can be used as alternative to measure angles or lengths. Following that, we will be able
to indicate a location using angles when combining angles and distances. Moreover, the
knowledge obtained will also serve as a fundamental for trilateration, wherein, it is a type of
triangulation that relies solely on distances to establish position. This is easier to do since it
requires fewer tools and is thus less expensive because it does not use angle measurements.
Because trilateration is the mechanism behind satellite ranging utilized in GPS, this fieldwork
already been exposed to a practical application of the technique.


A horizontal angle is the angle formed by two ground lines when measured horizontally in
topography. These ground lines can be replaced with two lines of sight, AB and AC. There are
many ways to determine this horizontal angle and to be able to calculate the best data, the use
of the most effective method is vital.
The accuracy of measurements and data obtained are affected by the following factors
that cause an error to the value: the stability of the measured string used since it is prone to sag,
the quality of the measuring tape, the knowledge and perspective of the student, the way of
measuring data, how the computation goes, and the coupling natural errors such as weather
may contribute to the angular measurement. These influencing elements include encoder-
specific errors as well as application-specific difficulties. To determine the total accuracy that
may be achieved, all individual aspects of effect must be examined. Geometric measurements
such as distance and angle between two items are widely utilized in the assessment of similarity
and dissimilarity. Also, correlation coefficients can alternatively be thought of as angular

This fieldwork teaches me to be more critical and observant, this includes marking points,
measuring correct distances, providing or calculating values, and the importance of having an
analytical perspective when analyzing the situation. a) Apply knowledge of mathematics and
science to solve complex civil engineering problems; Solving required values and angles to
continue and provide correct data. e) Identify, formulate, and solve complex civil
engineering problems; Formulating situations that supplement the missing values, and to be
able to do that we need to analyze the problem properly. c) Design and conduct experiments,
as well as analyze and interpret data. From designating and measuring points, it needs an
analytical perspective and critical evaluation because those given frameworks should be
correlated to the actual application.

f) Understand professional and ethical responsibility; Since we are amid a pandemic,

exercising this fieldwork requires an ethical responsibility such as following health protocols and
regulations like wearing a mask, social distancing, etc. h) Understand the impact of civil
engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context; This
fundamental of measuring horizontal angles has many branches that can help many functions
such as determining locations, measuring destinations, or even when building infrastructures. i)
Recognize the need for, and engage in life-long learning; Since it is the basics or
fundamentals that should be learned, I think recognizing the knowledge obtained will benefit us,
the students, when we are in the profession we choose to become. Hence, surveying is always
needed in every project or plan to be worked for.

Angle. A geometric figure formed by two lines that begin at a common point or by two planes
that begin at a common line.

Arc. Any smooth curve joining two points.

Chord. A line segment connecting two points on a curve.

Intersect. To cross over (have some common point).
Lay Out Distance. A specific distance that obtained from a measuring device that is already set.
Measured Distance. To measure distance to determine how far apart two objects are.
Midpoint. The middle point of a line segment
Perpendicular Line. Defined as two lines that meet or intersect each other at right angles (90°)

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