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Name: Adorador, Einher B.

Section: 1CE-3MY
Subject: Engineering Management

Module 1 Assignment#1
Answer the following questions
1. Why are engineers considered an important segment of society?
2. In what current concerns are engineering outputs needed?
3. How may organizations be classified according to the engineering jobs
4. What is engineering management?
5. What qualifications must an engineer manager have?

1. Engineering is inextricably related to technology and its rise, which is why it has
shaped technical advancements such as computers, healthcare machines, the
internet, and more. Engineers have also made significant contributions to healthcare
through breakthroughs in medical technology. Because of advancements in medical
technology, many people's lives have been saved and improved through the
discovery of illnesses and treatments.
2. Engineering outputs are required in every area of modern civilization; hence
engineers are needed at all levels of society, from general to specialized
(Mechanical-Aerospace). Agriculture (food production), pollution elimination (air,
water, land, etc.), solid waste disposal (recycling), meeting people's needs (energy),
meeting people's increasing demand for mobility (transportation), meeting people's
increasing demand for communication facilities (telecommunicators), and many
other issues are currently being addressed.
3. From level one to level three, there are three sorts of companies that can be
categorized based on the engineering jobs performed. Level 1: rudimentary
engineering jobs (retailing firms). level two - engineering jobs with a moderate level
of difficulty (transportation companies). Finally, level three positions require a high
level of engineering expertise (construction firms)
4. It is critical for the engineer to understand what is expected of him in order to
accomplish his duties properly and efficiently. His next issue will be identifying the
talents that are required but that he lacks. Once they are assigned to managerial roles,
this issue will become more obvious. As a result, if the engineer manager wants to
execute his job properly, he will need some exposure to engineering management
• Engineering management, technical management, or business administration
master's degree.
• A bachelor's degree in engineering is required.
• Engineer with many years of experience.
• Supervisory and technical expertise.
• It should be highly recommended.

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