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Look at the highlighted words in the text and choose the correct meaning a or b

1. domestic 3. fictional
a. to do with the home a. not real
b. to do with work b. not correct

2. industrial 4. recent
a. to do with making products referring to a short time ago
b. to do with technology

C. Read again and answer the questions.

1. What are the robots used for?


2. What kind of household job are done by robots?


3. How do the police use robots?


4. Why is Japan called the robot capital of the world?


5. Where did the word robot first appear?


6. How do scientist expect robots to change in the future?


Match the verbs in the box with the groups of nouns

make 1.  a machine
 the telephone
build 2.  electricity
 oranges
 cars
produce 3.  an island
 oil
invent 4.  an airport
 a tunnel
 a machine
discover 5.  a cake
 a movie
 cars

Made of Invented by Invented in Used to

metal, plastic Alexander 1876 Communicate

Graham Bell with people

Metal, glass, Elisha Otis 1852 Go up and

plastic down in a
Elevator building

metal Wilbur and 1903

Orville Wright fly
keep a room
Metal plastic Willis Haviland 1902 cool or warm
Air conditioner

Record phones
Metal, plastic Benjamin 1935 messages
Answering Machine Thornton

Metal, plastic Josephine 1886 Wash dishes


What’s it made of?

It’s made of………………
Who invented it?
…………….. invent
When was it invented?
It was…………………..
What’s it used for?
It is used to……………

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