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“Saving our Ocean, the world greatest oxygen”

The world’s oceans are a precious resource, but they’re not

everlasting, especially if we continue to mistreat them in the way we
do. The ocean’s true value to our planet and human life can’t and
shouldn’t be underestimated and that’s why it’s important we act now
to protect and save them from the growing levels of pollution.
The ocean is one of our greatest sources of life on earth. It provides
us with more than half of the world’s oxygen and is home to millions of
species that play critical roles in marine ecosystems. Now more than
ever, the ocean needs our help. Human-caused threats like ocean noise
pollution, ship strikes, and entanglement in fishing gear are threatening
the lives of marine animals. Our actions have impact, and together, we
can build a healthier future for the ocean. Here are some easy steps you
can take to protect marine animals and critical ocean habitats.

What do the oceans do for us?

1. It helps us breathe
Our oceans produce over half of the world's oxygen we breathe and
captures an estimate of 40% of all C02 produced, which is 4x times
more than the Amazon rainforest. Phytoplankton that live within the
sea are responsible for as much as 50% of this oxygen.

2. It helps regulate the earth’s climate and reduces global

Oceans cover 70% of the earth’s surface which absorbs more heat
from the sun than any area of land. This allows the sea to swallow and
contain heat which may overcome us, if it wasn’t absorbed by the
water. As the sea water evaporates it becomes denser as the salt
quantity increases, this causes it to sink into the depths of the ocean
bed. It’s like our global climate control system that regulates rain and

3.It’s the largest ecosystem on Earth

The oceans are home to an abundance of life which is valuable to the
human food chain. There are only estimates of the number of species
that live and thrive in the oceans.

Here are five things you can do today to help save our oceans: 

1. Make sustainable seafood choices

2. Shrink your carbon footprint
3. Avoid single-use plastic
4. Watch your use of chemicals and fertilizers
5. Be an Ocean Steward
The biggest threat to our oceans is not really climate change,
overfishing, or pollution—it is the will to do anything about it. We know
what to do to improve the health and resiliency of our oceans. What we
need now is the will to do it.

Activity # 1

Vielka García 11°C

I. Mark True or False the following statements

1. The oceans are a precious resource. _true__

2. The oceans are everlasting. _______false_____

3. The oceans regulate rains and draught. ____true______

4. One thing we can do to save our oceans is to use plastic. ___false_____

5. The oceans are home of abundance of life. _____true_____

6. The oceans cover 65 % of the earth’s surface. _____false_____

7. Our oceans produce less than half of the world's oxygen we breathe.

8. Phytoplankton that live within the sea are responsible for as much as 50% of this oxygen .

9. Oceans need our help. _______true____

10. Oceans are the shortest ecosystem on earth. _______false____

II. Complete the Concept Map.

Things we can do to
protect the ocean

Do not Do not buy organizations
Use less Take care of
throw products that workins to
plasctics the beaches
garbage in take a duantage protect the sec
the seas of marine life

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