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QUESTION #1 Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree
(Q1) Addiction to social 9 14 10 11 1
media is a problematic
issue that affects my life.

Table 1.

Addiction to social media is a problematic issue that affects my life.

Level of Agreement f Percentage

Strongly Agree 9 20%

Agree 14 31.11%
Neutral 10 22.22%

Disagree 11 24.45%

Strongly Disagree 1 2.22%

Total 45 100%

Table 4 shows the total number of participants level of agreement of addiction to social media.

20% of the participants (9) strongly agree that they are addicted to social media. The number of

the students who agree that they are addicted to social media is (14) which is 31.11% of the total

number, 22.22% of the students (10) neutral and 24.45% of the students (14) disagress while

2.22% of the participants (1) Strongly Disagreed.

QUESTION #2 Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree
(Q2) I spend more than 2 2 5 9 27
6 hours a day using
social media

Table 2.

I Spend More Than 6 Hours a Day Using Social Media

Level of Agreement f Percentage

Strongly Agree 2 4.44%

Agree 2 4.44%
Neutral 5 11.11%

Disagree 9 20%

Strongly Disagree 27 60%

Total 45 100%

Table 2 shows the total number of participants’ spending more than 6 hours a day using social

media. 4.44% of the participants (2) Strongly Agree that they are spending more than 6 hours a

day using social media, and 4.44% of the students (2) Agreed. Alternatively, the number of the

students who Disagree that they are spending more than 6 hours a day using Social Media is 9

which is 20% of the total number and 60% of the students (27) Strongly Disagreed.

QUESTION #3 Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree
(Q3) When I wake up, 23 10 5 3 4
the first thing I check is
my social media.

Table 3.

When I wake up, the first thing I check is my social media

Level of Agreement f Percentage

Strongly Agree 23 51.11%

Agree 10 22.22%
Neutral 5 11.11%

Disagree 3 6.67%

Strongly Disagree 4 8.89%

Total 45 100%

Table 3 shows the total number of participants’ level of agreement of checking their social media

after waking up. 51.11% of the participants (23) strongly agree that they check their social media

after waking up. The number of the students who agree that they check their social media after

waking up is 10 which is 22.22% of the total number. 11.11% of the respondents (5) says

neutral. And 6.67%% of the students (3) disagrees while 8.89% of the participant (4) Strongly


QUESTION #4 Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree
(Q4) Before I sleep, I 30 8 5 2 0
check my social media.

Table 4.

Before I sleep, I check my Social Media

Level of Agreement f Percentage

Strongly Agree 30 66.67%

Agree 8 17.78%
Neutral 5 11.11%

Disagree 2 4.44%

Strongly Disagree 0 0

Total 45 100%

Table 4 shows the total number of participants’ level of agreement of checking their Social

Media before going to sleep. 66.67% of the participants (30) strongly agree that they check their

Social Media before they sleep. The number of the students who agree that they check their

Social Media before they sleep is 8 which is 17.78% of the total number and 4.44% of the

students (2) disagrees while none of the participant (0) Strongly Disagreed.
QUESTION #5 80 - 83 84 - 87 88 - 91 92 - 95 96 - 99

(Q5) 1 0 9 18 17
What is your average for
First semester S.Y.

Table 5.

What is your average for First semester S.Y. 2021-2022?

Level of Average f Percentage

80 - 83 1 2%
84 - 87 0 0%
88 - 91 9 20%

92 - 95 18 40%

96 - 99 17 38%

Total 45 100%

Table 5 shows the total number of participants’ first semester average. 2% of the participants (2)

have 80 – 83 average and 0% of the students (2) have 84 - 87. Alternatively, the number of the

students who have 88 – 91 first semester average is 9 which is 20% of the total number and 40%

of the students (27) have 92 – 95 average scores. The number of students with 96-99 average

scores, on the other hand, is 17, or 38% of the total number of participants.

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