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Social media is a digital technology that allows users to cite information, ideas, and to

communicate easily. Social media allows students to connect digitally with others in a variety of

ways. The use of social media sites has increased and evolved into an online platform where

individuals create, share, bookmark, and network at an alarming rate. The ease of generating,

posting, and sharing content allows children to have both great and unpleasant online

experiences. This study assesses the influence of social media to the academic performance of

the grade 12 students in Holy Angel University. In this study, the research instrument that the

researchers used was the Likert Scale. The Likert scale is a five-point or seven-point scale that

allows the participants to express how strongly they agree or disagree with a given statement. As

a result, it’s critical to look into the impact of social media. The impact of social media on its

users, as well as how social media affects students' academic performance. It also informs

students that social media can have both a negative and positive impact on their academic

performance. Based on the findings, most of the participants know how to manage their social

media and academics otherwise, social media can help in the participants’ academics. Most of

the answers of the students are often using their social media since it helps them in their school

and sometimes to reduce the stress that they feel.

People have started using their phones more to use social media since the pandemic

began. Communication may be a lot simpler with social media. It has been shown that students

utilize social media the most since it is considered an academic tool for education. However,

social media has impacted students' learning, and it has begun to affect their academic

performance. This research examined the positive and negative impacts on the students'

academics. This study aims to determine how social media affects the academic performance of

Holy Angel University Senior High School Grade 12 students.

This research study took place at Holy Angel University during the second semester of

Grade 12 Senior High School Students. Although, Holy Angel University is located at Angeles,

Pampanga, it is a University that offers different strands like Science, Technology, Engineering

and Math (STEM), Accountancy Business and Management (ABM), Humanities and Social

Sciences (HUMSS), General Academic Strand (GAS), TVL-Home Economics (TVL-HE) and

TVL-Information and Communication Technology (TVL-ICT).

Due to the pandemic, Schools in the Philippines, including Holy Angel University, are

mandated to attend school online using online platforms and tools. Therefore, online platforms

and Social Media became a big part of the school life of the Grade 12 students at Holy Angel

University, using it for school purposes and other matters, which makes Social Media one factor

that influences the student's Academic Performance.

Web sites and programs that emphasize communication, community-based input,

engagement, content-sharing, and collaboration are referred to as social media. Since it provides

flexibility in learning, encourages innovative thoughts, and increases interpersonal contacts

among students and instructors, social networking sites can become beneficial resources in

enhancing proper spellings and writings among students. It also informs students that social

media may have both a negative and positive impact on their academic achievement.

During the previous decade, social media applications and social networking sites have

Skyrocketed (Malita, 2011). Typically, this rapid development is because teens, college and

university students, and others are using social media apps to acquire worldwide access. These

social media sites, such as Facebook and Twitter, are quickly becoming the trend in our culture

(Stathopoulou Siamagka & Hristodoulides, 2010). As a result, students nowadays rely more and

more on knowledge and material that is widely accessible on social networking sites and the
internet. Previous research has revealed that children who spend more time on social networking

platforms do worse academically. This is because they prefer to spend their time online

conversing and to make friends on social networking platforms rather than reading books.

(Manjur Kolhar, Raisa Nazir Ahmed Kazi, Abdalla Alameena, 2021). This is why students'

learning skills and research capabilities are worsening in some situations, as their interaction

with these sites lessens their focus, causing them to devote less time to their studies and resulting

in a decrease in their poor academic performance manifested in the form of low grades,

assignment and class test failure, and so on (Hoffmann & Bublitz, 2017).

The purpose of this study is to determine whether social media affects academic

performance among Holy Angel University Grade 12 senior high school students. The

conclusions of this study should serve as a foundation to avoid students' procrastination.

This quantitative research aims to identify how Social Media influences or affects the

Academic Performance of Grade 12 students at Holy Angel University. In addition, this

descriptive research also aims to develop knowledge and awareness of how Social Media affects

the participant's Academic Performance.

People of all ages now utilize social media as one of the most common modes of

communication. Students, in particular, have easy internet access and engage in social

networking activities. Since its inception, the number of users has continuously expanded,

particularly among students who face significant neglect and obstacles in their academic

performance, resulting in a rapid drop in educational quality. It has been shown that students pay

more attention to social media than their education. Instead of reading their books, kids spend

their time on social media conversing and establishing acquaintances, which may impact their

academic performance.
According to (Ellison et al.2007) social networking sites although has been recognized as

an important source for education today, studies, however, shows that student uses social media

networking sites such as Facebook for fun. Although according to (Kimberly 2009) it has been

put forward that students spend much time participating in social networking activities with

many students blaming the various social networking sites for their steady decrease in grade

point averages. it also shows that only a few students are aware of the academic and professional

networking opportunities the sites offered.

In every student's life, social media plays an important role. It is frequently easier and

easier to access information, provide information, and communicate via social media. Through

social media, they can share their knowledge and build credibility in their chosen field or

specialism. Young people have numerous ways to interact with social media. It allows them to

interact virtually with the bigger world around them. Depending on their interests, communities,

friends, and family, students will utilize social media in a variety of ways.

The objective of school or academic performance is to get a good grade. Learning is an

educational goal. Intellectual level, personality, motivation, abilities, interests, study habits, self-

esteem, and the teacher-student connection all have a role in academic performance. Diverging

performance happens when there is a discrepancy between academic performance and the

student's predicted performance. Unsatisfactory academic performance falls short of

expectations. It may be related to teaching methods in some cases (Lamas, 2015).

Academic performance is the assessment of a student's ability in various academic subjects, and

teachers commonly use it to assess achievement. The knowledge obtained is evaluated by a

teacher's marks and educational goals set by students and teachers to be achieved during a

particular time. It is defined as a student's quantifiable and apparent conduct over a set period,
and it is the sum of an academic's scores obtained in various evaluations such as class tests, mid

and end-semester examinations. Furthermore, Academic Performance is when education

provides students with the opportunity to develop their abilities, realize their aspirations, advance

in their careers, and get an achievement.

The study of Jeffrey Mingle, Dr. Musah Adams and Dr. Adjei published in 2016 revealed

that most respondents from private schools used Whatsapp and Facebook more frequently. In

addition to this, respondents from private schools spent more time online than their public-school


Compared to their public-school counterparts, more responders from private schools

witnessed a drop in grades and therefore recommended strict enforcement of rules in private

schools and active counselling of parents and school authorities for addicted students, (Mingle et

al., 2016).

The current physical inactivity trend and its link to technological advancements are

alarming. While technology has become an essential and integral component of practically every

area of every life, it does not continuously improve the quality of life. However, as technology

and the understanding of the principles behind human behaviour change, an excellent

opportunity to rethink what the connection between physical activity and technology could look

like in the 21st century and beyond presents itself. In conclusion, the researchers found that high

use of technology was significantly associated with low activity levels. Children who spend less

than five hours per week on their devices have higher physical activity levels than those who

spend more than six hours. The possession of a device was significantly associated with

increased technology time consumption (Peterson, 2021). Furthermore, the child's age, parents'

educational level, screen time use, and ownership of electrical devices all significantly predicted
the level of physical activity among children of sampled parents. Thus, parental involvement is

required to reduce screen time, dramatically impacting a child's physical activity level.

Social media has become part of the everyday lives of people. Social media connects

everyone to anyone. Social media and academic performance seem like a bad combination if

combined. One will surely be the problem of a student, either addiction to social media or

negative effects on their academic performance. Overall, even though social media has its

negative effects on the academic performance of the students, it also helps them to communicate

with their classmates, use their social networks to plan for their projects and help their other

classmates. Despite having its negative effects, social media helps the students in increasing their

academic performance.

Many studies have explored the effects of social media on the academic performance of

students. They often looked at the positive and negative effects of it, and sometimes tackled the

mental health of the participants, but they have not always explored the other subjects that social

media can affect. Such as, is there a relationship between physical inactivity and social media


There are different theories about the influence of social media on the Academic

Performance of the students, and these are the following: Theory of Connectivism Learning

Theory, Theory of the Social Cognitive, Theory of Walberg's Educational Productivity, Theory

of Practice, Theory of Social Learning in Media, Theory of Behaviorism or the behavioral

learning, Theory of Perspective of Social Impact and lastly, Theory of Psychosocial

Development and Social Media Use. Only the theory of Walberg's Educational Productivity is

adopted in this study. 

Welberg's Theory of Educational Productivity states that there are key variables that

influence students' learning, which affects their academic performance. The theory identified the

variables; the student ability/prior achievement, motivation, age/developmental level, the

quantity of instruction, quality of instruction, classroom climate, home environment, peer group,

and exposure to mass media outside school (Walberg, Fraser & Welch, 1986) . In the theory of

Welberg, he believed and explained that these variables have particular implications that, if not

appropriately guided, could produce issues with kids' academic achievement. Moreover,

according to Welberg, giving importance to a certain variable can mean a big impact on the

student's academic performance.

Walberg's theory tackles the influences on learning that affect the academic performance

of a student. It is an exploration of academic achievement wherein Walberg uses various

methods to identify the factors that affect the academic performance of a student. In his theory,

he classified 11 influential variables, of which 8 involved social-emotional influences: classroom

management, parental support, student-teacher interactions, social-behavioral attributes,

motivational-practical attributes, the peer group, school culture, and classroom climate. The

variables are reflected in different representations. The first three variables (ability, motivation,

and age) reflect the characteristics of the student. The fourth and fifth variables reflect instruction

(quantity and quality), and the final four variables (classroom climate, home environment, peer

group, and exposure to media) represent aspects of the psychological environment. He explained

that these variables have certain effects that might cause problems with students' academic

performance if they are not properly guided. Giving importance to a certain variable can greatly

impact the student's academic performance.

Walberg's theory deals with the influences on learning that have an impact on a student's

academic performance, which is extremely relevant in this study. When other things influence a

student, the majority of them become unproductive and are unaware that their academic

performance is being affected. Therefore, Walberg's theory is connected to the research topic as

the researcher aims to know the influence of social media on the students' academic

performance. The Internet has established its presence in people's lives nowadays. It is tough to

imagine a person who did not check social media for updates and did not read the news lines at

least once a day. In this study, a student's ability has an impact on educational outcomes since it

demonstrates a student's ability to perform physically and mentally in school. This theory of

Walberg will serve as a guide to know the influences on learning that affects academic


The researchers used the Input-Process-Output systematic method to define the

conceptual outline of the investigation. As indicated in the figure below, the input contains the

overall average and social media usage of Grade 12 students. Questionnaires will be used to

measure the frequency with which students use social media and their student excellence.

Finally, the impact and influence of social media on the participants will be the study's output.

The purpose of this quantitative research is to examine the influence of social media to

the Grade 12 students of Accountancy, Business, and Management strand at Holy Angel


Specifically, this study will seek to answer the following questions:   

1. What is the level of social media usage of the participant? 

2. What is the level of academic performance of the participants?   

3. What is the influence of social media usage to the academic performance of the participants?  
This study will be conducted online classes at Holy Angel University during the second

semester of 2021–2022. The Grade 12 students will be participants in the research of the said

institution. In this study, social media is a collective term for websites and applications that focus

on communication, community-based input, interaction, content-sharing, and collaboration.

(Lutkevich & Wigmore, 2021) 

Since the research is quantitative, the delimitation of this study only focuses on the

influence of social media on Grade 12 students, excluding Junior High School Students, Grade

11 students, and College Students. In addition, this study will only be conducted within HAU in

Angeles City, Pampanga, was asked to participate in this study. Therefore, the results should not

be generalized. 

The researchers only included the co-education school, so it cannot be applied to all

schools. As social media is such a popular topic, understanding this study and the researchers'

information is broad. That is why this research is being conducted. This study will be conducted

within a limited amount of time. 

In this research study, the researchers hope to give meaning to people, society, country,

and the world. It can be helpful to many people, especially the students, considering that social

media are becoming increasingly popular among them as a new method to pass the time and as a

distinct route for obtaining the necessary information. As a result, it is critical to investigate the

impact social media has. The impact that social media has on its users and how social networks

affect students' academic performance. It also gives the students the correct information that

social media can be a bad and good influence on their academic performance. This research

study will uncover this knowledge, giving the researchers a leg up on the competition an

opportunity to learn and explore new things. Furthermore, this research can be a valuable
reference for future researchers who will study the influence of social media on students.  This

study can also help them understand how social media influences the students and can also be

their basis for new learning. 

this study will help the students determine and analyze certain issues in social media and it also

helps the students meet their academic needs. it can assist them in being aware of the various

consequences of social media on their academic achievement. however, they will also learn to

balance and limit the use of social media in other aspects.

This analysis will help the relationship between teachers and students because it enhances their

interaction, learnings and sharing of ideas to feel a sense of belongingness in the educational

field. a positive relationship between a teacher and students will provide a level of comfort. all

positivity expressed by a teacher with students impacts educational success specially nowadays.

This research will help the parents to understand their child's behavior. and they will also have

open communication which is fundamental to be able to understand each side. it also requires

parental guidance to students/children to control them in excessive usage of social media.

This research will help future researchers who will conduct the same topic to know how social

media influences the senior high school students at Holy Angel University. it can also be a help

to their future references for more studies in the future. they can use this research to give them

insights about the said topic.

In this study, quantitative research will be used. It is the gathering and analyzing of

numerical data. It can find patterns and averages, generate predictions, verify causal

relationships, and extrapolate results to bigger populations (Coghlan, D., Brydon-Miller, M.,

2014). The researcher looks at two variables and assesses their statistical connection with little or

no attempt to adjust for extraneous factors (Price, Jhangiani, Chiang, Leighton, and Cuttler,
2012). This design will be used since the major purpose of the study is to investigate the

influence of social media on academic performance among Holy Angel University SHS students.

The descriptive-correlational research design will be used in this study to investigate the

influence of social media on academic performance. A descriptive study is research that tries to

provide a snapshot of the current condition. Correlational research seeks to discover connections

between variables and forecast future occurrences based on present data (Strangor and Walinga,

2014). The Descriptive-Correlational Research Design describes the variables and the natural

relationships that exist between and among them (Mendes,2007). The proponents of this study

design will determine and present an overview of the current situation, as well as uncover

correlations between variables and allow future occurrences to be forecasted based on existing

information about the link between the chosen issue. 

The study participants are Grade 12 students at Holy Angel University (HAU), aged 16 –

18 years old. The researchers chose Grade 12 students since they are also grade 12 students at

Holy Angel University (HAU), and they can relate to them on how social media can affect their

academic performance. According to Bhandari (2020). Quantitative research is the process of

gathering and evaluating numerical data. It may be used to find patterns and averages, predict

outcomes, test causal relationships, and extrapolate results to bigger populations. Through

quantitative data analysis, data from large samples may be processed and evaluated using reliable

and consistent techniques, and the results can be extended to larger populations based on the

sampling method utilized. Total population sampling is manageable, such as a well-defined

subsection of a larger population, it is the most practicable method. It also avoids the possibility

of biased sample selection, which is common in would-be random study samples (Lavrakas,

2008). In addition, since total population sampling includes all members of the population of
interest, you can acquire a lot of information on the topic you're interested in. Because the

community of interest is so large, there is less of a chance of losing valuable ideas from people

who aren't included.  

The research instrument that the researchers used was the Likert Scale. The Likert

scale is a five-point or seven-point scale that allows the participants to express how strongly they

agree or disagree with a given statement. Usually, a Likert scale provides five possible responses

to a statement or question, allowing respondents to indicate their level of agreement or feeling

about the topic or statement on a positive-to-negative scale (Mcleod, 2008). According to

Senaian (2020), the participants can easily grasp and complete Likert scales. Moreover,

respondents do not have to answer yes or no because the Likert approach uses a scale. They can

instead opt to be neutral. The questionnaire that was used in the research was adapted from

different researches.   


The Likert scale was employed in the survey, and respondents were asked how much

they agreed or disagreed with the declarative statements that were connected to the study's

problem statement. It has five (5) levels, ranging from strongly disagree to strongly agree. The

questionnaire was separated into two sections: the participant's social media usage and the

average grade for the first semester of the participant.  


The researchers have linked the instrument to the statement of the problem and conducted

testing in order to establish the study's validity and reliability. Upon testing, the instrument must

be finalized to ensure that it is valid and reliable. The questionnaire consists of six questions that

contain clear and simple questions that enable the respondents to provide accurate information.
In addition, to engage in this study, the participants supplied written informed permission. Once

the list was created, researchers explained the study's goal and obtained their agreement. 

The researchers will make sure to carefully consider the participant's rights in

order to avoid the violation of these rights. In collecting the data, the researchers will provide a

note or a reminder concerning the participant's rights and the nature of the study attached to the

survey before answering the questions for awareness.  


The researchers will not force the participant to answer the survey and will be informed

beforehand that the participant is free to withdraw at any time before answering or while

answering the survey. To protect the security, ensure the safety and the confidentiality of the

participant, the researchers will assure that any information given and provided by the participant

will not be disclosed or shared to anyone especially to those who are not related to the study and

every participant will remain anonymous even to the researchers themselves. The survey will be

conducted online by clicking the link and answering the questions without the requirements of

meeting with the participants and the researchers will ensure that there are no offensive questions

to avoid potential harm.  


The researchers will also include their names and contact number together with their

Gmail in case the participants want to ask questions concerning the study.  

The data was analyzed using Pearson's correlation coefficient and weighted mean by the

researchers. Weighted averages are commonly used in statistics, particularly when studying

populations (Stephanie, 2014). When using this approach to get the average of a sample,

calculating an anticipated result, where each possibility has a distinct probability, can be quite
useful (Corporate Finance Institute, 2015). Means will be used to evaluate comments on the

questionnaire organized according to the issue statement, which will be based on the Likert

Scale's descriptors. The mean analysis is based on the data in the table below. 

Pearson's r is a statistical test commonly used in correlational research to quantify the

association between variables; however, it may also be used in an experimental study to assess

the link between independent and dependent variables (Curtis et al.,2016). The study discovered

a statistical relationship between social media and academic achievement. Pearson's correlation

coefficient can be either positive or negative. Social media and academic performance have a

positive correlation in the following variables—one tends to increase when the other increases. 

As social media grows more prevalent in young people's daily lives, it's critical to

understand how multiple platforms impact their academic performance. This study found that

highly visual digital networks had a substantial influence on academic performance among Holy

Angel University grade 12 students, with a strong association between the number of hours spent

on the network and participants' self-reported academic results. Furthermore, while this study

assessed usage of social media in terms of its impact on students' school activities, more

observational research is needed to gain a better understanding of different patterns of usage—

for example, whether active publishing is associated with multiple impacts than passive usage of

social media activity.

The theory of Walberg’s Educational Productivity is adopted in this study. He discusses

the variables that influence a student's academic performance in his theory. The variables are

reflected in different representations. The first three variables (ability, motivation, and age)

reflect the characteristics of the student. The fourth and fifth variables reflect instruction

(quantity and quality), and the final four variables (classroom climate, home environment, peer
group, and exposure to media) represent aspects of the psychological environment. According to

him, these variables have specific implications that, if not managed properly, might lead to

problems with students' academic performance. The results of the study are consistent with the

adopted theory because one of the variables he addressed in his theory is "exposure to media."

The respondents showed that social media has a negative impact on student's academic

achievement. It has been proven that social media addiction is a serious problem that is a

problematic issue on a student's life. Therefore, the adopted theory was well used as a basis in

conducting this research.

This study recommends schools staffs; teachers, principals etc. to make sure that they use social
media purely as an instrument for the students’ learning and find ways to improve effective
learning through online
Parents and Guardians should effectively monitor their children in using social media as a
learning platform for their children, and ensure that their children are making use of these social
networking sites and apps to advance in their studies
This study recommends the mentioned people above to improve online learning platforms to
enhance sites for learning and some networking sites/apps to develop an extension of their site or
apps for purely study and learning purposes
This study also recommends students to make sure that they balance their use of Social Media
and follow online ethics and etiquettes and make use of social media for positive purposes to
maximize them for study and learning purposes
This research also recommends counselors to provide an open door and reach out more students
within their reach, to identify the root cause why a student is using the social media negatively if
incase there is a situation like this and identify the reason of the students’ poor academic
For the future researchers, this study recommends for them to conduct research related to this
topic because the information provided in this study is limited and to conduct a study about this
topic’s research gap for non- professional and professional readers to have more than one study
to rely on when they conduct their study too

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