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Assignment #2

John Carlo Morato A.

1.In a survey of 260 college students, the
following data were obtained:
U = 260 M
64 had taken a mathematics course, 94 had taken
a computer science course, 58 had taken a
business course, 28 had taken a M and B course,
26 had taken a M and CS course, 22 had taken a CS
and B course, 14 had taken all three course.
How many students were surveyed who had taken
none of the three courses?

B 28 26 CS


58 94

U = 260 (M CS ∩ ∩
B) = 14
M = 64 (M CS) = 26 ∩
CS = 94 (CS B) = 22 ∩
B = 58 (M B) = 28 ∩
|M U CS U B| = M + CS + B – |M CS| – |CS ∩ B| – |M ∩ ∩
B| + |M CS B| ∩ ∩
= 64 + 94 +58 – 26 – 22 – 28 + 14
= 154
260 – 154 = 106 students were surveyed who had taken none of the three course.
1.A survey of 500 television watchers produced
the following information:
U = 500 F
285 watched football games, 195 watched hockey
games, 115 watch basketball games, 45 watch F &
B, 70 watch F & H, 50 watch H & B, 50 do not watch
any of the three games, How many watched
football only?

B 45 70 H


115 195

U = 500 (F ∩ ∩
H B) =
F = 285 (F ∩ H) = 70
H = 195 (H ∩B) = 50
B = 115 (B ∩ F) = 45

F = 285 – 70 – 45 + 20
190 television watchers watched football only.

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