2019-2020, Dated June 25, 2020 Re Application For Milling and Refining License For CY 2020-2021

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leben ‘SUGAR REGULATORY ADMINISTRATION SUGAR REGULATORY ADMINISTRATION) RECORDS SECTION Ee) sugar center Big, North Avenue, Diiman, Quer (RELE Ss E D By: DATE: GB smarsmere as MEMO-REG-LMD-2020-JUL-016 july 13, 2020 CIRCULAR LETTER NOS =A, Series of 2019-2020 SUBJECT: AMENDING CIRCULAR LETTER NO. 37, S. 2019- 2020, dated June 25, 2020 RE APPLICATION FOR MILLING AND REFINING LICENSE FOR CROP YEAR 2020-2021. With reference to the above-mentioned subject, all Sugar Mill and Refinery Companies .are hereby directed to use the attached REVISED APPLICATION FORM (with Gender Box Male and Female) in compliance to.the Quality Management System (QMS) documentation and SRA Gender and Development (SRA-GAD) of the agency, for Crop Year 2020-2021, Hence, Circular Letter No. 37, s. 2019-2020 dated June 25, 2020 is hereby amended. This Circular Letter shall take effect immediately. ENGR. HERYENEGILDO R SERAFICA \dministrator Encl: as stated = Website: hta-//vosra.zovph mal Address: srahend@ara.gou.h ene ‘Tel. No.: (632}929-3633, (632)455-2135, (632)455-3376 SS ren "A food-secure Philippines with prosperous farmers and. fisherfolk” APPLICATION FOR MILLING LICENSE Date: ‘SUGAR REGULATORY ADMINISTRATION Sugar Center Building North Avenue, Diliman Quezon City 1101 Philippines Gentlemen: Pursuant to SRA Sugar Order. No. 8, dated 23 July 1992, series of 1991-1992, | HEREBY APPLY for the Issuance of lense to manufacture centrifugal sugar fr the Crop Year « For this purpose, | hereby set forth the following information: 1. Mill Company Name: 2. President: sex: [_] Male Female 3. -Millsite address: Telephone Number: 4, “Metro Manila Office Address: sTalepor abe: alaaltaeaacaeGR ray nen cr Meee ntaeHaRInIeDeneenenEE 5. We are owners/not owners (circle one) of the mill we operate. (If not owners, submit documents Pertinent to right or authority from owner to operate sugar mill, a. MOA/Contract of Lease 'b, Surety/Cash Bond 6. Enclosed herewith are latest copies of each of the mill company’s business paper ‘Number and Date Fax Number, a. Mayor's Permit (Milsite) b. DTI Registration SEC Registration (Enclosed latest copy of Articles of Incorporation) 4. CDARegistration for Cooperative e. Tax Payer Identification Number (TiN, Email Address | HEREBY CERTIFY that the above-Information are correct, and | AGREE that the same be ‘examined and verified by SRA whenever necessary, and to submit reports regularly, as maybe required by the SRA. Further, | understand that SRA may cause the suspension, cancellation or revocation of the (MILLING LICENSE or the imposition of a fine, or both, for non-observance or violation of the conditions Imposed by SRA Sugar Order No. 8 dated 23 July 1992, Series of 1991-1992 and pertinent SRA rules and regulations, President (Signature over Printed Name) ‘SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this day of, affiant exhibited to me his/her Community Tax Certificate No. issued on at i FM-REG-LMD.004-Rev. 02 ffectvity Date: May 24, 2018 L 2 CROP ESTIMATE cv 2019-2020 Preliminary Crop Estimate All mill companies shall submit not later than 32° day of July 2019' their Preliminary Crop Estimate for Crop Year 2019-2020, stating therein the reasons for the expected increase or decrease in comparison with the previous crop year. Name of Mill Company: Date of Crop Estimate: Date Expected to Start Milling Date expected to Finish Milling: Total Estimate: Tons Cane MT. Raw Sugar M.T. Ug. Area Planted, For CY 2018-2019 (Present Crop Year) Plant Cane Has. Raton Cane + Has. Final Crop Estimate ‘The Final Crop Estimate shall be submitted to the SRA, North Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City, not later than 30" day of September 2019 and shall show therein reasons for the increase or decrease from the Preliminary Estimate. Lhereby certify that the above Crop Estimate is con ‘historical records or sound projection based on available data/records duly verified and that any wilful and deliberate misrepresentation of entries, herein stated shall constitute a ground for the suspension, cancellation, or revocation of the Milling/Refining License or imposition of a fine, or both, by SRA, ‘SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this day of affiant exhibited to ‘her Community Tax Certificate No. _ issued on at Series of ‘i By: Printed Nanfe & Signature Position/Designation MILLING LICENSE QUESTIONNAIRE CROP YEAR 2019-2020 A. Production (2018-2019) L a 3. 4. 5, 6 _ a 9. 10, uu, 12, B Cane Milled Gross ‘Average Daily Grinding ‘Sugar Due Cane ‘Actual Sugar Manufactured ‘Average Dally Production ‘Average Pol of Raw Sugar Total Time Elapsed Total Purchased Power Bunker Fuel Consumption ‘Area Harvested 2. Plant Cane Area bb. Ratoon Cane Area ‘Area irrigated ‘Molasses Production End-of-Year Sugar Stock B. Production Estimates (2019-2020) L a Total Area Planted +2. Plant Cane Area b. Raton Cane Area Estimated Cane Tonnage Estimated Sugar Production Estimated Molasses Production Rated Capacity Start of Milling Estimated End of Milling ‘ling Participation ‘a. Planter’s Share b. Mill hare ©. Technical Information 1 Work Force: ‘a. Permanent . Seasonal Warehouse Capacity a. Millsite b, -Subsidiary wHia we Molasses Tank Capactiy Number of Bollers Total Capacity of Boilers ‘Average Operating Pressure of Botlers No, of Turbo-Generators (76) Total Capacity of 1G Description of air Pollution Contro! Device . Capacity and Description of Waste Water Treatment Facility . 180 oF Related Certifications . Factory Manager” 3. Chief Chemist/Head, QA |. Pollution Control Officer Safety Officer Prepared by: Mill Company Resident Manager Date 1 Te Ke. Ug. | Hrs, w/t. u Has. Has. Has. Ma. Ke. | | Has, Has, MI. = TCD Lg. Ke, Lg. Ma. Tir. Ke/cm. cw. F-REG-LMD-006 Rev.00 Effetvity Date:March 12, 2015 UNDERTAKING KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: (Name of Company/Corporation/Cooperative) with office address and principal place of business at hereby undertakes to faithfully abide and comply with all the Sugar Orders/ Circulars/ Rules and Regulations and other issuances of the Sugar Regulatory Administration; to allow SRA authérized representative/s to inspect my/our warehouse/s anytime of the day; and: that 1/We shall be held administratively lable for any violation thereof. “This is without prejudice to criminal or civil ability, if an under existing laws, Furthermore, SRA may, for just cause suspend/ cancel/ revoke/ terminate at anytime my/our license or impose a fine, or rviolation of pertinent SRA rules and renulations. ~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this day of at Philippines, (Name of Company/ Corporation /Cooperative) By: (Name/Signature /Position) 5 (Signature over Printed Name or person duly authorized for this purpose) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this day of, j affiant exhibited to me his/her Community Tax Certificate No. issued on at Doc. No. Page No. Book Ne Series of. 5 FM-REG-LMD-004 Rev.00 Effectivity Date:March 12,2015 : APPLICATION FOR REFINING LICENSE Date: SUGAR REGULATORY ADMINISTRATION Sugar Center Building North Avenue, Diliman : ‘Quezon City 1101 Philippines Gentlemen: Pursuant to Sugar Order No. 4, dated 17 September 1992, Series of 1992-1993, | HEREBY APPLY for the Issuance of license to manufacture refined sugar for the Crop Year . For this purpose, | hereby set forth the following iiformatio o 1. Refinery Name: 2. President: Sex: [] Male [] Female 3. Refinery Address: ‘ Telephone Number: Fax Number: 4, Metro Manila Office Addres: Telephone Number: Fax Number: 5. We are owners/not awmers (circle one) of the sugar refinery we operate. (IF not ovners, submit documents pertinent to right or authority from owner to operate sugar refinery). . ‘a. MOA/Contract of Lease b. Surety/Cash Bond 6. Enclosed herewith are latest copies of each of the suger refinery’s business papers: ‘Number and Date a. Mayor's Permit (Refinery site) b. DTI Registration c. SEC Registration (Enclosed latest copy of Articles of Incorporation) d, CDA Registration for Cooperative e. Tax Payer Identification Number (TIN) ~ : . f. Email Address ————————— — | HEREBY CERTIFY to the correctness of above Information and | AGREE to have same examined and verified by SRA whenever necessary and to submit reports regularly Further, 1 HEREBY AGREE that SRA may cause the suspension, cancellatjon or revocation of the REFINING LICENSE or the imposition of a fine, or both, for non-observance or violation of the conditions imposed by SRA Sugar Order No. 4 dated 17 September 1992, Series of 1992-1993 and’perfinent SRA rules and regulations. President (Signature over Printed Name} ‘SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this. day of affiant exhibited to me his/her Community Tax Certificate No. = issued on at Doc. No. Page No. R Book No. Series of, ; . FM-REG-LMD.005-Rev.01 Effectvty Date: May 24, 2019 REFINING LICENSE QUESTIONNAIRE : CROP YEAR 2019-2020 A. Production (2018-2019) 1. Total Raw Melted 11 Average Pol Mr. 12 Average Color % 2. Melting Rate —_—Icumsa 3. Refined Sugar Manufactured, Gross 7 Lkg/Day 4. ‘Refined Sugar Manufactured, Net LKg,/Day 41 Average Pol % 4.2 Average Color cus 5. Average Refined Sugar Output : Lg. 6. Rated Capacity (RAW) 7. Total Molasses Produced: 8, Total available Operating Time 9. Total Actual Operating Time 10. Start of Operation 111. End of Operation 12. End-of Year Sugar Stock B. Production Estimates (2019-2020) 1. Projected Raw Sugar Available for Melting, 4 MillShare 12 Outside Local Raw 1.3 Imported Raw 2._ Projected Refined Sugar Production 24 Premium Grade, 22 Bottlers Grade 2.3 Standard Grade 3. Projected Refining Period 3. Start 32 End C. Technical information 1. Work Force LL Permanent 12 Seasonal 2. Warehouse Capacity 2.1 Main Refined Sugar Warehouse 2.2 Subsidiary Warehouse 3. Power and Energy 3.1 Bagasse Consumed 3.2 Bunker Oll Consumed 3.3 Outside Power Purchased 4, Pollution Abatement Facilities for Refineries 4.1 Typeor Method 42 Rated Capacity 5. Refinery Superintendent 6. Factory Manager 7. Chief Chemist/Head, QA 8. Pollution Control Manager Prepared by: Mill Company Resident Manager Date Tons u Kw U/oay | FM-REG-LMD-006-Rev.00 Effectvity Date:March 12, 2015 UNDERTAKING KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: , a (Name of Company/Corporation/Cooperative) With office address and principal place of business at eee hereby undertakes to faithfully abide and comply with allthe Sugar Orders/ Circulars/ Rules and Regulations and other issuances of the Sugar Regulatory Administration; to allow SRA authorized “representative/s to inspect my/our warchouse/s anytime of the day; and that /We shall be held administratively liable for any violation thereof. This is without prejudice to criminal or civil liability if any, under existing laws, Furthermore, SRA may; for just cause suspend/ cancel/ revoke/ terminate at anytime my/our license or impose a fine, or both, for violation of pertinent SRA rules and regulations. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this Philippines. day of at {Ware of Company/ Corporation /Cooperative) By: (Name/Signature /Posttion) (Signature.over Printed Name or person duly authorized for this purpose) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this day of ; afflant exhibited to me his/her Community Tax Certificate No. issued on at Serles of . FM-REG-LMD-005 Rev.00 Effectivity Date:March 42, 2015

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