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GE 109 (Readings in Rizal’ Life and Works)

A Course Module
Prepared by: Prof. Cristina N. Estolano

Lesson 1
I. Learning Outcomes
1. Explain the history of Rizal Law and its important provisions.
2. Critically assess the effectiveness of the Rizal Course.

II. Topic
Studying Rizal in the Classroom

III. Study Schedule

3 hours

IV. Teaching and Learning Process

Learning Tasks:

A. Activity: Read and learn. Download, read, and analyze the text of the following:
1. R.A. No. 1425
2. Jose P. Laurel, Jr. “The Trials of the Rizal Bill,” Historical Bulletin vol. 4, no. 2
(1960): 130-139.

B. Analysis: Think-group-share.
Think of the lessons on the life and works of Dr. José Protasio Rizal Mercado y
Alonso Realonda that you have from kindergarten to senior high school (K-12) and
relate them to the Rizal Law.
Q 1. What did you learn about Rizal from K-12?
- What I have learned is that he sacrificed his life for our beloved country that is
why he is our national hero. He did not defend our nation with weapons and
blood, but rather with a pen. In his stories, he described how Spaniards were
treating Filipinos at the time. We Filipinos became aware of the suffering
Filipinos had under the Spaniards.
Q2. How did you apply your learning before?
Q3. What is the Rizal Law?
- The Rizal law mandates every educational institution to teach Jose Rizal in
every students and learn about his life.
Q4 What are the controversies on the Rizal Bill?
- As what I have researched, the Roman Catholic Church in the Philippines as it
contains anti-clerical themes in Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo.
Q5. How would readings in Rizal’s life and works impart patriotism?
Q6. What is the importance of studying Rizal in the classroom?
- Studying Dr. Jose P. Rizal's life, works, and writings is significant for me as a
student and as a Filipino citizen because it will improve my understanding of

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the importance of education and how it benefits both myself and my nation.
Studying Rizal's life and works will make me more accountable and patriotic
by serving as a reminder of my responsibilities as a Filipino. Finding out the
positive and terrible things that colonizers and Filipinos have done in the past
would help me choose the right direction in my life.

Meet your group members.

Share with your group members your answer to the questions.

C. Abstraction: Reading/Lecture/Presentation

Present to the class your group output during the synchronous session. Each
member is expected to talk during the oral presentation during your class period.

Presentation Date: September 8-9, 2022

D. Application: Group reflection

Work on this. . .Group task. Write a group reflection essay on R.A. No. 1425.
How effective is the Rizal Law in instilling patriotism among K to 12 students? How
important is the Rizal Law? You are expected to follow the format below.
Front: style - Times New Roman and font size-12
Orientation: Portrait
Paper size: A4
Doubled space
Include a page header on top of every page
Insert a page number on the top right of every page except for the title page
Include a Title Page, Introduction, Main Body, Conclusion, and References.
Word Count: 500-700 words from Introduction to Conclusion.
Follow the sample title page on the next page.

Submission Date: September 10-11, 2022

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A Reflection Essay
Presented to Prof. Cristina N. Estolano
Faculty of the Leyte Normal University
Tacloban City


In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Course

GE109 (Readings in Rizal’s Life and Works)


GE 109 (Lesson 1) Page 3

A297 (AB31) Group 1

Group Reflection Essay

Your group reflection essay will be rated based on the rubric below. Use this as a
guide to obtain a high rating.

Rubric for the Reflection Essay

Name of Group Members: ________________________________________________________________

Program/Year/Section: ___________________ Date of Submission: ______________

Categories Excellent (4) Good (3) Average (2) Poor (1)

Reflective Explains the student’s Explains the student’s Attempts to Do not address the
Thinking thinking and learning thinking about his/her demonstrate thinking student’s thinking
processes, as well as learning processes. about learning but are and/or learning.
implications for future vague and/or unclear
learning. about the personal
learning process.
Depth of Analysis Exhibits an in-depth Reflects an analysis of Attempts to analyze Do not move beyond
analysis of the learning the learning experience the learning a description of the
experience, the value of and the value of the experience but the learning experience.
the derived learning to derived learning to self value of the learning to
self or others, and the or others. self or others is vague
enhancement of one’s and/or unclear.
appreciation for the
teaching profession.
Making Articulates multiple Articulates connections Attempts to articulate Do not articulate any
Connections connections between the between the learning connections between connection to other
learning experience and experience and content this learning learning or
content from other from other courses, past experience and experiences.

GE 109 (Lesson 1) Page 4

Categories Excellent (4) Good (3) Average (2) Poor (1)
courses, past learning, learning experiences, content from other
life experiences, and/or and/or future goals. courses, past learning
future goals. experiences, or
personal goals, but the
connection is vague
and/or unclear.
Clarity of Consistently precise and Mostly precise and Imprecise or Consistently
Presentation unambiguous wording, unambiguous wording, ambiguous wording. imprecise or
clear and lucid sentence mostly clear sentence Confusing sentence ambiguous wording,
structure. All citations are structure. Mostly structure. Poorly confusing sentence
well-chosen, effectively effective choice of chosen citations, or structure. Citations
framed in the text, and citations. Mostly ineffective framing and contradict or confuse
explicated where effective framing and explication of citations. students’ text.
necessary. explication of citation
where necessary.
Mechanics Clean, correctly formatted Clean, correctly Correctly formatted Sloppy or incorrectly
(12-point font, Times New formatted (12-point font, (12-point font, Times formatted and not
Roman, normal margins), Times New Roman, New Roman, normal written in full
written in full sentences. normal margins), written margins), written in full sentences. Many
Virtually no spelling or in full sentences. A few sentences. Several spelling or
grammatical errors. minor spelling or spelling or grammatical errors.
Consistent citation style. grammatical errors. grammatical errors. Inconsistent style of
Consistent citation style. Inconsistent citation citation.
References Uses 3 or more Uses 2 references. Uses 1 reference. No references.

Remarks: ____________________________ Raw Score _______ X 100 /24 = Rating _______

Rated by: __________________

Modified version based on sources:

V. Learning Resources

Text of the R.A. No. 1425

Jose P. Laurel, Jr. “The Trials of the Rizal Bill,” Historical Bulletin vol. 4, no. 2 (1960): 130-

Garcia, Carlito D. el. al. “Rizal law and the teaching of Rizal course. Rizal and the
development of Filipino nationalism. Books Alpha Publishing Corp. Mandaluyong City
(2015): 1-2.

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