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Our country today and the rest of the world have been experiencing the COVID-19 PANDEMIC

since December 2019. The dreaded virus has registered millions of positive cases, thousands of deaths,

and with encouraging number of recoveries, that is, worldwide. In this regard, school children and

college students, among other sectors, remain vulnerable and no less than Pres. Rodrigo R. Duterte, in

one of his pronouncements, stressed” No vaccine no school opening.” This is a strong concern from the

chief executive that the aforementioned students should be protected from this health menace.

Now government and officials of state colleges and universities, including that of the private

institutions, parents, stakeholders, and young learners themselves are confronted with huge challenge,

that is, to keep learners at home and to pivot learning process just the same. Learning activity and

discovery then must be a continued process regardless what modals seem appropriate and the same

would certainly elicit the needed enthusiasm among students.

Hence, on-line learning is one of the modes that have been indispensably sought. This will

equip students to have the needed skills on the study and interpretation of all text materials vis-à-vis

spoken language that encompasses linguistic and tonal style----situations or settings-wise.

One learner among the desire of many others relative to language acquisition is to become

eloquent speaker and prolific writer----“Eloquence is the child of knowledge,” says Disraeli, and “If

writing seems hard, it is because it’s hard. It is one of the hardest things that most people do,” William

Zinsser opines.

Moreover, all lessons, regardless what program or subject course one takes, relate to the nature

of man for he is a gregarious being----the desire to establish unparalleled bonding among his peers and

and opt to create appropriate dynamics. With all these focal points penned ----optimism is cast to have a

prominent collaborative approach and to make home learning an awesome and wholesome one.
(Nick R. Mendoza)
“ Without knowing the force of words, it is impossible to know man.”
Communication and Society
Communication is necessary to establish social ties, to knit people together in reciprocal
relationships and to ensure human cooperation. It begins when we are born and continues throughout
our entire life. Without it no thought is ever expressed---no word is ever written ---no problem is ever
solved. It is a central fact of the social process. It is all the ways by which a person influences another
and is influenced in return. The ways may be direct and personal as when an instructor talks to a
student, or indirect and impersonal, as when a radio or television station coveys the message.
Communication is thus the carrier of the social process; it makes interaction within humankind possible
and enables men to be social beings.

Confucius once said, “Without knowing the force of words, it is impossible to know man.” In
Confucius view, society continues to exist by communication. As the lifeblood of society, it sustains all
the spheres of human existence---government, religion, politics, education, law, business, and
technology. Without it man can achieve only the most primitive knowledge, and no social organization is
possible. For obviously, communication is essential in our complex world. It does not only bring about
social interaction but also pleasure and increased understanding of life. (Excerpt from the book of Jovita N.
Fernando, et al)


 Peace is not the absence of conflict but the presence of creative alternatives for
responding to conflict.
----Dorothy Thompson

 Challenges are the vibrant colors of life


 The way we communicate with others and with ourselves ultimately determines the quality

of our lives.

-----Anthony Robbins

 In business, communication is everything.

---Robert Kent

 With words we govern men. Eloquence is the child of knowledge.

--Benjamin Disrael
* Words have incredible power. They can make people’s hearts soar or they can make people’s hearts


--Fr. Mardy Grothe

* Practice is unquestionably the most important single element in acquiring the needed skills.


* Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experiences of trial and suffering can

the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired, and success achieved.

---Helen Keller

 Nature gave us two ears and only one mouth so that we listen twice as much as we speak.


 A woman is said to be beautiful when she opens her mouth.


* ART is essentially the affirmation, the blessing, and deification oh human existence.

--Art Power

* He who fails to prepare is preparing for failure.

--Mark Twain

* Communication, indeed, reveals one’s personality, character, and intellectual prowess.


 Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.
--Pablo Picasso

 Curiosity, about life in all of its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
--Leo Burnett

 Creativity comes from a conflict of ideas.

--Donatella Versace

 In youth we learn, in aged we understand.


* Teacher: The Purveyor of knowledge and the sculptor of young human minds and values.

* Teacher: His influence affects eternity. Teacher: The Lighted candle. --Anonymous
Notes On Art Appreciation

ART is a product of man’s creativity, imagination, and expression.

Creativity is the ability of one to craft, transform, or pen original ideas that produce

positive (unique) effects.

Imagination is the ability of one to form images, ideas, and sensations in the mind, that is,

impressively. It makes knowledge applicable and fundamental to integrating

experience and the learning process.

Expression is the process in which one concretizes unique ideas and sets the dimensional

effects into the end-result of aesthetics.

Appreciation is the process that opens the avenue for one to deeply understand the purpose of artwork

and recognize the beauty it possesses.

Salient Points:

1. Appreciation gives one the opportunity to exercise and develop his taste for things
are fine and beautiful.

2. It allows individual to make intelligent choices and decisions, that is, to give better
values both for aesthetic and practical ones.

3. It also leads one to have a fuller and more meaningful life.

4. Remember for not everyone can be considered an artist, but all are, indeed,
spectators of art.

5. As spectators, we are able to distinguish what is firm and beautiful from what is not
and what is good quality from poor.

6. Art appreciation is a way of life.

Quote: “The role of art as a creative work is to do the world in a completely different light and

perspective.” ----Jean-Paul Sartre


Aesthetics: The thrill and feel in Art

Nick R. Mendoza

Pedagogues in Philosophy do maintain that the interplay of this science with art conspicuously
manifests aesthetics. But how could one appropriately perceive and elicit the essence of beauty? What
are dynamics could possibly engross him toward articulation and appreciation of the same? Why moral
good in art must be indispensably sought? The answers pivot in the ultimate level of understanding of

Apparently, authorities in the past drew some argumentative perspective, set theories based on
their perception, or understood practical principles as to why art is art, and what, makes it not, that is,
from Plato to Aristotle; from Adamson to Hutcheson; from Schiller to Hegel; and others. The focal point
of art relates to beauty, order, design, refined sensitivity, sensible object, sensible intuition and the spirit.

In this present time, therefore, we face huge challenge, i.e., to motivate our students and for them
to cast the expected and needed enthusiasm, appreciation, and understanding into the subjects of
Humanities----art appreciation remains unquestionable premise and promise.

Our goal is anchored on the exquisite ability of students to articulate the understanding of art, that
is, juxtaposed with production as it is indicative and reflective of one’s inner self. We certainly do
appreciate to see two or three in a class size of 45 who excel and transform their artworks into master
pieces but we should be very much appreciative instead if 42 or 43 of them demonstrate authentic love
toward this human perspective---the power of art!

The avenue and opportunities should be high and low, far and wide as students expose, explore, and
experience the visual, the figurative and the imaginative dimensions of art---the same does not rest on
“the will to live but on the will to power.” Nonetheless, “art is the resounding yes to life.”

As students take the academic trek with vigor…mentors, on the other hand, then must have the
tracking scholarly devise to cushion the impact that “creativity comes from a conflict of ideas.”

And this quote explicitly stresses that mentors could not and should not waive their commitment
and responsibility to students for it says that “Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an
artist once we grow up.”---Pablo Picasso

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