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Research study


DAOS, Mari Manuel

OLISIA, John Paul
AÑIS, Nerise Joy
by Hongria et al.
research study

Jatropha curcas L. commonly known as Tuba-tuba is one of the poisonous
plant species in the Philippines. It contains phytotoxins that are said to be
dangerous when ingested. Thus, the researchers came up with this idea of using
this toxic property of this plant in preparing pesticides against common domestic
In like manner, aside from investigating for its pesticide potential, the
researchers also studied the phytochemical aspects of Jatropha curcas L.,
specifically the odor, color, viscosity, and its time of effect to take place. Three
consecutive trials were conducted in selected setup such as death rate of
domestic pests using the prepared pesticides.
research study

Nowadays, thousands of unprecedented demands, including problems in the
environment are constantly persisting in the local areas of the country. To specify, food
poisoning is likewise one of the issues that predominates these past few years. The plant
species Jathropa curcas L., locally known as Tuba-tuba, Tubang-bakod (Tag.), Kasla (Bis.),
and Tagumbau (Ilk.) and ecumenically called as fig nut, physic nut and pig nut is diversely
distributed throughout the country and has been subjected in several food poisoning
cases (Manila bulletin, 2006). Local media reported that eight children in General Santos
City suffered in extreme stomach pain after eating Tuba-tuba (Jathropa curcas L.) last
September 9, 2010 ( The same scenario is observed in La Paz, Iloilo
wherein fourteen school children experienced the same symptoms after eating Tuba-tuba
fruit and were eventually rushed to a hospital (
research study

Etymologically, the word “pesticides” is built in the model of many
words ending with the suffix “-cide” which originates from the Latin verb “caedo,
cadere,” which means to kill. In our present days, enormous types of pest have
been destroying some of our properties domestically. Filipino citizens are fond of
using commercial inorganic pesticides which are sold in the market. Thus, this
research aims to provide an alternative source of pesticides which is using Tuba-
tuba fruits, seeds, and stems which are organic and less expensive. Jatropha
curcas L. that is Tuba-tuba contains phytotoxin that may help in rapid control of
the accelerating pests’ population in the community.
research study


1. What are the physico-characteristics of Tuba-tuba in terms of:
1.1. color;
1.2. volatility;
1.3. viscosity;
1.4. toxicity;
1.5. time of its effect to take place?
2. What are the different pests that can be killed by the prepared pesticide?
3. How does a commercial pesticide be compared with the prepared pesticide with Jatropha curcas L.,
fruits, seeds, and stem extract in terms of:
3.1. color;
3.2. volatility;
3.3. viscosity;
3.3. time of its effect to take place?
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Research Design
This research was conducted using experimental method. The researchers investigated for
the feasibility of using Tuba-tuba (Jatropha curcas L.) as an alternative source of ingredients in
making pesticides by means of experimental research method. In relation with these, the
researchers followed the fundamental principle of an experimental research which states that try
something new and systematically observe what happens.
Moreover, an experimental research aimed to predict a specific phenomenon. Typically, an
experiment is constructed to be able to explain some kind of causation. Experimental research is
important to the society. It helps in improving our daily lives (http://www.experiment-
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1.1 Color/Clearness

The first physico-chemical characteristic that was investigated by the researcher is the
color of Jatropha curcas L. extract. However the color or clearness of the extract varied
as it has been subjected to different formulation. Based on the result gathered referring
to table 2 , the different prepared Jatropha curcas L. pesticide formulation also varied on
their clearness, in relation in their color.
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1.2 Odor/Acridity

The second physico-chemical characteristic investigated by the researcher is the odor of

the extract of the prepared pesticides. The researcher found out that the extract of
Jatropha curcas L. was somewhat acrid in nature. In relation with these, the result
regarding to the odor of Jatropha curcas L. gathered by the researcher, is similar to the
result of the study of Quisumbing and Bernard-Smith as cited on the first few part of this
research. In like manner, Quisumbing also stated that acrid juice of Jatropha curcas L. was
an irritant poison with a severe nerve-symptoms.
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1.3 Viscosity

The next factor that governs with the physico-chemical characteristics of Jatropha
curcas L. pertains on viscosity. Scientifically, viscosity is defined as condition or property
of having a relatively resistance to flow, or having a heavy, and gluey quality. In relation
with the given definition, researchers have found out that the viscosity of the
formulation varied as the concentration increased. Referring on table 4, formulation D
had ranked no.1 for it was the most viscous among all the prepared formulation,
followed by formulation C that ranked no.2. Moreover, formulation B ranked no.3, while
formulation A had ranked as no.4 for it exhibited the property of the least viscous
among all the prepared formulations.
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1.4 Toxicity/ Active Component

The next specific aspect under the physic-chemical characteristics of Jatropha

curcas L. accounts for the presence of active component. According to the laboratory
and phytochemical tests result from the standards and Testing Division of the
Department of Science and Technology (DOST), the following constituents were
present on the sample tested:
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1.4 Toxicity/ Active Component

The next specific aspect under the physic-chemical characteristics of Jatropha

curcas L. accounts for the presence of active component. According to the laboratory
and phytochemical tests result from the standards and Testing Division of the
Department of Science and Technology (DOST), the following constituents were
present on the sample tested:
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On the experiment done by the researchers, the results on each specific aspect
are happened to be somewhat the same. In the color, the commercial pesticide
used by the researcher had ranked no.1 which means it has the clearest color
among all the prepared pesticide. Furthermore, in terms of odor, the commercial
pesticide has the least odor among all the prepared pesticide. In like manner, in
terms of viscosity, the commercial pesticide was the least viscous among all
prepared pesticide. Lastly, in terms of its effect to take place, it was clearly seen
that the commercial pesticide had the shortest time in killing all the selected
domestic pests.
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Based on the data gathered and interpreted, the researcher found out that
the species Jatropha curcas L. can be an alternative source of ingredient in
making pesticide. However, on the experiment conducted, the effect of the
pesticides made from the extract of Jatropha curcas L. varied as the
formulations been subjected to various concentrations.
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Among all the prepared pesticides formulated by the researchers.
Formulation C (75% Jatropha curcas L. extract) was the best formulation
prepared by the researchers. Nonetheless, Formulation D (100% Jsatropha
curcas L. extract) has the fastest and strongest effect to the domestic pests, but
its physico-chemical characteristics, particularly its odor, gave a very acrid smell
compare to the formulation C. Moreover, in terms of clearness, formulation C is
more clear than formulation D. Thus, the researchers decided the formulation C
was the best formulation among all the prepared pesticides.
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The following suggestions are hereby recommended by the researchers to the following
people and institutions respectively:

To the pesticide manufacturers. The study conducted by the researchers had probed in
searching for innovative ingredients in making pesticides. Nonetheless, further study
and laboratory experiments are still recommended for the development of this study.
To common people. Tuba-tuba (Jatropha curcas L) had been part of the traditional
medical practices in the Philippines. In this study conducted by the researchers
another innovative way of utilizing this plant species was provided. However, further
modifications are necessary in order to improve the effect of the pesticide made by the
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To science teachers. As a science teacher, this study provided better ideas regarding
discovery. Teachers, specifically to those who are under the field of science shall
cultivate in the minds of their students the significance of science and its implication to
their lives.
To future researchers. The study regarding the feasibility of using Jatropha curcas L.
locally known as Tuba-tuba is such an interesting topic to study since this plant species
has not been fully studied yet. Nevertheless, this study conducted by the researchers
necessitates further improvement. In the same way, more laboratory experiments are
needed to strengthen the result of this study.
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thank you!

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