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Fires that are deliberately set and include those in which the proven cause does not
fires that result from deliberate misuse of a involve any deliberate human act to ignite or
heat source, fires of an incendiary nature spread the fire.
(arson), as well as con- trolled burn fires,
such as crop clearing.
Damage to skin cells and tissue caused by May only damage layers of skin, unlike burns,
either fire, heat, electricity, chemical, that can cause major deep tissue damage. 
radiation, light or friction. Damaging muscle
and fat can occur if the burn is severe. It can
even reach the bone if it’s deep enough.
- The blister contains abundant albumen and -The blister contains scanty albumen and
chlorides. chlorides.
-There is an area of inflammation. - No area of inflammation.
- The base of the vesicle is red. - Not much change in color of the base of the
-The tracheo-bronchial lumina may contain vesicle.
particles of soot or carbon. -No finding of soot or carbon.
-Blood will show presence and abundance of -No presence and abundance of
carboxyhemoglobin. carboxyhemoglobin
It is claimed by some authorities that the It is claimed that the human body is
human body can ignite itself spontaneously inflammable on account of the presence of
and bum itself to death. This is hardly gases which easily ignite. The gases are said
possible on account of the high percentage of to be the products of the action of
water in the human body. Spontaneous microorganisms in the body. This explains the
combustibility may be utilized as a defense in presence of phosphorescent light in the
cases of homicidal burns if it is really graveyard during night time. If ever the
probable. theory is true, then there can only be a
partial combustion of the human body.
- Blisters may be present. -Absence of blisters.
-No such staining. - Skin and clothing may be stained.
-Nothing of this nature is found in thermal - Analysis of the substances around the lesion
burns. will show the chemical causing the corrosion.
-The lesion is diffused. - The borders are distinct and simulating a
geographic appearance.
Due to a close contact with Due to a poor contact and The appearance varies from
an electrically live object, and the resistance of dry skin and the arborescent pattern of
the degree will vary from shows a pricked appearance lightning burns to the
small and superficial lesion to with a central white zone "crocodile skin" appearance
charring of skin if contact is (parchment) and surrounding of high voltage flash.
maintained. of hyperemia. This burn,
which may be essential to
the proof of electrical
contact, can be very difficult
to identify, and sections
should be cut in an attempt
to establish their nature.

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