SSG Voting System Using Blockchain Protocol

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JUNE 2022
SSG Voting System Using Blockchain Protocol

A Thesis
Presented to the
Faculty of Computer Science Department
College of Computer Studies
Jose Rizal Memorial State University
Main Campus, Dapitan City

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Degree
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

JUNE 2022
Republic of the Philippines
The Premier University in Zamboanga del Norte
Main Campus, Dapitan City


This Thesis entitled “SSG Voting System Using Blockchain Protocol” has
been prepared and submitted by Josine O. Dalman, Shelamay A. Dumandan,
Glenn Mark L. Flores, Maria J-Anne S. Ruiz, and Denise C. Sorronda in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the degree: Bachelor of Science in Computer
Science has been reviewed, checked, and verified by the undersigned as to
grammar, coherence, and organization.


English Critic

Republic of the Philippines


The Premier University in Zamboanga del Norte
Main Campus, Dapitan City


This thesis entitled “SSG Voting System Using Blockchain Protocol” prepared
and submitted by Josine O. Dalman, Shelamay A. Dumandan, Glenn Mark L.
Flores, Maria J-Anne S. Ruiz, and Denise C. Sorronda has been examined and
is recommended for oral examination on May 24, 2022.


Republic of the Philippines


The Premier University in Zamboanga del Norte
Main Campus, Dapitan City
This Thesis entitled “SSG Voting System Using Blockchain Protocol” has
been prepared and submitted by Josine O. Dalman, Shelamay A. Dumandan,
Glenn Mark L. Flores, Maria J-Anne S. Ruiz, and Denise C. Sorronda. It has
been reviewed and is recommended for acceptance and approval for final
defense on May 24, 2022.


English Critic Adviser

Approved by the committee on ORAL EXAMINATION on May 24, 2022 with the
PANEL OF EXAMINERS with the rating of _______.




Member Member


Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment for the subject Thesis 2 leading to
the degree of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science during the second
semester, AY 2021-2022 by the Dean of College of Computer Studies.

Republic of the Philippines


Associate Dean, College of Computer Studies



Several studies have addressed privacy and security problems, but trust remains

one of the biggest challenges in the development of new technologies. The

emerging number of cyberattacks that happen every day requires a solution that

is more secure, however a centralized system is not enough. With this, the

researchers propose a study that emphasizes the security potential of a

blockchain protocol. Blockchain is a distributed database that is shared among

computer network nodes. Blockchain provides secure solutions in different

sectors such as healthcare, manufacturing, and many more. Its characteristic of

being safe from manipulation and tampering makes it more trustworthy. The

research method used for this study are constructive and action research

methods. Findings of the study revealed that the SSG Voting System Using

Blockchain Protocol is found to be functional, reliable and highly secured. It was

recommended that the blockchain protocol be integrated not only in a voting

system but also in other organization processes.


This study is dedicated to the family of the researchers who have expressed their

unending support during the making of this research. The researchers are very

grateful to the Dalman Family, Dumandan Family, Flores Family, Ruiz Family,

and Sorronda Family for being present and fulfilling the needs of their children

financially and emotionally.

This study is greatly dedicated to the highly respected Alma Mater of the

researchers, Jose Rizal Memorial State University, which have presented them

with quality education and knowledge. With this, the Academe have molded the

researchers to become holistically developed individuals.

This study is also dedicated to the adviser, Prof. Armando T. Saguin Jr.,

and panel members namely: Prof. Ed Neil O. Maratas, Prof. John D. Sagapsapan,

Engr. Joseph Aurelius P. Jacinto, and Prof. Edgardo D. Olmoguez II, for showing

their support to the researchers. Their expert advices, lessons, and opinions have

tremendously helped the researchers in completing their study and making of the


The researchers are filled with gratitude for the aid that they have received from

different individuals. Their guidance, understanding, and assistance has paved

the way for the researchers into accomplishing this study.

The Researchers


This whole experience would not have been possible without the

assistance and cooperation of the few people who have fulfilled their duties. The

researchers would like recognize and convey their heartfelt gratitude to the

following persons who have contributed to the success of the study.

To Armando T. Saguin Jr., the adviser, for dedicating his time and

knowledge for the fulfillment of the study;

To John D. Sagapsapan, Ed Neil O. Maratas, Engr. Joseph Aurelius P. Jacinto,

and Edgardo D. Olmoguez II, for giving their useful ideas, comments, and

suggestions which aided the development of the system and the study;

To the Faculty and Staff of the Computer Science Department, for their

encouraging comments and support;

To the parents of the researchers, for showing their love and support to this

whole journey financially and morally;

To their friends and classmates, for being great helping hands during the

completion of the study.

Lastly, to the Almighty Father, who have bestowed the researchers His eternal

protection, guidance, and blessings.

The Researchers



Title i

Certification of the English Critic ii

Certification of the Dean iii

Approval Sheet iv

Abstract v

Dedication vi

Acknowledgement vii

Table of Contents viii

List of Tables xii

List of Figures xiii



Introduction 1

Theoretical/Conceptual Framework 4

Schema of the Study 6

Statement of the Problem 9

Significance of the Study 9

Scope and Delimitations 10

Definition of Terms 11


Related Literature 14

Foreign Studies 18

Local Studies 25


Research Method 29

Research Environment 30

Project Development Process 31

Data Gathering 32

Requirement Analysis 33

Designing or Software Architecture 34

Project System Design 35

Use Case Diagram 36

Class Diagram 38

Activity Diagram 39

Sequence Diagram 39

Data Flow Diagram 40

Entity Relationship Diagram 42

Evaluation Procedure 43

Research Instrument 44

Validation of the Research Instrument 44

Respondents of the Study 45

Sampling Design and Techniques 46

Functionality 46

Reliability 47

Security 48

Statistical Tools and Treatment 49

Coding 49

Software Testing and Procedure 51

Procedure for Evaluation 51

System Implementation 52

Calendar of Activities 52




Summary 63

Findings 64

Conclusion 65

Recommendation 66



Appendix A – User’s Manual 73

Appendix B – Source Code 77

Appendix C – Letter to the Panelists 90

Appendix D – Letter to the Respondents 95

Appendix E – Evaluation Sheet 97

Appendix F – Curriculum Vitae 102

Tables Page

1 Minimum Hardware Requirements 33

2 Minimum Software Requirements 34

3 Respondents of the Study 45

4 Calendar of Activities 53

5 Survey Results 54

6 Respondents Rating on the Proposed System

in terms of Functionality 60

7 Respondents rating on the Proposed System

in terms of Reliability 61

8 Respondents rating on the Proposed System

in terms of Security 62

9 Summary of the Ratings of Software Quality Factor 62

Figures Page

1 Conceptual Framework 6

2 Schema of the Study 8

3 Hash Block 19

4 Simplified Bitcoin Blockchain 19

5 FabRec System Overview (Angrish et al., 2018) 21

6 Project Architecture (Tran, 2021) 22

7 Use Case Diagram (Uhlig et al., 2019) 23

8 System Architecture of the Proposed Drug Supply

Chain Management (Jamil et al., 2019) 25

9 CredenceLedger Architecture (Arenas and Fernandez, 2018) 26

10 A secure voting environment based on Blockchain

(Bosri et al., 2019) 27

11 JRMSU, Main Campus Map Location 30

12 Iterative Developmental Model 32

13 Project System Design 36

14 Use Case Diagram 37

15 Class Diagram 38

16 Activity Diagram 39

17 Sequence Diagram 40

18 Data Flow Diagram 41

19 Entity Relationship Diagram 43

20 Formula for Weighted Mean 49

21 Block Class using PHP 50

22 Pilot Running Model 52

23 Transaction Flowchart of the SSG Voting System Using

Blockchain protocol 58

Chapter 1



Today, technology has become an increasingly important aspect of daily

life. The world's modernization has been made possible by technology

advancements in various fields. Firms, even beyond the financial services

industry, are now embracing the developments and regulatory standards,

particularly in nonpublic networks and platforms. Interoperability, scalability, and

security are all being improved.

People used to save data on a floppy disc, eject it, walk over to the person

who required the data, and copy it onto their computer so they could utilize it back

in the day. The Internet and the birth of the World Wide Web introduced

Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), a data transmission

technology that made data transport faster and drastically lowered information

exchange transaction costs. After ten years, Web 2.0, which offered social media

and e-commerce platforms, rose to prominence. It revolutionized social

interactions by bringing producers and consumers of information, goods, and

services closer together and allowing to participate in peer-to-peer (P2P)

interactions on a global scale, but always with a middleman: a platform acting as

a trusted intermediary between two people who do not know or trust each other.

While these platforms have done an excellent job of developing a peer-to-peer

economy with a sophisticated content discovery and value settlement layer, they

also control all transaction rules and all user data. Today's Internet is largely

based on the concept of a stand-alone computer. Data is maintained on trusted


institutions' systems. Firewalls secure the data on these servers, and system

administrators are required to administer these servers and their firewalls.

Attempting to modify data on a server is similar to breaking into a house with a

fence and an alarm system. In this regard, blockchain appears to be a driving

factor behind the next-generation Internet, called Web 3.0 (Voshmgir, 2020).

Blockchain refers to the fact that all participants in a peer-to-peer (P2P) network

are assured of the reliability of the same data by applying various consensus

algorithms (Roh, C.-H. & Lee, I.-Y., 2020). Blockchain operates through

cryptography. It provides a security level which is way better than any previously

known databases. It guarantees that processes, including the transactions within

the system, are stored in a block so that malicious activities cannot easily alter

the data.

As indicated in an article published by the Statista Research Department

on April 25, 2022, the Philippines had 98.41 thousand cyberattacks, a

considerable decrease from the same month the previous year in June 2021.

During the first quarter of the year, the number of cyberattacks in the country

increased exponentially, reaching roughly 1.76 million.

On February 4, 2022, the Risk Based Security released the 2021 Year End

Data Breach Quick View Report revealing that 4,145 publicly disclosed breaches

had exposed over 22 billion records last 2021 (“Data Breach Report: 2021 Year

End”, 2022). According to Dhillon et al. (2020), fears of large-scale internet vote

rigging have slowed efforts toward change. Indeed, just a few countries use

online voting at all, and the majority of those that do use Electronic Voting

Machines (EVMs), which require voters to attend a polling station and produce

identity before voting on the EVM. EVMs provide a number of clear advantages.

These have become a need and a significant cost-cutting measure in major

countries like India and Brazil because of the high speed of counting. Many

mature democracies, on the other hand, have resisted internet voting due to

concerns about hacking and fraud. Some countries have actively stopped using

them like the Netherlands in 2005. However, EVMs and centralized internet

voting systems like Estonia's do not address one of the most pressing concerns

confronting democracies: maintaining public trust in election authorities.

Due to its ability to operate without a third party and enable trust through

the use of decentralized applications, blockchain has a wide range of non-

financial uses. For example, blockchain can serve as the platform for an inter-

organizational business process, allowing companies to monitor each other's

actions and data, or allowing business processes to be executed directly on the

blockchain. Participants can have confidence in the information kept on the

blockchain, and smart contract processes cannot be tampered with (Six et al.,

2022). Because a vote is a little bit of high-value data, this type of system

infrastructure is highly useful for voting (Leibkind, 2020).

The researchers were encouraged to undertake this investigation because

of several studies emphasizing the trustworthiness of blockchain's structure and

its security possibilities. Through this study, the researchers hope to help people

overcome their fear of new technologies. This study suggests the use of the

blockchain protocol to increase data security, and this potential is showcased

through a voting system for the Supreme Student Government of Jose Rizal

Memorial State University, Main Campus.


Theoretical/Conceptual Framework

This study applies the network theory. Network theory, in computer science, is a

part of graph theory (Fleming, 2019) which was invented in the 18 th century by

Leonhard Euler.

Network theory, according to theoretical physician Markus Schirmer, is the

study of how components in a network interact. He explains that a simple way of

comprehending a network is to assume that a set of elements are connected by

some form of link.

Network theory allows for the observation of clusters of communication

relationships established by objects communicating inside a network, as Michael

Gines Munsayac describes in his paper "Organizational Communication Theories

Under the Cybernetic Tradition" (Fleming, 2019).

Using the network theory in this study, each node is a vertex. An end user

(voter or administrator) relationship to the node is called an edge or link. One of

the connections between the nodes (or vertices) of a network (or graph) is also

an edge (or link). The connections between nodes go in a direction wherein one

node connects to the other. A node, as seen in the figure below is a computer or

a server. It shows an arrow (a link) going to the direction of the node,

representing a flow of data which is entered by the end user into the system. The

transaction made could be, for example, a vote being casted during the election

by a voter, in the form of a ballot transaction. A transaction request is then made

and a block representing this transaction is created. The figure shows a network

graph of a node which has a relationship with another node. The nodes are being

linked to each other because once a block is created, it is broadcasted to every

node in the network for validation. Each node in the network has a copy of the

whole blockchain. The nodes are shown as vertices and the lines between these

nodes are the relationships as edges.

This study uses the blockchain protocol. Blockchain is the distributed ledger

protocol invented by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008 when he created Bitcoin (Biais et

al., 2019). Nakamoto (2008) proposed a peer-to-peer network using proof-of-

work to record a public history of transactions that quickly becomes

computationally impractical for an attacker to change if honest nodes control a

majority of CPU power. The electronic payment system by Nakamoto (2008) is

based on cryptographic proof in lieu of trust. This allows any two willing parties to

make transactions with each other without needing a third party. The privacy of

users is put into consideration by keeping public keys anonymous.

According to a study by Qayyum et al. (2019), the backbone of blockchain

based cryptocurrency is distributed consensus, which is a protocol that work in a

situation where some of the participating nodes are malicious or faulty and should

have two properties: 1) all honest nodes should terminate on the same value, and

2) that value must have been proposed by an honest node.

Figure 1 shows the conceptual framework of this research proposal. The

administrator will input the information of the candidates who are part of the

election. The system will use public key cryptography to protect the voter’s

privacy. A voter makes a transaction when he submits his vote. A block is then

proposed to the network to check for validity. Once a block is confirmed, it is


added to the blockchain. The votes accumulated in the blockchain are calculated

for the results.

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework

Schema of the Study

The schema of this study is shown in Figure 2. The diagram below

represents the input, process, output, and feedback.

The first box contains the input requirements of the SSG Voting System

Using Blockchain Protocol. These are: laptop or a personal computer and a

Smartphone which are the main components in order to make and access the

system. Network connectivity is also a requirement in order to be able to test

and/or use the web application. In the coding process the most important

requirement is the blockchain protocol which will be used for data security of the

SSG Voting System. The system also requires the administrator of the election to

input the candidate's data in order to initiate the election process.


The process box shows the iterative development model which will be

undergone in developing the system. The planning phase of the iterative cycle is

where software needs and other requirements are identified including the cost,

time, resources and other items. This phase will be performed again for the next

iteration to verify that the risks are mitigated and the quality is maintained. The

design process establishes technical requirements for the software architecture.

It describes in detail the features and specifications of the solution. In the

implementation stage, coding will begin, and it will be ensured that every

guideline, from planning to design, is properly implemented. The system is

evaluated based on the result of its performance, functionality, security and other

criteria. If the code is incorrect or the software requires an upgrade, the second

iteration begins with the planning. After repetitive testing and evaluation, the

system is deployed. The third box in the figure contains the web application.

It is the final output which is the SSG Voting System using Blockchain Protocol.

The fourth element of the diagram is the feedback. The feedback part

helps in improving the software. Modifications to the input and process stage can

be made based on the feedback obtained. There is an ongoing need to collect

and respond to the feedback from the end users. Meeting end user needs is

crucial in adding value to the software and boosting the user’s satisfaction.

Figure 2. Schema of the Study


Statement of the Problem

This study aims to design a web application, SSG Voting System using

Blockchain Protocol, for Jose Rizal Memorial State University, Main Campus,

Dapitan City during the academic year 2021-2022.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the current status of the SSG voting system in JRMSU Main


2. What are the processes involved in the SSG Voting System using

Blockchain Protocol?

3. What is the function of blockchain in the SSG Voting System and how is it

implemented in the system?

4. How can the SSG Voting System using Blockchain Protocol be assessed

in terms of:

4.1. Functionality;

4.2. Reliability; and

4.3. Security?

Significance of the Study

The development of the SSG Voting System using Blockchain Protocol of

JRMSU Main Campus is important because the findings of this study are

expected to contribute to the advancement of technologies by providing

opportunities to improve security and management of information through the use

of blockchain.

Practically, the SSG Voting System using Blockchain Protocol is deemed

beneficial to the following:


Students. The students are the main beneficiary of the system. It is

expected to benefit them in a way that using blockchain protocol promotes

enhanced security. This system also supports the integrity and privacy of the

students who are the voters during the election.

University. This study will benefit the university because the findings of this

study will help in advancing the current SSG Voting System of JRMSU.

Researchers. This study helps the current researchers in improving their

knowledge and skills in programming and application development. The process

involved in conducting this research will be a good additional experience for the

researchers which may be useful once they go out of the university. This may

also benefit the future researchers who wish to conduct a study of the same

interest. Government. This study will benefit the government because it

introduces a new approach to traditional voting which is usually done on pen and

paper. This presents the possibility of making a voting process that uses the

blockchain protocol. Blockchain-based voting systems can address the different

problems and issues faced in the current election process when it comes to

security and transparency.

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

The main focus of this study is on blockchain introduction and

implementation. The researchers considered the voting system as the application

to be used as a model for this study.

The voting system is primarily designed for the use of Supreme Student

Government in Jose Rizal Memorial State University, Main Campus. It is limited

to the processes involved in a voting system which are registration, casting of

votes, and tallying results.

The registration process involves registering the student’s information in order to

create a voter account. The candidate’s information is also entered into the

system. The casting of votes is the phase wherein the voters select the candidate

of their choice for a specific position in the SSG. Through the gathered votes, the

results are then displayed.

The data in this research is not too big, thus, does not require devices or

machines that have huge memory. The blockchain in this study is not open for

public to join in. It is only available for the members of the SSG organization. The

researchers are only focused on the potential of blockchain in safeguarding data

in a peer-to-peer (P2P) network.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are described operationally:

Blockchain Protocol. Blockchain is the distributed ledger protocol

invented by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008. A Blockchain protocol operates on top of

the Internet, on a P2P network of computers that all run the protocol and hold an

identical copy of the ledger of transactions, enabling P2P value transactions

without a middleman though machine consensus.

Cryptography. Cryptography is the study of secure communications

techniques that allow only the sender and intended recipient of a message to

view its contents. It is closely associated with encryption, which is the act of

scrambling ordinary text into what's known as cyphertext and then back again

upon arrival.

Consensus Algorithm. A consensus algorithm is a procedure through

which all the peers of the Blockchain network reach a common agreement about

the present state of the distributed ledger. In this way, consensus algorithms

achieve reliability in the Blockchain network and establish trust between unknown

peers in a distributed computing environment. Essentially, the consensus protocol

makes sure that every new block that is added to the Blockchain is the one and

only version of the truth that is agreed upon by all the nodes in the Blockchain.

Database. A database is an organized collection of structured information,

or data, set up for easy access, management and updating.

Data Security. Data security means protecting digital data, such as those

in a database, from destructive forces and from the unwanted actions of

unauthorized users, such as a cyberattack or a data breach.

Functionality. Functionality refers to the use or group of purposes for

which something is created.

Hashing. Hashing is the process of mapping data of any size to a defined

length using an algorithm.

Nodes. Nodes may be any kind of device, usually computers, laptops or

servers. The P2P protocol allows nodes to communicate with each other within

the network and transfer information about transactions and new blocks.

P2P network. A peer-to-peer (P2P) network in which interconnected

nodes ("peers") share resources amongst each other without the use of a

centralized administrative system. A network based on the client–server model,

where individual clients request services and resources from centralized servers.

Reliability. Reliability is the ability of a system to execute its needed

function under specified conditions at any time—with a lengthy mean time

between failures.

SSG Voting System. Supreme Students Government online voting

system is used for an online election process that allows the university to

securely conduct the election and the votes. This system balances and supports

the security, accessibility, integrity and privacy of the voters during the event.

SSG Voting System Using Blockchain Protocol. SSG Voting System

Using Blockchain Protocol is a web application for the election of SSG officers

that utilizes blockchain, a decentralized database, in keeping records of

Chapter 2


According to Fink (2019), literature reviews are designed to provide an

overview of the sources you used while researching a specific topic and to show

your audiences how your research fits into a larger field of study.

In this chapter, the researchers used the Google scholar and other

resources to gather studies and literature that are relevant to the study, SSG

Voting System using Blockchain Protocol Data Security, for Jose Rizal Memorial

State University, Main Campus, Dapitan City.

Related Literature

Ayyagari (2012) looked into 2633 different data breaches that resulted in the

loss of over 500 million records. The findings show that data breaches are still a

key challenge for many organizations. The findings suggest that the type of data

breaches is evolving. Data breaches are commonly linked with hacking;

nevertheless, it shows that cyber-related breaches are declining, whereas

breaches caused by the "human element" are increasing. One concerning finding

of this research is that data breaches directly related to the implementation and

execution of security rules account for a significant portion. Overall, the findings

suggest that enterprises should provide effective training and tougher security


Sengupta et al. (2020) stated that the Internet of Things (IoT) is vulnerable

to a variety of cyberattacks and requires innovative methods to attain the

appropriate level of security. Furthermore, with the rise of Industrial Internet of

Things (IIoT), the security risks it poses have become even more serious.

Furthermore, Mohanta et al. (2019) claimed that the current centralized system

does not foster sufficient user trust. There are security and privacy concerns in

an Internet of Things (IoT) system. While some research has addressed security

and privacy concerns, there is still much work to be done before IoT is broadly

embraced by people. Although authentication, authorization, access control,

integrity, and confidentiality are some of the most basic security concerns in the

IoT system, they are not the only ones. One of the biggest difficulties in the IoT

network is trust. The communication between nodes, as well as the processing

among nodes, must be transparent in order for all users to trust each other. In

addressing the problem in trust determination, Angrish el at. (2018) stated that

the transparency provided by decentralization and the value provided by

resource allocation distribution can potentially address the issue of trust

determination in a cyber manufacturing network.

David Shaum invented the world's first electronic voting system in the

early 1980s. To cast votes and keep voters anonymous, the system relied on

public key cryptography. The Blind Signature Theorem was employed to ensure

that there were no linkages between voters and ballots. Since the system's

inception, numerous academics have expressed interest in the issue, and

extensive research has been conducted. The Direct Recording Electronic System

and Internet Voting Systems have received the most attention in this field. The

first method replaces paper ballot voting in polling booths, while the second

method is designed to be mobile and allows voters to vote from anywhere using

any device with an Internet connection. Obviously, it is convenient, and it has the

potential to significantly increase the number of voters. Technical dangers to the

e-voting system, on the other hand, have always been a concern (Ayed, 2017).

The voting system has transitioned from a paper-based to a digital method

in today's digital age. Transparency, decentralization, irreversibility, and

nonrepudiation are all characteristics of a digital e-voting system. The emergence

of digital e-voting systems has raised a slew of security and transparency

concerns. In this work, employing blockchain technology to tackle security

challenges and meet system requirements in a digital e-voting system opens up

new possibilities for any organization or country to implement a secure e-voting

system. The solution is superior to previous solutions since it is a decentralized

system that stores results in the form of bit-coins and has several locations

(Singh and Chatterjee, 2018).

According to Fauzi et al. (2019), the fundamental security factor of

blockchain technology was the signing and mining block. It can identify

eavesdropping and reduce the need for intervention. Because the eavesdroppers

require extra time to solve the mathematical equation in the mining process, they

are unable to alter the voting data. This technology has the potential to be

developed into a complicated system. As a result, blockchain technology is

suitable for use in the real election system with a high secure factor.

Blockchain has recently emerged as a solution for increasing the thrust of

systems used in various domains. The initial and primary application of

blockchain technology was to track cryptocurrency transactions. Other uses and

applications, however, have emerged in recent years. Recently, the blockchain-

based e-voting system has emerged as an important option for overcoming some

of the challenges associated with e-voting. Blockchain-enabled voting systems

have been proposed as the next generation of modern electronic voting systems

due to the blockchain's immutability, which has made it a decentralized

distributed ballot box (Tas and Tanrıöver, 2020). Blockchain technology

encourages governments to implement smart sustainable voting systems and to

incorporate sustainability data into voting systems. It ensures that all participants

have access to reliable information about long-term assets. It is important to note

that, while blockchain is increasingly being used to improve the security of

electronic voting systems, several issues remain (Benny, 2020).

According to Benny (2020), smart contracts are meaningful pieces of code

that must be integrated into the blockchain and executed as scheduled in each

step of the blockchain update process. E-voting is another popular, yet critical,

topic in the realm of online services. The blockchain, combined with smart

contracts, appears to be a promising candidate for use in the development of

safer, cheaper, more secure, transparent, and easier-to-use e-voting systems.

Ethereum and its network are among the most suitable due to their consistency,

widespread use, and provision of smart contracts logic. An e-voting system must

be secure, as it should not allow duplicate votes and be completely transparent,

all while protecting the attendees' privacy.

The immutability of blockchain is frequently cited as incompatible with data

privacy laws, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation [EU]

2016/679) (GDPR), which gives data subjects control over their personal data,

including how it is collected and stored, and requires those who collect and store

it to agree to hand over, correct, and delete it upon request. In reality, many of

the GDPR's privacy "challenges" may be solved by openness, such as explicitly

sharing with participants how the blockchain works and utilizes personal data, as

well as how the exercise of an individual's rights would be handled given the

technology's nature. This necessitates that businesses using blockchain

technology have a solid understanding of data processing processes



Foreign Studies

Blockchain is an emerging technology with strong cryptographic

foundations, allowing applications to take advantage of these capabilities to build

secure solutions. A Blockchain resembles a data structure that stores and shares

all of the transactions that have occurred since its inception. It's basically a

distributed decentralized database that keeps track of a continually expanding

and evolving list of data records that are protected from illegal manipulation,

tampering, and change (Mehboob et al., 2018).

The first block in a blockchain is referred to as the 'Genesis block' or

'Block 0'. The genesis block is often hardcoded into software; it is unique in that it

does not include a reference to a prior block. When the genesis block is

initialized, 'Block 1' is produced and, when finished, is attached to the genesis

block. Each block has a transaction data component; copies of each transaction

are hashed, and then the hashes are paired and hashed again, and so on until

only one hash remains; this is known as a merkle root (Figure 3) (Barnes et al.,


Figure 3. Hash Block

The merkle root is contained in the block header. To ensure that a

transaction cannot be changed, each block also preserves a record of the

preceding block's header. This implies that to change data, you'd have to change

both the transaction block and all subsequent blocks, as seen in Figure 4

(Barnes et al., 2016).

Figure 4. Simplified Bitcoin Blockchain


In a case study conducted by Angrish et al. (2018), a decentralized

approach to handle manufacturing information generated by various

organizations using blockchain technology, called “FabRec”, was proposed. A

system was

proposed in this study in which a decentralized network of manufacturing

machines and computing nodes can enable automated transparency of an

organization's capability, third-party verification of such capability through a trail

of past historic

events, and automated mechanisms to drive paperless contracts between

participants using 'smart contracts.' The system decentralizes critical

manufacturer information and makes it available on a peer-to-peer network

comprised of fiduciary nodes to ensure transparency and data provenance via a

verifiable audit


The problem being addressed in the study is that in a cyber manufacturing

scenario, guaranteeing trustworthiness among system elements can be difficult,

especially when several parties are engaged in the design, fabrication,

production, and verification of product assemblies. The researchers illustrate

ways enabling a consortium of diverse enterprises to communicate through a

decentralized network using a testbed platform comprised of manufacturing

machines, system-on-chip platforms, and computer nodes. The prototype testbed

highlights the value of decentralized computer code for verifying information on

the blockchain and demonstrating how actions can be triggered autonomously in

the physical world


(Angrish et al., 2018).

Figure 5. FabRec System Overview (Angrish et al., 2018)

In a recent study by Tran (2021), a voting system based on blockchain

technology, specifically Ethereum Smart Contracts was proposed. Because the

vote results can be readily altered if the data is not saved in a secure database,

such a system is required. The usage of blockchain ensures that data is

unchangeable, resulting in a transparent outcome after voting. The Ethereum


Smart Contract was built using ReactJS as the front-end framework, NodeJS as

the back-end server, and Solidity as the Ethereum Smart Contract language.

Figure 6. Project Architecture (Tran, 2021)

The implemented application completed the intended task of creating a

secure voting mechanism. The application does not allow for any changes to the

vote results, which was its original aim. The application's code works well in real

life; all that is required are Smart Contracts on Mainnet and access to the

government's central database to verify the validity of social security numbers.

Another study conducted by Uhlig et al. (2019) entitled “Blockscripts—A

Blockchain System for University Transcripts, a blockchain that holds student

transcript information and/or diplomas was developed. It was stated that having

immutable records in a digital blockchain format allows students to have an

official record that cannot be modified while also being available publicly for

authorized viewers, hence meeting the demand for secure communication

channels. It mentioned that creating and storing records in this manner ensures

that digital transcripts and diplomas cannot be altered in any way. Furthermore,

due to the nature of decentralized data storage, Blockscripts provides non-

repudiation and a more secure platform for storing transcripts. As a result, if one

node in the blockchain network goes offline, the other nodes in the network will

persist and maintain accurate copies of the transcript ledger data. This also

eliminates the risk associated with a data center, especially in terms of disaster

recovery. The researchers built a Python 3 application to handle

Representational State Transfer (ReST) interfaces using the Flask framework as

a proof of concept. SHA-256 16 is the basic algorithm for encoding the

Blockscripts information application.


Figure 7. Use Case Diagram (Uhlig et al., 2019)

It was concluded that blockchain technology can shorten the time it takes

to process and retrieve transcripts from three weeks to the same day the request

is made. Furthermore, the immutability offered by blockchain technology will

make falsification or modification of these papers almost impossible, providing

tremendous assurance to interested third parties. Blockchain technology allows

network users to store data in a decentralized manner, significantly improving

data security and recovery time. Our system is less vulnerable to malicious

intent, natural calamities, and cyber-attacks thanks to redundant data storage.

The blockchain's encryption allows a user to store sensitive or private

information, such as a transcript, while allowing public access to it (Uhlig et al.,


Jamil et al. (2019) proposed a new medicine supply chain management

system based on Hyperledger Fabric that handles safe drug supply chain

records. To construct a smart healthcare environment with a drug supply chain,

the suggested solution tackles this challenge by executing drug record

transactions on a blockchain. A smart contract has been launched to provide

time-limited access to electronic drug data and electronic health information for

patients. In order to show the usability and efficiency of the planned platform, a

number of experiments were. Finally, the researchers utilized Hyperledger

Caliper to evaluate the developed system's performance in terms of transactions

per second, transaction latency, and resource utilization. The ability of blockchain

to change the traditional supply chain business into a safe, automated,

anonymous, persistent, audible, and decentralized supply chain has been

demonstrated. The results showed that implementing blockchain technology

improves throughput and lowers delay while consuming less resources.

Figure 8. System architecture of the proposed drug supply chain

management (Jamil et al., 2019)

Local Studies

A study by Arenas and Fernandez (2018), “CredenceLedger: A

Permissioned Blockchain for Verifiable Academic Credentials”, explains how

permissioned Blockchain may be used for a specific educational use case:

decentralized academic credential verification. The suggested Blockchain-based

solution, called 'CredenceLedger,' is a system that saves compact data evidence

of digital academic credentials in a Blockchain ledger that can be readily verified

by education stakeholders and other interested third parties. While it is very

simple to counterfeit credentials nearly instantly, authenticating them is more

difficult. This also demonstrates that the procedures of copying and verifying are

inversely proportional. This is the gap that this study is trying to address. This

software platform is built on Multichain with the inclusion of the CredenceLedger

mobile application, which allows students to get valid digital versions of their

credentials in addition to paper-based credentials when they graduate.

Permissioned Blockchain, according to the study, can be a useful distributed

solution for a shared database or 'ledger' in which several entities validate data

without the need for a centralized system.


Figure 9. CredenceLedger Architecture (Arenas and Fernandez, 2018)

Bosri et al. (2019) tried to address the problem in the voting process in a

study entitled “Towards A Privacy-Preserving Voting System Through Blockchain

Technologies”. People in several nations are voting using digital technology (e.g.,

optical scan voting system, internet voting system, electronic voting system)

Digitalization alone could not totally resolve the difficulties because there are still

countless methods to mess with digital technologies and obstruct the voting

process. The researchers provide blockchain technology as a service for the

distributed electronic voting system in order to create a safe electronic voting

environment. Data integrity was accomplished, which is a crucial quality of a

voting environment, by using blockchain. All of the security challenges in the

voting environment are solved through the architecture of the system and the use

of blockchain

Figure 10. A secure voting environment based on blockchain (Bosri et al.,



Technological advancement continues to emerge nowadays. The literature

review showed that one of the problems faced by today’s technological

advancement include security and trust between users (Sengupta et al., 2020;

Mohanta et al., 2019). Numerous data breaches have resulted in a big loss for

organizations (Ayyagari, 2012). The study of Ayyagari (2012) advises that

businesses should give adequate training as well as stricter security policies.

According to Sengupta et al (2020), the Internet of Things (IoT) is vulnerable to

many cyberattacks and requires innovative methods to provide the necessary level

of security. Additionally, Mohanta et al. (2019) asserted that the current centralized

system does not foster enough user trust. The emergence of blockchain sought to

address these major concerns (Tas and Tanrıöver, 2020; Benny, 2020).

The characteristic of the blockchain wherein data records are protected

from illegal manipulation, tampering, and change (Mehboob et al., 2018), with

reduced human intervention (Fauzi et al.,) makes it more secure and trustworthy.

Although blockchain’s immutability is not compatible with the General Data

Protection Regulation, Kamalpour (2020) said that clearly disclosing with users

how the blockchain works and uses personal data, as well as how the exercise of

an individual's rights would be handled given the technology's nature, might

overcome the privacy "challenges."

Several studies have emphasized the potential of blockchain in different

fields. The blockchain, providing secure solutions, was integrated in healthcare

(Jamil, 2019), manufacturing (Angrish et al, 2018), education (Uhlig et al., 2019;

Arenas and Fernandez, 2018), and especially, in voting systems (Tran, 2021;

Bosri et al., 2019). The researchers want to explore this potential of blockchain

and implement it on a system through this study entitled “SSG Voting System


Blockchain Protocol”.
Chapter 3


The methodology of the research is presented in this section. The

research process, research environment, data collection, requirements analysis,

system design or software architecture, coding, testing and evaluation,

implementation, documentation, and maintenance are all covered here.

Research Method

The researchers used constructive and action research methods. There

are two research methods used extensively in the creation or application of new

computing and information technology approaches for use in differing domains:

constructive research and action research. The constructive research method is

a systematic approach that enables the purposeful creation of methods,

modules, tools, and techniques that have applicability well beyond the case study

that motivated their creation. It is a research paradigm widely used in computer

science, mathematics, operations analysis, and clinical medicine. The focus is on

the construction, with theoretical demonstration as well as practical

implementations as valid outcomes of the research process (McGregor, 2018).

Action research, as the name suggests, involves taking action, evaluation,

and critical reflection (Koshy et al., 2011). Within the context of computing and

information technology research, it refers to taking the action of introducing a

computing and information technology solution then evaluating and reflecting on

its value. Action research has been demonstrated in transdisciplinary research

with its participatory and collaborative focus used as a driver for the interaction

between many disciplines along with the broad context of taking action on the

broad transdisciplinary innovation (Djanibekov et al., 2012).

Research Environment

Figure 11 shows the map location of JRMSU-Main Campus. The Jose Rizal

Memorial State University is a public university founded under Republic Act

9852. The University is divided into six (6) campuses, the main campus of which

is situated in Dapitan, Zamboanga del Norte is where the study is conducted.

Figure 11. JRMSU- Main Campus Map Location


This study focuses on Jose Rizal Memorial State University (JRMSU) -

Main Campus where the beneficiaries and respondents of the research study

and/or work. It is located at Gov. Guading Adaza St. Cruz, Dapitan City,

Zamboanga del Norte, Philippines. It has facilities like computer laboratories and

has skilled instructors who are knowledgeable in the field of science and

technology. With this, this institution keeps up with the needs of the students for

advancement in technology.

The system is designed for the use of the Supreme Students Government

(SSG) organization in Jose Rizal Memorial State University- Main Campus during

the election. The said organization is the highest governing body of the university

composed of student leaders who give voice to the students' thoughts and needs

and implement projects and activities for the university.

Project Development Process

The process and facility of planning, organizing, coordinating, and controlling

resources to achieve certain goals is known as project development.

The project development process used in this study is the Iterative Development

Model. The flow of this model is shown in the figure below.

In 1995, the iterative process model was investigated. It was once thought

that human learning is an iterative, trial-and-error process. As a result, the same

approach was examined for software development phases in order to produce

better software, faster, and with fewer flaws (Allan, 2019). It is a cyclical process.

After the initial planning is completed, the remaining processes for each iteration

are repeated with intensive testing in between until the ultimate deployment

stage is reached.

Figure 12. Iterative Development Model

Data Gathering

To gather more information from the user, the researchers collect data

from the books, journals, internet resources and other existing researches or

studies related to blockchain and online voting system. The researchers also

retrieve information from the students of JRMSU- Main Campus who have used

voting system but without blockchain technology. The data are all combined to

come up with the overall idea relating to the creation of the system. The

necessary interpretation and analysis are done. The other quantitative data for

this research are obtained through the use of an online survey questionnaire

made with the use of Google forms and is circulated through the internet. The

survey is made up of appropriate questions adapted from relevant studies and

questions devised by the researchers and tested using the appropriate tools.

The following are the equipment that researchers used to collect data:

interviews, surveys and web searching. The interviews and surveys provide

invaluable insight about the study conducted wherein the data is collected

firsthand from the students of Jose Rizal Memorial State University and other

personnel with knowledge regarding the topic. The web searching refers to the

act of browsing through the internet to find a wide range of information and

learning opportunities while also putting into consideration whether the online

source is a trusted website or not. Most of the journals and books cited in the

study is acquired from Google

Scholar and other similar sources.

Requirements Analysis

After organizing the data, the researchers focused on the SSG Voting

System using Blockchain Protocol. The researchers reviewed all of the

requirements in order to evaluate all of the needs of the study and probable

outputs. The systems requirements are as follows:

Table 1. Minimum Hardware Requirements

Hardware requirements include computers or laptop, a programmable

electronic device electrical device that manipulates data or information. It can

store, retrieve, and process information. The minimum RAM is 4.0 GB and the

recommended is 16 GB. The storage capacity should have 500 GB as minimum

and 1 TB for the recommended capacity requirement. The minimum processor

speed is 3 Ghz, but it is recommended that the speed be 4 Ghz.

Table 2. Minimum Software Requirements

The minimum software requirements for the development of the

application is a Windows 10-64 bit, XAMPP for the server application, MySQL 8

for the database, PHP for the back-end, and for the front-end, HTML, CSS, and

JS are used. In the user-end, the user is required to use an internet browser


Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, or Google Chrome) to access the web application.

Designing or Software Architecture

This chapter delves into the design process. It covered all of the primary

components of the study in order to elicit the users' engagement with all of the

system's conceivable outcomes. It was the process of employing numerous

approaches and principles to define a process in order to allow its physical


implementation. During the design process, the researchers utilized all of the

needs and information obtained to create a representation that met its objectives.

Software architecture reveals a system structure while concealing

implementation specifics. The interaction of the parts and components inside a

system is also a focus of architecture.

Project System Design

Systems design is the process of specifying software and hardware

architecture, components, modules, interfaces, and data in order for a system to

meet a set of well-defined operating criteria. Modeling, analysis, synthesis, and

optimization are all part of the system design process.

Dimensions, forms, materials, and data processing structures are all

design features. Formal expressions or formulae, drawings, diagrams, tables of

metrics with their values and margins, patterns, algorithms, and heuristics are all

examples of design enablers. The need to structure the pieces that make up a

system arose as a result of its complexity. It should include a high-level overview

of why the new system was established, as well as what the new system is

meant to replace and how it was designed.

The figure below represents the project system design of this research.

The administrator and the voter both have an access to the voting system

application, although the admin has a higher access level compared to the voter.

The arrows represent the flow of data. Every transaction made by the end-user of

the system, just like the casting of votes, is recorded in the blockchain. The

nodes are the servers or the computers in the network that decides, through a

consensus, whether or not the transactions made are to be accepted as a valid


block. The majority of the nodes, in this case are 3 out of 3 or 2 out of 3, must

agree that it is a valid transaction. The results from the election are then returned

to the voters and the administrator.

Figure 13. Project System Design

Use Case Diagram

A use case diagram is a Unified Modeling Language (UML) behavior or

dynamic diagram. Actors and use cases are used to model the functioning of a

system in use case diagrams. A set of tasks, services, and activities that the

system must do are referred to as use cases. The "actors" are persons or things

that perform certain functions within the system. In the use case diagram of the

system below, the actors are the Admin, Voter, Candidate and the Node which is

handled by a trusted representative of the school.


Figure 14. Use Case Diagram


Class Diagram

The figure below is a form of a static structural diagram that depicts a

structure of a system by displaying its classes, the characteristics of the classes,

their methods, and the connections between objects that are all covered. It is

called the class diagram. If two classes in a model need to interact, a link

between these classes is required, this may be represented by an association

(connector). Aggregation is a connection between two classes in which one holds

a collection of items from the other, also referred to as a “has a” relationship.

Figure 15. Class Diagram


Activity Diagram

An activity diagram, like a flowchart or a data flow diagram, visually

depicts a series of actions or control flow in a system. Figure 10 reflects the

activity diagram of the project.

Figure 16. Activity Diagram

Sequence Diagram

A sequence diagram simply displays the order in which things interact or

the order in which these interactions occur. A sequence diagram can also be

referred to as an event diagram or an event scenario. Sequence diagrams show

how and in what sequence the components of a system work together.


Figure 17. Sequence Diagram

Data Flow Diagram

The functions, or the processes, that capture, manipulate, store, and

distribute data between a system and its environment, as well as between

system components, are visually represented by the data flow diagram. The

figure below represents the DFD of this project. There are six data storages

which are Admin,


Voter, Candidate, Ballot_Transaction, Blockchain_Ballot, and TallyResults.

Figure 18. Data Flow Diagram


Entity Relationship Diagram

The Entity Relationship Diagram, often known as the ERD, ER Diagram,

or ER model, is a sort of database architecture structure diagram. The key

entities within the system scope, as well as the inter-relationships among these

entities, are visualized using different symbols and connectors in an ERD. The

term "relationship" refers to how various things interact inside the system.

Cardinality refers to the relationship between the number of occurrences in one

entity and the number of occurrences in another. Cardinality is indicated by a

crow's foot at the connector's ends in an ER diagram. One-to-one, one-to-many,

and many-to-many are the three most prevalent cardinal connections.

The figure below shows the ERD of this project. The voter entity has a

oneto-one relationship with the Ballot Transaction or simply Ballot entity because

a voter in our proposed system will only have one chance to submit a filled ballot.

The Block entity has a one-to-many relationship with the Ballot, Voter, and

Candidate entities because a block can contain many transactions. On the other

hand, the Block entity has a many-to-one relationship with the Tally Result entity

because many Blocks are required in order to come up with the election results.

The Candidate entity has a many-to-one relationship with the Result entity

because the list of candidates is all tallied in the overall report with their

corresponding accumulated vote points. The same relationship with the Ballot

entity, many Candidate entities are required to create a Ballot.

The administrative entity is tasked to input the Candidate values into the

system, but has no direct identified relationship, thus, not reflected on the ERD.

Figure 19. Entity Relationship Diagram

Evaluation Procedure

The SSG Voting System Using Blockchain Protocol is evaluated by thirty

(30) respondents and is classified into four (4) groups of evaluators. The first

group comprised of the Computer Science instructors of the JRMSU-Main

Campus, Dapitan City, and the second group comprised of SSG COMELEC

Officers of the same campus. The third group comprised the SSG Officers of the

JRMSU- Main Campus. The last group is composed of normal students who take

part in SSG elections. An evaluation sheet was used by the respondents to

assess the functionality and capability of the system. Various factors which

influence the software are termed as software quality factors. The following

software quality factors were subjected to evaluation by the respondents namely:

functionality, reliability, and security.

Research Instrument

This study uses Google forms to make an online survey questionnaire. An

organized inquiry that your target audience completes via the internet, usually by

filling out a form, is known as an online survey. There are two (2) instruments

used in this study. The first survey questionnaire is for the purpose of collecting

data from the respondents regarding the current state of the current online SSG

voting application. The second set is the evaluation form used to assess the

overall effectiveness of the software. This allows the respondents to choose

responses from a set of given choices. It is composed of the characteristics of

the software product and quality which is classified as functionality, reliability,

and security from the standpoint of the user.

Validation of the Research Instrument

The researchers have to confirm the validity of the questionnaire. The

Cronbach's Alpha formula was used to assess the instrument's reliability. Lee

Cronbach invented Alpha in 1951 to provide a measure of a test's or a scale's

internal consistency; it is expressed as a number between 0 and 1. Internal

consistency specifies the amount to which all of the items in a test measure the

same notion or construct, and is thus related to the test's inter-relatedness. To

ensure validity, internal consistency should be confirmed before a test is used for

study or examination.

There is no established standard discovered by local or international

researchers in terms of the best coefficient reliability value. According to Mohd

Majid Konting, an instrument's coefficient reliability value should be at least 0.60.

Fraenkel and Wallen argue that it should be at least 0.70, while Edward and

Richard insist on at least 0.80 (Ahmad, 2008).

In the test, the first survey questionnaire had a Cronbach Alpha value of

0.88, while the second instrument used for evaluation had a 0.82 Cronbach

Alpha value which are both considered a good level of internal consistency and

reliability for an instrument. The completed questionnaire is also forwarded to an

expert in the selected subject for feedback and confirmation.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study are those who have been invited to take part

in research and have actually done so. Both qualitative and quantitative

investigations are included in this concept.

The total respondents of this study are 30 people comprising five

instructors, five JRMSU SSG Commission on Election officers, five SSG officers,

and 15 students from different colleges. These people are identified as crucial for

the study because they have direct experience in the voting process of the SSG

elections. The percentages of the respondents are shown in the table below.

Table 3. Respondents of the Study


Sampling Design and Techniques

There are two sections to the instrument that is used to collect data for the

study. The first section is based on research. The second section is based on the

ISO/IEC 9126 standard quality model, which determines the functionality,

reliability, usability, efficiency, portability, and maintainability of a product.

The researchers used the purposive sampling method in selecting the

respondents for this study. Purposive sampling, also known as selective or

subjective sampling, is a type of non-probability sampling in which researchers

pick people from the public to participate in their surveys based on their own

assessments. To correctly pick and approach eligible participants using the

purposive sampling method, researchers must have previous information about

the purpose of the study.

The weighted mean was used to measure the effectiveness of the SSG

Voting System Using Blockchain Protocol in terms of functionality, reliability, and

security. It uses Likert's 5-point scale which shows the following range of values.


The existence of a set of functions and their stated qualities is determined

by a set of attributes. The functions are those that fulfill a set of users, either

explicitly or implicitly. It is the property of being useful or having practical use.

Functionality refers to the use or group of purposes for which something is

created, such as computer software, hardware, or an electronic device. A

collection of inputs, behavior, and outputs are used to describe the function.

Calculations, technical details, data manipulation and processing, and other

particular capabilities that describe what a system is expected to achieve are

examples of functional requirements.

Range of Descriptive Rating


4.21-5.0 Highly Functional – Processing takes approximately five seconds

and system responds inquiry of the end user automatically

3.41-4.20 Functional – Processing takes approximately ten seconds and the

system responds to the inquiry of the end-user and it satisfies the end-


2.61-3.40 Moderately Functional – Processing takes approximately fifteen

seconds and system responds inquiry of the end-user and it

moderately satisfies the end-user.

1.81-2.60 Less Functional – Processing takes approximately one minute and

system responds inquiry of the end-user but it does not satisfy the


1.00-1.80 Not Functional – Processing does not generate response to the



Reliability is the ability of a system to execute its needed function under

specified conditions at any time—with a lengthy mean time between failures. The

scope of an experiment, test, or the measurement technique of a system

determines its quality or condition of reliability.

Range of Descriptive Rating


4.21-5.0 Highly Reliable – System generates precise data without error

on the entry of information.

3.41-4.20 Reliable – System generates data but contains 4% error on the

entry of information.

2.61-3.40 Moderately Reliable – System generates data but contains 6%

error on the entry of information end-user.

1.81-2.60 Less Reliable – System generates data but contains 10% error

on the entry of information.

1.00-1.80 Not Reliable – System does not generate data.


Security is the ability of the system to safeguard computer information

against breach, theft, or unauthorized use.

Range of Descriptive Rating


4.21-5.0 Highly secure – The respondents are fully confident that the

system is working properly and is highly secure.

3.41-4.20 Much Secure – The respondents are confident that the system is

working and is much secure.


2.61-3.40 Moderately Secure – The respondents are neutral that the

system is working and is moderately secure.

1.81-2.60 Fairly secure – The respondents think that the system is working

and is fairly secure.

1.00-1.80 Not secure – The respondents think that the system is not

working and is not secure.

Statistical Tools and Treatment

The formula for the weighted mean is used to measure the functionality,

reliability, and security of the SSG Voting System Using Blockchain Protocol.

Figure 20. Formula for Weighted Mean


The analyzed data will be encoded as commands in coding to make the

program and instructions, thus, data will be translated into computer commands

and instructions that will run as system software of the proposed study after the

analysis in finding algorithms that will suit the need of the current problem.

Figure 21. Block Class using PHP Software Testing and Procedure

While making the system, the testing method adopted is pilot running

wherein the system is implemented first for only a small group of users to test

and assess until in time the ― SSG Voting System Using Blockchain Protocol is

observed to be accurately running through its different methods and strategies.

Traditional voting processes are simple, but new technologies are now available

in our time, so proponents will introduce each of the observers to the fact that

computer technology is more powerful in today's age.

1. Check the data that are used in the system if it is necessary.

2. Set up the system if it is working properly.

3. Use similar software testing procedures as the integration test.

4. Confirm that the system test achieves system test objectives.

5. After checking the study, the researchers will conduct an evaluation of the

system software.

In order to make a qualitative interpretation of the result, the researcher

will use the five-point Likert scale and a range of scores. Each respondent will be

asked to rate the study according to the criteria created by the researchers.

Procedure for Evaluation

This research may be completed with the use of tests and evaluations.

The researchers know that no program can be adopted without first conducting a

thorough study, testing, and evaluation. The procedure can assist researchers in

achieving their objectives for the precise outcome. Each respondent will give the

study a score based on the researchers' criteria.


System Implementation

Pilot running is the strategy employed by the researchers to implement the

system. The term ‘pilot’ means 'to test or trial before introducing something more

widely'. When a new system is implemented for only a small number of users to

test and assess, it is known as pilot running. The new system is made available

to all users once it has been thoroughly tested and determined to be functional.

Figure 22. Pilot Running Model

Calendar of Activities

Table 4 reflects the activities involved in making the study, including the

time frame for each activity. The researchers started the data gathering phase

from April 12 until June 6. Data gathering is continuous despite what phase. The

analysis of the requirements started on the same day they gathered data and

paused in the 29th of May. The designing stage was done during the whole month

of December and continued until the 2nd week of May. The coding stage started

on Mar 1 until May 20th, testing was started on the month of May, and the

implementation phase was after the coding phase. Documentation was done all

alongside all the other processes.


Table 4. Calendar of Activities

Activities 1st Semester S.Y 2021-2022

Nov 1- Dec 1- Jan 1- Feb 1- Mar 1- Apr 1- M y Jun

30 31 31 28 31 30 a 1-21

1. Data Gathering

2. Requirement Analysis

3. Designing

4. Testing and Evaluation

5. Coding

6. Implementation

7. Documentation
Chapter 4


This chapter presents the solution or detailed explanation and discussions of

the specific problem in the study SSG Voting System using Blockchain Protocol.

Problem 1: What is the current status of the SSG voting system in JRMSU Main


The SSG election in JRMSU Main Campus is done online. There is a

current web application developed for this purpose. The students can access the

site through a web browser by using their Smartphone, laptop, desktop, or tablet.

The first time this has been used was in 2021. There have been no known

records of complaints from candidates during the election period since then. The

table below shows the mean of the results of the survey.

Table 5. Survey Results


The researchers disseminated the survey questionnaires to the

respondents. Statement no. 1, “The online voting system can be accessible using

different devices.” produced a mean of 1.0 or strongly agree. Statements 2, 3, 5,

6, 7, 8, 9, 10 had the same mean of 2.0 or agree. Statement 4 is the only one in

the instrument that acquired a mean of 3 which means neither agree nor agree.

The statement no. 4 states that the “The current voting system can identify

tampering and manipulation of votes/results.”

In the current SSG voting application, the student voters are given a link

directing to the website, they then click the PROCEED button under VOTE

ONLINE. They will sign in their already registered account using their ID number

and default passwords. Once signed in, they can now select their desired

candidates in different positions and click PROCEED. It will show all candidates

that were selected for review, after that click SUBMIT to cast the vote. The

students can only vote once. The results are shown in real time.

Problem 2: What are the processes involved in the SSG Voting System using

Blockchain Protocol?

A. Registration of voter

1. Sign up

2. Input required voter information, including password.

3. Click register.

B. Registration of candidates

1. Collect candidate’s data from SSG 2. input candidate’s information into

the system

3. Save.

C. Casting of Votes

1. Sign in voter account

2. Select preferred candidate from the choices.

3. Review selected candidates

4. Click Cast Vote button

D. Updating of information

1. Sign in to your account

2. Update information

3. Save changes

For the User:

● The design is composed of Homepage, Profile, Cast Your Vote, and Election


● The first page shows the field where users log in their ID and password.

● The Home section is where the user finds the Profile, Cast Your Vote, and

Election Results tab.

● The Profile tab shows the basic information of the user.

● The Cast Your Vote tab is the page where the user can select the candidate

of their choice.

● Election Results tab displays the counts of the votes casted and the percent

of registered voters who participate in the election.

For the Administrator:

● The design is composed of Homepage, Dashboard, Profile, Voters,

Candidates, Cast Your Vote, and Election Results.

● The first page shows the field where users log in their ID and password.

● The Homepage section is where the admin finds the Profile, Voters,

Candidates, and Election Results tab.

● The Profile tab shows the basic information of the user.

● The Voters and Candidates tabs show the registered voter and candidates.

● Election Results tab displays the counts of the votes casted and the percent

of registered voters who participate in the election

Problem 3. What is the function of blockchain in the SSG Voting System and how

is it implemented in the system?

The function of blockchain protocol in this study is to improve the security

of the SSG voting system. It keeps the records of transactions from being altered,

destroyed or deleted. Changes in a block do not go undetected as long as the

block hash is safely stored.

Every block in the chain contains a set of transactions, a ballot in the case of the

voting system where all the selected candidate of the user is being recorded. The

first hash is calculated for the first block or the genesis block using the

transactions inside that block. This serves as the digital signature of that block.

For every block that is generated, it has a copy of the hash of the previous block

as well as the transactions, to indicate the current block hash. This guarantees

that no ballot in history can be tampered, since every time a part of the ballot

changes, the hash changes. The identity of the voter is also protected because of

the encryption. A voter makes a transaction when he submits his vote. A block is

then proposed to the network to check for validity. Once a block is confirmed, it is

added to the blockchain.


Figure 23. Transaction Flowchart of the SSG Voting System Using Blockchain

Problem 4. How does the SSG Voting System using Blockchain Protocol be

assessed in terms of Functionality, Reliability, and Security?

The respondents of the system evaluated “SSG Voting System using

Blockchain Protocol” carefully. The selected respondents are 30 people

comprising five instructors, five JRMSU SSG Commission on Election officers,

five SSG officers, and 15 students from different colleges. They were considered

as professional evaluators as well as end-users. In terms of functionality, the

system was quick and easy to use. The simplicity of understanding and providing

reliable information were used to determine reliability. Finally, this system was

proved to be secure.

Evaluation Process/Scoring Process

The findings that proved the functionality, reliability and security of the SSG

Voting System using Blockchain Protocol are shown on the tables found in the

proceeding page.

The respondents were composed of 30 people comprising five

instructors, five JRMSU SSG Commission on Election officers, five SSG officers,

and 15 students from different colleges who answered the evaluation

questionnaires. The testing was done individually. Each respondent rated the

project according to the criteria set by the researchers.

The criteria were assessed on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 indicating the

greatest likelihood of this being possible in the internet application. The

equivalents were included in the rate.

The requirement for the project, SSG Voting System using Blockchain

Protocol, is determined by the results of testing and evaluation.


A. Functionality

Table 6. Respondents rating on the Proposed System in terms of


The Table 6 above reveal the rating of the respondents on the proposed

system in terms of functionality. The criterion, “The intended use of the software

is fulfilled” earns the mean of 4.05 or functional; “Adequate data handling

procedure” criterion has a mean of 3.95 or functional; “It meets the needs of the

end user” criterion acquired the mean of 4.25 or highly functional; and the last

criterion which is “It has the capacity of storing data” is functional, obtaining 4.15

as its mean. The average weighted mean of all the criteria is 4.10 which means

that the system is functional. This means that the processing takes approximately

ten seconds, the system responds to the inquiry of the end user, and it satisfies

the end user. It means that the software performs accordingly to the desired

functions and that it satisfies the functional requirements.

B. Reliability

The table below exhibits the reliability of the system. The criterion “It is lenient to

the input of end users” obtains the mean of 3.85 or reliable; “The output is clear and

understandable to the end users” earns 4.30 or highly reliable; “The system is

complete” criterion acquired a 3.70 mean which means that it is reliable; and the

last criterion, “The information provided by the system is accurate” has a mean of

4.25 or highly reliable. The average mean is 4.03 which means the system is

reliable. This means that the system generates data but contains 4% error on the

entry of information.

Table 7. Respondents rating on the Proposed System in terms of Reliability

C. Security

Table 8 shows the respondents rating on the proposed system in terms of

security. The criterion, “Validation of transaction” earns a mean of 4.15 or secured;

“Voter ballot secrecy” acquired 4.00 mean which means that it is secured;

“Identification of tampering and manipulation of votes/results earns 4.25 weighted

mean or highly secured; the last criterion, “Use of blockchain protocol” has a

weighted mean 4.50 or highly secured. The average mean is 4.23 which means

the system is highly secured. Highly secured indicates that the respondents are

fully confident that the system is working property and is highly secured.

Table 8. Respondents Rating on the Proposed System in terms of Security

Summary of the Ratings of Software Quality Factors

Table 9 above shows the descriptive rating of the system which is

functional with the average means of 4.10 of its functionality, reliability is reliable

with the average of 4.03, Security which is highly secured with the average mean

of 4.23.

The total average mean is 4.18 which means that the system is acceptable.

Table 9. Summary of the Ratings of Software Quality Factor

Chapter 5


This chapter presents the summary and conclusions of the study. It also

covers the presentation of findings out from the data treated and the conclusions

are drawn based on the findings and recommendations.


In this chapter, the researchers sought to study “SSG Voting System using

Blockchain Protocol” and the sub problems in the statement of the problem. This

was accomplished through a process called the project development process

which includes Data Gathering, Requirements and Analysis, Designing, Coding,

and Testing Evaluation.

Answers to the following sub problems were being sought:

1. What is the current status of the SSG voting system in JRMSU Main


2. What are the processes involved in the SSG Voting System using

Blockchain Protocol?

3. What is the function of blockchain in the SSG Voting System and how

is the blockchain implemented in the SSG Voting System?

4. How does the SSG Voting System using Blockchain Protocol be

assessed in terms of Function, Reliability, and Security?

The method used in this study was a quantitative research method

employing analysis from the data gathered from the evaluation sheet. It is

carefully examined and analyzed in order to produce the desired result and

accurate output of the study.


After all the necessary data of the study were treated accordingly, the

following findings were exposed:

1. The researchers found out that the current online SSG voting system in

JRMSU Main Campus is effective in the election, but it received a

neutral (neither “agree nor disagree” score in being able to “identify

tampering and manipulation of votes/results” according to the data from

the respondents.

2. The proposed system has four (4) processes which includes:

Registration of voters, registration of candidates, casting of votes, and

updating information.

3. The function of blockchain protocol in this study is to improve the

security of the SSG voting system. It keeps the records of transactions

from being altered, destroyed or deleted. Changes in a block do not go

undetected as long as the block hash is safely stored. Every transaction

added to a block is validated by every node before it is added to the


4. The researchers evaluated the system by letting respondents test and

evaluate it.

The researchers found out the following results:


1. The software quality factor in terms of functionality was proven

functional with the average weighted mean of 4.10 which

described it as functional. This means that the processing takes

approximately ten seconds, the system responds to the inquiry of

the end user, and it satisfies the end user.

2. The software quality factor in terms of reliability was proven

functional with the average weighted mean of 4.03 which is

reliable. This means that the system generates data but contains

4% error on the entry of information.

3. The software quality factor in terms of security for admin were

proven functional with the average weighted mean of 4.23 which

is highly secured. Highly secured indicates that the respondents

are fully confident that the system is working property and is

highly secured.

4. The overall mean average rating of the software quality factors


4.18 which indicated that the SSG Voting System using Blockchain

Protocol is acceptable by the respondents.


The researchers concluded that the “SSG Voting System using

Blockchain Protocol” is found to be functional, reliable, and highly secured. It is

acceptable to be used as a new and improved SSG voting system. The

blockchain protocol provides an immutable security that is safe from alteration or

deletion of data. The purpose of this research is to introduce and implement


blockchain by using the SSG voting system as the model application, and it was

indeed realized. Based on the analysis of the system, the researchers concluded

that the end users and the election administrators will both benefit in building

mutual trust in the election process. The overall findings obtained from the

overall mean average rating of the software quality factor revealed that the SSG

voting system that uses blockchain protocol data security was acceptable to be



The researchers would like to recommend the use of the SSG Voting System

using Blockchain Protocol. It is also recommended that the student voters,

Commission on Election officers, election candidates and administrators join

seminars introducing blockchain and how it is used in the system. Further

improvement on the general user interface is also recommended. Thus, the

system may be used as a basis specifically in determining what can be improved

and also opening such opportunities on how to make the election process more

secure and effective. Future researchers may integrate blockchain not only in a

voting system but also in other organization processes that they may find

blockchain useful.

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User’s Manual

Voter’s View


Administrator’s View

Source Code
Letter to the Panelists

Republic of the Philippines

The Premier University in Zamboanga del Norte
Main Campus, Dapitan City
May 24, 2022
Computer Science Department
Jose Rizal Memorial State University

We, the undersigned, are 4th year students of Bachelor of Science in
Computer Science who will have our Thesis Final defense entitled “SSG Voting
System Using Blockchain Protocol”. This is in fulfillment of the requirements of
the subject Thesis 2.
We would like to request your presence as one of the panelist on May 24, 2022,
which will be done online via Google Meet.
We are hoping for your kind response on this request.

Respectfully yours,

Josine O. Dalman

Shelamay A. Dumandan

Glenn Mark L. Flores

Maria J-Anne S. Ruiz

Denise C. Sorronda


Republic of the Philippines

The Premier University in Zamboanga del Norte
Main Campus, Dapitan City
May 24, 2022


Computer Science Department Jose
Rizal Memorial State University
We, the undersigned, are 4th year students of Bachelor of Science in
Computer Science who will have our Thesis Final defense entitled “SSG Voting
System Using Blockchain Protocol”. This is in fulfillment of the requirements of
the subject Thesis 2.
We would like to request your presence as one of the panelist on May 24, 2022,
which will be done online via Google Meet.
We are hoping for your kind response on this request.

Respectfully yours,

Josine O. Dalman

Shelamay A. Dumandan

Glenn Mark L. Flores

Maria J-Anne S. Ruiz

Denise C. Sorronda


Republic of the Philippines

The Premier University in Zamboanga del Norte
Main Campus, Dapitan City

May 24, 2022


Computer Science Department Jose
Rizal Memorial State University
We, the undersigned, are 4 th year students of Bachelor of Science in Computer
Science who will have our Thesis Final defense entitled “SSG Voting System
Using Blockchain Protocol”. This is in fulfillment of the requirements of the
subject Thesis 2.
We would like to request your presence as one of the panelist on May 24, 2022,
which will be done online via Google Meet.
We are hoping for yur kind response on this request.

Respectfully yours,

Josine O. Dalman

Shelamay A. Dumandan

Glenn Mark L. Flores

Maria J-Anne S. Ruiz

Denise C. Sorronda

Republic of the Philippines
The Premier University in Zamboanga del Norte
Main Campus, Dapitan City
May 24, 2022
Computer Science Department
Jose Rizal Memorial State University

We, the undersigned, are 4th year students of Bachelor of Science in
Computer Science who will have our Thesis Final defense entitled “SSG Voting
System Using Blockchain Protocol”. This is in fulfillment of the requirements
of the subject Thesis 2.
We would like to request your presence as one of the panelist on May 24, 2022,
which will be done online via Google Meet.
We are hoping for your kind response on this request.

Respectfully yours,

Josine O. Dalman

Shelamay A. Dumandan

Glenn Mark L. Flores

Maria J-Anne S. Ruiz

Denise C. Sorronda


Letter to the Respondents

Republic of the Philippines

The Premier University in Zamboanga del Norte
Main Campus, Dapitan City


Dear Respondents,

The undersigned are gathering data for their thesis entitled “SSG Voting
System Using Blockchain Protocol”. We humbly ask you to evaluate the
questionnaire with sincerity and honesty.
Your cooperation is appreciated and will have a great impact in their study.
Thank you very much.

Very truly yours,

Josine O. Dalman
Shelamay A. Dumandan
Glenn Mark L. Flores

Maria J-Anne S. Ruiz

Denise C. Sorronda

Noted by:


Evaluation Sheet

Republic of the Philippines

The Premier University in Zamboanga del Norte
Main Campus, Dapitan City

Name (Optional):
Program enrolled in JRMSU Main Campus (Example: BSCS) :
Respondent type (check one):
o Student
o JRMSU Main SSG Officer (currently or previously)
o JRMSU Main COMELEC Officer (currently or previously)
o Instructor
What is the status of the current online SSG voting application in JRMSU (Main
Please put a check.
1 2 3 4 5
Strongly Agree Neither Disagree Strongly
Agree agree nor Disagree
The online voting system can
be accessible using different
The system shows real-time
The voting system is
The current voting system
can identify tampering and
manipulation of votes/results.

The identity of the voters are

The voting system website is
quick to respond.
The overall voting experience
is stress-free.
I do not have any doubts
regarding the results
generated by the current
voting system.
I do not have any complaints
against the voting system.

The current system satisfies

the end-user needs.

Republic of the Philippines

The Premier University in Zamboanga del Norte
Main Campus, Dapitan City
Software Quality Evaluation Form
How does the SSG Voting System Using Blockchain Protocol be assessed
in terms of:

Highly Functional Moderately Less Not

Functional Functional Functional Functional
Intended use of the
Data handling

Compliance to end-
user needs
Software's data

Highly Reliable Moderately Less Not

Reliable Relaible Reliable Reliable
Understandability of
the output
Ease of data
Speed of data
Ability to perform
correct functions


Highly Much Moderately Fairly Not

secure Secure Secure Secure Secure
Validation of
Voter ballot secrecy

Identification of
tampering and
manipulation of
Use of the
blockchain protocol
Curriculum Vitae

Josine O. Dalman
Jose Carreon Street, Dawo, Dapitan City,
Zamboanga del Norte, 7101

Nickname: Sine-sine Mother’s Name: Cynthia O. Dalman
Age: 22 Occupation: Government Employee
Gender: Female Father’s Name: Joseph Verd P. Dalman
Date of Birth: June 19, 2000 Occupation: Government Employee
Place of Birth: Dapitan City Religion: Roman Catholic
Civil Status: Single Dialect: Cebuano
Citizenship: Filipino Languages Spoken: English and Filipino

2018 – Present Jose Rizal Memorial State University, Main Campus
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Sta. Cruz, Dapitan City, Zamboanga del Norte
2012 – 2018 Rizal Memorial Institute of Dapitan City, Inc.
High School
Potol, Dapitan City, Zamboanga del Norte
2006 – 2012 Dapitan City Central School
Justice F. Saguin St., Dapitan City, Zamboanga
del Norte

System Wide Leadership Training, 2019
Royal Farm, Gulayon
Role of Machine Learning Application, 2021
Dr. M.G.R Educational and Research Institute, India
IOT Fundamentals: The Beginners Guide to Internet of Things, 2021
Cavite State University (Virtual Seminar)
Build your Brand with Digital Marketing Planning, 2021
Grow your Business with Tools from Google, 2021

Shelamay A. Dumandan
De Venta Perla, Polanco,
Zamboanga del Norte

Nickname: Lalang Mother’s Name: Lilia A. Dumandan
Age: 21 Occupation: Housewife
Gender: Female Father’s Name: Mateo A. Dumandan
Date of Birth: May 24, 2000 Occupation: Deceased
Place of Birth: Dapitan City Religion: Roman Catholic
Civil Status: Single Dialect: Kalibugan
Citizenship: Filipino Languages Spoken: English and Filipino

2018 – Present Jose Rizal Memorial State University, Main Campus
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Sta. Cruz, Dapitan City, Zamboanga del Norte
2016-2018 Sergio Osmena National Highschool
Senior High school
Sergio Osmena
2012 – 2016 Dilawa National High School
Junior High School
Dilawa, Pinan, Zamboanga del Norte
2006 – 2012 De Venta Perla Elemtary School
Justice F. Saguin St., Dapitan City,
De Venta Perla, Zamboanga del Norte

Introduction to Fire Protection Part 2: Fire Detection and Alarm
System (2021)
Webinar on Role of Machine Learning Application Today and
Tomorrow (2021)

Blockchain Technology: Future of Global E-Conomy (2021)


Glenn Mark L. Flores

168 Quines Residence, Turno Dipolog City,
Zamboanga del Norte, 7100

Nickname: Glenn Mother’s Name: Flordeliz L. Flores
Age: 26 Occupation: Government Employee
Gender: Male Father’s Name: Glenn M. Flores
Date of Birth: Sept. 08, 1995 Occupation: Business Man
Place of Birth: Dipolog City Religion: Born-Again
Civil Status: Single Dialect: Cebuano
Citizenship: Filipino Languages Spoken: English and Filipino

2016 – Present Jose Rizal Memorial State University, Main Campus
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Sta. Cruz, Dapitan City, Zamboanga del Norte
2008 – 2012 Zamboanga del Norte National High School, Turno
High School
Turno, Dipolog, Zamboanga del Norte
2002 – 2008 Dipolog Pilot Demonstration School
Central, Dipolog City

Web Application Penetration Testing, 2019
Build and Operate Containers Apps with AWS Copilot, 2021
Program, Unite, Survive in Information Technology, 2021
#HACK2021 Hackathon, 2021
Chaos Engineering, 2021
A Day In A Life of A Code, 2021 - AWS

Maria J -Anne S. Ruiz

National Highway, Rotunda, Dawo, Dapitan City,
Zamboanga del Norte, 7101


Nickname: Maria, J-Anne, and Anne Mother’s Name: Josephine S. Ruiz

Age: 23 Occupation: Teacher

Gender: Female Father’s Name: Anecito S. Ruiz

Date of Birth: November 26, 1998 Occupation: Farmer

Place of Birth: Dapitan City Religion: Roman Catholic

Civil Status: Single Dialect: Cebuano
Languages Spoken: English and Filipino
Citizenship: Filipino


2018 – Present Jose Rizal Memorial State University, Main Campus

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

Sta. Cruz, Dapitan City, Zamboanga del Norte

2016-2018 Rizal Memorial Institute of Dapitan City, Inc.

Senior Highschool

Potol, Dapitan City, Zamboanga del Norte

2012 – 2016 Rizal Memorial Institute of Dapitan City, Inc.

Junior Highschool

Potol, Dapitan City, Zamboanga del Norte

2006 – 2012 Dapitan City Central School



Justice F. Saguin St., Dapitan City,

Zamboanga del Norte


1. Introduction to Fire Protection Part 2: Fire Detection and Alarm

System (2021)

2. Google MSME Caravan

· Drive online sales with Google Ads (2021)

· Grow your business with tools from Google (2021)

· Connect to customers with compelling videos on YouTube (2021)

· Build your brand with digital marketing planning (2021)

· Sell your products online with e-commerce (2021)

· Interact effectively with your customers using social media (2021)

3. Webinar on Role of Machine Learning Application Today and

Tomorrow (2021)

4. IOT Fundamentals: The Beginner's Guide to Internet of Things (2021)

5. Blockchain Technology: Future Of Global E-Conomy (2021)


Denise C. Sorronda
Purok Parpagayo, Minaog, Dipolog City ,
Zamboanga del Norte, 7100

Nickname: Denden Mother’s Name: Rebecca S. Catolico
Age: 22 Occupation: Housewife
Gender: Female Father’s Name: Dennis M. Sorronda
Date of Birth: November 10, 1999 Occupation: Driver
Place of Birth: Dapitan City Religion: Roman Catholic
Civil Status: Single Dialect: Cebuano
Citizenship: Filipino Languages Spoken: English and Filipino

2018 – Present Jose Rizal Memorial State University, Main Campus
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Sta. Cruz, Dapitan City, Zamboanga del Norte
2016 – 2018 Dipolog City National Highschool
Senior Highschool
Barra, Dipolog City
2012 – 2016 Sicayab National Highschool
Junior High School
Sicayab, Dipolog City
2006 – 2012 Minaog Elementary School
Minaog, Dipolog City

Introduction to Fire Protection Part 2: Fire Detection and Alarm
System (2021)
Webinar on Role of Machine Learning Application Today and
Tomorrow (2021)
DOST-TAPI Invent School Program Webinar-Workshop (2021)
IOT Fundamentals: The Beginner's Guide to Internet of Things (2021)
Blockchain Technology: Future Of Global E-Conomy (2021)

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