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6 The future is now

A Road the lext beow an«d

choose llebesl WOid/pl11 ), oi cor ahblank
There are many good reasons for using a bike even if we live close to the center of the
city. (1)
it is environmentally friendly. Pollution is one of the biggest problems in the world (2) using a bike can
definitely help to reduce it. (3) C if we all start using a bike every day,

we will save money. Just think about

how much money spend on
gas every month! Riding a bike can (4)b_ help us stay in shape. It is great
exercise for the legs (5) the heart. (6) b a lot of people find bike riding the ideal
(7)C this, it is
a great way to relax. (8)_b it may not always be so easy to ride a bike in a city.
especially if there are no bike lanes. Drivers do not
always respect riders. (9) O . it would be a good idea for
the government to educate everyone about the importance of bike riding and make them change their attitude
towards it. (10) riding a bike is cheap,

healthy and fun. So, get on your bikes!

1. a. Furthermore b. In addition C. To begin with
2. a. and b. but C. as
3. a. But b. However C. In addition
4. a. besides b. also C. this way
5. a. as well as b. in spite of C. even
6. a. In conclusion b. However C. For this reason
7. a. despite b. besides C. furthermore
8 a. However b. To begin with c. What is more
9 a. But b. Also C. So
10. a. In conclusioon b. Also C. For this reason

B Look at the advertisement and read the information below about the X7
Make t wo groups of
advantages and disadvanlages. Then, write a description

You speak1 X? Talk-writer

urites what you say
It's incredible! Say goodbye to typing!
fits any computer user-friendly
Oexpensive O difficult to correct texts
convenient only understands one voice
C. Read the lext and decule wluthei ths.ile1ents wlih olkwTuo., False or N! M1t19eci

The new Airbus A380 is the largest passenger jet that with one full and one secondary seat, a full-sized
has ever been built. It can hold more passengers and bed, desk and personal storage space. Four of these
cargo than any other commercial airplane, and most suites are in the form of two "queen" suites featuring
airports actually have to be redesigned in order to a queen bed. Qantas Airways' first-class seats feature
provide room for it. Even though the first designs of a long flat bed that converts from the seat but does
this giant airplane appeared back in 1994, it did not not have privacy doors. Emirates Airline's fourteen
make its first commercial flight until October of 2007, first-class private suites have shared access to two
from Singapore to Sydney, Australia, with Singapore "shower spas." First and business class passengers
Airlines. This long design period allowed the new have shared access to a snack bar and lounge with
Airbus jet airplane to be perfected technologically two couches, in addition to a first-class-only private
as well as practically. It has since been bought by lounge.
Emirates Airline as well as Qantas Airways, and more
The Airbus A380 is designed to make traveling
and more airlines are expressing interest.
more comfortable for the passenger. The airplane
The Airbus A380 is nearly 240 feet long and 260 feet includes more air filters, which refresh the air in the
wide, from wing to wing. Because of its incredible cabin every three minutes helping passengers feel
size, it can seat up to 840 passengers. However, since fresher both during and after the flight. Also, the
the seating is divided into first class, business class noise in the cabin is lower than any other existing
and economy class, and each class has diferent aircraft, which helps reduce tiredness and fatigue.
seating arrangements, a total of 555 passengers can
The Airbus A380 is also environmentally friendly.
be seated. In general, more space means broader
Its engine emissions are well below international
seats, more personal storage and better headroom
limits, contributing to improved air quality around
in all three classes. There are two floors on the Airbus
the airports it serves. The A380 also consumes less
A380, the upper including business and economy fuel than most jet airplanes, making it not only a
class, and the lower including more economy seats bigger, but in many ways, a better airplane.
as well as first-class seats. Singapore Airlines offers
twelve private first-class suites on its A380, each

1. The Airbus A380 had to be redesigned so that it could land at some airports MM
2. Emirates, Qantas and Singapore Airlines all own an Airbus A380.

3. The number of seats in first class, business class and economy class is the same.

4. Only passengers in business class can enjoy more space.

5. Singapore Airline's twelve first-class suites all come witha queen bed. M
6. Traveling on an Airbus A380 is less tiring than traveling on any other plane. M
7. It is cheaper to travel on an Airbus A380 than on any other plane.
8. There are plans to build more Airbus A380 planes. NM

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