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Prepared By



Duration: August 12 – September23, 2022

Submission Date: September 23, 2022


I BESUFEKAD TABOR a 3RD year computer science student have undertaken my internship
experience in civil aviation for a period of August 2022 – September, 2022 under the guidance
of Ins. Denekew Tadele (Academic advisor) and Mr. Gemechu Tolla (Company advisor).

I clarify that my work is original and compiled according to the internship report writing
guideline given by the Institute.

As the student academic advisor, I clarify that the internship prepared by the student is original
work and compiled according to the guideline provided by the Institute office as far as my
knowledge is concerned.

_________________________________ __________________ __________________


Name of the Academic Advisor Signature Date

_________________________________ __________________ __________________


Name of the Company Supervisor Signature Date

_________________________________ __________________ __________________


Name of student Signature Date

Approval of the Internship Report

I, hereby declare that this Internship Report is submitted to the partial

fulfillment of the internship program during the last xx months. Any part of
this report has not been reported or copied from any report of the university
and others.

Approved by:

______________________ _________________________

Academic Mentor Company Supervisor

The special thank goes to my helpful supervisor Mr. Eyobe, Network Administrator and Cyber
Security of Civil Aviation. The supervision and support that he gave truly help the progression
and smoothness of the internship program. The co-operation is much indeed appreciated. I
express my sincere thanks to my mentor Mr. Eyobe.

Besufekad Tabor.
Table of Contents
Acronyms and Abbreviations
List of figures
Executive summary
This report is about to explain what I did and learned during my internship period with Civil
Aviation Authority
ICT development office, head data center. As the main purpose of internship is to learn by
working in practical environment and to apply the knowledge acquired during the studies in a
real world scenario in order to tackle the problems using the knowledge and skill learned during
the academic process.
I have discussed about every major aspect of the facility network (ICT), which I observed and
perceived during my internship program
The most important in an internship program is that the student should spend their time in a true
manner and with the spirit to learn practical orientation of theoretical study framework. This
report is about my internship that I have undergone at Civil Aviation ICT development
office head data center from . During my internship I am able to learn practical aspect of
network and get good working experience.
Chapter One

Background of the Civil Aviation

The History of Aviation in Ethiopia

  History of aviation in Ethiopia goes back to 1929 when French made airplane, Potez 25 flown by a
French pilot Andre Milet landed in the western side of Addis Ababa enrooted from Djibouti. This was
26 years after the first attempted flight by the Wright brothers and two years after the famous flight
across the Atlantic by Captain Lind burg. Although Millet piloted the first aircraft which marked the
history of aviation in the country, soon came with his successors with other types of airplane after
one month time- in the month of September.
  In 1930 five sweater airplane like Farman-192 and others were purchased by the government for
postal, security and government services between the towns of Dire Dawa, Djibouti, Debremarkos
and Gondar. The dream that Ethiopian they would pilot the airplane was not long in coming true. In
1930 Gaston Vidal, a French Instructor, established the first pilot training School in the town of
Jigjiga which produced Mishka babichief and Asfaw Ali who were certified to be the first Ethiopian
pilots. Mishka made his first solo flight on sept. 1, 1930 followed by Asfaw Ali only after thirteen
days. Very soon Bahiru Kaba and Tesfamikael Haile were also added to the number. What is
remarkable of that time was that W/ro Mulumebet Emrru also turned out to be one of the first
Ethiopian female pilots. The school at Jigjiga was not only limited to the pilot training, but also
added aircraft maintenance. Maintenance work was also began at Jenmeda (Addis Ababa) and
Dessie. From 1926-1936 new domestic routes were opened to Gefersa, Bishoftu, Janmeda and Akaki,
and the country had also acquired twenty airplanes until the occupation of Italy.
  The aircraft technology did also cross a new frontier in Ethiopia with the assembling of the first
aircraft named ETHIOPIAN ONE or TSEHAY by Land wing Weber, German national and engineer-
in-charge. But During the Italian occupation the Ethiopian patriots camouflaged ETHIOPIA ONE in
a forest with the idea that it would escape the Italian loot. But all their effort was in vain since the
Italians got access to the hidden aircraft which today is kept in a museum in a naval force near Rome.

   Fig.1. The first Aircraft manufactured in Ethiopia known as “Tsehay”

  In 1930 the first maintenance technicians and flying school established in jigjiga, eastern Ethiopia
and our forerunners were graduated in 1931. In 1944 the Ethiopian government was invited by the
United States of America to attend the Chicago conference of December 7, 1944. This made Ethiopia
one of the few African nations to sign the convention of the International Civil Aviation Organization.
  This same year another major step was taken by the Government of Ethiopia and the Civil Aviation
Authority was founded. One year later in 1945 Ethiopian Airlines was founded with six-second world
surplus DC-3/c-47 airplanes. In 1951 through the technical assistance provided by the International
Civil Aviation Organization aviation school was opened in Addis Ababa. The first 60 trainees of the
school were trained in Communication, Navigation, Aircraft, Metrology, and Radio operation and

Our Vision:

Building internationally competent and secured civil aviation by 2025.

Our Mission:

To enable the public get access to reliable Air transport service by ensuring Aviation safety and
security through effective regulatory function, environmental protection, provision of Air navigation
services, by strengthening global cooperation and partnership.

The objective of the Authority shall be:

1. To promote and maintain an efficient and economical civil air service and

2. general aviation service system and to ensure the provision of highly secure and safe air

3. To develop domestic and international air transportation networks and to ensure a reliable
and sustainable air transport system;

4. To implement and enforce laws, regulations and directives relating to civil aviation as well as
reaties to which Ethiopia is a party.

Our Value:

 Safety First

 Team Work

 Think Globally Act Locally

 Committed to Excellence

 Our Efforts our Achievement

ECAA Powers and Duties:

 Regulate the legality of manufacturing, possession, operation, sale, import and export of any

 License aviation personnel.

 Inspect, license and regulate aerodromes.

 Provide air traffic, navigation, aeronautical communication and information services within
and outside the Ethiopian airspace.

 License and regulate the operators of air service and general aviation services.

 Revoke or suspend any license or certificate for good cause.

 Determine the conditions under which passengers, goods and mail may be transported in

 Conduct research with regard to the development of aviation industry in Ethiopia, prepare
plans and programmes and formulate policy for the use of navigable airspace and other
projects relating to aviation.

 Prescribe air traffic rules and standards governing the flight of aircraft.

 Ensure that the provision of air transport service to the public is safe, expeditious and

 Register any civil aircraft and any right relating thereto; assign registration marks; issue
aircraft registration certificate, issue airworthiness certificates; specify the type of service to
which the aircraft is to be used; prescribe conditions as to the maintenance and repair of the

 Issue, when delegated by the concerned authority, radio licenses for aircrafts registered and
approved air worthy in Ethiopia.

 Put into use frequencies assigned to it by the regional or continental bureaus of the
International Civil Aviation Organization for civil aviation in accordance with treaties that
have assigned separate frequencies for civilaviation and to which Ethiopia is a party and
upon submitting prior notification to the authority which supervise the use of frequencies in
the country.

 Identify air routes to be used within Ethiopia and prescribe the conditions for air navigation
and admissions to and departure from Ethiopian territory; designate and specify restricted,
prohibited and danger areas and air routes and enforce the implementation thereof in
cooperation with other government agencies.

 Collect, in accordance with the rate approved by the Council of Ministers, fees and charges
for licenses and services provided.
 Take measures to minimize, to the extent possible, any disturbance to the public and any
adverse effect on the environment from noise, vibration, atmospheric pollution or any other
cause attributable to the use of aircraft for the purpose of civil aviation.

 Implement and enforce the provisions of this Proclamation, regulations and directives issued
here under and treaties to which Ethiopia is a party; Own property, enter into contract, sue
and be sued in its own name, and may submit disputes to arbitration.

 Carry out other activities as may be necessary for the fulfillment of its objectives.

Major Responsibilities of Ethiopian Civil Aviation Authority(ECAA):

1. Regulatory Responsibilities

2. Service Delivery Responsibilities

1. Regulatory Responsibilities:

 Includes but limited to:

1. Technical regulation

 To ensure the provision of highest degree of safety, secure and adequate

air transport service to the public.

 To register all civil air craft’s and; issue registration marks; inspect and
issue airworthiness certificates, specify the type of service for which air
craft may be used; prescribe conditions and to the maintenance and
repair of air craft.

 To audit, inspect, license, and regulate all aerodromes and air

navigation facilities and services.

2. Economic and Air Transport Regulation

 To promote and maintain an efficient air transport and general aviation

in the country.

 To license and regulate air transport and general aviation services

 To determine conditions under which passengers, goods and mail

maybe transported in air craft.

 Signing bilateral-air transport agreements in behalf of (representing)

the Ethiopian government.

2. Service Delivery Responsibilities:

 To identify air routes to be used with in Ethiopia and prescribe the conditions of their

 To determine conditions for air navigation and admission to and departure from
Ethiopian territory.

 To provide communications, navigation, surveillance and organized air traffic


 To provide flight information and refreshments service to the pilot

 Providing secured, efficient and economic air transport service to customers.

Chapter Two

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