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Integrated Catering Booking System with the Decision Support System


MAY 2022
Integrated Catering Booking System with the Decision Support System

A Thesis
Presented to the
Faculty of the Computer Science Department
College of Arts and Sciences
Jose Rizal Memorial State University
Main Campus, Dapitan City

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science


MAY 2022
Republic of the Philippines
The Premier University in Zamboanga Del Norte
Main Campus, Dapitan City


This Thesis entitled “Integrated Catering Booking System with the Decision Support
System” has been prepared and submitted by Donabel Bulagao, Jae Ann Mae Cadano,
Joren Estera and Jamer Hussin in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree:
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science has been reviewed, checked and verified by the
undersigned as to grammar, coherence and organization.


English Critic

Republic of the Philippines
The Premier University in Zamboanga Del Norte
Main Campus, Dapitan City


This is to certify that Donabel Bulagao, Jae Ann Mae Cadano, Joren
Estera and Jamer Hussin are taking Project Thesis for the degree Bachelor of
Science in Computer Science during the second semester of the academic year


Thesis Instructor

This thesis entitled “Integrated Catering Booking System with the

Decision Support System” prepared and submitted by that Donabel Bulagao, Jae
Ann Mae Cadano, Joren Estera and Jamer Hussin. has been examined and is
recommended for oral examination on May 24, 2022.



Republic of the Philippines
The Premier University in Zamboanga Del Norte
Main Campus, Dapitan City


This Thesis entitled “Integrated Catering Booking System with the Decision
Support System” has been prepared and submitted by Donabel Bulagao, Jae Ann
Mae Cadano, Joren Estera and Jamer Hussin. It has been reviewed and is
recommended for acceptance and approval for final defense on May 24, 2022.


English Critic Adviser
Approved by the committee in ORAL EXAMINATION on May, 2022 with the PANEL
OF EXAMINERS with a rating of .



Member Member





Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment for the subject Project Thesis
leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science during the
second semester, AY 2021-2022 by the Dean of College of Arts and Sciences.


Associate Dean, College of Computer Studies

Integrated Catering Booking System with the Decision Support System


This study aimed to develop Integrated Catering Booking System with the

Decision Support System. The constructive land action research methods were used in

which the constructive has research method is a systematic approach that enables a

purposeful creation of method, modules, tools and techniques that have applicability well

beyond the case study that motivated their creation, while action research involves taking

action, evaluation and critical reflection. The main assessment tool was the survey

questionnaire which was prepared by the researchers based on ISO 9126 for

software quality factors. There were 15 respondents included in this study. The

statistical tools used were frequency count and mean computation. It was

concluded that the developed Integrated Catering Booking System with the

Decision Support System was “Much Functional” when measured in terms of

functionality, efficiency, and security and meets the requirements and intended

functionalities, and all the software projects satisfactorily fulfilled the basic

requirements for correct calculations. It is recommended that the system may be

used as the basis for future researchers, specifically in determining catering

booking. The system is presented to the University and should the system be

approved, should be implemented after a thorough test and evaluation.


This study is dedicated to the researchers’ families namely Bulagao Family,

Cadano Family, Estera Family, and Hussin Family who financially and morally

supported the researchers during the conduct of this study.

This study is also highly dedicated to the researchers’ Alma Mater, Jose Rizal

Memorial State University, which educated them and molded them to become holistically

developed individuals.

This study is also dedicated to the adviser and to the panel members namely

Prof. Armando T. Saguin, Prof. Ed Neil O. Maratas, Prof. Joseph Aurelius P.

Jacinto, Prof. Edgardo D. Olmoguez and Prof. John D. Sagapsapan for their support

in making this system.

Above all, they wish to convey their heartfelt gratitude to the Almighty Father for

giving them strength and guidance during the conduct of this study for without Him, this

would be nothing.

The Researchers


This humble endeavor would not have been a reality without the assistance and

cooperation of several people who made their respective duties. The researchers wish to

convey their sincere thanks to the following persons who had contributed much to the

success of this study.

To Prof.Armando T. Saguin, the adviser, for his guidance, suggestions, and

comments on the fulfillment of this study;

To Prof. Ed Neil O. Maratas, Engr. Joseph Aurelius P. Jacinto, Prof. Edgardo D.

Olmoguez and Prof. John D. Sagapsapan, for their valuable comments and ideas for the

development of this system;

To the Faculty and Staff of the Computer Science Department for their unending

support and encouragement;

To their parents who have given financial, moral, and spiritual support, which

makes this study possible;

To their friends and classmates for their helping hands in making this research

study work;

And most of all the Almighty Father, who is the ultimate source of truth and

wisdom, showered the researchers His eternal protection, guidance and blessings.

The Researchers


Title i

Certification of the English Critic ii

Certification of the Adviser iii

Approval Sheet iv

Abstract v

Dedication vi

Acknowledgement vii

Table of Contents viii

List of Tables xi

List of Figures xii



Introduction 1

Theoretical Background 3

Conceptual Framework 6

Schema of the Study 7

Statement of the Problem 8

Significance of the Study 9

Scope and Delimitations of the Study 10

Operational Definition of Terms 10


Related Literature 13

Synthesis and Gap 16


Research Method 17

Research Environment 18

Project Development Life Cycle 19

Data Gathering 21

Requirements Analysis 21

Designing or Software Architecture 22

Project Design 23

HIPO Diagram 23

Use Case Diagram 25

Class Diagram 27

Sequence Diagram 29

Swimlanes and Fork/Join Points 31

Data Flow Diagram 32

Entity Relationship Diagram 34

Coding 36

Software Testing Procedure 36

Software Evaluation Procedure 37

Implementation 38

Respondents of the Study 39

Statistical Tools and Treatment 40

Documentation 43

Calendar of Activities 44

4 Result and Discussion

Problem No. 1 45

Problem No. 2 46

Problem No. 3 48

Problem No. 4 52

Evaluation Process/Scoring Process 52


Summary 67

Findings 68

Conclusions 69

Recommendation 69


Online Sources 70


Appendix A – User’s Manual 71

Appendix B - Pre Evaluation Survey 93

Appendix C - Letter to the Panelist 97

Appendix D - Letter to the Respondents 101

Appendix E - Curriculum Vitae 103


Tables Pages

1 Hardware Requirements 21

2 Software Requirements 22

3 Respondents of Integrated Catering Booking System with 39

Decision Support System
4 Calendar Activities 43

5 Comparison of System in Terms of Features 49

6 It Professional rating on the Proposed System in terms of 53

7 Admin rating in terms of Functionality 54

8 Sole User rating in terms of Functionality 55

9 Overall results in terms of Functionality 56

10 IT Professional ratings in terms of Efficiency 57
11 Admin rating in terms of Efficiency 58
12 Sole User rating in terms of Efficiency 59
13 Overall results in terms of Efficiency 60
14 IT Professional ratings in terms of Security 61
15 Admin rating in terms of Security 62

16 Sole User rating in terms of Security 63

17 Overall result in terms of Security 64

18 User Evaluation 65


Figures Page

1 Conceptual Framework 6

2 Agile Development Process 6

3 Schema of the Study 8

4 Project Development Process 20

5 System Design 23

6 HIPO Diagram 24

7 Use Case Diagram 26

8 Class Diagram 28

9 Sequence Diagram 30

10 Swimless and Fork/JoinPoints 31

11 Data Flow Diagram 33

12 Entity Relationship Diagram 35

13 Formula on Weighted Mean 40

14 Steps of Catering Booking System in Dapitan City 45

15 A.) Function of DSS in Integrated Catering Booking System 46

15 B.) Place Order 46

15 C.) Package Order 47

15 D.) Schedule Booking 47

15 E.) Mode of Payment 48

15 F.) Payment Success Transact 48

16 Features of New Developed Integrated Catering Booking System 51

with Decision Support System

Chapter 1



Over the year technology has revolutionized our world and daily lives. Almost

anything is now accessible via the internet. Websites are extremely popular in today's

generation. It appears that a large number of today's millennia are engaged and rapidly

upgrading to various technology platforms. Without a doubt, the use of man's intelligence

helps us to achieve technology that demonstrates how guy's learning has evolved

from time to time. With it fast, easy to use and cheap in term of operational cost a

marketing process can be done with just a click. After the new century, modern

information technology has shown a rapid development trend. Modern computer

technology has been a fast development trend since the turn of the century. While cloud

technology and big data were being born, this same Internet began developing as well as

popularizing, affecting and changing consumers' lifestyles in a variety of ways.

Nowadays, Integrated Catering Booking with the Decision Support System, for

catering services is very useful. Some people are afraid to go outside because of

this pandemic. Through this booking system, customers can inquire and reserve

orders with no hassle. It also helps to minimize and avoid people to spread from these

viruses due to staying at their homes because they can access and book orders through

online. Most of the traditional catering companies have relatively mature offline

operating systems, their operating and management models are deeply rooted, and their

understanding of the Internet is insufficient. If someone want to transform and develop

online business and form a complete online sales model, it will inevitably spend a lot of

time, energy and financial resources. Moreover, traditional catering companies generally

struggling with a lack of product innovation. Due to excessive emphasis on their

traditional characteristics, the overall innovation of the company cannot meet the needs

of transformation and upgrading. Finally, the lack of computer skills of employees and

poor Internet thinking of operators restrict the development of traditional catering

companies to Internet catering (Li Xiao).

The Dapitan City is known as a historical place and it is the only city of

Zamboanga Del Norte that is known for its attraction “Gloria de Dapitan “by the word

city it should have buildings, many infrastructures with new and innovative technologies.

Unfortunately, Dapitan City lacks these kinds of facilities which is why students like us,

take this situation as an opportunity. As we all know, Dapitan City has a variety of newly

opened restaurants. Many people who likes to dine in and eat but to those busy people

who are working and have limited time to go physically in the restaurant is a problem.

This gives a room for online catering service to help them eat the food they like from

their favorite restaurants. With the help of online catering services system they may not

need to go physically to the restaurant and buy food. They can now order it online. All

restaurant owners who want to provide their customers with the comfort they desire will

benefit from this online catering service. Restaurants will come to us and ask for our help

by applying to our online catering system so that their customers will directly go online

and look for their restaurant of choice in our system. This online catering service system

is very helpful not only that it can benefit the customers for their comfort but it would

also attract many more investors and would raise the economic status of the City. Dapitan

City has only few online catering services, owing to its proximity to Dipolog which has a

lot of infrastructures and restaurants, as well as online catering services system. That is

why Dapitan city would cater but it would do so manually, making it less technologically

adapt. However, with the help of this study of an online catering service system, it would

change the game. This online catering service system would raise the City’s

technological competence and technology will gradually bow me more prevalent. This

would be a great combination of investors and us who made the system for them to be

part of the City’s development. In addition the researcher developed a user-friendly

system that will help their business grow better.

Theoretical Background

This study is anchored on Diffusion of Innovations theory that was developed by

E.M. Rogers, a communication theorist at the University of New Mexico, in 1962.

Integrating previous sociological theories of behavioral change, it explains the passage

of an idea through stages of adoption by different actors.

The main people in the diffusion of innovations theory are:

 Innovators: People who are open to risks and the first to try new ideas.

 Early adopters: People who are interested in trying new technologies and

establishing their utility in society.

 Early majority: Those who pave the way for use of an innovation within

mainstream society and are part of the general population.

 Late majority: Another part of the general population—the set of people who

follow the early majority into adopting the innovation as part of their daily life.

 Laggards: People who lag the general population in adopting innovative

products and new ideas. This is primarily because they are risk- averse and set in

their ways of doing things. Eventually, the sweep of an innovation through

mainstream society makes it impossible for them to conduct their daily life (and

work) without it. As a result, they are forced to begin using it.

Factors that affect the rate of innovation diffusion include the mix of rural to

urban within a society's population, the society's level of education, and the extent of

industrialization and development. Different societies are likely to have

different adoption rates —the rate at which members of a society accepts a new

innovation. Adoption rates for different types of innovation vary. For example, a society

may have adopted the internet faster than it adopted the automobile due to cost,

accessibility, and familiarity with technological change. The diffusion of innovations

theory is also used to design public health program. Again, a set of people are chosen as

early adopters of a new technology and spread awareness about it to others.

This theory will be applied by the researcher in making the system possible. In

Dapitan City most of the catering owners use the traditional method in assessing the

customers specifically it was done manually. In the theory it states that idea pass through

stage of adoption with the help of different actors. The researchers adopts this theory in

having ideas about making a system that will be useful for the catering owner and the

customer in meeting their needs, especially in terms of easing the burden they may

proceed to book their preferred catering service. This system will be the start of the

technological change in Dapitan City mainly in the Catering businesses, that this system

will be the start of their more profitable business journey.


Conceptual Framework

According to Juhasz & Squicciarini et al (2020), the diffusion of innovation

across firms is a core driver of aggregate productivity growth. The understanding of

technology adoption is poor, despite its relevance for economic development. While there

is a huge body of evidence that new technology spreads slowly across enterprises, the

causes for this sluggish diffusion in manufacturing are not well understood (Rosenberg

1976). Indeed, recent research has demonstrated that providing standard technologies to

industrial organizations can increase productivity (Bloom 2013). This begs the question

of why businesses did not adopt these technologies sooner, without the need for

exogenous intervention. A second perplexing finding is that, even when significant

breakthrough technologies such as electricity and information technology are extensively

adopted by businesses, the generally anticipated increase in collective productivity has

not materialized.

They provide evidence supporting the spatial diffusion of knowledge: Firms

located closer to high-productivity firms were also more productive, and this effect is

strong only for cotton spinning firms and only during the initial period of technology

adoption. The findings, enterprises may have a strategic motive to delay adoption in

situations where they are unsure how to organize production to make efficient use of new

technology. This can result in a delayed technology dissemination process. Second, our

findings explain why overall productivity improvements from adopting a new technology

may take some time to manifest.Many early users of technology will operate the

technology inefficiently if early adopters do not build complementing organizational

solutions to use the technology productively. As a result, the full benefits of new

technology take time to manifest for the ordinary company, and so require time to show

up in collective productivity.

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework

Figure 2. Agile Development Process


Schema of the Study

The illustrated diagram below shows the flow of the system, Integrated Catering

Booking System with the Decision Support System. It represented the three procedures

Input, Process and Output.

The first box contains the input of the system. This includes the systems User’s

Information, Catering Menu Information and Decision Support System.

The second box represents the solution of the problem encountered. It shows the

process and the system development life cycle containing the process: Data Gathering

refers to the information gathered by the researchers through research, survey and

observation. Requirement Analysis refers to the logical process involved in making the

research. This is where the researchers make use of the resources obtained from the

researchers, observation, interviews and survey. Designing means creating the design for

the system studied. Coding is about making the code of the desired actual output of the

study which also includes the hard-coded source codes. In this stage, researchers are

going to make use of the programming languages for creating systems like Visual Studio

2022, Visual Studio Code and MsSql. Testing and Evaluation is a stage where the

researchers are going to try or test the efficiency and quality of the system.

Implementation is the actual presentation/ execution of system proposed, idea, model,

design and algorithm. Documentation which is the whole information documented about

the proposed study.

The third box represents the output of the system Integrated Catering Booking

System with the Decision Support System.


 User’s Information
 Catering Menu Information
 Decision Support System


 Data Gathering
 Requirement Analysis
 Designing
 Coding
 Testing and Evaluation
 Implementation
 Documentation

Figure 3. Schema of the Study

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to develop an Integrated Catering Booking with the Decision

Support System in Dapitan City during the second semester 2021-2022.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:


1. What is the current status of Catering Booking System of Dapitan City?

2. How does the Decision Support System works in the proposed Integrated Catering

Booking System?

3. What other similar or existing systems features can be fused into one integrated


4. How does the Integrated Catering Booking with the Decision Support System be

assessed in terms of:

4.1 Functionality;

4.2 Efficiency;

4.3 Security?

Significance of the Study

This study is focused on making an Integrated Catering Booking with the

Decision Support System that only accessible in Dapitan City. The importance of this

study is to lessen the hassle the customer needs to go through while booking, with the

used of decision support system it help the customer to decide what food that suited their

preferences and let them to book it easily. Meanwhile the catering restaurant owner will

take orders more conveniently and take payment effortlessly this is because the system

also had payment gateway and gcash that allows the bookers to pay their orders via


Customer. The customers benefit this study for the reason that the booking on the

catering restaurant they prefer will be more convenient because they can book through


Catering Owner. The catering benefits this study because the instead of

physically facing and taking the orders of the customer, the customer may book through

online and they can just access the system and look what the customers book, especially

the payment will be more convenient because the payment will be made through online.

Researchers. This study helps the researchers to broaden their knowledge and

skills in programming and analyzing the system

Future Researchers. The future researchers may benefit in this research study

especially those research studies that are related to this study.

Other Institutions. The finding of the study will provide challenging innovations

to other institutions, especially in the implementation of the decision support system.

Scope and Delimitation of the study

This study is focused on how decision support system helps them to decide on

their day by day decision making process of planning and improve the current catering

booking system of Dapitan City. This system covers Dapitan City only. It allows viewing

any requested information regarding the booking via online.

The coverage of this study is to heighten the old way of catering services and

make it into online payment process. The system focuses on the online services of

catering booking in Dapitan City.

Operational Definition of Terms

In order to come up with the common frame of understanding, the following

terms used in the study are defined operationally and textually.


Database. A database is used to manage and store data in real time. The

developer of the proposed system use it in storing data needed in filling up the

information before anyone can access the system and the data that was entered in

Efficiency. It is the state or quality of being efficient and competent in

performance of the developed software.

Functionality. It is the sum of all aspects of a system in information technology

can accomplish for a use.

Integrated Catering Booking with the Decision Support System (ICB-DSS).It

is a computerized system that processes the booking of a catering restaurant through

online that includes decision support system.

Integrated. With two or more things combine in order to become more effective.

MSSql. HBa Microsoft SQL database framework with relational database

management system (RDBMS) that supports a wide variety of transaction processing,

business intelligence and analytics applications in corporate IT environments.

Online Booking. An online booking is a software solution that allows potential

guests to self-book and pay through your website, and other channels, while giving you

the best tools to run and scale your operation, all in one place. It was used in the system

by making an online booking in a catering service.

Online Payment. Payment method that was used by the system for the customers

to pay upon booking through internet.

Owner and Customer. It refers to the individuals who directly benefit the system

during and after Booking in the system.


Security. It is a set of cyber security strategies that prevents unauthorized access

to Online Catering Booking System such as computers, networks, and data. It maintains

the integrity and confidentiality of sensitive information, blocking the access of

sophisticated hackers.

Visual Studio. It is an application used by the developers to develop the Online

Catering Booking System with the decision support system, as well as websites, web

apps, web services and mobile apps.

Visual Studio Code. Is an open-source code editor primarily used by the

developer to correct and repair cloud and web applications coding errors.

Chapter 2


This chapter presents the related literature and the studies related to the present



In ordering system is a collection of detail methods that are used to manage the

ordering process. Food ordering can be done either electronically or manually. This

allows customers to order their own food, which is known as the customer self-ordering

system. The customer self-ordering system is a computerized system that allows

customers to place their own orders in the restaurant and track the orders in order to

prepare and deliver the food to the computer.

In the restaurant industry, self-service or self-ordering refers to the restaurant

taking orders from customers using various types of technologies such as the internet and

others. When used in restaurants in many other countries, self-service or self-ordering is a

success. The use of self-service or self-ordering technology has been shown to benefit the

majority of investors.

According to equation Odesser-Torpey, (2008) the reports that most of the

Americans hate waiting for an order. As a result, they prefer self-service technology, such

as text messaging, the internet, and kiosks. Typically, customer’s perversely-service

because of the speed and convenience of placing orders and conducting transactions

while minimizing miscommunication. He also stated that in the future, self-activated

terminals are more likely to serve as ordering innovations. Alternative ordering can

increase check size, free up counter staff that need to serve customers, and remove money

handling from the service equation.

According to Bhatnagar (2006), the development of kiosks and computerized

table top ordering screens will force the restaurant industry to re-jig an often used

acronym quick service restaurant to the self-service restaurant. Customers can use the

kiosk and the internet to get information or search for recipes. The kiosk and internet also

accept orders and credit or debit card payments. As a result, incorrect orders and long

lines can be avoided, order staff can be directed elsewhere, and delivery orders can be

expedited. A table-top touch screen order system, on the other hand, can take customer

orders as well as handle other customer requests such as refilling drinks, calling a waiter,

and making payment by credit card and debit card. Byte, a restaurant in Canterbury, has

successfully distinguished itself from competitors by implementing online self-service

ordering and payment concepts. Customers can place an order through the touch screen

system in Bytes, and the order will be routed to the bar or kitchen. After a customer

places an order, the system offers games, and customers will soon have access to the

internet. Touch screen ordering eliminates the need for a waiter. The system also

provides a database for customer habits and preferences, generates management reports,

performs analysis, and allows for instant menu updates.

According to Brickers (2006), it is possible to apply an online food ordering

system to Nigerian fast food restaurants. This is because the system can improve

workplace efficiency, increase restaurant sales, and reduce incorrect order placement. As

a result, it is worthwhile to invest in the system, which can reduce the return on


Furthermore, to maintain customer loyalty and satisfaction, the system should be

supported by the food origin taste and services. However, widespread adoption of the

food ordering system may result in an increase in labour due to the elimination of waiters

in the restaurant industry. Even though the system is critical for implementation, there is

still some risk in other factors such as direct interaction and restaurant design concept,

which must be considered to ensure the system's success.

According to Gan (2002) proposed creating an online fast food restaurant

ordering system that would allow customers to place orders at any time and from any

location. The system assists in managing customer orders as well as advertising

promotions. It enables kitchen employees to view ordering information, management to

manage fast-food raw materials, and employees to search customer delivery and profile


This system aids in reducing peak-hour queues, speeding up food preparation, and

increasing customer volumes. As a result, the fast food restaurant's market share can be

increased, increasing the investor's return on investment.

In addition to DE Leon (2008) mentioned that there are several aspects that

should be included in a good online food ordering system. System should be simple to

navigate, not clustered and easy to make an order. Sharma (2007) designed with

professionals looking with search engine optimize capability and available 24hours. The

system should also have a secure payment to protect their customers’ credit cards

information, fast and keep track on orders and sales history easily as well as generate a

comprehensive sales report. Customers can easily place orders using the online food

ordering system, which creates a food menu online. Online customers can also easily

track orders with a food menu. The management team maintains a customer database and

strives to improve food delivery service. The restaurant management systems inspire us

to create the system.

Synthesis and Gap

According to Bhatnagar (2006), the rise of kiosks and computerized tabletop

ordering displays would push the restaurant business to rename a commonly used

acronym quick service restaurant to self-service restaurant. As a result, mistakes and long

queues can be avoided, order workers can be redirected, and delivery orders can be

hastened. As per Brickers (2006), Nigerian fast food outlets could benefit from an online

meal ordering system. This is because the method can increase worker efficiency,

restaurant sales, and order placement errors. As a result, investing in the system is

worthwhile, even if the return on investment is reduced. Furthermore, Gan (2002)

advocated developing an online fast food restaurant ordering system that would allow

customers to place orders at any time and from anywhere. As a result, the market share of

the fast food restaurant might grow, boosting the investor's return on investment.

According to the related literature about the researcher's studies, the

implementation of technology on business, particularly in food businesses, had a

significant impact on profit and customer service. Dapitan City's current state of catering

business relies on accepting bookings traditionally, which motivates researchers to

develop an Online Catering System with Decision Support System. This system will not

only make booking easier, but it will also mark the beginning of a new era in which

Dapitan City businesses embrace innovation


Chapter 3


This chapter presents the methodology of the study. This involve the discussion of

the research method, data gathering, requirements analysis, research environment, system

design and software architecture, coding, testing and evaluation, implementation,

documentation and maintenance.

Method Used

The researchers used constructive and action research methods. According to

(Kasanen et al., 1993) that there two research methods are used extensively in the

creation or application of new computing and information technology approaches for use

in differing domains: constructive research and action research. The constructive research

method is a systematic approach that enables the purposeful creation of methods,

modules, tools and techniques that have applicability well beyond the case study that

motivated their creation. It is research paradigm widely used in computer science,

mathematics, operations analysis and clinical medicine, the focus is on the construction

with theoretical demonstration as well as practical implementations as valid outcomes of

the research process.

Action research as the name suggest, involves taking action, evaluation and

critical reflection (Koshy et al., 2011). Within the context of computing and information

technology research, it refers to taking the action of introducing a computing and

information technology solution then evaluating and reflecting on its value. Action

research has been demonstrated in transdisciplinary research with its participatory and

collaborative focus used as a driver for the interaction between many disciplines along

with the broad context of taking action on the broad transdisciplinary innovation

(Djanibekov et al., 2012)

Research Environment

Dapitan City, founded in 1629, is a 3rd class component city in the province of

Zamboanga del Norte, Philippines. It is often called the Shrine City of the Philippines,

Historic City of the South, and Rizal City of the South. It is the most well-known place of

exile of our Philippine National Hero, Dr. Jose Rizal; he described Dapitan as “a remote

town in Mindanao which was under the missionary jurisdiction of the Jesuits, from 1892

to 1896. This four-year interregnum in his life was tediously unexciting, but was

abundantly fruitful with varied achievements.

Project Development Process


Project Development Life Cycle

This part explains the cycle and process of the research wherein the study is based.

It involves data gathering, requirements analysis, designing, coding, documentation and

software testing and evaluation.

According to the explanation, the Project Development Cycle refers to a logical

sequence of activities to accomplish the project’s goals or objectives. It consists of events

which are necessary to complete a project. While the System Development Cycle use to

develop and maintain Information Systems. It focuses on the software engineering

phases, process, tools and techniques for building and/or implementing the IT solution.

The phases are: Analysis, Design, Development, Integration and Testing,


Figure in the next page presents the Project Development Life Cycle. Each

process is connected to each other sequentially by an arrow and is numbered from 1 to 6.

It starts with Data Gathering followed by Requirements Analysis; Designing; Coding;

Testing and Evaluation; and, Documentation. First, the researchers gathered data and

information sources from the internet. The requirements analysis set and designs the

software and hardware requirements needed by the users. After having all the desired

information requirements gathered and analyzed, the researchers designed the system.

While in the designing process, they started the program coding using Visual Studio C#

programming language. Finally, testing and evaluation of the system are done. Each step

and process was verified by the researchers for the correctness of the output and its

functionality performance by the software. When errors are found, it goes to the previous

process for another software verification procedure to be considered.

Figure 4. Project Development Process


Data Gathering

The researchers gathered source in the different process regarding this system, from

the internet and sought information from particular personnel that have enough

knowledge for the system. The data for this research were collected using a survey

questionnaire, interview and observation. The survey was created using suitable questions

modified from related research individual questions formed by the researchers. The

instruments used in data gathering in which researchers applied are: Surveys (can provide

breadth information about and behaviors relevant to existing learning spaces and

technologies) and interviews (provide important insight about the case study).

Requirements Analysis

The needed data and information regarding the study Integrated Catering Booking

with Decision Support System gathered by the researchers after the data were gathered

and are ready to perform the researchers made a systematic analysis for the process which

is analyzing the data and information of the study and proceeded on to the designing

project. The following hardware and software requirements below served as the tools in

system project development in terms of the user.

Hardware Requirements for the Sole User, Admin/Owner and System Developer
Table 1. Hardware Requirements

 Personal  Personal Computer  Personal Computer

Computer  Core I5  Core I5
 Mobile  Minimum of 512 GB  Minimum of 512 GB hard
hard disk or higher disk or higher

4GB Memory or  4GB Memory or Higher
 Mobile
Software Requirements for the Sole User, Admin/Owner and System Developer

Table 2. Software Requirements


 Catering  Catering  MsSql

Booking System Booking System  Visual Studio 2022
 Visual Studio Code
 Windows 11
 Web - Based

Designing of Software Architecture

This chapter walks through the steps in designing an online usability study. In

this process it involves the abstract representation of the system in which the researchers

prepare. A system's architectural design was examined, in which sub-systems provide

some collaborative set of services that make up the system, and their relationships are

recognized and documented. Generally, the architectural design process happens before

the detailed system specification. Interface Design created a software system that satisfies

end-user needs. These many design process events were considered in order to ensure

that the system software satisfies the standard standards of end-user expectations, is

simple to use, and anticipates future requirements. It covers all the major sections of the

study in order to elicit the users’ interactions to all the possible outcome of the system. It

is the process of applying various techniques and principles for the purpose of defining

process to permit its physical realization. During the design phase, the researchers

incorporated all the requirements and gathered information to convert into representation

to reach its goals.

Project Design

The proposed application software is an Integrated catering Booking System with

Decision Support System. It allows the customer in booking in the catering restaurant

through online. Decision Support System allows hassle free booking because it helps the

customer decide on what they want and the system will show all the possible options

Figure 5. System Design

HIPO Diagram

HIPO model (short hierarchical input process output model) is a system analysis

design aid and documented technique from the 1970s used for representing the modules

of a system as a hierarchy and for documenting each module. It was used to develop

requirements, construct design and support implementation of an expert system to

demonstrate automated rendezvous.


Figure 6. HIPO Diagram

Use Case Diagram


To model a system, the most important aspect is to commit a dynamic behavior.

The use case diagram represents the Integrated Catering Booking System with Decision

Support System that describes the interactions between user and server application (both

called actors). It shows the use case diagram in which there is one actor with six use

cases, another actor have six use cases and last actor have four use cases.

The sole user only initiates the Registration, Log In, Schedule Booking, Online

Payment, View Booking Transaction, feedback for the service, inserting the catering

menu and information, View Confirmed Booking, Update catering menu and information

and Print Catering Booking Transaction. The admin can access the Registration, Log In ,

user Management, Manage Security Threats, View Confirmed Booking,. View Catering

Booking Transaction and Feedback of the sole users who uses the system in order to

improve the system. In the software and systems engineering, a use case is a list of

actions or event steps, typically defining the interaction between a role (known in the

Unified Modeling Language as an actor) and a system, to achieve a goal. The actor can

be human or other external system.

In this case, the use cases are Registration, Log-in, Schedule Booking, Online

Payment, User Management, Manage Security Threats, View Confirmed Booking, Insert

Catering Menu / Information, Update Catering Menu / Information, Print Catering

Booking Transaction and Feedback. Each of these use cases has its own design of User

Interface (UI) or forms that shows its corresponding functions. Each design is shown in

the figure in the next page.


Figure 7. Use Case Diagram

Class Diagram

In software engineering a class diagram in the Unified Modeling Language

(UML) is a type of static structure diagram that describes the structure of a system by

showing the system’s classes, their attributes, operations (or methods) and the

relationship among objects. Figure below represents the class diagram of the Integrated

Catering Booking System with the Decision Support System.

Figure below represents the Class Diagram of Integrated Catering Booking

System with the Decision Support System. Each Entity has its own individual attributes.

Under User Authentication are int id, string username, string password, Register () and

Login (). User Authorization are int id, int userAuthentivvationId, bool isCtaeringService,

bool isClient and AddUserAuthorization. In UserProfile are int id, string firstName,

string LastName, int userAccountId and CreateUserProfile. In Catering Service the

attributes are int id, string name, AddCateringService() and GetAllCateringService().

Under ServiceBooking are int id, int cateringServiceId, date serviceDate, time

serviceTimeStart, time serviceTimeEnd guild transactionIdentifier, bookCateringService

and SetSchedule(). In FoodPackage are int id, string package, int heads, int

cateringServiceid, CreateFoodPackage() and UpdateFoodPAckage. The entity FoodItem

contains the attributes int id, string name, string category, string ingredients, int

cateringServiceId, AddFoodItem, RemoveFoodItem, UpdateFoodItem and

GetAllFoodItem. Under the UserBooking are int id, int serviceBookingId, int profileid

and GetAllBookings(). In Payment are int id, int serviceBookingId, string receipt,


Figure 8. Class Diagram


Sequence Diagram

This diagram describes the interactions among the classes in terms of booking

through the integrated online catering booking with the decision support system.

The end-user which is the User will Search Catering Package, then the system

will display the very entire catering food package menu and return the results to the user.

After searching, the user will book the selected package and validate the package for it

availability or for customization of the package, or so they thought. Then they will set the

calendar booking date, then validating for the date availability, if the selected date is not

available, the system will prompt a message to the user that the selected date is not

available otherwise the user may proceed to confirm the booking details system will

return the booking details to the user for placing the booking details and may proceed to

process the payment method through online, like GCash. The transaction receipt will be

sent to the customer via virtual receipt.

As shown on the next page the process will takes place into five (5). The user

which is the customer and the Catering Services that consist of menu and services they

offered to the customer this is usually the owner. The view Booking option is an interface

in which that customer can view their booking transaction as well as the owner that can

also view the customers booking transaction. Place Booking option is also an interface in

which the customer can place the booking details, which includes all customers’

transaction information. Lastly, the Online Payment.


Figure 9. Sequence Diagram


Swimlanes and Fork/Join Points

Swimlanes and Fork/Join Points is one of the diagrams under the unified

modeling language. The figure below shows 2 brackets, the Sole Use and the

Admin/Owner. The process under Sole User is entering Registration, Log In, Schedule

Booking, Online Payment, View Confirmed Booking, Feedback, View Catering Booking

Transaction, Insert and Update Menu Info, Print Catering Booking Transaction and

Feedback. The processes under Admin are Registration, Login, User Management, and

Manage Security Threats.


Figure 10. Swimlanes and Fork/Join Points

Data Flow Diagram

Is a graphical representation of the “flow” of data through an information system,

modeling its process aspects. Often they are preliminary step used to create an overview

of the system which can later be elaborated. It is an external device that is used in sending

and receiving data. Data flows themselves to the Data storage locations. It shows what

kind of information will be input to and output from the system, where will the data come

from and go, and where the data will be stored.

This shows the process on checking the detailed representation of the system

components. The figure explains the flow of operation for the system “Integrated

Catering Booking System with the Decision Support System” to find the output of the

study. This figure explains the flow of operation to get the output of the system.

As the diagram shows level 1.0 is the User, they may search for catering service

and proceed to the level 2.0 which is the Catering that processes the food package then

proceed by selecting on level 3.0 which is the package. Then setting schedule in level 4.0,

by selecting schedule, if the schedule is available it will proceed to the another level

which is the level 5.0 but if not it will notify back to the customer that the schedule is not

available anymore. Level 5.0 is the order, this is where the booking will be process for

confirmation, and the customer will fill-up additional information like their personal

information which includes names, email, contact number and the additional booking

information which include the address of the venue. Then after validating the schedule, it

will then be preceded to the confirmation of the booking. Lastly, is the level 7.0 which

include the processing of payments which made through online.



Figure 11. Data Flow Diagram

Entity Relationship Diagram

The entity-relationship diagram of Integrated Catering Booking System with the

Decision Support System depicts how resources are managed. An entity relationship

diagram (ERD) depicts the connections between the entities in a database. In this case, an

entity is a data component. ER diagrams, in other words, depict the logical structure of

databases. An entity relationship diagram resembles a flowchart at first glance. It is

distinguished by its particular symbols and their interpretations. A piece of data or a

concept about which data is recorded is referred to as an entity. Each entity represents a

database table, and the relationship lines represent the keys in a table that point to specific

records in connected tables. Database tables are groupings of data that are represented by

a column in each ERD figure. In relation to every data movement, the data fields are the

data underneath the table name. Because of their indices, the projected lines act as a link

between tables.

The figure below shows the connectivity of the different database table through

indexes related fileds. There are 14 Entities in the Entity Relationship Diagram that was

shown in the next page namely: BookingOrder is connected to BookingOrderItem and

FoodPackage; Foodpackage is connected to FoodPackagingItems and

FoodPacakgingPricing; BookingOrderItem is connected to FoodItem; FoodItem is

connected to Catering Service, FoodPacjageItems and BookingOrderItem; Catering

Service is connected to FoodPackage, FoodItem and ServiceBooking;

UserAunthentication is connected to UserAuthorization and UserProfile; UserProfile was


connected to UserBooking, and Service Booking is connected to UserBooking, Payment

and Confirm Booking.


int onlinepayment

Figure 12. Entity Relationship Diagram


This process involve writing a set of commands or instructions that can later be

complied and or interpreted and then inherently transformed to an executable file that a

computer can execute or run. The researchers used a short way procedure to process the

design into the expected output. The code shows the details for the system



The following are the methods and techniques of the system:

Looping is use to provide the additional time, which, in turn, enhances instruction

and assessment.

Function is a piece of code which takes one more input in the form of parameter

and done some processing and returns a value. It is a name given to a block of code that

can be executed whenever we needed.

Arrays were a systematic arrangement of objects, usually in rows and columns. It

is a special variable, which can hold more than one value at a time.

Query is used to connect from php to mysql. It is command to save, edit, delete

and search data from the database.

Software Testing Procedure

While the system is under development the testing method was adopted. Both

manual and computerized processes were run together until the time when the “Integrated

Catering Booking System with the Decision Support System” is accurately running

through its different method and strategies. This event is actually the reason why the

proponent tried their best to make this system be done according to their way of

introducing how fast is the procedure is for this individual event will be referred to the

process in its diagram shown. The researchers guaranteed the best system ever for the

constituents of Dapitan City. Manual on the other hand is easy but the new technologies

in our time so, the proponents introduce each one of the observant that computer

technology is more powerful in today’s generation.

The result of this proposal will determine whether the proponent will continue or not for

the study.

1. Check the data that are used in the system if it is necessary.

2. Set-up the system if it is working properly.

3. Try to register if the online system will currently be running.

4. The actual operation begins with the supervision of the proponent.

5. After checking the study, the researcher conducted an evaluation about the system


Software Evaluation Procedure

This study can meet by means of test and evaluation. The proponent believe that

all software cannot be implemented without proper research, test and evaluate before the

operation. The process can help the researchers in attaining their goal for the perfect

output. The respondents of the system are individual constituents that live among the city

of Dapitan who are in capable and have the knowledge of using the system Integrated

Catering Booking System with the Decision Support System.

The respondents of the system study evaluated for the selected respondents

including information technology professionals such as IT professionals and the


students who are considered as professional evaluators as well as the users.

The respondents were composed of fifteen (15) five (5) IT Professionals,

five (5) Admin and five (5) Sole User’s evaluators as well as end users. Each

respondent rated the study according to the criteria created by the researchers.


1. The results is met by means of test and evaluation

2. Selected respondents including information technology professionals

were considered.


The idea is to introduce and run the old system alongside the new system. With

this approach, the outputs or behavior of each system can be compared to make sure that

the new system is performing as expected. A method used by the researchers in eliciting

some ideas from Parallel adoption process. According to this method, it cannot be

represented without paying attention to the steps before the actual conversion, namely the

construction of a conversion scenario and the identification and testing of all the

requirements of a system in order to reduce risk, the old and new system run

simultaneously for some period of time after which, if the criteria for the new system are

met, the old system is disabled.

The process requires careful planning and control and a significant investment in

labor hours. Some systems are incapable of being introduced in pieces as it is too reliant

on the whole system. Implementation of the system is not highly successful without any

idea or source from the environment of the researchers. Most of the time researchers also

depend on the high technological concept for the decision to change the old manual

process of a system and can be seen as one possible mean to achieve the goal of

everybody who is in need in relation to this study and also a source for their study and to

the next generation not just in Dapitan City.

With the realization of a technical specification or algorithm as a program, software

component, or other computer system is done through programming and development.

It gives benefits to the user’s involvement and management support in designing and

operating the system “Integrated Catering Booking System with the Decision Support

System”. The system implementation has its several positive results. First the users are

heavily involved in systems design; it offers opportunities to mold the system according

to their wants and needs, and more opportunities to control the outcome. Second, they are

more likely to react positively to the change process. Incorporating user knowledge and

expertise leads to better solutions.

Respondents of the Study

A quota of fifteen (15) total respondents of the study and were classified into two

(3) groups of evaluators. The first group comprises of the IT professional and the second

group comprises the admin and the third group comprises the Sole User. The respondents

were given questionnaires for them to provide information for the study.

Table 3. Respondents of Integrated Catering Booking with DSS

Number Percentage
IT Professionals 5 33.3
Admin 5 33.3
Sole User 5 33.3
Total 15 100%
Tools and Treatment

The mean was used to measure the effectiveness of the INTEGRATED


functionality, efficiency, and security. It uses the like's 5-point scale which shows the

following range of values.

Figure 13. Formula on Weighted Mean


A set of attributes that bear on the existence of a set of functions and their

specified properties. The functions are those that satisfy stated or implied needs.

Numerical Rating Ranges of Mean Descriptive Rating

5 - 4.21 – 5.00 Very Much Function

4 - 3.41 – 4.20 Much Functional

3 - 2.61 – 3.40 Functional


2 - 1.81 – 2.60 Fairly Functional

1 - 1.0 – 1.80 Not Functional


It is the ability to avoid wasting materials, energy, efforts, money, and time in

accomplishing something or achieving a goal. In a broader sense, it is the ability to

complete tasks efficiently and effectively.

Numerical Rating Ranges of Mean Descriptive Rating

5 - 4.21 – 5.00 Very Much Efficient

4 - 3.41 – 4.20 Much Efficient

3 - 2.61 – 3.40 Efficient

2 - 1.81 – 2.60 Less Efficient

1 - 1.0 – 1.80 Not Efficient


The ability of a system to allow only the admin required in editing and updating

information to secure the information stored in the database.

Numerical Rating Ranges of Mean Descriptive Rating

5 - 4.21 – 5.00 Very Much Secure

4 - 3.41 – 4.20 Much Secure


3 - 2.61 – 3.40 Secure

2 - 1.81 – 2.60 less Secure

1 - 1.0 – 1.80 Not Secure


The system provides its documentary evidence for the user's guide and process a

documenting knowledge. The system “Integrated Catering Booking System with the

Decision Support system" provides product documentation such as software

documentation. This is the other way in helping user's idea, knowledge, and enhancement

for their skills in studying online. In this way it will teach them to know the documentary

of the research study and visualize the input and output of the system. In other words, this

is a guideline for the online research study.

Calendar of Activities

The table shows the calendar of activities and the undertaking of the researchers

from the start of the proposed study until the system is completely done. This study

started 1st week of April with Data Gathering. It took several weeks before the necessary

data gathered. While gathering data the researchers also took their time in setting the

software requirements and it lasted about four weeks. By the 4th week of April, the

researchers started designing the system and the task was completed in the month of

May. While designing, the proponent also started coding on the 2nd week of April. The

study was completed within 2 months until it was finished. In the 4th week of April the

researchers together with the end users tested and evaluated the system. On the 2nd week

of 3rd Week of May, the project started in the implementation of the system. Maintenance

followed order to determine its correctness of its functionality and finalize the full

implementation of the system at the end of May. The documentation started in the 4th

week of April and lasted by the 3rd week of May.

Table 4. Calendar of Activities.

2nd Semester A.Y 2021 -2022

1. Data Gathering

2. Software
Requirement Analysis

3. Designing

4. Coding

6. Implementation

7. Documentation

Chapter 4


This chapter presents the solution or detailed explanation and discussions of the

specific problem in the study of Integrated Catering Booking with the Decision Support


Problem 1. What is the current status of Catering Booking System of Dapitan City?

From the survey conducted by the researchers figure 14 below illustrates the steps

of catering services in Dapitan City.


 Step 1 first the client contact the CBS Dapitan City through telephone

 Step 2 the CBS Dapitan will received the client’s inquir or booking

 Step 3 CBS Dapitan will check the availability of the schedule booking

 Step 4.1 if yes Confirm the booking then proceed the payment

 Steps 4.2 if no reschedule the booking else cancel booking.

Problem 2. How does the Figure

Decision Support
14 Catering System
Booking System works
in Dapitan City in the proposed

Integrated Catering Booking System?


The system used features such as follows: Flexible Budget and Menu Driven

Interface to help them decide on their day by day decision. Through Decision Support

System in catering services can help the sole users in their decision making process of

planning and allocating limited budget to their planning units effectively and efficiently.

The figure 15 below shows the function of DSS in Integrated Catering

Figure 15 a.) Function of DSS in Integrated Catering Booking System

Figure 15 b.) Place Order.


Figure 15 c). Package offer

Figure 15d). Schedule Booking


Figure 15 e.) Mode of Payment

Figure 15 f). Payment Success transact

Problem 3. What other similar or existing systems features can be fused into one

integrated system?

There are four (4) unique programs fused as the new developed system with

combinations of new additional functions. The different operations from these programs

are considered to be the core functions of the system. Additional unique features are

added by the proponent to come up with a new design called “Integrated Catering

Booking System with the Decision Support System” and make the new developed

application more efficient.

Table 5. Comparison of System in Terms of Features

Integrated Catering Design of Pucuk

Catering Booking Management Embedded Rebung
System with the System for Catering Catering
System Features Decision Support Gardenia Service Online
System Reception Terminal Base Booking
Hall on ARM System


COD Payment


Ease of Use

Flexible Budget

Generate Invoice

Menu Driven

Manage Booking


Online Payment

Search functionality

As reflected in the table above, the three (3) systems were compared in terms of

features. The Catering Management System for Gardenia Reception Hall is a service

provider for home scale meal deliveries and banquet facilities. It handled manually using

a paper base booking system for every day operation with ease of use, COD payment,

generate invoice and more to help manage and provide their services in an efficient


The Design of Embedded Catering Service Terminal Based on ARM provides

a comprehensive solution for the catering industry’s full digitization. The terminal

includes an order system server, an order system terminal, and a part to display the

operating room. At the same time, a USB wireless network card is connected to the order

system server. Experiments show that the system runs stably, and has a friendly user

interface. The realization of this method for users provides a convenient, flexible, and

effective control method.

Furthermore, Pucuk Rebung Catering Online Booking System currently used

the manual process to manage their business activities with the customer. The customers

need to make their booking manually by coming to the PRC office using the telephone.

Regarding that system testing plan and evaluation from users and experts also has been

prepared to improve the functionality, usability, and interface design of the system. The

model used for PRCOBS is the adapted Waterfall Model which has several phases such

as Requirement Analysis, Design, Implementation, and testing.

Figure in the next page present features of the “Integrated Catering Booking

System with the Decision Support System”. These are the adapted software features from

the three (3) similar library management systems. The new developed library system as

reflected in the table contains more system features than those of the three (3) existing

software patented with copyright and are commercially distributed.

Catering Management Design of Embedded Pucuk Rebung Catering

System for Gardenia Catering Service Online Booking System
Reception Hall Terminal Base on ARM
 Ease of Use  Ease of Use
 Online/Network  Online/Network  Ease of Use
Operation Operation  Manual/Telephone
 Fees Computation  Fees Computation  Fees Computation

Additional System Features

 Online Payment
 Flexible Budget
 Menu Driven Interface

Fused System

Integrated Catering Booking with the

Decision Support System
 Ease of Use
 Search Engine
 Online Payment
 Online/Network Operation
 Web Page
 Flexible Budget
 Menu Driven Interface

Figure 16 Features of New Developed Integrated Catering

Booking System with the Decision Support System.

Problem 4. How does the, Integrated Catering Booking with Decision Support

System as is terms of:

4.1 Functionality;

4.2 Efficiency;

4.3 Security;

The respondents of the system evaluated “Integrated Catering Booking with the

Decision Support System” carefully. The selected respondents are Catering Service. They

were considered as a professional evaluator as well as end-users. In terms of

functionality, the system functioned fast and accessible. Efficiency was assessed with its

ease to understand and give effective information. Finally, this system was secured in

giving the inquired information correctly and enabled one to automatically view the

inquired information.

Evaluation Process/Scoring Process

The findings that proved the functionality, efficiency and security of the

Integrated Catering Booking with Decision Support System shown on the tables found in

the proceeding page. The respondents were composed of 5 IT Professionals, 5 Sole Users

and 5 Admin who tested the project. The testing was done individually. Each respondent

rated the project according to the criteria set by the researchers.

The criteria were rated from 1-5, where 5 is the highest degree of possibility that

this would be assisted in the internet application. The rate had the corresponding

equivalents. The result of testing and evaluation determined the need of creating the

project, Integrated Catering Booking with Decision Support System. The means would be

interpreted by following the ranges plotted below.

A. Functionality

Table 6. It Professional rating on the Proposed System in terms of Functionality.


Functionality Weighted Mean Description

1. Uses of the Software 3.60 Much Functional

2. Process of data manipulation 3.40 Much Functional

3. Meets an end-user needs 3.20 Much Functional

4. Capacity to store data 3.60 Much Functional

AVERAGE WEIGHTED MEAN 3.45 Much Functional

The table shows the functionality of the system as rated by the IT Professional.

The criterion number 1 gather an average weighted mean of 3.60 which corresponds to

Much Functional. The criterion 2 gathers a total mean of 3.40 which corresponds to

Much Functional. The criterion 3 gathers a total mean of 3.20 which corresponds to

Much Functional. Lastly, the criterion 4 gathers a total mean of 3.60 which corresponds

to Much Functional. The total the Functionality as rated by IT Professional gathers a total

mean of Much Functional which means that the system processing takes approximately

ten seconds and system responds inquiry of the end – user moderately satisfies the end –


Table 7. Admin rating in terms of Functionality.


Functionality Weighted Mean Description

1. Uses of the Software 3.60 Much Functional

2. Process of data manipulation 3.50 Much Functional

3. Meets an end-user needs 3.60 Much Functional

4. Capacity to store data 3.40 Much Functional

AVERAGE WEIGHTED MEAN 3.53 Much Functional

The table shows the Admin rating in terms of Functionality. The criterion 1 got a

mean of 3.60 which corresponds to Much Functional. The criterion 2 got a mean of 3.50

that corresponds to Much Functional. The criterion 3 got a mean of 3.60 which

corresponds to Much Functional. Lastly, the criterion 4 got a total mean of 3.40 which

corresponds to Much Functional the average weighted mean for Admin in terms of

functionality is 3.53or Much Functional.


Table 8. Sole User rating in terms of Functionality


Functionality Weighted Mean Description

1. Uses of the Software 3.40 Much Functional

2. Process of data manipulation 3.20 Much Functional

3. Meets an end-user needs 3.40 Much Functional

4. Capacity to store data 3.60 Much Functional

AVERAGE WEIGHTED MEAN 3.40 Much Functional

The table above shows the rating in terms of Functionality by the Sole Users. The

criterion 1 got a mean of 3.40 which corresponds to Much Functional. The criterion 2 got

a mean of 3.20 which corresponds to Much Functional. The criterion 3 got a mean of

3.40 which corresponds to Much Functional. Lastly, the criterion 4 got a mean of 3.60

which corresponds to Much Functional. Overall the rating in terms of Functionality by

the Sole User got a total mean of 3.40 which corresponds to Much Functional which

means that the system processing takes approximately ten seconds and system responds

inquiry of the end – user moderately satisfies the end – user.


Table 9. Overall results in terms of Functionality


Functionality Weighted Mean Description

1. Uses of the Software 3.53 Much Functional

2. Process of data manipulation 3.57 Much Functional

3. Meets an end-user needs 3.40 Much Functional

4. Capacity to store data 3.53 Much Functional

AVERAGE WEIGHTED MEAN 3.46 Much Functional

The table shows the overall results of the rating by the IT Professional, Admin

and Sole User. Criterion 1, Uses of the Software got a total mean of 3.53 which

corresponds to much functional. Criterion 2, Process of data manipulation got a total

mean of 3.37 which corresponds to Much Functional. The criterion 3, Meets and end –

user needs got a total mean of 3.40 which corresponds Much Functional. Lastly, the

criterion 4, Capacity to store data got a total mean of 3.53 which corresponds to much

functional. This indicates that the system processing takes approximately ten seconds

and system responds inquiry of the end – user moderately satisfies the end – user.

B. Efficiency

It is the state or quality of being efficient and competent in performance. It entailed the

achievement of the goals and objectives which one has set for his future or to complete

the tasks which were specified for himself for to reach a required standard with least


Table 10. IT Professional ratings in terms of Efficiency.


Functionality Weighted Mean Description

1. Capable to store data 3.80

Much Efficient

2. Display Webpage without much delay 3.40

Much Efficient

3. Support on minimum requirement of

Much Efficient
the system

4. Quick responds of the user request 3.40

Much Efficient


Much Efficient

The table shows the IT Professional ratings in terms of Efficiency. The criterion 1

got a mean of 3.80 which corresponds to Much Efficient. The criterion 2 got a mean of

3.40 which corresponds to Much Efficient. The criterion 3 got a mean of 3.40 which

corresponds to Much Efficient. Lastly, the criterion 4 got a mean of 3.40 which

corresponds to Much Efficient. The results for Efficiency as rated by IT Professional got

a total mean of 3.50 which corresponds to Much Efficient which means that the system

generates data but contains 4% error on the entry of information.


Table 11. Admin rating in terms of Efficiency.


Functionality Weighted Mean Description

1. Capable to store data 3.40

Much Efficient

2. Display Webpage without much delay 3.40

Much Efficient

3. Support on minimum requirement of the

Much Efficient

4. Quick responds of the user request 3.80

Much Efficient


Much Efficient

The table shows the rating of the Admin in terms of Efficiency. The criterion 1

got a mean of 3.40 which corresponds to Much Efficient. The criterion 2 got a mean of

3.40 which corresponds to Much Efficient. The criterion 3 got a mean of 3.40 which

corresponds Much Efficient. Lastly, the criterion 4 got a mean of 3.80 which corresponds

to Much Efficient. Overall the rating in terms of Efficiency by the Admin got a mean of

3.50 which corresponds to Much Efficient this means that the system generates data but

contains 4% error on the entry of information.


Table 12. Sole User rating in terms of Efficiency.


Efficiency Weighted Mean Description

1. Capable to store data 3.20 Much Efficient

2. Display Webpage without much delay 3.60 Much Efficient

3. Support on minimum requirement of the

3.40 Much Efficient

4. Quick responds of the user request 3.80 Much Efficient


The table shows the results of the evaluation in terms of Efficiency by the Sole

User. The criterion 1 got a weighted mean of 3.20 which corresponds to Much Efficient.

The criterion 2 got a mean of 3.60 which corresponds to Much Efficient. The criterion 3

got a mean of 3.40 which corresponds to Much Efficient. Lastly, the criterion 4 got a

mean of 3.80 which corresponds to Much Efficient. In total, the rating of the Sole User in

terms of Efficiency got a total weighted mean of 3.50 which corresponds to Much

Efficient this means that the system generates data but contains 4% error on the entry of


Table 13. Overall results for Efficiency.


Efficiency Weighted Description


1. Capable to store data 3.47 Much Efficient

2. Display Webpage without much delay 3.47 Much Efficient

3. Support on minimum requirement of the 3.40 Much Efficient


4. Quick responds of the user request 3.67 Much Efficient


The table shows the overall results of the rating by the IT Professional, Admin

and Sole User. Criterion 1, Capable to store data got a total mean of 3.47 which

corresponds to much efficient. Criterion 2, Display webpage without much delay got a

total mean of 3.47 which corresponds to Much Efficient. The criterion 3, Support on

minimum requirement of the system got a total mean of 3.40 which corresponds to 3.67.

Lastly, the criterion 4, Quick responds of the user request got a total mean of 3.67 which

corresponds to much Efficient. Overall the results for efficiency got a total weighted

mean of 3.50 which corresponds to much efficient and it implies that the system

generates data but contains 4% error on the entry of information.



c.1.) Administrator the Security Level Rights

Table 14. IT Professional rating in terms of Security.


Security Weighted Mean Description

1. Entry of transaction done only by admin

3.40 Much Secure
security level rights

2. Error of data entry can be altered only by

3.80 Much Secure
Admin Security Level Rights

3 Clients password is required 3.00 Much Secure

4. Data security of the system 4.00 Much Secure


The table shows the rating of the IT Professional in terms of Security. The

criterion 1 got a mean of 3.40 which corresponds to Much Secure. The criterion 2 got a

total mean of 3.80 which corresponds to Much Secure, the criterion 3 got a total mean of

3.00 which corresponds to Much Secure. Lastly, the criterion 4 got a mean of 4.00 which

corresponds to Much Secure. Overall the rating of the IT Professional in terms of

Security got a total mean of 3.55 which corresponds to Much Secure indicating that the

design of the system enables the end-user to manipulate the program with ease.

Table 15. Admin rating in terms of Security


Security Weighted Mean Description

1. Entry of transaction done only by admin

3.40 Much Secure
security level rights

2. Error of data entry can be altered only by

3.60 Much Secure
Admin Security Level Rights

3 Clients password is required 3.20 Much Secure

4. Data security of the system 3.20 Much Secure


The table shows the rating of the Admin in terms of Security. The criterion 1 got

a mean of 3.40 which corresponds to Much Secure. The criterion 2 got a mean of 3.60

which corresponds to Much Secure. The criterion 3 got a mean of 3.20 which

corresponds to Much Secure. Lastly, the criterion 4 got a mean of 3.20 which

corresponds to Much Secure. Overall the results of evaluation for the rearing by the

Admin got a total mean of 3.35 which corresponds to Much Secure which shows that the

design of the system enables the end-user to manipulate the program with ease.

Table 16. Sole User rating in terms of Security


Security Weighted Mean Description

1. Entry of transaction done only by admin

3.40 Much Secure
security level rights

2. Error of data entry can be altered only by

3.60 Much Secure
Admin Security Level Rights

3 Clients password is required 3.40 Much Secure

4. Data security of the system 3.80 Much Secure


The table shows the rating if the Sole User in terms of Security. The criterion 1

got a total mean of 3.40 which corresponds to Much Secure. The criterion 2 got a total

mean of 3.60 which corresponds to Much Secure. The criterion 3 got a mean of 3.40

which corresponds to Much Secure. Lastly, the criterion 4 got a mean of 3.45 which

corresponds to Much Secure. Overall the rating of the Sole User in terms of Security got

a total mean of 3.45 which corresponds to Much Secure which reflects that the design of

the system enables the end-user to manipulate the program with ease.

Table 17. Overall rating for the Security.


Security Weighted Description


1. Entry of transaction done only by admin 3.40 Much Secure

security level rights

2. Error of data entry can be altered only by 3.67 Much Secure

Admin Security Level Rights

3. Clients password is required 3.20 Much Secure

4. Data security of the system 3.53 Much Secure


The table shows the overall rating of the IT Professional, Admin and Sole User in

terms of the Security of the System. The criterion 1, Entry of transaction done only by

admin security level rights got a total mean of 3.40 which corresponds to Much Secure.

The criterion 2, Error of data entry can be altered only by Admin Security Level Rights

got a total mean of 3.67 which corresponds to Much Secure. The Criterion 3, Clients

password is required got a total mean of 3.20 which corresponds to Much Secure. Lastly,

the criterion 4, Data security of the system got a total mean of 3.53 which corresponds to

Much Secure. Overall, the results for the rating by the IT Professional, Admin and Sole

User got a total weighted mean of 3.45 which corresponds to Much Secure and it only

means that the design of the system enables the end-user to manipulate the program with


Users Evaluation
The overall results of the technical evaluation proved the functionality, efficiency

and the security of the developed system. The researchers used different software criteria

factors suited for the user’s evaluation. The software was rated as to its functionality,

efficiency and security. The above mentioned criteria of the system quality factor were

included and exemplified in the evaluation of the instrument together with its

corresponding ratings and equivalent descriptions. Table 17 describes the overall results

of the evaluation as shown below.

Table 18. User Evaluation

Software Quality Factor Mean Average Descriptive Rating

Functionality 3.46 Functional

Efficiency 3.50 Efficient

Security 3.45 Secure

OVERALL 3.47 Acceptable


Overall Results of the Project Evaluation

In the evaluation, the researchers found out that the functionality of the system got

the average mean of 3.46 which means that the system was functional. As to the

efficiency of the system, an average mean of 3.50 showed that the system was efficient.

In terms of security of the system, an average mean of 3.45 showed that the system was


In totality, the system was functional, efficient and secure when the respondents

rated the later as to functionality, efficiency and secure as supported by the mean of 3.47

which means that the system was Acceptable. Based on the findings above, the

researchers concluded that the system should be implemented so that it could help the

residents of Dapitan City to book food in Integrated Catering Booking System with

Decision Support System.


Chapter 5


This chapter presents the summary and conclusions of the study. It also covers the

presentation of findings out from the data treated and the conclusions are drawn based on

the findings and recommendations.


In this chapter, the researchers sought to study “Integrated Catering Booking with

the Decision Support System” and the sub problems in the statement of the problem. This

was accomplished through a process called the project development process which

includes Data Gathering, Requirements and Analysis, Designing, Coding, and Testing

Evaluation. This system can give people a more accurate, less time consuming and easy

task in booking. Answers to the following sub problems were being sought:

1. What is the current status of Catering Booking of Dapitan City?

2how does the function of Decision Support System works in the proposed

Integrated Catering Booking System?

3. What other similar or existing systems features can be fused into one integrated


4. How does the, Integrated Catering Booking with the Decision Support System

be assessed in terms of Functionality; Efficiency; and Security?

The method used in this study was constructive research method employing

documentary analysis wherein the data gathered from an interview and other resource

documents were carefully examined and analyzed in order to produce the desired result

and accurate output of the study



After all the necessary data of the study were treated accordingly, the following

findings were exposed:

1. The researchers found out that the current process of Integrated Catering

Booking with the Decision Support System is manually operated system that is

why it is time consuming and hassle. The customer inquiries and update

personally to the catering booking office personnel. By using the Decision

Support System, processes in Integrated Catering Booking may be improved and

lesser effort will be exerted by the Customer, Owner and Administrator.

2. The function of Decision Support System works in the Integrated Catering

Booking System impropriates the following features: Flexible Budget and Menu

Driven Interface to help them decide on their day by day decision. Through DSS

can help the customer in their decision making process of planning and allocating

limited budget to their planning units effectively and efficiently

3. The researchers found out that by fusing other systems into one may produce a

system that may solve the manual Integrated Catering Booking with the Decision

Support System.

4. The researchers evaluated their system by letting respondents test and evaluate

it. They found out the following results:

1) The software quality factor in terms of functionality was proven functional

with the average weighted mean of 3.46 which described as functional.

2) The software quality factor in terms of efficiency was proven functional

with the average weighted mean of 3.50 which is effective.


3) The software quality factor in terms of security for admin and users

were proven functional with the average weighted mean of 3.45 which is


4) The overall mean average rating of the software quality factors was

3.47 which were interpreted as acceptable by the respondents.


The researchers concluded that “Integrated Catering Booking with Decision

Support System” is found to be much Functional, Efficient and Secured less time

consuming and makes customer easy task to book in their chosen catering services and

owner in catering their customers, unlike the manual procedure used by catering owner in

taking the customer’s order and the hassle the customer get through in booking. In the

proposed system, the customer can directly connect, viewed and inquire with the catering

service they like through accessing the website and the owner can directly view the

reports on how many bookings has been confirmed and approved as well as the finished

and cancelled. The researchers can guarantee the security of the system because admin

timely check the system to secured it from threats and manage the users information’s


The researchers would like to recommend that the manual procedure in taking the

bookings of the catering service and the booking can be converted to automate with the

help of the “Integrated Catering Booking with the Decision Support System”. Thus the

system may be used as basis for the future researcher specifically in determining the

status of the catering service in Dapitan City



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Appendix A

User’s Manual
Installation of MySql

1st – Double Click on the

2nd – Left Click Here.

3rd – Left Click Here.

4th – Left Click Here.

5th – Left Click Here.

5th – Left Click Here.

6th – Left Click Here.

7th – Left Click Here.

8th – Left Click Here.

9th – Enter a Password and Repeat the Passwo

10th – Left Click Here.

11th – Left Click Here.

12th – Left Click Here.

13th – Left Click Here.

14th – Left Click Here.

15th – Left Click Here.

16th – Type the Password

17th – Left Click Here.

18th – Left Click Here.

19th – Left Click Here.

20th – Left Click Here.

Installation for Visual Studio Professional 2022

1st - Left Click Here

Wait till it’s finish.

2nd - Left Click Here

Wait till it’s finish downloading and installing

Wait till it’s finished loading.

3rd – Select Workloads

4th – Select Individual Components

5th – Left Click Here

Wait till it’s finish.

Visual Studio 2022
Installation for Visual Studio Code

1st – Left Click Here

2nd – Left Click Here

3rd – Left Click Here

4th – Left Click Here

Wait till it’s finished.
Visual Studio Code
Accessing the System

1st – Search the website.

2nd – Website Homepage.

3rd – Left Click on the
Menu Restaurant

5th – Left Click to Exit.

4th – View Menu.

6th – Left Click to Menu
Contact Us.

7th - Left Click to

Contact Us.

9th - Left Click to Exit.

8th - Left Click to Send

10th - Left Click to
View About Us.

11th - Left Click to

Menu Caterer.

12th - Left Click to Log

in as Caterer.
13th - Left Click to Sign
in as Caterer.

14th – Dashboard of
14th – Left Click Menu
Booking. 15th – Left Click Menu
Confirmed Booking.

16th – Dashboard for

Confirmed Booking.

17th – Dashboard for

Pending Booking.

18th – Dashboard for

Finished Booking.
19th – Dashboard
for Cancelled

21st – Left Click for 20th – Left Click for

Menu. Menu Maintenance.
23rd – Left Click Add
New Menu Button.

22nd – Dashboard for


24th – Add Menu

24th – Notification.
Menu has been added.

25th – Left Click

Package Menu.
27th – Left Click for
add New Package.

26th – Dashboard for

28th – Left Click to
View reports on
Finished Booking.

29th – Dashboard on
Finished Booking.
30th – Dashboard on
Cancelled Booking.
31st – Left Click to
Become a Caterer.

32nd – Left Click to

32nd – Notification.
Request is being

33rd – Left Click to

Start an Order.
34th – Left Click to
show Choices

35th – Left Click to

Confirm Booking.

36th – Left Click to

Confirm Payment.
37th – Notification.
Payment has been
Source Code

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.ComponentModel;

using System.Data;

using System.Drawing;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;

using System.Threading.Tasks;

using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace CateringBooking

public partial class HomePage : Form

public HomePage()


private void HomePage_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

panel1.Height = 34;

panel2.Height = 36;

panel3.Height = 34;

panel4.Height = 34;

panel5.Height = 34;

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

if (panel1.Height == 138)

panel1.Height = 34;

if (button1 == btnBahay)

BahayKubo frm = new BahayKubo();



if (button1 == btnBahay)

BahayKubo frm = new BahayKubo();


panel1.Height = 138;

private void Contact_Us_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

if (panel2.Height == 184)

panel2.Height = 34;


panel2.Height = 184;

private void About_Us_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

if (panel3.Height == 141)

panel3.Height = 34;


panel3.Height = 141;

private void button7_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

if (panel4.Height == 106)

panel4.Height = 34;


panel4.Height = 106;

private void button8_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

if (panel5.Height == 106)

panel5.Height = 34;


panel5.Height = 106;

private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

BahayKubo frm = new BahayKubo();



private void button9_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

SendUsMessage frm3 = new SendUsMessage();



private void btnLogInCaterer_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

LogInAsCaterer frm2 = new LogInAsCaterer();



private void btnBecomeaCaterer_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

BecomeAcaterer frm2 = new BecomeAcaterer();



private void button16_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

StartAnOrder frm2 = new StartAnOrder();



Appendix B

Pre-Evaluation Survey
Evaluation Sheet

Integrated Catering Booking System with the Decision Support System


Position: Employment Status:

[ ] IT Professional

[ ] Non-IT Professional/Admin

[ ] Sole User’s

Direction: Evaluate the software and give your rating for each applicable criterion at
the same time. To rate the software check one number from the descriptive rating.

FUNCTIONALITY – Is any aspect of what a software application or computing

device can do for the user.

Descriptive Rating:

5 – Highly Functional 3 – Functional 1 – Not Functional

4 – Moderately Functional 2 – Less Functional


1. Intended use of the software

2. Data manipulation

3. Compliance of end-user needs

4. Data storage
EFFICIENCY – The state or quality of being efficient.

Descriptive Rating:

5 – Highly Efficient 3 – Efficient 1 – Not Efficient

4 – Moderately Efficient 2 – Less Efficient

EFFICIENCY 5 4 3 2 1 Mean

1. Error tolerance

2. Understand ability of output

3. Completeness of the system

4. appropriateness of the information

provided by the system

SECURITY – The degree of protection against danger, loss and criminals. Other
related concepts, safety, continuity, and reliability.

Descriptive Rating:

5 – Highly Secured 3 – Secured 1 – Not Secured

4 – Moderately Secured 2 – Less Secured

a) Administrator Security Level Rights

Criteria 5 4 3 2 1 Mean

1. Entry of clients account accomplish by

Admin Security Level Rights

2. Data entry error can be altered only by

Admin Security Level Rights

3. Creation of the clients password

4. Security of system data

b) User Security Level Rights

Criteria 5 4 3 2 1 Mean

1. Viewing of clients records and other


2. Printable transaction forms

3. Instructors Load Inquiry

4. Viewing Instructors Load

Signature of Evaluator: ___________________ Date: __________

Appendix C

Letter to the Panelist

Republic of the Philippines
The Premier University in Zamboanga Del Norte
Main Campus, Dapitan City

May 24, 2022


Computer Science Department

Jose Rizal Memorial State University


We, the undersigned, are 4th year BS Computer Science who will have our Thesis

Final Defense entitled “Integrated Catering Booking System with the Decision Support

System”. This is in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the subject Project Thesis.

We would like to request your presence as one of the panelists on May 24, 2022

in the Research Office, JRMSU, Dapitan City.

We are hoping for your kind response to this request.

Respectfully yours,

Donabel Bulagao
Jae Ann Mae Cadano
Joren Estera
Jamer Hussin


Thesis Instructor
Republic of the Philippines
The Premier University in Zamboanga Del Norte
Main Campus, Dapitan City

May 24, 2022


Computer Science Department

Jose Rizal Memorial State University


We, the undersigned, are 4th year BS Computer Science who will have our Thesis

Final Defense entitled “Integrated Catering Booking System with the Decision Support

System”. This is in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the subject Project Thesis.

We would like to request your presence as one of the panelists on May 24, 2022

in the Research Office, JRMSU, Dapitan City.

We are hoping for your kind response to this request.

Respectfully yours,

Donabel Bulagao
Jae Ann Mae Cadano
Joren Estera
Jamer Hussin



Thesis Instructor
Republic of the Philippines
The Premier University in Zamboanga Del Norte
Main Campus, Dapitan City

May 24, 2022


Computer Science Department

Jose Rizal Memorial State University


We, the undersigned, are 4th year BS Computer Science who will have our Thesis

Final Defense entitled “Integrated Catering Booking System with the Decision Support

System”. This is in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the subject Project Thesis.

We would like to request your presence as one of the panelists on May 24, 2022

in the Research Office, JRMSU, Dapitan City.

We are hoping for your kind response to this request.

Respectfully yours,

Donabel Bulagao
Jae Ann Mae Cadano
Joren Estera
Jamer Hussin



Thesis Instructor
Appendix D

Letter to the
Republic of the Philippines
The Premier University in Zamboanga Del Norte
Main Campus, Dapitan City


Dear Respondents,

The undersigned are gathering data for their thesis entitled, “Integrated

Catering Booking System with Decision Support System”. Please evaluate the

software with all your sincerity and honesty.

Your cooperation will contribute to the reliability of the data in this study.

Thank you very much.

Very truly yours,

Donabel Bulagao

Jae Ann Mae Cadano

Joren Estera

Jamer Hussin

Noted By:


Thesis Adviser/Instructor
Appendix E

Curriculum Vitae
Donabel B. Bulagao
Potol, Dapitan City, Zamboanga Del Norte


Nickname: Dona
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: January 25, 2000
Place of Birth: Dapitan City
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Catholic
Dialect: Cebuano
Languages’ Spoken: Bisaya, English &Tagalog
Mother’s Name: Nequita Balladares Bulagao
Father’s Name: Franklin Aleman Bulagao


2018-Present Jose Rizal Memorial State University Main Campus

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Sta. Cruz, Dapitan City Zamboanga Del Norte

2015-2016 Dapitan City National High School

Dapitan City Zamboanga Del Norte

2016-2018 Jose Rizal Memorial State University Main Campus

Sta. Cruz, Dapitan City

2012-2016 Dapitan City Central School

Dapitan City, Zamboanga Del Norte


 I am Capable of installing Operating System, managing computer networks and

PC building. Oriented in Microsoft Office application such as:
-Microsoft Word
-Microsoft Excel
-Microsoft PowerPoint
Jae Ann Mae D. Cadano
Work Hard in Silence let your Success be your noise

Leop, Barcelona Dapitan City, Zamboanga Del Norte



Nickname: Jam-jam
Age: 29
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: March 29, 1993
Place of Birth: Jose Rizal Memorial Hospital Dapitan City
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Catholic
Dialect: Cebuano
Languages’ Spoken: Bisaya, English, Tagalog & Malay
Mother’s Name: Judith Galanido Dagwayan Cadano
Occupation: Barangay Treasurer
Father’s Name: Jose Bustamante Cadano
Occupation: Farmer


2018-Present Jose Rizal Memorial State University Main Campus

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Sta. Cruz, Dapitan City Zamboanga Del Norte

2008-2009 Barcelona National High School

Barcelona,Dapitan City Zamboanga Del Norte

2004-2005 Barcelona Elementary Schools

Barcelona, Dapitan City


 Ability to work with minimal supervision

 Good interpersonal skills
 Time management skills
 I am Capable of editing videos, files, and presentation using different
Joren B.Estera
Brgy. Villahermosa, Polanco Zamboanga Del Norte


Nickname: Dong
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: October 14, 1999
Place of Birth: Villahermosa Polanco
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Catholic
Dialect: Cebuano
Languages’ Spoken: Bisaya, English &Tagalog
Mother’s Name: Anabel Benitez Estera
Occupation: Housewife
Father’s Name: Jose Hector Galeza Estera
Occupation: Farmer


2018-Present Jose Rizal Memorial State University Main Campus

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Sta. Cruz, Dapitan City Zamboanga Del Norte

2012-2016 Galas National High School

Galas, Dipolog City Zamboanga Del Norte

2016-2018 Jose Rizal Memorial State University Main Campus

Dipolog City, Zamboanga Del Norte

2012-2016 Villahermosa Elementary School

Villahermosa, Polanco, Zamboanga Del Norte


 I am Capable of installing Operating System, managing computer networks and

PC building.
Jamer Hussin
Brgy. Osukan, Labason Zamboanga Del Norte


Nickname: Jam
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: July 9, 1997
Place of Birth: Labason, Zamboanga Del Norte
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Islam
Dialect: Kalibugan
Languages’ Spoken: Bisaya, English &Tagalog
Mother’s Name: Saabia Hussin
Occupation: Housewife
Father’s Name: Haris Hussin
Occupation: Farmer


2018-Present Jose Rizal Memorial State University Main Campus

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Sta. Cruz, Dapitan City Zamboanga Del Norte

2012-2018 Kipit-Agro Fishery High School

Kipit, Labason, Zamboanga Del Norte

2016-2018 Kipit-Agro Fishery High School

Kipit, Labason, Zamboanga Del Norte

2006-2012 Osukan Elementary School

Osukan Labason, Zamboanga Del Norte


 I am Capable of installing Operating System in PC and Laptop.

 I am Capable of managing computer networks and Assemble Disassemble Unit.

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