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Name:matar adel almurawwi ID #:45705 Date: 9/9/2022

Study the problem

Underline the Question
What is this problem asking you to find the: This problem is asking me to find the length in feet of
the base of the triangle.

Organize the Facts

Identify the facts: the area of the triangle is 2/5 square foot
unnecessary facts The base of the triangle
What is the length in feet

Line up a Plan
Write your plan in words
Note the area of the triangle and multiply it by 2 then note the height of the triangle after that divide the result from step 1 by
the height and in the end the result is the base of the triangle

2/5 * 2 = 4/5
Choose an operation(s)
4/5 / 6/5 = 2/3
Verify your plan with action
B= 2/3
Estimate Carry out your plan

Estimated answer is 2/3

Examine your Results
Does your answer make sense?

Is your answer reasonable?

Is your answer accurate?

Write your answer in a complete sentence.

My answer make sense because we are finding the base of the triangle and also yes my answer is
Name:matar adel almurawwi 7b ID #:45705 Date:

Study the problem

Underline the Question
What is this problem asking you to find the: the problem is asking me to find how many gallons of
soup will chesa make this year

Organize the Facts

Identify the facts: Yellow highlights
unnecessary facts List: Blue highlights
necessary facts: there is

Line up a Plan
Write your plan in words
She made 32 cups last year… she made 2 times as much this year…. So she made 2(32) = ANS

Choose an operation(s)

Verify your plan with action

Estimate Carry out your plan
32٠2 = 64 cups this year
Estimated ANS: 62
1 gallon = 16 cups
64/16 = 4 gallons 

Examine your Results

Does your answer make sense?

Is your answer reasonable?

Is your answer accurate?

She made 64 cups this year
Write your answer in a complete sentence.

Name:matar adel almurawwi ID #: Date:

Study the problem

Underline the Question
What is this problem asking you to find the:

Organize the Facts

Identify the facts
Eliminate unnecessary facts
List necessary facts

Line up a Plan
Write your plan in words

Choose an operation(s)

Verify your plan with action

Estimate Carry out your plan

Examine your Results

Does your answer make sense?
Is your answer reasonable?

Is your answer accurate?

Write your answer in a complete sentence.

Name: ID #: Date:

Study the problem

Underline the Question
What is this problem asking you to find the:

Organize the Facts

Identify the facts
Eliminate unnecessary facts
List necessary facts

Line up a Plan
Write your plan in words

Choose an operation(s)

Verify your plan with action

Estimate Carry out your plan

Examine your Results

Does your answer make sense?

Is your answer reasonable?

Is your answer accurate?

Write your answer in a complete sentence.

Name: ID #: Date:

Study the problem

Underline the Question
What is this problem asking you to find the:

Organize the Facts

Identify the facts
Eliminate unnecessary facts
List necessary facts

Line up a Plan
Write your plan in words
Choose an operation(s)

Verify your plan with action

Estimate Carry out your plan

Examine your Results

Does your answer make sense?

Is your answer reasonable?

Is your answer accurate?

Write your answer in a complete sentence.

Name: ID #: Date:

Study the problem

Underline the Question
What is this problem asking you to find the:

Organize the Facts

Identify the facts
Eliminate unnecessary facts
List necessary facts

Line up a Plan
Write your plan in words

Choose an operation(s)

Verify your plan with action

Estimate Carry out your plan
Examine your Results
Does your answer make sense?

Is your answer reasonable?

Is your answer accurate?

Write your answer in a complete sentence.

Name: ID #: Date:

Study the problem

Underline the Question
What is this problem asking you to find the:

Organize the Facts

Identify the facts
Eliminate unnecessary facts
List necessary facts

Line up a Plan
Write your plan in words

Choose an operation(s)

Verify your plan with action

Estimate Carry out your plan
Examine your Results
Does your answer make sense?

Is your answer reasonable?

Is your answer accurate?

Write your answer in a complete sentence.

Name: ID #: Date:

Study the problem

Underline the Question
What is this problem asking you to find the:

Organize the Facts

Identify the facts
Eliminate unnecessary facts
List necessary facts

Line up a Plan
Write your plan in words

Choose an operation(s)

Verify your plan with action

Estimate Carry out your plan
Examine your Results
Does your answer make sense?

Is your answer reasonable?

Is your answer accurate?

Write your answer in a complete sentence.

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