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VOL100 - Engagement with Society

REFLECTION-2: Jivdaya Charitable Trust

Name: _______Munir Shah_________

Roll No.: __AU2110434________

Question 1: What have you done in the project so far? (Minimum 100 words)

Answer: So far, we've completed a great deal of work that we've never done before in our lives.
We were given options and had to decide which department we wanted to work in. I chose to
perform tasks that did not include animals, so we did things like plucking leaves from tree
branches and sorting leaves and twigs into different baskets. We also folded and placed the
medicaps and medimops in the boxes after unpacking them. We also unloaded cardboard from
the truck and placed it where it was requested. We were also ordered to lift and carry tree
branches from one location to another. We also fed the animals after preparing food for them.
We were also given the responsibility of cleaning the storeroom and painting the room's walls.
We took everything out of the storeroom and put it outside. Sir removed and discarded the
unnecessary stuff, and the rest of the items were reorganised in the storeroom by us.

Question 2: How has volunteering on your project affected or transformed you? (Minimum 400

Answer: On the day of the orientation, I was thinking to myself, "How boring is this place?" and
"How am I going to get through my 30 hours here?" The stench was awful, and there were
injured animals and birds all about. However, following that day, when we started working there,
I felt at ease. Mam explains the causes of these animals' and birds' injuries. The festival Uttarayn
resulted in the injury of many pigeons and other birds and also many dogs and other animals are
beaten for no reason. Because of human activity, Mam told us that a large number of birds go to
JCT during the Uttarayan season. Many individuals run their cars over animals because they
believe it makes no difference! It is significant. Although animals and birds are unable to
communicate, this does not mean that we people should treat them with contempt.The most
important thing I learned or discovered while helping at JCT was that we should not treat
animals and birds in such a harsh manner. They are also injured just like us; the only difference
is that they are unable to communicate, whereas we are. This does not mean that we are suppose
to harm them. Another thing I learned there was how to cut, fold, and place the medi mops that
were used during the animal surgery. As a precaution, I believe I would take steps to ensure that
this does not occur in my immediate environment or elsewhere (beating of animals and injuries
to animals and birds for no reason). If I came across an injured animal or bird, I would
immediately contact the JCT team and inform them of the situation. I've witnessed firsthand how
carefully and lovingly they manage and care for injured animals and birds. I also believe that we
as people should stop being so cruel. What if we, rather than the birds or animals, were present?
Even just thinking about it makes us shudder, so imagine how those animals and birds feel!
Finally, I'd want to point out that Jivdaya Charitable Trust is doing an outstanding job, and it's an
honour for me to work (volunteer) for them. During those 15 hours, we were exposed to a variety
of tasks and activities, ranging from plucking leaves and sorting them into baskets to learning
how to cut and fold the medi mops used during surgery. People should cease mistreating animals
and birds, in my opinion. They are also living beings with the right to survive. There is no one
who can hurt them in any way. Overall, the volunteer work has been enjoyable so far. And I
swear I'll never let someone harm an animal or bird in my presence, and I'll make sure I don't
harm any animals or birds myself.

Question 3: Any issue you have faced since the last reflection?


Question 4: Any suggestion to improve your further experience in this project?


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