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Islamic University – Lebanon

Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences

Department of English Language and Literature

Graduate Program

The effect of the physical training program on reducing text anxiety

among students of the Faculty of Languages


Maysam Hammad Abid Ali



Dr.Sanaa Issu

.A.D Lebanon 1443 A. H 2022

‫بِسم هللاِ ال َرحم ِن ال َر ِ‬

‫" َو َمآأوتيتُ ْم ِمنَ ا ل ِعلـْم إالّ قَـلِيالً"‬

‫سورة اإلسراء ‪ /‬اآلية ‪85‬‬


To:The memory of my My Parents .

To: My family With Sincere Love and Appreciation.


I would like to express my Sincere gratitude To my supervisor

Dr. Sanaa Issa

for her invaluable advice and her patience with me throughout the research , from
setting the topic till this situation


The study discusses the effect of exercise in treating anxiety disorders and
provides a systematic review of outcomes of specific anxiety disorders, including
generalized anxiety disorder, exam anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive-
compulsive disorder and fear disorder. Explanations of how anti-anxiety exercises
work; Discuss the benefits and limitations of exercise as an alternative or
complementary treatment; Guidelines for effective anti-anxiety practice.

The current study was conducted on a group of students of the Faculty of

Languages, first stage, English Department, divided in a simple and random way (by
lottery) into two groups, an experimental group and a control group in order to
determine the effectiveness of the training program as part of the (cognitive -
behavioral) program in reducing the degree of anxiety from the test using Spielberger
scale, CBT consists of 12 sessions. The pre- and post-measurement results of the two
groups were compared on the Spielberger scale to verify the hypotheses. The results
of the current study showed that CBT was effective in reducing the degree of test
anxiety in the experimental group ( 1983).

Keywords: exam anxiety, physical activity, training program therapy,

List of Tables

.No Title Page

Table 1 Table (1) The results of the t-test for the differences between the 16
average scores of individuals of the experimental group before
applying the treatment method
Table 2 Table (2) The t value of the differences between the average scores of individuals 16
of the two experimental and control groups After applying the method Therapy
physical training program

st of Figures

Figure Title Page

Figure 1 3
Figure 2 7

Dedcation i
Acknowledgment ii
Abstract iii
List of Tables iv
List of Figures v

Table of Content vi
Chapter One: Introduction 2
1.0 Introduction Statement of the Problem of the Study 2
1.1 Research importance 2-3
1.2 Objective of the study 3
1.3 Research question 4
1.4 Hypotheses 4
1.5 Limits 4
1.6. Define terms 4
1.6.1 Exam anxiety 4
1.6.2 The symptoms of exam anxiety 5
1.6.3 Breathing practice as part of anxiety treatment: 5-6
1.6.4. Practice breathing in exam anxiety 6-7
Chapter two: Research procedures 7
2.1 Research community : 7
2.2 Research sample 7
2.2 Rsearch tool 7
2.3 experimental design 7
2.4 . Rsearch tools 7
2.4,1 Authenticity of the tool 7
2.4.2 Stability 7
2.5 Counseling program using the treatment method 7-15
3. CHAPTER THRE: discussion of the results 15
3.1 The first hypothesis 15-16
3.2 The second hypothesis: 16
3.3 Conclusions 17
References 18-19
Table of Content

1. Chapter One: Introduction


- Students!, "Take out papers and pencils, sudden exam on literature...”

(One of the students) starts to sweat, looks kind of pale, and the pulse of five
other students rises.

"These are some test anxiety symptoms"

Anxiety disorders of all kinds constitute one of the most common types of
problems with an estimated prevalence of 10-20% of the population. Psychiatry that is
detrimental to studies of persons. 30% and throughout life attribute serious
consequences to anxiety disorders(Wells, 2013),including poor quality of life,
decreased level of daily functioning, difficulty sleeping and even the development of
health problems, such as high blood pressure and heart problems. Against the
background of the negative consequences of feeling anxious, several studies in recent
decades have tracked factors that may reduce people's feelings of anxiety (Myers-
Schulz & Koenigs, 2012).

Anxiety disorder is found in comorbidities with other disorders, mainly depression

Studies claim that there is also a common factor common to both- Negative
effectiveness is perceived as a general dimension of negative effectiveness and
subjective distress so high negative effectiveness reflects the experience of distress
and preoccupation with negative content. Many studies have supported the existence
of a negative effectiveness factor and also found that it is strongly related to the
symptoms and diagnosis of anxiety and depression(Henry & Crawford, 2005; Osman
et al, 2012).

1.1 Research importance

The learner is one of the basic elements of the educational process, and academic
achievement is a natural product to the circumstances and the variables surrounding it,
and these circumstances and the variables are very numerous, and it could be (173)
Among them is anxiety (Al-Anzi, 2003(.

In general, the situations that people face in their daily lives are many and varied.It
provokes them from anxiety that varies in intensity, and it depends on the nature of
the situation.Situation Anxiety Situation There are many situations that cause an
individual to feel anxious, such as death anxiety and anxiety Failure, Aggressive
Anxiety, and Exam Anxiety (Al-Jalali, 1989.(

Guinness presents us with his study, through which he aims to identify the
attitudes of the most anxious University students, in which it was shown that the exam
situation is the most anxious situation for students. (Janis & Plays, 1976).

Exam anxiety in the academic field is related to a situation related to the students’ test
in a subject The student who obtains a high score on exam anxiety when he advances
to any A test that produces intense emotional and physiological responses, with
feelings of distress and negative thoughts.

Numerous studies have revealed that exam anxiety includes two main
components, the first is the cognitive aspect or the so-called discomfort, which
constitutes the individual’s preoccupation with his cognitive performance, and the
discomfort includes thinking about the consequences of failure, and one of the
manifestations of discomfort as a cognitive component of exam anxiety (thinking
about the consequences of failure, expression The second component is emotionality
and also includes two aspects, one emotional and the other physiological. As for the
emotional side, it tends to feel distress, distress, tension, and unpleasant feelings. As
for the physiological aspect, it is due to the influence of the autonomic nervous
system. Which occurs right before the exam, and its manifestations are (increased
sweat secretion, especially in the hands, rapid breathing, rapid heartbeat, and muscle

1.2 Objectives and questions of the study

As society advances more technologically and becomes more accomplished, the need
to advance the individual increases on the basis of tests whose task is to diagnose,
triage and evaluate. Thus, the individual tends to place more importance on his or her
test scores, which makes the fear of failure a phenomenon that is becoming more
common. It has been found that the process of developing exam anxiety begins as
early as the first two years of elementary school. Various studies have found a
negative relationship between the level of exam anxiety and the level of test
performance, and this association becomes stronger towards the end of primary
school. Normal children exposed to stressful situations may develop maladaptive
reactions and avoidance behaviors, especially when they lack appropriate coping
skills for the situation. Thus, for example, when preparing for an exam or during an
exam, concerns about the unknown, punishment, social disapproval and rejection by
significant others, such as parents or teachers, may arise. Because stressful stimuli
occur in a normal educational context, severe negative reactions can be prevented, or
at least reduced, by teaching the child skills that will help him deal with test situations
and prepare for the test.

The software in front of you is for teachers or educators to take to classes or groups. It
is recommended to practice in a number of sessions each of the proposed techniques,
in order to assimilate and assimilate the new adaptation.

1.3 Research question

The main research question of this work seeks to examine the effect of using the
breathing technique as a stand-alone technique for reducing exam anxiety. To answer
the central question, we will try to examine a number of questions:

-Does breathing practice alone reduce reported anxiety and cause improvement in

-Is there a relationship between studying exam anxiety and anxiety and depression?

-How do you deal with exam anxiety and make it easier for students?

- What can teachers do to reduce exam anxiety?

1.4 Hypotheses

After reviewing the literature in this study, we put forward 8 main research hpotheses:

1 .Self-help treatment will reduce the level of exam anxiety, between both group, but
the effect will be stronger among the latter group.

2. Self-help therapy will increase the sense of function between both groups, but the
effect will be stronger among the latter group.

3. There will be a positive relationship between exam anxiety and negative efficacy
and its component factors (anxiety, depression, and stress).

4. A positive relationship will be found between the amount of exercise and the
therapeutic effect, so that the more participants in the study, the more effective the

1.5 Research limits

The research is limited to students of the Faculty of Languages / Department of

English, the fourth stage of the academic year 2021-2022

1.6 Define terms

The research includes a definition of the following terms:

1.6.1. Exam anxiety

Exam anxiety is a special form of anxiety that arises in situations where the person
believes he is under evaluation and anticipates a negative outcome to this assessment
in Western society (Cizek & Berg, 2006; Von der Embse, Barterian, & Segool,
2013) , tests and situations of assessment. Main among many students and percentage
Note that (Ziedner, 1998) sufferers of this disorder increase because of the importance
of test success.

Throughout a person's life path in Western society, examinations serve as the basis
for decision-making. For this reason, the test case is likely to cause stress and anxiety.
Indeed, it has been found in studies that between 20% and 40% of all students suffer
from this disorder at a level that hinders their achievement(Cizek & Berg, 2006; Von
der Embse, Barterian, & Segool, 2013), and anxiety about the consequences of exams
is widespread. Moreover, apart from impairing the achievement level of students with

exam anxiety, the feeling of anxiety has a negative impact on their quality of life as
well (Beilock, 2008; Bonnaccio, Reee & Winford, 2011; Rothman, 2004).

Exam anxiety has been found in comorbidities with other anxiety disorders in
children and adolescents as well as depression, and in addition to anxiety and
depressive disorders, it has been found to be associated with impaired working
memory, ability to focus, and decreased achievement. To our knowledge, no studies
have been performed examining comorbidities between exam anxiety and depression
in adults ,(King, Mietz, Tinney, & Ollendick, 1995; Beidel & Turner, 1988).

1.6.2 The symptoms of exam anxiety.

These are some of the symptoms of exam anxiety in different severity and categories.
There are those with only moderate symptoms, so they can still pass the test. In
contrast, there are those whose anxiety symptoms are so severe that they are unable to
perform the test and may experience a panic attack while doing so.

a- Physical symptoms of exam anxiety - excessive sweating, tremors in the body,

rapid breathing, dry mouth, and in extreme cases fear of the exam even fainting,
nausea, panic attacks, migraines. Moderate levels of anxiety are usually no more than
"butterflies in the stomach", while in severe cases of anxiety there may be a
development of physical illness.

b- Cognitive symptoms of exam anxiety - usually negative self-talk, critical inner

voice, negative thoughts expressing low self-esteem, insecurity, fear of failure, and in
some cases even fear of success. Students with test anxiety reported difficulty
concentrating while studying for the test as well as fainting episodes during the test
and difficulty retrieving information. In extreme cases of test fear, anxious students
may avoid the test to avoid dealing with their fear.

c- Emotional symptoms of exam anxiety - In cases of moderate anxiety, students with

anxiety may experience stress, despair, and a sense of low self-esteem that prevents
them from performing at their best. In severe cases of test anxiety, students may
experience tantrums or depression.

1.6.3 Breathing practice as part of anxiety treatment:

Compared to other symptoms associated with sympathetic activation, breathing is

more controlled and conscious. In light of this, many treatment strategies designed to
reduce anxiety rely on breathing practice as part of the treatment, especially as part of
the relaxation technique learned (Masaoka, & Homma,1999). Effects in mental
disorders. Most often the recommendation to the patient is to perform slow breathing,
which helps to integrate elements of the parasympathetic system, in order to create a
calming response, respiratory training has been found therapeutic effects in mental
disorders. Most often, the patient's recommendation would be to perform slow
breathing, which helps to incorporate elements of the parasympathetic system, in
order to create a relaxation response associated with deep relaxation, it has become an

important component in the treatment of anxiety disorders especially when it comes to
panic disorder( Meuret, Wilhelm, Ritz, & Roth,2003).

1.6.4 Practice breathing in exam anxiety

Many studies conducted over the past few decades have examined the
effectiveness of breathing practice in reducing exam anxiety (Ergene, 2003; Ramahi,
Conn, Estes, & Ghibellini, 2010). In general, the benefits attributed to the practice of
breathing are related to the reduction of symptoms which result from the imbalance in
pco2. It is important to note that in the vast majority of studies the practice of
breathing has been a significant part of the need for practice Relaxation, but was
always accompanied by teaching of relaxation as well as practicing with professionals
(der Embse, Barterian, & Segool, 2013).

The physiological and cerebral systems and to reduce the perceived sense of
anxiety among the individual. It is important to note that in the vast majority of
studies breathing practice was a significant part of relaxation studies, but was always
accompanied by teaching of relaxation as well as practicing with professionals.

A systematic literature review by Ergene (2003) found that behavioral and

cognitive approaches are effective in reducing exam anxiety and increasing learning
skills. Similarly,Van Dermatsu found that cognitive-behavioral intervention that
include learning relaxation through breathing practice is one of the Effective
Approaches to Reducing Anxiety (Von der Embse et al, 2013).as well, there are
studies that have shown that behavioral therapy is equally effective in cognitive
therapy and even more effective in reducing anxiety ( Ramahi et al., 2010; Brown et

In the studies reviewed above, breathing practice was a significant part of

relaxation studies, but was always accompanied by teaching relaxation as well as
practicing with professionals. For example, in a study conducted,participants received
guidance from a professional who guided the practice of relaxation with the help of
breathing twice a week for five weeks. (Larson et al., 2010)

On the one hand, it can be assumed that combining respiratory intervention with
relaxation guidance can be beneficial. Nevertheless, a number of studies have yielded
results that teach otherwise. For example, in their study it was found that an
intervention containing a combination of cognitive component (Brown et al., 2011)
Brown and his partners and learning relaxation with the help of breathing resulted in a
decrease in performance during exams.

Practicing breathing without guidance for relaxation can significantly contribute to

reducing exam anxiety and therefore offer a simple and cost-effective intervention for
this common problem. In addition, given the scale of the phenomenon, it is necessary
to find an intervention that does not require lengthy training with a professional and
that can be given to people suffering from exam anxiety.

2. Research procedures

2.1 research community:

The research community is made up of students of the Faculty of Languages, as their

number reached (307) male and female students.

2.2.research sample:

The research sample consisted of (20) female students, (10) female students for the
experimental group and (10) Female students of the control group, they were chosen
intentionally from the students of the Faculty of Languages, the forth stage.

2. 3. experimental design

Since the aim of the research is to know the effect of the treatment method in reducing
exam anxiety among the Students of the Faculty of Languages, the research can be
represented by the following design:

Post-test scale Treatment method Pre-test (scale) Group

Exam Anxiety Therapy physical training program Exam Anxiety Experimental
Exam Anxiety x Exam Anxiety Control

2.4. search tools

2.4,1. Exam anxiety Scale:

2.4.2 Authenticity of the tool

To check the accuracy of the scale, The researcher presented the exam anxiety
scale prepared by (Al-Jalali,1989) to a number of arbitrators with expertise and
specialization in this field, and the arbitrators unanimously agreed on the validity of
the research tool and that it measures what was set to be measured after making some

2.4.3 stability

20 students, where the value of the stability coefficient was (0.88), which is a good
stability coefficient that satisfies the purposes of the research.

2.5. Counseling program using the treatment method.


Level A'

Meeting objectives:

1.Clarify the objectives of the program.

2.Conclusion of a “contract” with the group.

3. Understand the different responses to stressful situations: behavioral, mental,

emotional, psychological.

4. Recognize the internal dialogue and self-declarations that accompany the individual
during the test.





4. Thoughts and feelings cards

The program is practical for teachers or trainers, so in order to move to classes or

groups, it is recommended to practice during a number of sessions on each of the
proposed techniques, in order to accommodate and adapt to the new adaptation.

Elevations Objectives Notes

1. A brief explanation of the
purposes of the meetings.
Objective: To impart skills for
dealing with exam anxiety.
2. A contract must be drawn up
with the students in the class
(number of meetings, duration
of each meeting, observance of
the principles of group work:
confidentiality, listening,
legitimacy for passive
3. The teacher asks the students * Awareness of stressful  * This can be done with eyes
to try to remember the situations situations in general, and exam closed.
that make them feel stressed: situations in particular. * Phrases such as "I will not
A. Think / think about some * Awareness that the situation pass" "There is no chance that I
stressful situation. How do you is perceived as threatening as a will pass the exam" may appear.
act when you are in a stressful result of the individual's
situation? perception of the situation
B. What are you saying to
yourself in these moments
4.After saying the answers  * Clarification of the cognitive
Helps participants distinguish aspect (cognitive)
between different responses.
Such as: coping self-talk ("Wait,
you will succeed!") Or non-
coping behaviors, such as:
evading a test, forgetting.
5. The teacher asks the students * Using the imagination for the * With the help of this exercise

to imagine a test situation: purpose of understanding and you can examine emotional,
"Tomorrow there will be a test understanding the internal cognitive responses and address
in… (for example: in processes (internal dialogue, different types of anxieties. For
mathematics) What happens to irrational thoughts, focusing example: fear of failure, fear of
you from this moment?" attention on the self instead of disappointing those around, fear
- what are you thinking about? the exam). of forgetting the material, fear
… of a sudden test.
- How do you feel? Awareness of these processes
Based on the examples of the and their definition will make it
participants, the supervisor easier to deal with them (it is
clarifies that each of the easier to deal with a defined
responses can appear before the difficulty)
exam, during the preparation,
during and after the exam.

6. At this stage the teacher * Identifying inhibiting * Positive thoughts can lead to
writes on the board a list of (negative) and reinforcing pleasant feelings: satisfaction,
strengthening and disruptive (positive) thoughts. pleasure, writing the test
sentences, and asks the students effectively, while negative
to explain why the sentences are * Preliminary identification of thoughts can lead to depression,
positive or negative, and what the thought patterns and internal despair and failure
types of sentences they chose in dialogue of the participants
the previous part of the exercise. regarding the tests.
What are the feelings and
reactions that arise as a result? * Awareness that the
Students will sort the two types individual is to a large extent a
of thoughts in the table. victim of negative thoughts,
The teacher will emphasize while at the same time one can
that both types of thoughts are certainly control stress
expressed during the test. responses and develop a more
The teacher sums up the positive internal dialogue
rationale: the goal was to
identify the types of sentences
we say to ourselves and the
feelings that accompany them
before the tests. By being aware
of these processes we can
control them

Second set (Phase B)

meeting goals

1. Learn deep breathing exercises.

2. Continuing the rationale (responses to the stress situation, clarification of responses and timing(

3. Open the topic of rational thinking and self-talk.


1. Dimly lit room

2.Mattresses or chairs.

3. Event cards

4. Stationery

Elevations Objectives Notes
The teacher asks: Does anyone Creating continuity for the
want to comment on the previous meeting and providing
previous session? an opportunity to bring up
thoughts and feelings that arose
during the week.

· Releasing the tension that

1.After referring to the previous exists in the body. This release
· These are mainly deep breaths
session, the teacher will say: of physiological stress also
allows for the release of mental and not regional muscle
"Today we will practice a relaxation.
special type of exercise, called: stress at a later stage.
'breathing exercises.'
· Emphasis on self-control that
-These exercises will help you should be detailed about his
learn how to release stress, feelings and thoughts.
when you will feel that you are
too tense, or that you will feel
that you have "butterflies in
your stomach". Relaxation in its
various forms (muscle
relaxation, deep breathing and
mental relaxation) makes it
easier for many people: when
we release stress, we can divert
the energy we have invested
ourselves to constructive
channels and deal with stressful
situations more effectively. Its
great advantage is that it can be
done alone without being
dependent on an external factor.

-The relaxation response serves

as a natural way to reduce the
activity of the sympathetic
nervous system, which is
responsible for the fighting or
escape response, so relaxation
can help prevent diseases and
symptoms related to the nervous

- It is important to practice this

more than once. Once you have
mastered the exercises well, you
will be able to release the
tension without anyone noticing.
In order to practice you must
observe a number of rules:

First, try to sit in your chair as

comfortably as possible: lean
back, place both feet on the
floor and let your arms hang
loosely and loosely. Do not try

to release by force, let the body
release the tension. Now close
your eyes, and do not open them
until I tell you. (He who has
difficulty, can lower his head or
cover his eyes with his hand).

Remember to follow the rules

and follow the instructions very
carefully, try seriously, pay
attention to your body and its

we are beginning…

First we will learn how to use

sedative breathing: eyes closed
(whoever can), place hands
folded on abdomen. The first
thing we do will be a kind of
competition: we will take a deep
breath, as if we are about to
blow the trumpet, with the lungs
full of air: stop breathing, and
we will see who can hold it
longer, this is… Now release the
breath… slowly… as slowly as
you can. Let the air out, and feel
a sense of peace and relaxation,
continue in normal, quiet
breathing, concentrating on the
heavy sensations and heat of the
body. Each time you exhale the
air, try to feel how you are
slowly sinking into a chair.
When you inhale air, the chest
expands, and when you exhale
air, the chest contracts. Try
telling yourself the moment!

When we learn to play the

trumpet, or when we practice
running, we inhale the air deep
into the abdomen. Breathe deep
from the stomach… Good…
Inhalation of air and release are
the key to relaxation. Well do it
again… Now, feel good and
calm… and again inhale the air
slowly full your lungs, let it
release slowly… Notice how it
becomes lighter, more relaxing,
as if the tension is flowing out…
and again let your stomach fill
up like a balloon …

Remember that you are saying

to yourself: Wait!

The teacher asks the participants
in the round how they felt? Did
they have difficulty letting go
(feeling frustrated)?

Does anyone feel dizzy?

It is important to emphasize
that there are 3 steps in
breathing exercises:

1. The practitioner does not yet

master the technique.

2. The practitioner masters the

technique, but can not use it to
reduce his stress symptoms.
· Relaxation leads to a reduction
Persevere in training and reach in reflexive activity, a reduction
the third stage. in muscle tension, and tends to
lead to motor, mental and
emotional relaxation. (Jacobson,
1938, 1939)

· Closing eyes is sometimes

difficult (especially in first
appointments). In these cases he
let his eyes be covered with his
hands or bowed his head.

It is important to emphasize that

sometimes there may be
dizziness in the early stages due

1. Improper training.

2. The "shock" of oxygen to the

brain after many correct
exercises will ignore this feeling
2.The teacher will say: Deep · Practicing the distinction Meikenbaum (1972) introduced
breaths are one way to release between relevant and rational the need to discuss various
tension, now we will learn thoughts and irrelevant and irrational thoughts based on the
another skill and focus on the irrational theory of Alice (1962, 1973), in
thought: order to change inner speech.
· Awareness that irrelevant
The teacher hands out cards to thoughts are focused on the
the participants: "Try to individual, his self-esteem and
remember the last event related test results. Thus, they interfere
to the test, which made you feel with him concentrating on the
stressed" task.

- What are the thoughts that

went through your mind at that Awareness that stress responses
time? stem from the individual's
- What were your answer?

· Addressing the issue of
Participants voice their answers success and failure and the
and the teacher sorts them into 3 responses they evoke.
· Draw conclusions regarding
A B appropriate treatment of failure
and draw constructive
Event Thoughts Thoughts conclusions in the future.

Positive or negative

Comments Comments

Positive or negative

After the participants have

sorted their thoughts (B) into
irrational thoughts and
beneficial thoughts - rational.

The teacher writes it down on

the board.

It is important to emphasize that

the response to the stressful
situation stems from the
thoughts and self-talk of the
individual and not from the
event itself. It is also important
to emphasize the connection
between irrational thought and
an unconscious response, and
between rational thought and a
coping response.

Third set (Phase C)

meeting goals

1. Amount and frequency of learned coping skills.

2. Receive feedback from participants.


1. Pages

2. Stationery

3. Whiteboard (or slides)

Elevations Objectives Notes

1. In order to refresh the · Summary and internalization
memory, let's repeat the skills of the skills acquired during

we learned in the previous the plan.
sessions. This can be done with
the help of an oral discussion, a
summary on the board or slides
2. At the end, there will be a Amount and receipt of feedback
free oral discussion, in which from teachers / students.
the participants will express
their opinion about the program Awareness of the components
and its operation. of concern, the internal dialogue
- which includes negative
The similar and different sides statements and irrelevant
should be emphasized: thoughts. All of these adversely
affect performance.
A. We all have in common · (Tension = pressure from the
outside that causes a feeling of
reactions to stressful situations.
discomfort on the inside)
B. Each of us is different, so the
reactions to stress are also
different. It is important to
clarify the concepts of stress,
stress. It is also important to
emphasize that stress has both
negative and positive aspects.

· Giving legitimacy to
thoughts, feelings, physiological
feelings and behaviors.

· ‫תלמידים שמתקשים לעצום עיניהם‬

‫יכולים להשפיל מבטים ללא עצימת‬
3. In conclusion, it should be
clarified that the negative
statements adversely affect the
individual's performance and
achievements in his tests and it
is certainly possible to deal with
the stressful situation
4. In my mind and body

A teacher asks students to

close their eyes and imagine
some event related to the test -
paying attention to their
thoughts and feelings.

Students will divide into pairs

and draw the human body. On
the part that symbolizes his · Sharing with the group shared In the group of teachers, the
head, each participant will thoughts, which helps the same activity can be done on
complete the following participant feel less 'unusual' regular cards without cutting
sentences: and more 'normal'. profiles.

- Before test I think…

On the part that symbolizes the
heart, each student will
complete the following

- Before a test I feel…

Understanding the stress
In the hands and feet area, each response as a series of
student will complete the controllable responses rather
following sentence: than as a single massive
- How do I behave before a

Next, interested participants If it is difficult for participants

report what they have written to start, it is recommended that
(who is willing to share with the the facilitator open with a
group the things they have personal example.

At the end of this section - the

students answer the following

- Where in my body do I feel


- These parts can be painted in

the human body diagram

- At the end of the activity, the

teacher will summarize the
distinction between feelings,
behaviors, thoughts and feelings
of physio

3. discussion of the results

The aim of the research is to determine the effect of the Therapy physical training
program in reducing exam anxiety among female students Faculty of Languages, and
to know the significance of the differences between the experimental group and the
control group, it will be presented The results of the hypotheses are as follows:

First hypothesis:

There are no statistically significant differences between the average scores of the
experimental group members on the exam anxiety scale in the pre and post tests.
Group members before applying the method (165.00), standard deviation(3.06), the
average scores of the group members after applying the method (123.00), and the

standard deviation (4,58). To find out the significance of the differences, the t-test was
used for two interrelated samples. The test result showed that the calculated t-value
amounted to (27,25). And it is greater than the tabular value, which is equal to (2,26),
at the level of significance (0.05), and the degree of freedom (9), and this means that
there are statistically significant differences in favor of the members of the
experimental group after applying the treatment method Therapy physical training
program Table (1) explains this, and this means that the guiding strategies and
techniques used in the treatment method Therapy physical training program are
effective in the patients’ awareness of themselves and their insight into their reality
and in developing their sense of responsibility towards themselves and the society to
which they belong, which contributed to Organizing their experiences and in
developing cooperation, social interaction and integration with others in a way that is
socially acceptable in the context of reality.

t-value standard average Arithmetic Number The test

calculated deviation differences average
165.40 Pre-test
25.40 1.52 42.4 10 (scale)
123.00 Post-test
Table (1) The results of the t-test for the differences between the average scores of individuals of the
experimental group before applying the treatment method

The second hypothesis:

There are no statistically significant differences between the average scores of

individuals The experimental and control groups on the exam anxiety scale after
applying the indicative program.This hypothesis was validated by extracting the
arithmetic mean and standard deviation For the scores of the members of the
experimental group and the control group after applying the treatment method
Therapy physical training program . it became clear that the mean scores of the
experimental group (123,00), and the standard deviation (4.58) And the mean scores
of the members of the control group (164,00), and the standard deviation (4,38 ) and
to know Significance of the differences between them( t-Test) was used for two
independent samples, which showed a result The test that the calculated t-value
amounted to (44.20) which is greater than the tabular value which is equal to (2.10 (
At the level of significance (2,10) and the degree of freedom (18 ), and this indicates
the existence of significant differences Statistical significance in favor of the
experimental group after applying the realistic treatment method, and the table(2)
Explains it. This is an indication of the effectiveness of the realistic treatment method
in reducing exam anxiety among students The university, because the development of
the indicative plan by the researcher came in a manner commensurate with the needs
of the clients and the age stage in order for them to understand the vocabulary of the
counseling sessions, because the situations and questions that It was chosen during the
counseling and was similar to the students' life situations, but most of them were

identical to the situations they are actually living in, and to give them enough time to
practice the topics of these sessions outside the counseling process.

t-value standard average Arithmetic Number The test

calculated deviation differences average
4.58 123.00 10 Pre-test
20.44 1.52 (scale)
4.58 164.00 10 Post-test
Table (2) The t value of the differences between the average scores of individuals of the two
experimental and control groups After applying the method Therapy physical training program


The researcher believes that the group counseling method that was used in the
training process and its contents From free and objective discussions based on
listening and understanding, and avoiding uncritical criticism.The objective
encouraged individuals to present their ideas without hesitation or fear, which gained
them self-confidence after each one of them felt that his opinion and ideas occupy an
important place for others, and the guiding strategies and techniques that were used in
the counseling sessions had a clear effect in creating an atmosphere of affection and
harmony. Among the group members, this result was in agreement with the findings
of previous studies, such as a study Therapy physical training program.


، ‫ كلیة التربیة‬، ‫) بناء مقیاس قلق االمتحان لدى طلبة الجامعة المستنصریة‬١٩٨٩ ) ‫ لمعان مصطفى‬، ‫ألجاللي‬
)‫الجامعة المستنصریة (رسالة ماجستیر غیر منشورة‬
‫ ) التحصیل الدراسي وعالقته بالمخاوف المرضیة وقلق االمتحان لدى عینة من‬٢٠٠3 ( ‫ فریح عوید‬، ‫العنزي‬
‫ مجلس النشر‬، ١١١ ¦‫ العدد‬،‫ مجلة دراسات الخلیج والجزیرة العربیة‬، ‫طالب المرحلة الثانویة بدولة الكویت‬
.‫ جامعة الكویت‬، ‫العلمي‬

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