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Key characteristics management in product lifecycle management: A survey

of methodologies and practices

Article  in  Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part B Journal of Engineering Manufacture · August 2008
DOI: 10.1243/09544054JEM1045


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5 authors, including:

Lianyu Zheng Chris Mcmahon

Beihang University (BUAA) University of Bristol


Lian Ding Jafar Jamshidi

Cranfield University

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Key characteristics management in product lifecycle

management: a survey of methodologies and practices
L Y Zheng1*, C A McMahon2, L Li1, L Ding2, and J Jamshidi2
School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Beihang University, Beijing, China
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Bath, Bath, UK

The manuscript was received on 6 November 2007 and was accepted after revision for publication on 29 April 2008.

DOI: 10.1243/09544054JEM1045

Abstract: Key characteristics (KCs) play a significant role in product lifecycle management
(PLM) and in collaborative and global product development. Over the last decade, KCs
methodologies and tools have been studied and practiced in several domains of the product
lifecycle, and many world-class companies have introduced KCs considerations into their pro-
duct development practices. However, there has been no systematic survey of KCs techniques,
methodologies, and practices in this respect. This paper aims to give a comprehensive survey of
KCs methodologies, and practices from the perspective of enterprise integration and PLM.
The paper firstly presents a holistic framework of KCs methodologies and practices through
the product lifecycle, and summarizes the fundamentals of KCs including their definition and
classification, KC flowdown, and the identification and selection of KCs. A review of the KCs
methods and practices in the product lifecycle is then presented, particularly in engineering
design, manufacturing planning, production and testing as well as information and knowledge
management respectively. Finally, the problems and challenges for future research on KCs
techniques are discussed.

Keywords: key characteristics, product lifecycle management, information and knowledge

management, dimensional management, variation management, quality management, product

1 INTRODUCTION throughout a product lifecycle are the key issues that

need to be addressed if companies are to succeed. Pro-
In the past decade, product development systems have duct lifecycle management (PLM) is the most impor-
significantly changed due to globalization and techno- tant systematic strategy and enabling technique to
logical innovation. Companies are now increasingly realize this emerging paradigm shift in the manufac-
focusing on business globalization and collaboration turing industry. PLM is a strategic business approach
with technology partners across the product lifecycle that applies a consistent set of business solutions in
[1]. As the people, departments, and partners involved support of the collaborative creation, management,
in product development tend to be geographically dissemination, and use of product definition informa-
dispersed, there are increasing demands to globally tion across an extended enterprise. The approach is
coorporate during the design phase and outsource applied from concept to the end of life and it integrates
manufacturing processes [2]. In a significant change people, processes, business systems, and information
from 20 years ago when design and manufacturing [3]. It takes a system perspective to facilitate the effi-
automation (e.g. computer-aided design (CAD) and cient use, dissemination, creation, and change of pro-
computer-aided manufacturing (CAM)) was the major duct-related information through representations
driver to improve product development processes, that efficiently capture ‘product semantics’ to opti-
nowadays, information management and integration mize business processes and system integrations
spanning multiple phases of the product lifecycle [4].
*Corresponding author: School of Mechanical Engineering and
Key characteristics (KCs) are a subset of product
Automation, Box 720, No. 37, Xueyuan Road, HaiDian District,
information, but as the word key implies, KCs, by
Beijing, China. email:

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990 L Y Zheng, C A McMahon, L Li, L Ding, and J Jamshidi

carrying important product semantics, play a sig- sequent content is organized as follows; section 2
nificant role throughout the product lifecycle. In presents a holistic view of KCs through the product
particular, for complex products such as aircraft lifecycle; the fundamental issues of KCs are described
and automobiles, it is not economically or logisti- in section 3, including their definition and classi-
cally feasible to control thousands of parameters fication, KC flowdown, and the identification and
(e.g. material properties, dimensions, and tolerances) selection of KCs; sections 4 and 5 review KCs
and processes. Instead, companies have to devote methods and practices, particularly for product
most of their attention to those critical product char- design and manufacturing, and information and
acteristics, and further drive collaborative and global knowledge management respectively; section 6 dis-
product development by communicating, sharing cusses five applications of KCs management; and
and coordinating KCs. As Motley pointed out, KCs finally, the problems and challenges for future
are a powerful tool for communication between part- research on KCs are discussed and summarized.
ners in an extended enterprise and they are deserving
of increased attention and resources [5]. Many world-
class leading companies have been using the KCs 2 A FRAMEWORK OF KCs MANAGEMENT
approach for nearly a decade. Nowadays, an increas-
ing number of commercial firms are making KCs Figure 1 illustrates a framework of KCs management
a non-negotiable technical requirement in their methodologies and practices through the product
product development activities [6]. lifecycle. First of all, the fundamentals of KCs, includ-
This paper aims to give a comprehensive survey of ing definition, classification, flowdown and transfer,
KCs methodologies and practices from the per- and identification and designation lay a solid founda-
spective of enterprise integration and PLM. The sub- tion for their practices and applications. Second, as a

Fig. 1 Framework of KCs management methodologies and practices

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backbone thread, KCs cover all phases throughout Aerospace Standard AS9103. The AS9103 defines a
the product lifecycle as follows. KC as a feature of a material, process, or part/assem-
bly whose variation has a significant influence on
1. Requirements development: to capture customer
product fit, performance, service life, or manufactur-
requirements and to identify initial charac-
ability [8]. As a result of their common background,
the two definitions are almost the same. Specialty
2. Engineering design: to flow down KCs to lower
Engine Components’ L.L.C. quality assurance proce-
levels of the design process; to implement KCs-
dure defines a product characteristic as a physical,
based design for manufacturing and assembly
chemical, or visual characteristic of a final product
(DFMA); to define supplier deliverables; to deli-
or part that is specified on product documentation
ver KCs via robust tolerances design; and to
such as blueprints or standards. They are classified
select components by KCs.
as either standard or key product characteristics
3. Manufacturing planning and validation: to
(KPCs). Examples of KPCs are lengths, diameters, tor-
develop manufacturing plans, quality control
ques, positions, hardnesses, chemistry, colours,
plans and tooling to deliver KCs; to assess and
finishes, involute forms, sizes, presence, etc. Reason-
validate high-risk process capability; and to
ably anticipated variation of a KPC could significantly
implement failure mode and effect analysis
affect a product’s safety/compliance or is likely to
significantly affect a product’s fit/function, or
4. Production and testing: to perform statistical
safety/compliance [9]. Lee and Thornton [10] defined
process control (SPC) for KCs, variation reduc-
KCs as the product, subassembly, part, and process
tion and process improvement, as well as KCs
features that significantly impact the final cost, per-
measurement and data collection.
formance, or safety of a product when the KCs vary
5. Maintenance and repair: to find spare
from nominal. Other world-class companies, such
parts according to KCs and to perform product
as Rolls-Royce and Northrop Grumman, have also
given similar definitions for KCs in their published
Third, KCs-centric knowledge and information specifications and guidelines [11, 12].
management (KCs-KIM) is regarded as the backbone Although the KC terminology, definitions, and
of PLM. Under programme planning, management implementation schemes may vary between corpora-
and control, KCs-KIM can support all the activities tions, the organization-specific methods have com-
listed above thoughout the product lifecycle. mon goals, i.e. to identify a small set of critical
Finally, since KCs principles and methodologies features for an organization to focus on during design
are not easy to implement, the best or typical prac- and manufacturing [13].
tices and applications in industries of complex pro-
ducts, such as aerospace and automotive, are as 3.2 Classification
important as their methodologies. Therefore, the
KCs can be divided into several categories according
study and investigation of more advanced KCs meth-
to different viewpoints as shown in Fig. 2.
odologies and practices for application during the
product lifecycle are encouraged. 1. According to the main phases of product
design and development, KCs are classified as
KPC and key process characteristics, depending
3 FUNDAMENTALS OF KCs on whether the characteristic in question is that
of a product or a process. The key process char-
In this section, a definition of KCs and their classifi- acteristics can be further divided into manufac-
cation into several categories are presented, the hier- turing KCs (MKCs) and assembly KCs (AKCs).
archical flowdown of KCs through assemblies to Key process characteristics are also called key
details and processes is described, and the identifica- control characteristics (KCCs). KPCs, MKCs, and
tion and selection of KCs is presented. AKCs enable KCs establishing the critical path
from design to manufacturing [10].
2. Based on the scope/level of the product model
3.1 What is a KC
that the KCs belong to, KCs are classified as fol-
Currently there is no unique definition for a KC. lows: product KCs, subsystem KCs, component
Some typical definitions are given as follows. The KCs, feature KCs and feature face KCs [14, 15].
Boeing advanced quality system standard D1-9000 With the above classification, KCs flow down
defines a KC as a feature whose variation has the from product to subsystem, components, and
greatest impact on the fit, performance, or service further details. This classification is particularly
life of the finished product from the perspective of suitable for identification and designation during
the customer [7]. D1-9000 has been adapted as engineering design and product modelling.

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Fig. 2 Categories of KCs from three viewpoints

This applies not only to engineering drawings but built based on the flowdown relationships and histor-
also to three-dimensional models. ical data and knowledge [14, 19]. Figure 3 shows the
3. Based on the disciplines that the characteristics flowdown of KCs for a missile fin. The KPCs of the
belong to, Zheng and Chin [16] argue that KCs main spar are followed down in different layers
can be classified into four categories for mecha- including product, component, part, and manufac-
nical products: geometric characteristics (such turing process.
as dimension and tolerance, and roughness),
mechanical characteristics (such as hardness and 3.4 Identification and designation
strength), physical characteristics (such as mat-
erial density and weight), and chemical character- Selection and evaluation of KCs are performed
istics (such as chemical ingredients of component throughout the whole product lifecycle, as early as
materials, corrosion resistance of surfaces). The in the product definition phase through to design,
advantage of this classification is that it is easy to fabrication, assembly, and operation. There are var-
map product characteristics to the appropriate ious methods and tools that can be used by teams
manufacturing processes. For example, geometric (e.g. IPT (integrated product team)) to identify and
characteristics are usually assured by the primary select KCs. They cover variation, loss function, risk
manufacturing processes such as forging, casting, analysis, statistical variation analysis (SVA), historical
and machining, whereas mechanical characteris- data analysis, design of experiments (DOE), etc. The
tics need property enhancement processes such primary methods used depend on the situation and
as heat treatments [17]. the goal [7, 20].
SEC and Raytheon have developed the key charac-
teristic designation system (KCDS) [9, 18]. The aim of
3.3 Flowdown and transfer KCDS is to outline a common system for the identifi-
cation of KPCs defined by the customer and/or com-
KC flowdown is a hierarchical approach to flow a KC pany, and the related KCCs that apply to products so
for an assembly or product down to KCs on those sub- as to continuously improve and reduce variation and
assemblies, details, and processes believed to affect finally achieve customer satisfaction. KCDS consists
variation of the top-level characteristic [7]. In general, of four responsibilities [9]: product engineering to
the KPCs are at the top of the hierarchy and each KPC identify KPCs; manufacturing engineering and qual-
has several contributing subsystem-KCs. These, in ity engineering to identify KCCs and develop control
turn, are a function of the part-KCs and process-KCs plans and reaction plans; fabrication and assembly
[14]. Higher level KPCs are influenced by lower level to implement continuous improvement, variation
KPCs, and lower level KPCs are generated by KCCs. reduction, and control plan maintenance; and on-
Thus, variation in a KCC impacts upper level KPCs going review of the KPCs and the KCCs.
and overall system performance. Identification of KCs are usually identified and marked on drawings
KPCs with flowdown to employees and suppliers or in specifications. A unique identifying number or
ensures alignment to customer’s concerns [18]. label should be assigned to each KC so that related
Furthermore, a transfer mathematical model can be data can be tracked and mapped to the production

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Fig. 3 KCs flowdown of a missile fin

processes that create the KCs. Table 1 lists the typical framework as shown in Fig. 1, they are categorized
designation symbols used in the automotive and into four topics as follows: engineering design, man-
aerospace industries. It can be seen that different ufacturing process planning, production and test,
companies or industries adopt different symbols. As and knowledge and information management. The
shown in Table 1, in the automotive industry, the following subsections and section 5 review these
inverted delta (!) is used to designate safety and gov- methodologies in detail.
ernment regulated KCs, while a diamond ( ) is 
usually used to mark-up performance, fit, or appear- 4.1 Engineering design
ance KCs [9]. The designation symbol ‘ ’ is adopted
KCs variation analysis and control in assembly design
for mark-up of a KC in the aerospace and defence
is a most important issue during engineering design.
industries [7].
Many efforts have been made to tackle this issue in
the last decade.
Mantripragada and Whitney [21] presented a top-
4 KC METHODS IN PRODUCT DESIGN AND down design approach to link the logical design of
MANUFACTURING assembly layouts with KC flowdown, assembly
sequence, and tolerance analyses, and to create
Table 2 lists the main KCs methodologies in product assembly sketchers and analysers capable of analys-
design and manufacturing. In terms of the proposed ing assembly processes before the detailed geometry

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Table 1 Typical designation symbols used in automotive and aerospace industry [7, 9]

Industry Customer Term Symbol

Automotive Chrysler Critical characteristics Diamond () / <D>*

Critical verification Pentagon ( ) / <P>*
Ford Critical characteristic Inverted delta (!)
General Motors Fit/function key product characteristic Diamond () /<F/F>*
Safety/compliance KPC Inverted delta (!) /
SEC (Specialty Engine Fit/function KPC Diamond () / <F/F>*
Component) L.L.C Safety/compliance KPC Inverted delta (!) /
Aerospace Boeing Critical safety characteristics KCs Arrow tag with key ( )
Airbus Critical safety characteristics KCs Arrow tag with key ( )

has been designed. In order to capture their funda- Kern et al. [26] present a new approach to design a
mental structure in the top-down design process, product that can be produced with an acceptable
the concept of a datum flow chain (DFC) was pro- level of quality, will meet customer needs, and will
posed. DFCs relate datum logic explicitly to the be robust against manufacturing variation. The
product’s KCs, assembly sequences, and choice of approach relies on the use of historical process cap-
mating features, and provide the information needed ability data and simulated process capability data.
for tolerance analyses. DFCs are an efficient tool to The data are used to set design parameter values
analyse how geometric KCs are delivered through that optimize the expected value of a product charac-
datum relationships represented as directed edges teristic while considering the product’s sensitivity to
in DFCs among parts and the degrees of freedom manufacturing variation. These authors thought that
joints carry. Whitney [22] further studied the role of it is typical to only track the dimensions designated
KCs in the design of mechanical assemblies. His as KCs because KCs have a strong effect on a
research included defining the intent of the design, product’s performance and they should be tightly
identifying key assembly-level dimensions called controlled during production [26]. They also pre-
KCs to embody the intent, designing an architecture sented a quantitative approach to define KCs using
for the assembly that delivers each KC within the sta- probabilistic sensitivity to rank the importance of a
ted tolerance, and conveying the intent and architec- random variable (i.e. design parameter) to the pro-
ture in the form of a DFC diagram. It was shown that duct performance variability defined. A design exam-
ple of an engine valve train was used as an illustration
the design and achievement of KCs is a joint respon-
of how this approach can be used [26].
sibility of engineering and manufacturing [22].
Pilling [27] identified that KCs are key for robust
Mathieu and Marguet [23] and Marguet [24] made
product design. A working practice and procedure
efforts to improve product producibility (assembl-
for the selection of KCs during the early stages of pro-
ability) based on KPCs. They proposed an industrial
duct design was proposed. The process involves four
method in which the main idea is that the geo-
major stages/levels: customer-identified KCs on a
metrical variation flows belong to the assembly pro-
product, component-identified KCs, component-
cess. In their method, in the preliminary design, the
identified key features/dimensions, and manufactur-
first step is to identify the KCs of a product. This ing hand-over. The proposed process is being tried
identification uses a top-down process going from and tested on a number of ongoing projects.
functional product requirements to geometrical Nataraj et al. [28] described how the inherent mod-
characteristics. The second step performs a qualita- elling of product and process requirements in KCs
tive product analysis in order to eliminate the worst can be used to express and capture the product
assembly sequences. This analysis is based on design intent. A prototype software program (Varia-
oriented graphs. The last step selects the most prom- tion Risk Management Tool) was developed to house
ising assembly sequences by a quantitative analysis. all the critical design data for process optimization
This integrated method has been successfully applied and its eventual reuse. They established a systematic
to aircraft assembly. process for identifying, assessing, and mitigating risk
Downey et al. [25] introduced smart assemblies as in the early stages of design for a windtone class of
a means of achieving design robustness. Smart automobile electric horn, based on a robust design
assemblies make it possible to maintain KCs even in concept.
the presence of significant variation. By formalizing Lyu et al. [29] presented a method for optimally
the design method, the authors believe smart assem- synthesizing multi-component structural assemblies
blies are more accessible to designers. of an aluminium space frame (ASF) vehicle body.

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Table 2 Summary of KC methodologies in product design and manufacturing

Topics Authors and references Methodologies and features Case study/example

Engineering design Mantripragada and A concept called the DFC to capture their Horizontal stabilizer
Whitney [21] fundamental structure in a top-down design assembly
process. The DFC relates the datum logic explicitly
to the product’s KCs and assembly sequences.
Whitney [22] A method to convey the intent and architecture Office stapler and car
through KCs in the form of a DFC diagram door
Mathieu and Marguet [23] A methodology to improve product producibility A380 fuselage
Marguet [24] based on product KCs assembly
Downey et al. [25] Smart assemblies design method that maintain One-way clutch
KCs’ robustness in the presence of significant
Kern et al. [26] An approach to optimizing the expected value of An engine valve train
a product characteristic by using historical
process capability data and by considering the
product’s sensitivity to manufacturing variation
Nataraj et al. [28] Inherent modelling of product and process Automobile electric
requirements in KCs horn
Lyu et al. [29] An approach to finding the optimal subassembly ASF vehicle body
Lee and Saitou [30] partitioning through the in-process adjustability
of key product dimensions (KCs)
Zhao et al. [31] A generic framework for prediction of assembly 787 vertical fin
variation that moves assembly variation analysis
into early stages of aircraft development
Phoomboplab and A design synthesis framework for dimensional Automotive underbody
Ceglarek [32] management in multi-stage assembly systems subassembly

Manufacturing process Whitney [36] A systematic method to select the necessary part Aircraft skin panel
planning features, tool and machine capabilities for
achieving KCs
Wang and Ceglarek [37] A methodology for Q/SP, which considers SUV side aperture
product quality in terms of product KCs
Chin and Zheng [38] A hybrid approach to process planning for quality Satellite middle frame
assurance by combining QFD with FMEA
Zheng et al. [17] A methodology for KC-based rough-cut process Missile fin
Chen [39] An optimal selection method for inspection plan Aircraft wing contour
Chen and Thornton [40] using the KC flowdown model and Monte Carlo
Maropoulos et al. [42] The use of aggregate product modelling as a Tooling jig of satellite
Maropoulos et al. [43] vehicle for integrating dimensional management
into complex product design and assembly

Production and testing Thornton [14] A mathematical framework for the KC variation Car door
Thornton [46] A VRM framework using KCs as drivers Airplane wing bar
Thornton [48] A mathematical model capable of optimally Airplane wing bar
allocating VR resources
Ceglarek and Shi [44] A SOVA methodology that is used for modelling, Automotive body
Ceglarek et al. [49] analysis, and performance prediction of multi- assembly
stage manufacturing processes
Huang et al. [50] A generic 3D SOVA model for 3D rigid part Automotive underbody
Huang et al. [51] assembly in single and multi-station system and a track cab assembly
Loose et al. [52] A variation source identification methodology Automotive hood
in the presence of relational dimension assembly
Chakhunashvili et al. [53] A statistically based engineering method called Heavy-duty diesel
Johansson et al. [54] VMEA that systematically looks for noise factors engine
affecting KPCs

Knowledge and Huang et al. [55] Methods to implement KC information Office knife
information management management by means of bill of material and
flow process chart
Rezayat [56] KCs and XML together provide a practical Automotive design
ontology and communication mechanism
Balogun et al. [57] A product and process database to manage Gas turbine engine
complex product specification and process
capability in terms of KCs
Hassan et al. [58] An integrated information model for FMEA and Centring system of
KC to facilitate the reuse of the KCs’ knowledge fixture
Hellemann et al. [59] A web-based process capability management US patent (without
system for KCs case study)

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This method simultaneously considers structural KCCs, and which has the capability to model
stiffness, manufacturing and assembly costs, and and analyse the interdependencies among design
dimensional integrity under a unified framework tasks and constraints.
based on joint libraries. The dimensional integrity of 2. A Task flow chain which represents the hierarchy
a candidate assembly is evaluated as the adjustability of design tasks and is used to generate the
of the given critical product dimensions (KCs), using sequence of design tasks.
an internal optimization routine. This routine finds
The design synthesis methodology is illustrated and
the optimal subassembly partitioning of an assembly
validated in the process of designing configurations
for in-process adjustability. A case study on an ASF
for an automotive under body subassembly.
of a midsize passenger vehicle demonstrated the effec- Apart from the above KCs delivery issue which is
tiveness of the method by modelling a simplified ASF solved through KCs flowdown, variation flow analysis
with five KCs [29]. Lee and Saitou [30] further and robust design during assembly design, KCs can
enhanced the optimal method of assembly synthesis be used as important drivers to select components
for in-process dimensional adjustability in term of during the engineering design phase. Ong and Guo
KCs. A genetic algorithm was adopted to generate can- [33] used KCs, which are typical properties of a pro-
didate assemblies based on a joint library specified for duct in aspects, as an enabler to capture the embodi-
an automotive space frame domain. Each candidate ment design information and the design evolution
assembly is evaluated by solving a subassembly parti- from the qualitative stage to the quantitative stage.
tioning problem for optimal in-process adjustability, They argued that, from these KCs, users can have a
posed as an equivalent minimum cut problem on brief but overall idea of the products from many per-
weighted graphs. A case study on a simplified three- spectives. Hence, KCs serve as a good enabler for
dimensional automotive space frame with four KCs knowledge capture and a linkage between the con-
and the accompanying joint library was presented. cept design and detailed design. Since KCs are
In order to identify and develop variation predic- unique for a design, they can be used for indexing
tion methods that can precede detailed geometric and retrieval to achieve a highly efficient and accu-
design and make estimates accurate enough to rate search result. In Ong and Guo’s research, KCs
uncover major assembly risks, Zhao et al. [31] pre- are used together with a product family (PF). For a
sented methods to move assembly variation analysis PF, a group of KCs is defined. Each KC has a name
into the early stages of aircraft development where and a value which can be either quantitative or quali-
critical partitioning, sourcing, and production deci- tative. Since the content of a KC is a reflection of the
sions are often made for component parts that have concept, layout, and geometrical structure of a whole
not yet been designed. A generic framework for family of products, they are used to retrieve PFs. The
prediction of assembly variation was developed. An values of the KCs reflect the differences among indivi-
efficient, top-down approach was adopted. Instead of dual products inside a PF. Hence, the values of the KCs
taking measurements everywhere, the variation analy- are used further to retrieve a specific product within a
sis starts with aeroplane-level requirements (e.g. load PF [33]. Based on the methodology, Ong and Guo
capabilities, orientation of horizontal/vertical stabi- then developed an online web-based environment for
lizers), and then assembly requirements (mainly the reuse of detailed design [34].
geometric dimensioning and tolerancing callouts, The US Navy’s Best Manufacturing Practise pro-
quantifiable in Quality Control) are derived. Next the gramme is known as a continuous survey study of
contributors to a particular assembly requirement producibility practices throughout US defence indus-
are identified through a DFC analysis. Finally, the try companies. One of the significant outcomes of
major contributors are further characterized through this programme is ‘Producibility System Guidelines
a sensitivity study of metamodels or three-dimen- - The Five Steps to Success’ for product development
sional variation analysis models. A case study of a ver- [35]. KCs are recognized as the crucial drivers in these
tical fin was used to demonstrate the validity of the five steps, including producibility infrastructure,
proposed framework [31]. determining process capability, addressing produci-
Phoomboplab and Ceglarek [32] proposed a design bility during conceptual design and detailed design
synthesis framework for dimensional management in respectively, and producibility measurement.
multi-stage assembly systems which integrate three
critical design tasks: tolerance optimization, multi- 4.2 Manufacturing process planning
fixture layout design, and part-to-part joint design.
During the manufacturing process planning phase,
The proposed framework is based on the develop-
although research work involving KCs is not as preva-
ment of the following.
lent as in the engineering design phase, many efforts
1. A new hybrid design structure matrix which inte- have been made to develop manufacturing or build
grates design tasks with design configurations of plans to deliver KCs. Manufacturing process planning

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generally includes assembly planning, (fabrication) proposed a three-phase process planning model
process planning, and inspection or measurement including initial, rough, and detailed process plan-
planning. ning. KCs were proposed to represent the rough-
For assembly planning, Whitney [36] proposed a granularity and incomplete product information,
systematic method to select the necessary part fea- and a strategic framework of KC-based rough-cut
tures, tool and machine capabilities. This method process planning was established. Approaches to cru-
focused on achieving KCs. The KCs are established cial issues involved in rough-cut process planning
and flowed down to assembly planners, and then were presented, including identification of KCs from
become a set of requirements for structured assem- product information, multi-level resolution-based
bly process analysis. This method is supported by a manufacturing processes classification and selection,
number of computational and analytical tools to extensible core process planning, and producibility
rapidly consider a large number of potential assem- evaluation based on difference degree of KCs.
bly sequences and part features. This is because the For measurement or inspection planning, Chen
focus is maintained on the important features, which [39] and Chen and Thornton [40] demonstrated that
the process must deliver. This approach enables an optimal inspection plan can be quantitatively
assembly process decisions to be traceable to pro- selected using the KC flowdown model and Monte
duct performance issues and therefore allows clarifi- Carlo simulation. On the one hand, the research laid
cation of assembly issues in a concurrent engineering the foundation for formulating analytical equations
environment. A case study on a family of aircraft skin to evaluate inspection plans; on the other hand, the
panels at a major US aircraft assembly supplier was research has provided a methodology to help select
used to illustrate the method. Wang and Ceglarek the optimal inspection plan based on modelling,
[37] developed a methodology for quality-driven simulation, and optimization. The KC flowdown
sequence planning (Q/SP), which considers product model provides a way to understand, visualize, and
quality in term of KPCs. The proposed Q/SP metho- capture the way variation propagates from feature-
dology is based on three steps. level KCs to system requirements through multiple-
level cause-and-effect relationships. The Monte Carlo
1. Generating all possible line configurations/layouts.
simulation calculates the cost and benefit of an
2. Representing dimensional quality as a product
inspection plan. Running multiple simulations in an
variation propagation model using a beam-based
optimization process provides a way to find an opti-
mal inspection plan. Suri et al. [41] introduced a
3. Evaluating assembly sequences and line config-
technique that can be used in the early manufactur-
urations using the multivariate process capability
ing process design stage to select from among the
set of quality characteristics a smaller set that is ade-
A simulation for an industrial case study involving an quate to ensure a product meets yield specifications.
SUV car aperture was carried out, which allows selec- The critical subset of quality characteristics needed
tion of the three best assembly line configurations to ensure yield are identified, based upon a condi-
and sequences. tional probability model that ensures all specifica-
For process planning, Chin et al. [38] proposed a tions are met, given that the critical subset is met.
hybrid approach to rough-cut process planning for The approach has been demonstrated using a sheet
quality assurance. The approach aims to determine stretch forming manufacturing system from the aero-
process alternatives with an adequate process cap- space industry. Maropoulos et al. [42] proposed the
ability during the initial planning stage of the product use of aggregate product modelling as a vehicle for
development cycle based on KCs. It consists of four integrating dimensional management into complex
steps. product design and assembly. Dimensional manage-
ment captures key tolerance attributes, which are
1. Identification of quality characteristics, particu-
the main KCs of a mechanical product at the design
larly KCs.
stage and manages dimensional variation during
2. Planning of the process quality by combining
subsequent manufacture and assembly stages in a
QFD with FMEA.
coordinated fashion. Error propagation models were
3. Selection of process alternatives.
developed to quantify the contribution of different
4. Assessment of process quality through a quality
error sources to the overall uncertainty of a specific
measure index.
assembly process through tolerance-enriched feature
The process alternatives for which adequate process modelling and measurement planning focused on
capability has been determined can be used not a few key product attributes. The analysis could
only as the guidelines for detailed process planning be applied to the whole design, assembly, and mea-
but also as feedback for the product design for design surement process in a closed loop fashion, clearly
evaluation and improvement. Zheng et al. [17] illustrating the use of dimensional management

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in practice. As a move towards closed-loop dimen- Thornton [48] provided a mathematical model capable
sional management for KCs, Maropoulos et al. [43] of optimally allocating VR resources for a complex
further used large volume metrology (LVM) as digital product. The VR model had three parts: a model of
integrator for large and complex products between variation propagation, a model of variation costs, and
the product definition and actual manufacturing or a model of VR costs. These models were used to
production activities. directly calculate the optimal resource allocation plan
and schedule for a product with multiple product
4.3 Production and testing quality requirements. An example from the aerospace
industry was used to demonstrate the theory.
During production and testing phases, the most Another well-recognized methodology for KCs var-
important task is to identify and isolate the root causes iation analysis and reduction is stream-of-variation
of faults caused by process variations for a production analysis (SOVA) which aims to improve automotive
or manufacturing system/line [44, 45]. The use of KCs assembly quality [44, 49]. The SOVA methodology is
is a powerful tool to help identify and reduce sources a generic simulation engine for modelling, analysis,
of variability. Reduction of variability can eventually and performance prediction of multi-stage manu-
result in greater product performance, fewer defects, facturing processes where product geometry and
and lower manufacturing cost. There are two major dimensional variation are of critical importance. The
sources of variability in technical processes [5]. SOVA system is based on a mathematically based
1. The inherent variability of manufacturing pro- unified representation (state space model) of multi-
cesses. Every factor in a manufacturing process stage manufacturing processes. Such a representa-
possesses inherent variability. tion allows for integration of KPCs and KCCs repre-
2. The inherent variability of measurement sys- sented in CAD/CAM models, with information about
tems. Several large manufacturing firms believe process layout, sequence of operations, and produc-
that variability in their measurement system tion system observability (allocation of measurement
initially contributed 20–25 per cent to the pro- gauges and position of measurement points for quality
blems and defects found in their shop floor [5]. check) [49]. More recently, based on the SOVA metho-
dology, Huang et al. [50] developed a single station
Most research and applications of KCs are focused on
SOVA model for three-dimensional rigid part assem-
variation reduction (VR) and variation risk manage-
bly. Fixture/parts errors and different types of joints
ment (VRM) [45] during production and measure-
are taken into account in the model. A concept of a
ment and testing. The major case studies come
generalized virtual fixture was created to formulate
from aircraft and automotive industries, for which
variation caused by part mating errors and fixture
the final product quality is assured and improved by
errors in a unified framework. This work on a single
minimizing the part and process variations.
Researchers from MIT made many contributions to station SOVA model provided an infrastructure for
KCs research in the late-1990s. Thornton [14] pro- further expansion to a generic three-dimensional
posed a mathematical framework for KC variation SOVA model in multi-station systems [51], in which
propagation so as to predict the final product quality. an assembly process is modelled as a spatial indexed
To help understand why companies still fail to sys- state transition dynamic system. The model takes
tematically address variation, an ideal model of varia- into account product and process factors such as
tion management was then proposed entitled VRM part-to-fixture, part-to-part, and inter-station interac-
[46]. The VRM is a systematic framework for product tions, which represent the influences coming from
development using KCs as drivers. It comprises three both tooling errors and part errors. Case studies
processes including risk identification which is also including a floor-pan assembly of an automotive
called KC identification, risk assessment to predict underbody and a track cab assembly were implemen-
and allocate variation, and risk mitigation. The risk ted to validate the SOVA model for multi-stage assem-
mitigation includes two broad mitigation strategies: bly systems. In order to identify variation sources for
design changes and process improvement [45]. Using manufacturing processes so as to improve product
the VRM framework, Thornton et al. [47] made dimensional quality, Loose et al. [52] presented a var-
further efforts and presented a survey of variation iation source identification methodology in the pre-
management practices in US aerospace/military sence of relational dimension measurements. In the
and commercial industry, and showed that the proposed methodology, the joint probability density
aero/military organizations were significantly worse of the measurements is determined as a function of
than commercial companies such as automotive the process parameters; then, a series of statistical
and copier systems. Moreover, VR teams are typically tests is performed to differentiate and identify the var-
resource constrained, and they must carefully select iation source. A case study of automotive hood assem-
where to focus their efforts. To solve this problem, bly, where five product KCs are selected to be

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measured, was presented to illustrate the effectiveness feature details. Thus, KPCs flow down to the detailed
of the methodology. feature level, and their associated variability and cap-
Chakhunashvili et al. [53] and Johansson et al. [54] ability knowledge are assessed. An example is pro-
described a statistically based engineering method, vided for the use of the database, based on the
variation mode and effect analysis (VMEA), that facil- representation of a gas turbine engine from a major
itates an understanding of variation and highlights aerospace manufacturing company.
the product/process areas in which improvement Hassan et al. [58] proposed an FMEA-KC model by
efforts should be targeted. The VMEA method can integrating the KC model with an information model
be used to systematically look for noise factors affect- for FMEA. The FMEA-KC model allows for manage-
ing KPCs. The goal of VMEA is to identify and priori- ment of KCs, reusing the knowledge about causalities
tize noise factors that significantly contribute to the and relations between KCs, and validation of design
variability of KPCs and might yield unwanted conse- robustness using FMEA knowledge. A case study of
quences with respect to safety, compliance with gov- a centring fixturing system was implemented to vali-
ernmental regulations, and functional requirements. date the integrated FMEA-KC model.
As a result of the analysis, a variation risk priority Hellemann et al. [59] developed a web-based pro-
number is calculated which directs the attention to cess capability management system for KCs. The KC
areas where reasonably anticipated variation might management system is used for collecting and track-
be detrimental. An industrial application for a ing process capability data for manufacturers of
heavy-duty diesel engine has been described to illus- parts. The recipient of the parts can input informa-
trate how the VMEA can be used for quality improve- tion on the KCs of the parts that require process
ment purposes. capability data into the system. The manufacturer of
the parts can then access the system and enter pro-
cess capability data relative to a specific part and
5 KCs-BASED INFORMATION AND KC. The system can then be used by both recipients
and manufacturers to generate reports on the process
capability status for all parts, processes, product
As knowledge and information-driven next-generation
characteristics, and manufacturers.
product development advances rapidly, more and
Morris [60] proposed an idea of characteristics life-
more efforts have been directed at managing and uti-
cycle management (CLM). CLM is a method to
lizing KC information and knowledge so as to improve
define, capture, and manage characteristics over the
product developments.
life of a product and to capture design intent knowl-
Huang et al. [55] argued that a KC method needs to
edge at building block level to ensure product consis-
be developed in the DFX (Design for X) context, and
tency and process repeatability. To implement the
proposed some methods to implement KC (including
KPC and KCC) information management with pro- CLM idea, they developed Cohesia 8.0 as a USA
duct data by means of bills of materials and with pro- patent, as an all-inclusive software solution to sup-
cess data by means of flow process charts. These port an organization’s management of characteristic
methods and their applicable scenarios are analysed data throughout the product lifecycle. During the
with respect to the fundamentals of KCs including design process they provide tools for concurrent
KC flowdown, multiple viewpoints, and relationships engineering, and the part-specific master specifica-
between KCs. tions created can be used by manufacturing sources
Rezayat [56] proposed the use of the concept of for various critical processes, such as production
KCs for defining a communication dictionary for planning, request for quotation, and online comple-
human beings or their agents, and the use of the tion of AS9102 and AS9103 forms by manufacturing
extensible markup language (XML) as an enabling partners. Cohesia claim to be helping aerospace
tool for making this dictionary function within the manufacturers to eliminate the ambiguity in the
Web. KCs and XML together provide a practical flowdown of detailed requirements and specifica-
ontology (shared vocabulary) and communication tions across their supply chain [6].
mechanism for all levels of the extended enterprise Raytheon six sigma [18] developed design for six
and for the entire product development cycle. sigma (DFSS), a process that identifies and focuses
In order to integrate product representations with on KCs in design to ensure delivery of a product
KCs and VRM, Balogun et al. [57] reported a project that is compatible with the company manufacturing
funded by the European Union and supported by capabilities and processes. Raytheon Missile Systems
the industrial collaborators Turbo Propulsores SA, used DFSS to improve the design and manufacture
Volvo Aero Corporation AB, and Rolls-Royce plc. of the AIM-9X Sidewinder and AMRAAM air-to-air
This project developed a database which models missiles for its Navy and Air Force customers. They
complex product specifications, down to component have been implementing KCs management and cost

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management throughout the product lifecycle to model and measurement plans, and KCs’ data
track and assure achievements or requirements. collection requirements are presented during quality
engineering. Finally, during manufacturing and
6 TYPICAL INDUSTRIAL PRACTICES assembly, KCs’ data and process capability are fed
back to the critical assembly issue and customer
Many world-class companies, particularly in complex respectively by means of the AIMS (advanced inte-
product manufacture such as the aerospace, defence, grated mathematic system). AIMS is a software solu-
and automotive industries have implemented or are tion developed jointly by the Boeing Company and
implementing the KCs methodology to manage and Metronor Group. The software enables seamless
control KCs during product development. Five signif- sharing of CAD geometry, inspection plans, and mea-
icant industrial cases on KCs management from the surement results back and forth between dissimilar
aerospace and defence industry are summarized in hardware and software platforms [62].
this section.
6.2 Lockheed Martin: F-22
6.1 Lockheed Martin: F35 LMTAS has established a VR programme to meet a
contractual requirement of the F-22 programme
In order to meet the radically different production [63]. The VR team on the F-22 has identified 2561
requirements for a next generation affordable fighter PKCs. These are part-number driven and equate to
- Joint Striker Fighter (JSF) - the primary contractor, the 678 processes/part families that led to the devel-
Lockheed Martin Tactical Aircraft Systems (LMTAS) opment of 126 VR instructions.
advocates the vision of ‘closing the loop of the digital Lessons learned during this process include the
design and manufacturing thread’ through KCs need to incorporate VR into normal engineering
among more than 60 suppliers from nine countries. requirements to help early identification of the KCs.
To meet the global standardization challenge, the There are several defined objectives including: redu-
standardized measurement and inspection plans cing variation of KCs; estimating the impact of pro-
for a variety of measurement instruments and equip- cess variations on KCs; verifying the compatibility of
ments including coordinate measurement machines, KCs requirements with the manufacturing process;
arm, laser tracker, laser radar, scanner, and electro- identifying producibility studies for improving qual-
optical, are established based on standard KC defini- ity, increasing integrity and/or reducing production
tion and related data such as tolerance and datum cost; characterizing key manufacturing processes
schemes. using statistical data; reducing scrap, rework, and
Figure 4 illustrates the complete digital thread of repair; and reducing reliance on finished product
an airframe KC selection and management process inspection.
[61]. Such a thread starts from the critical assembly
issue, then candidate KCs and final KCs are identified
6.3 Raytheon: AIX-9M
during manufacturing engineering according to the
variation management and assessment strategy. The Raytheon Missile Systems Company (RMSC) has
Then the final KCs are designated in the design implemented a KCDS which focuses on PKCs and

Fig. 4 JSF Airframe KC selection and management process

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attempts to control excessive variation in product fea- edge are identified, and 3DCS is used on the leading
tures [64]. KCDS is useful to assure product quality edge attachment of the A400M military transport
by improving customer satisfaction, communication, aircraft to measure and control the gap variation
efficiency, product design, process design, manu- between the leading edge and the low cover so as
facturing, assembly, and the final product during the to validate and refine the corresponding KC and
product design phase, and during the ongoing manu- tolerance.
facturing and assembly operations. KCDS also utilizes
teamwork, and promotes customer involvement to 6.5 Boeing: 787
define and address critical items in a product’s design.
Boeing has implemented dimensional manage-
When used early in the design process, KCDS assures
ment for the 787 programme during the product
robust designs and reduces process variation.
definition phase [66]. Dimensional management is
RMSC recently implemented KCDS on the AIM-9X
recognized as a disciplined approach to understand-
programme. Currently, there are 300 unique draw-
ing probability/cost of, and appropriate responses
ings on AIM-9X, of which 75 per cent have been
to, geometric variation of parts and assemblies. It
reviewed. Of these, less than half have existing
is a product definition phase effort. Dimensional
KPCs, and those drawings that do have one to four management focuses on the critical few product geo-
KPCs per drawing. The results of KCDS’s impact on metric characteristics. The identified focus areas on
the AIM-9X programme are pending. the 787 programme are integrations that are con-
sidered risky enough to warrant in-depth variation
6.4 Airbus: A400M analysis studies. Engineers are committed to ana-
lyse, compromise, and share values so that the
Airbus UK is committed to a high level of dimen- whole production system is optimized for sensitivity
sional management to facilitate the right-first-time to variation, and to reflect important dimensional
principle in design and manufacturing. The old management information (features, indexes, datum,
design/manufacturing cycle has been transformed tolerances, important measures) during the product
into the new one by more communication among definition. A variety of tools were adopted to imple-
design engineers, manufacturing engineers, tooling ment such dimensional management. Figure 6
design and manufacturing engineers, and fabrication illustrates the principle of build plan analysis in
and assembly engineers. This is illustrated in Fig. 5, in dimensional management for the 787. It was imple-
which the systematic management for KCs and mented by a 3DVA (three-dimensional variation ana-
tolerance at every milestone from concept phase to lysis) software toolset. The inputs include end-item
development phase is implemented. In the new requirements, part geometry, tool geometry, assem-
closed-loop cycle, effective tools including SPC, bly plan and index plan, and measurement plan.
FMEA, design for safe manufacture and 3DCS The outputs through dimensional management by
(three-dimensional control system) are deployed means of 3DVA are predicted performance, KCs,
[65]. Specifically, five KCs for a generic fixed leading tolerance cost drivers, and dataset tolerance. The

Fig. 5 Deployment of KC and tolerance management in the Airbus UK design/manufacturing cycle

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Process Doc, Datums/GD&T

End-Item Index Plan, Key characteristics

CATIA part Performance


CATIA Tool Key

Geometry 3DVA characteristics

Sequence and Tolerance Cost
Index plan Drivers

Capability Dataset

Fig. 6 Build plan analysis in dimensional management for Boing 787 dreamliner

generated documents of dimensional management KCs/key features/critical characteristics are com-

include index plan, datum plan, variation analysis monly recognized by the quality engineering team
report, dimensional requirement agreement, etc. and project or programme management, while key
properties, key parameters, and critical parameters
7 DISCUSSION are usually adopted in engineering design.
In fact, a critical characteristic could be any feature
7.1 Different concepts and scopes of KCs throughout the lifecycle of a product safety item.
Thus, critical characteristic is synonymous with criti-
One of the main problems with the use of KCs is that
cal safety characteristic [8]. Key feature is an almost
they are still limited to a small group of individuals
exchangeable term to key characteristic according to
from quality management and project management, the popular definitions from industry standards as
but fairly unknown and unmanaged at the enterprise
introduced in section 3.1. However, in a CAD/CAM
level and throughout the product lifecycle. In addi-
context, a feature is ‘a geometric portion with signifi-
tion, there are other similar concepts that are being
cant engineering meaning of part’ [67]. The concept
used in product design, manufacturing, and manage-
and semantics of ‘feature’ are commonly recognized
ment. The following list presents some issues that
in the CAD/CAM domain and ISO/STEP [68]. We
should be made clear among all the functions and
suggest therefore that ‘key feature’ should not be
individuals at the enterprise level.
used to express a KC which has broad engineering
7.1.1 Different companies or industries using and business meanings. Another close term ‘key prop-
different terms or definitions in their erties’ is also sometimes used as the synonym of KCs,
implementations but it is not exact either since property usually, in
engineering design analysis, refers to an object’s or
In particular, the definitions of KC from aerospace/ artefact’s geometry (such as area, volume), mass char-
Boeing and automotive/GM are somewhat different. acteristic (such as weight, centroids-centres of gravity,
Nonetheless, all the concepts in different companies and moments of inertia) or material characteristic
and industries describe the same information, i.e. (strength, ductility, etc.). Finally, key parameters and
the key and important requirements in the all phases critical parameters are too general to express the con-
from design to manufacturing and support. cept and meaning of KC. As a result, we suggest that
KCs be used from the point of view of PLM.
7.1.2 Different terms are usually used during
product design and development
7.1.3 Different products focus on different
Many similar terms to KCs, such as key feature, critical
categories of KCs
characteristic, key properties or attributes, and key
parameters are not rigorously used in different func- For mechanical products, most of the KCs refer to the
tion teams during product design and manufacturing. geometric characteristics, i.e. geometry, dimensions,

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and tolerances as well as surface finish, especially tol- control plans, and collecting, analysing, and acting
erance. Therefore KCs management and control upon data. Too many KCs can be caused by:
mainly focus on tolerance and error variation models
(a) misunderstanding of the purpose and definition
for mechanical product design and manufacturing.
of KCs;
Hence, most research and practical efforts to date
(b) overly cautious design engineers who regard KCs
on KCs belong to dimension and tolerance model- as an opportunity to tighten the reins on manu-
ling, analysis, and variation reduction. facturing;
However, KCs by no means merely involve geome- (c) the desire for manufacturing data and knowl-
try, dimension, and tolerance management for edge.
mechanical products. For example, Rolls-Royce
drawings cite conformance control features (CCFs). Therefore, training of all IPT members is the key for
These CCFs do not have to be dimensional, they preventing too many KCs from being chosen.
could be material properties, surface finish, or
weight. Where CCFs are cited, they can be interpreted 7.3 The core issues of KCs management
as being KCs [11]. Physical and chemical characteris- are dimensional management and
tics are some necessary and crucial ones that need to variation management
assured through non-machining manufacturing pro-
cesses. For example, the surface hardness of a com- In product development and product lifecycle man-
ponent is a kind of physical characteristic which agement, KCs management is undoubtedly very
needs a heat treatment process to assure. Another important. It is a system engineering methodology
example is corrosion resistance of a surface, which because it involves a number activities or tasks and
is a kind of characteristic which may need an electro- a variety of implementation methods and tools
throughout the product lifecycle. However, the core
plating or paint process to assure. Consequently,
issues of KCs management are dimensional manage-
although geometric characteristics, particularly toler-
ment (DM) and variation management (VM). From
ances, are the focus of KC management, other cate-
the perspective of industrial practices, DM is imple-
gories of characteristic should be equally taken into
mented during the product design or product defini-
tion phase, whereas VM is carried out during the
production or build/delivery phase [66].
7.2 KCs are dynamic in nature and are DM is a subset of VRM and is specific to geometric
view dependent issues [45, 69]. Curtis provided a comprehensive
introduction to DM in his book [70]. Craig presented
Another problem with the widespread use of KCs is
a systematic procedure for DM, which involves six
that they are dynamic in nature and view dependent
basic steps in the context of CAD/CAM and product
[56]. As for the concept of ‘feature’ in CAD/CAM, a
data management (PDM) [71]. He regarded DM as
KC is actually a generic concept. Thus, different
both an engineering methodology and a set of com-
experts from different functions or disciplines may puter software tools that can enable organizations
have a different understanding of the meaning of to continually reduce concept-to-market time,
attributes for the same KCs. This will lead unneces- improve product quality, and reduce overall cost.
sary KCs to be discovered or re-defined at any time DM has been effectively performed in the aerospace
during the development cycle [46]. By definition and defence industry in the last decade [68, 72–75].
there should be relatively few KCs. Although there is For example, Northrop Grumman’s Affordability
no magic number that is universally applicable, and Producibility Management has utilized various
each part may have 1–4 KCs, and most simple parts DM tools within its IPD teams and the assembly
(such as clips and brackets) should have none. How- cost centres. In particular, geometric dimensioning
ever, KC status is not etched in stone. They are and tolerancing and KCs were used to transition
changeable over time and may be deleted as the from the engineering and manufacturing develop-
design is changed. Initial KCs should be identified ment model stage to the low rate initial production
when the conceptual design finishes while the com- stage for the F/A-18 E/F programme. These tools,
plete KCs ought to be identified at the end of detailed applied to the after side panel (fuselage) section of
design. New KCs can be added by the refined design the F/A-18 E/F, were used to address the production
as well. Typically, early in a programme, the number readiness review issues concerning potential pro-
of KCs should be expected to rise as new KCs are blems with datum coordination and the validation
identified, later in development they should be of product definition initiatives [74].
slightly reduced as some are designed away [13]. Reduction management is also a subset of VRM
The number of KCs can be a potential pitfall. Each and it focuses on key manufacturing processes which
KC costs money by requiring the development of contain one or more KCCs. These KCCs actually are

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process variables or parameters, which are identified key, necessary, and adequate information can be
through KPCs flowdown from design to manufactur- transferred among the collaborators [77]. However,
ing. SPC is the most important tool to perform reduc- current CAD/CAM files lack flexibility on selective
tion management. The implementation of reduction design information retrieving and reuse, and they
management is able to realize continuous process do not support partial data query. Therefore, KCs
improvement, and also to feedback important pro- can be used as an enabler to define a communication
duction data, particularly KCs’ process capability dictionary and specification for human beings or
and measurement data, to product design. In terms their software agents/tools so as to transfer and
of KC management, as detailed in section 4.3, a large exchange lean product information effectively and
amount of effort has been made for reduction man- to facilitate collaboration and coordination among
agement in the aerospace, automotive, and ship- all participants.
building industries [44–54].
Although DM and VM are performed in different
phases of product development, they both aim 8.2 Establishing KC and process capability
to reduce variation of KCs. Therefore, KCs are the databases at extended enterprise level
fundamental links or threads between the two Identification of KPCs and their design limits, along
core issues because of the overlap of the critical few with identification of key production processes and
values – the KCs [76]. their capabilities, are basic engineering tasks which
should be performed during product development
[13]. Established KC and process capability databases
8 FUTURE RESEARCH DIRECTIONS can significantly support engineering design, manu-
facturing planning, VR, and continuous improve-
Based on the above survey, several related issues to ment, and can facilitate cost-effective product
the directions of current and future research on KC improvement activities [78]. Therefore, it is necessary
methodologies and practice are outlined below: that historical information and knowledge about KCs
and their capabilities are collected and stored. Such
8.1 Collaborative product development using KC and process capability databases at extended
KCs as an enabler enterprise level are fundamental to the development
of KC applications in product lifecycle management.
Effective communication among collaborators
involved in product development is critical to the
realization of a truly collaborative product design 8.3 Three-dimensional model-based KCs
and development process. Can individual developers annotation and designation
(including designers, customers, suppliers, manufac-
Annotation has been an important technology for
turers, etc.) selectively access only necessary infor-
many years, spurred on in particular by the World
mation? Can a designer’s intent be consistently
Wide Web and more recently by the Semantic
captured and shared with other designers? Appli-
Web [79]. Representation-independent stable three-
cations of KCs as a backbone can improve com-
munication and coordination among disparate dimensional annotation is recognized as one of the
organizations, and therefore might be a possible challenges of a generalized three-dimensional docu-
answer to the aforementioned questions. First, ment [80]. Assuming we know what we mean when
the process of having cross-functional (often cross- we speak about three-dimensional data and that we
company) representatives at the same table to deter- can store and retrieve the data reliably, the next
mine critical interfaces, features, etc. can pay huge problem is how to tie additional information to
dividends. Second, in some cases, the prime contrac- parts of a three-dimensional model. The traditional
tor may give specific KCs to a supplier, especially if approach to the designation and markup of KCs
the supplier is producing to a design provided by on two-dimensional-drawings was established in
the prime contractor. Suppliers who have design manual communications and documents. Such an
authority, however, should have the responsibility to approach is not fully suitable for recent techniques
identify their KCs and critical processes. In other and systems of product modelling, and information
cases, the prime contractor should have a systematic and knowledge management. A novel method based
plan for managing their suppliers’ production of on annotation is needed to identify, document, and
designs and products with KCs [13]. Third, corpora- communicate KCs and their information and knowl-
tions do not want to expose complete product data edge. In addition, the method for KCs annotation
to customers or suppliers because of information and designation needs to be directly implemented
confidentiality. Collaborative product development on a three-dimensional product model and be added
should support lean information processing so that in more semantic meanings.

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8.4 KC-centric information and knowledge because KCs’ production data have not been well
management enabled PLM collected and fed back to up-stream phases. There-
fore, measurement and metrology information and
KCs provide a unique thread linking requirement,
knowledge (e.g. dimension and error data, process
design, manufacturing, and support [13]. For exam-
capability data, process FMEA knowledge) need to
ple, design usually refers to the previous product’s
be integrated with product and process design, parti-
KCs to prepare the specifications for different
cularly in assembly design [43, 82].
product levels either during designing new subsys-
tems/parts or during selecting ones bought from sup-
pliers. Also, new design is required to balance the ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
product requirements (product characteristics) and
the process capability so as to improve the produci- The authors acknowledge the financial support of
bility. A systematic method is required for capturing China National 11th 5-year Advanced Research
KCs at the semantic level for each business sector Program (grant 51318010302) and Beijing Key
and for managing them and their knowledge using Laboratory of Digital Design and Manufacturing
enterprise strength PDM and enterprise resource (grant JD100060516) as well as the EPSRC Innovative
planning (ERP) systems. The main imaginable KCs Design & Manufacturing Research Centre at the
information and knowledge includes manufacturing University of Bath, UK.
processes, critical operations and control plans, key
manufacturing resources, measurement data, pro-
cess capability, design and process failure modes, and DISCLAIMER
effects analysis and cost data, etc. All this information
and knowledge needs to be reasonably organized The names of vendors’ products are used here for
and linked to KCs and, through markup and designa- descriptive purposes only. This does not imply any
tion, KCs are further linked to the different level enti- endorsement or recommendation of any vendors’
ties (e.g. body, feature, face, edge, point) of a digital products by the authors.
product model. Thus, all authorized KCs team mem-
bers can realize the vision of KCs-centric information
and knowledge management, which is an important REFERENCES
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