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Direction: Choose and encircle the letter of the correct answer from the choices below.
1. It is the ability to make choices and perform actions, and in an intrinsic and essential; property
of human person.
a) Psychological Freedom
b) Physical Freedom
c) Moral Freedom
d) Freedom
2. It is the freedom from any physical restraint
a) Psychological Freedom
b) Physical Freedom
c) Moral Freedom
d) Moral Freedom
3. This is a freedom of choice
a) Psychological Freedom
b) Physical Freedom
c) Moral Freedom
d) Freedom
4. This is the ability to act out of one’s own free will and self-determination
a) Voluntariness
b) Responsibility
c) Obligation
d) Free will
5. This refers to the person being accountable for his or her actions and their consequences
a) Voluntariness
b) Responsibility
c) Obligation
d) Free will
6. This society is based on knowledge, information, and the sale of services
a) Post-industrial Society
b) Agricultural Society
c) Horticultural Society
d) Industrial Society
7. This society is based on the ownership of land
a) Feudal society
b) Pastoral society
c) Agrarian society
d) Hunting society
8. The earliest and simplest form of society
a) Hunting and gathering society
b) Agrarian and agricultural society
c) Post-industrial society
d) Industrial society
9. This society primarily relies on the domestication of animals for food
a) Feudal society
b) Pastoral society
c) Agrarian society
d) Hunting society
10. This society is generally small in size and is composed of families
a) Hunting and gathering society
b) Agrarian society
c) Post-industrial society
d) Industrial society
11. This society use machinery in producing goods and services
a) Feudal society
b) Pastoral society
c) Agrarian society
d) Hunting society
12. This society has given to the virtual society
a) Hunting and gathering society
b) Agrarian society
c) Post-industrial society
d) Industrial society
13. Love and friendship
a) Useful Good
b) Noble Good
c) Pleasurable Good
d) All of the above
14. Money is Good
a) Useful Good
b) Noble Good
c) Pleasurable Good
d) All of the above
15. Academic and career advancement
a) Useful Good
b) Noble Good
c) Pleasurable Good
d) All of the Above


Direction: write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is false. Write your
answer on the space provided before the number.

16. Ethics of care believe that person help one another because4 of their selfish interests.
17. Empathy requires an individual to accept the other as thinking’ feeling person.
18. All human find it difficult to have meaningful relationships with others.
19.Availability refers to the willingness of a person to make himself or herself available for
20. An authentic relationship is possible only if individuals acknowledge each other’s
presence as a person.
21. Seeming refers to the capacity on individuals to engage im genuine interaction with
22. Intersubjectivity refers to the shared awareness and understanding among people.
23. The view and ideas of other people, as well as object and not as person.
24.We primarily aware of people as objects and not as persons.
25. Man has natural tendency to establish relationships with other people.


Death Self-Determination Noble Good Useful Good
Pleasurable Good Physical Suffering Mental Suffering
Suffering Happiness Pleasurable

26. It is the kind of suffering that includes depression, anxiety, fear, looniness, and grief
27. It is the kind of suffering that refers to discomfort, hunger, stress and pain.
28. It is the kind of good that is considered good so long as it serves as a means to an
29. It is the essence of freedom which is the capacity to choose and act for oneself.
30. It is the kind of good that is pursued for its own sake.
31. according to ancient Greek philosophy, it is an achievement and must be gained by
living a productive and moral life.
32. It is the kind of good that I good so long as it provides some form of pleasures.
33. It refers to how our lives are temporary.
34. It takes place when we patiently endure unpleasantness, discomfort, and pain.
35. It refers to the separation of the soul to the body.


Explain briefly your answer to the question below
36-40. Why do we suffer?
41-45. What is the essence of freedom?
46-50. What is society?





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