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Earth and Life Science

Geologic Process

 a natural process whereby geological features are modified


 Originating on or above the surface of the earth


 Originating within the earth

Exogenic Process or Denudation

 Refers to the activities or phenomena that occur on the earths surface

 It is considered as destructive and are responsible for degradation and sculpting the
earths surface


 The breaking or crumbling of rocks by physical, chemical, or biological means

essential for rock cycle, soil production andmovement of materials on the earth’ s
 Is the process of disintegraion (physical) and decomposition (chemical) of rocks
 Breaking down of rocks into smaller particles

Mechanical Weathering

 The breakdown of the rock into smaller pieces is by physical means

(Pressure Release,Temperature,Frost wedging,Abrasion,Biological Activity)

 Pressure Release -when a rock that forms under great pressure is brought to the
surface and overlying rock is flaked away, fractures will form parallel to the outer
surface of the rock.
 Exfoliation- happens when the pressure or stress on the rock is reduced resulting to
 Temprature- when rocks heat up,they expand(grow)
 Frost/Ice Wedging- water seeps into cracks in rock then the water freezes it
 Biological- organic activity,human activity and burrowing of animals
 Abrasion – scraping or wearing away,rock fragments are carried along by wind or
Chemical Weathering

 Is the chemical breakdown of rocks and minerals into new substances

(Oxidation,Hydration,Hydrolysis,Carbonation,Acid Rain)
 Oxygen- combines with other substances in a chemical reaction called
oxication,when oxygen combines with iron,rust is form,this weakens chemical bonds
and break the rocks.
 Water- can weather rock by dissolving minerals.
 Carbon Dioxide- when water combines with CO2,it forms carbonic acid
 Acid Rain- SO2 and NO react with water and oxygen to create acid rain.Acid speeds
up weathering and damages plant and animal life.


Rock particles get carried away by wind,water,Ice and Gravity

 Wind (blows)
 Water (Flows)
 Gravity (pulls)
 Glaciers (Scrape)

Erosion by Water (Coastal)

 Changes the shape of coastlines,waves contantly crash against shore.

Erosion by Wind (Aeolian)

 Carries dust,sand and volcanic ash from one place to another.Wind can so,etimes
blow sand into towering dunes.

Erosion by Ice (Glacial)

 Can erode the land in frigid areas and on some mountains,glaciers move slowly
downhill and across the land

Erosion by Gravity

 Gravity pulls any loose bits down the sidw of a hill or mountain. Gravity Erosion is
better known as Mass Movement

Weathering breaks down the rock and Erosion carries this rock away

Rock Cycle It is a series of processes that create and transform the types of rocks in
earth’s crust

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