Pre Work Speech

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What I strongly feel about being successful in life, is decision making.

Do you know what is the difference between Steve Job, Tim Cook, Narayan Murthy, Sundar Pichai,
Mukesh Ambani, Laxmi Mittal, and us? The difference between successful men and us, as students?

It is the decision-making. Most of us go about it the hard way, learning what not to do and then
deciding which way to follow. Successful people, however, approach decisions differently; they
have a systematic way of looking at choices.

I’ll tell you what that logical and systematic way is. Successful people recognize that there are small,
medium, and big decisions. Small decisions impact you for a day, for example, what you wear and
what you eat.

Medium decisions impact your life for a year or so, such as Joining the gym, or maybe a dance club.
They affect our life, but they aren’t crash-and-burn moments.

Bigger decisions are made once or twice a year, and successful people use their goals to decide the
right choice of decision. It is about deciding what your career should be, what exactly do you want
in your life, how do you want your life to look like. So, “Knowing your goals is key”.

But it is not like this that successful people always make the right decisions. We all make mistakes,
we all make bad decisions, but successful people when to correct themselves.

When they have enough evidence that they’ve made a bad decision, they immediately start
working on the solution. They’re willing to shut down a business, for example, and go in a different
direction. They fail fast, move on, and then they don’t talk about it again.

The key to continuing is to always revert to your goals. I call it the big reset. Just like we restart our
phone, similarly, a big reboot to our system.

We shall never adjust our goals downward to fit our current circumstances. Successful people keep
solid goals and then continue to make decisions purposefully around them.

“Decide what is right for you”. Successful people are not willing to let others take control. Don’t
give up control over things like fate and luck. If we own our decisions, we get what we choose.

So, think well and decide well. Know what your worth is.

Thank You.

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