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Like a book review, I am going to give this subject a 5 out 5 stars. Even before the second
semsester has started, I was so excited to learn from this subject because I feel like this will
have the same niche as Empowerment Technologies, which is one of my favorite dubject back
when I was in Grade 11.

Media and Information Literacy taught us about the consequences of plagiarism and unethical
use of the data made available on the internet. Not only that, we discuss the different forms of
media. One of the fun experiences I had in this subject is the groupings, wherein the notable
one is the activity when our assigned topic for us is the Watchdog Journalism. I had fun editing
the video and accumulating the needed information for that subject. We also did some radio
play, which in for group was to generally talk about the effects of social media. I even acted as
an anchor, because that was the assigned role to me.

All in all, I am very honored to learn from this subject, although one of my expectations for this
subject was to teach us how to properly fact-check and do some digital editing, because some
friends that I know who were older than me told me that those are the things they did with their
MIL subject. But I guess, it’s just limited since we are also following a different curriculum and
learning setup.

Once again, this subject is indeed my favorite. I am very interested in everything that involves
the internet, media, and social media, since it has been rooted in our daily lives. If given a
chance, I hope that I’ll encounter the same subject in my college life.

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