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Mid-Term Exam (2022-2023 Academic Year)
Grade-10 English Time Allowed (3) Hours
I. Read the following passage. (5 –
You may already know that “0” is also used in declaring the scores of a game. For example,
at the beginning of a game, say badminton, the umpire calls out: zero-zero. This means that neither of
the players has scored a point. Then, as the game proceeds we here the umpire calling out: zero-1; 1-1;
3-2; or 6-8 as the case may be. In tennis, though, we hear “love” instead of “zero”. Actually, it is not
the English word “love”. It is French for “egg”. The French use the word “egg” to mean “zero”.
Nobody knows for certain who discovered zero. Nobody knows for certain either when and
where it was discovered . However, the general belief is that was the Hindu mathematicians of India
who discovered zero, sometime in the sixth century or so. The Hindu word for it was “sŭnya”. Meaning
“empty”, or “void”. It is also believed that the Arabs borrowed it from the Hindus, and called it “sifr”,
which became the root word for the English words “cipher” and “zero”.
(A) Write the correct words or words to complete each sentence.
1. Most of the people have _________ that “0” is used to declare or announce the scores of a game.
2. ___________ calls out: zero-zero” at the starting of the badminton game.
(B) Answer each question in one sentence.
3. What does “0” represent on scales and coordinate axes?
4. When did the Hindu mathematicians discover zero?
5. What is the other English word for zero?
II. Read the following passage.
Just 50 kilometers southeast of Bagan lies Mouth Popa, an extinct volcano. It is a unique place for
those who would like to enjoy half a day or a day hiking and trekking in the mountain. If one has a taste for
mountains and hills, one can take a trip to the Shan hills where the weather is cooler, and the smiles of the various
ethnic groups in their colourful traditional costumes create an atmosphere of warmth and friendliness. Besides, it is
here that one will see the famous leg-rowers of Inlay Lake.
Other major tourist attractions in Myanmar are long, white, sandy and unspoilt beaches such as
Ngapali, Maungmakan, Chaungtha, Kanthayar and Ngwesaung, where one can study marine life, enjoy peace and
tranquility and view nature at its best.
(A) Write the correct word or words to complete each sentence.
1. ____________ is an extinct volcano.
2. The weather is ____________ in Shan State than in Bagan.
3. The weather is ____________ in Bagan then Shan State.
4. Inlay Lake is famous for its ____________ .
5. Ngapali is one of the major tourist __________ in Myanmar.
(B) Answer each question in one sentence.
6. Where is Mount Popa situated?
7. Who should visit the Shan hills?
8. What kind of beaches does Myanmar have?
9. If you visit Ngapali, Chaungtha and Ngwesaung beaches, what can you do?
10. Name the three beaches in Myanmar. (Not including in the passage.)
III. (A) Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words in branckets. (5 Marks)
1. In yesterday’s lecture, the professor ( illustrate ) the different concept of relativity.
2. Physics, Chemistry and ( mathematics ) are science subjects.
3. Speaking and writing are known as (production ) skills.
4. Thuta can’t ( equate ) passing an examination with being intelligent.
5. A doctor is a person who gives (medicine ) treatment to sick people.
III. (B) Complete each sentence with the appropriate word given in the box. There are two extras. (5 Marks)

zero hour ground zero portrays sonnet conveys bullet lyrical

1. Hiroshima was the first ___________ during World War II.
2. This painting ___________ a feeling of happiness.
3. The ___________ train can travel 186 miles per hour.
4. A ___________ is a poem that has fourteen lines.
5. A ___________ is a poem that expresses the poet’s thoughts and feelings about love, beauty, etc.
IV. Rewrite the sentences according to the instructions given in brackets. (10 Marks)
(1) Aung Min Khant won many prizes. He is the best footballer in our school.
Aung Min Khant,_________________________________________________
(2) Soe Thura is usually going to office by car.
(Rewrite the correct sentence using the correct tense)
(3) Pyin Oo Lwin, our town, is always called the flower city.
Separate the subject and predicate this sentence with a forward slash (/) and underline the verb.
(4) The girl didn’t bring any book and others to the class. She didn’t do her homework.
The girl brought neither ______________________________________________

(5) How often ( you / watch ) TV a day?

(Complete the sentence with the correct tense of the verb given in bracket.)
(6) Htun Htun can be select as the respresentative of our class. Nay Win can be selected as the representative
of our class.
(Join, using either ….or )
(7) The students playing in the school playground are my pupils.
(Box the adjective phrase in the sentence and circle the noun.)
(8) I like spaghetti. It is an Italian dish with noodles and sauce.
I like spaghetti,__________________________________________.
(9) I’ll have my hair cut today. I’ll have my hair cut tomorrow.
I’ll have my hair cut either _________________________________________________.
(10) My mother does not know that Thu Thu is buying a new house. My father does not know that she is
buying a new house.
Neither _________________________________________________________________.
V. Fill with word or words (1), (2) and (3). Answer the questions (4) and (5). (5 Marks)
(1) I wandered ___________ as a cloud.
That floats on high o’er vales and hills,
(2) Beside _________ , beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.
(3) Ten thousand saw I at a _________ ,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.
(4) What did the poet suddenly see ?
(5) Do you like flowers? If so, what flowers do you like?
VI. Write a paragraph on My favourite Author . (10 Marks)
- Who your favourite author is
- The title of the book
- When you read it
- What the story is about
- How many books he (or) she has written
- Why you like him or her
- Add anything else you wish to write

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