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Instruction : Identify the acquired charges of each material in the following pairs if they are rubbed together.
Use the triboelectric series presented previously. Use the + and - sign only.

2 pts each

A. Polyester and dry hands Polyester (-) Dry Hands (+)

B. Human hair and Teflon Human Hair (+) Teflon (-)

C. Leather and fur Leather (+) Fur (-)

D. Amber and silk Amber (-) Silk (+)

E. Glass and Styrofoam Glass (+) Styrofoam (-)

Instruction: In your own words , describe how electrically neutral bodies become charged by the
following methods :

4 pts each

A. Rubbing or Friction
In this method, Electrically neutral bodies become charged by rubbing insulating
materials against each other (The transfer of electrons from one body to another through
rubbing). When two objects are rubbed against each other, electrons, which are negatively
charged, may be transferred from one object to another. One object (that is on top on the
list) loses electrons which will become positively charged and the other object (bottom of
the list) gains electrons which will become negatively charged.

B. Conduction
This method involves the contact of a neutral body and a charged body. Charging by
conduction means that a neutral object can be charged if it is in contact with a charged
object. The outcome of this method is that both of the objects will have the same charge
however, the other object’s strength is weaker than the original object. Example for this
method is when a positive object causes the other object to be positively charged.

C. Induction
Charging by Induction is in contrast to the Charging by Conduction method. This
method is utilized to charge an object without actually touching the object to the charged
object. In this method, Electrons pass inside the object rendering, oppositely charged, the
closest side.

D. Electric charge
The basic physical property of matter that causes it to feel a repulsive force when
held in an electrical or magnetic field is electrical charge. Basically, there are two types of
charge, the positive charge and the negative charge. The law also states that like charges
repel and opposites attract. Like energy, charges can be transferred but it cannot be created
nor destroyed.

E. Differentiate conductors from insulator

A conductor is a material that permits electric currents flow freely in one or more
directions. In contrast to a conductor, An insulator is a material with low electron mobility
that obstructs/impedes the flow of charge or electric currents.

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